The Tisarana Buddhist Monastery YouTube channel now offers our most recent Dhamma talks.
The full list of available talks can be found here.
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Thailand Retreat '24 | Day 09 Session 03 | Luang Por Viradhammo
For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/

To listen to earlier podcast talks, simply click on the title in the list below.
OBS Retreat 2021 | day 04 Session 01 | Luang Por Viradhammo (10-13-2021)
The session begins with a reflection on how to bring spirituality into the mundane. Luang Por reflects on Ajahn Chah's teachings. Which somehow brought the spiritual into the mundane. This is followed by a guided meditation. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/noPw7QQb660 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat 2021 | Day 03 Session 03 | Luang Por Viradhammo (10-12-2021)
This session covers a Q&A from retreatants. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/OTSbiyqWmwo >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat 2021 | Day 03 Session 01 | Luang Por Viradhammo (10-11-2021)
The session begins with a reflection followed by a guided meditation. Luang Por reflects on Dukkha or suffering. He makes the distinction between the unavoidable Dukkha that comes from existing in a conditioned realm, and the dukkha that comes from mental proliferation. He references the 2nd noble truth, or to know Dukkha. The crux of the teaching is to go beyond Dukkha, to go beyond the conditioned. To the unconditioned or the end of Dukkha. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/C-yHvgryWm4 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTZoom Pa Bah Ceremony | Luang Por Viradhammo | 08 Oct 21 (10-10-2021)
This session covers a zoom Pa-Bah ceremony, or the offering of cloth ceremony. The session begins with the Pa Bah. This is followed by a Dharma talk, where Luang Por speaks of "Paths". As we develop our practice we cultivate paths, through positive and negative outcomes, the path becomes refined through a process of discernment. One important factor on the path, is that of the spiritual friend. Or Kalyanamitta. Luang Por references the Sigalovada Sutta (https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/dn/dn.31.0.nara.html). as a guide to becoming and recognising the Spiritual friend (Kalayanmitta). For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/H5gUejFMTGw >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat 2021 | Day 02 Session 04 | Luang Por Viradhammo (10-09-2021)
In this Dhamma talk, Luang Por speaks of Bhakti or devotion. Devotion as a practice that is about the opening of the heart. Practising Metta, as acceptance rather than as a "prayer". Each may have its place. But in this instance, Metta as open acceptance of the pleasant and the unpleasant without resistance, or craving. Meditation practice that is centred around the heart. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/YVx9K6bNl3w >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat 2021 | Day 02 Session 03 | Luang Por Viradhammo (10-08-2021)
In this session Luang Por speaks of approaching the practice with curiosity. Seeing which technique worked best at the time, and for the individual. The key is not to take any technique as dogma. But to see what helps the mind settle into awareness best. The session is followed by a guided meditation. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/_SoCTscsYo8 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat 2021 | Day 02 Session 02 | Luang Por Viradhammo (10-07-2021)
In this session Luang Por offers meditation instructions. Posing the question: "Is thinking separate from Awareness?" The session Begins with instructions, followed by a guided meditation. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/EEiuqTxPoGM >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat 2021 | Day 02 Session 01 | Luang Por Viradhammo (10-06-2021)
This video covers the morning meditation session, followed by chanting. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZxkNK2pWj7g >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat 2021 | Day 01 Session 02 | Luang Por Viradhammo (10-06-2021)
In this last session for day 01, Luang Por leads a guided meditation session. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/rXbvTPK-dok >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat 2021 | Day 01 Session 01| Luang or Viradhammo (10-06-2021)
In this first session Luang Por explains the 8 prcepts in the context of modern life. How precepts need to be viewed as guidelines rather than commandments. As a means to create the ground, where the seeds of awakening can begin to sprout. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/2iITj2q-I_c >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBody awareness and Non desire | Luang Por Viradhammo | 25 Sep 21 (09-27-2021)
The session begins with a brief Puja, guided meditation on the body, this is followed by a Dhamma talk, and concludes with a Q&A session. Luang Por explores the role that body awareness plays in arriving at Non desire. Once again staying with the theme of trust in awareness. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/gNVk5FdPt04 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo | 18 Sep 21 (09-19-2021)
Guided meditation from the 2pm session on the day. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/4BMkj-qc2CE >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo | 16 Sep 21 (09-17-2021)
Day 04, 2:00pm session. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/2jFTGPAsNco >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo | 15 Sep 21 (09-16-2021)
For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/VECkEA-cJj0 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo | 14 Sep 21 (09-15-2021)
12:00pm session from the in person retreat For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/au7BNX9FOO0 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo | 13 Sep 21 (09-14-2021)
Audio recording from the OBS retreat day 01. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/9sQXVEGIpdg >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDay 04 Session 02 | Aug Online Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo (09-08-2021)
The last session of this retreat. It begins with a Q & A session. Followed by an asking for forgiveness ceremony, concluding with an offering of gratitude. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/qxiP5hNQ3mw >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDay 04 Session 01 Aug 21 Online Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo (09-07-2021)
Guided meditation 57:26 The session begins with a guided meditation, where Luang Por encourages the use of a question in meditation. The idea is similar to the use of a Koan. A question that has no answer. To encourage the mind out of thought and into awarness itself. The session continues with a Q & A session. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/h8H_IdVQt8I >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDay 04 Session 02 | Aug 2021 Online Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo (08-31-2021)
07:56 Guided Meditation 57:38 Dhamma Reflection & Q&As For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/vPnqHs8La5Q >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDay 03 Session 02 | Aug 2021 Online Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo (08-31-2021)
06:11 Guided Meditation 1:04:44 Dhamma Reflection & Q&As For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/eimkYGCQNpg >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDay 03 Session 01 | Aug 2021 Online Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo (08-30-2021)
06:19 Guided Meditation 57:42 Dhamma Reflection For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/yme-mybzFts >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDay 02 Session 02 | Aug 2021 Online Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo (08-30-2021)
Guided Meditation Q&A For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/RI3xwjT0MSQ >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDay 02 Session 01 | Aug 2021 Online Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo (08-30-2021)
17:01 Guided Meditation 59:41 Dhamma Reflections & Q&As For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/G5OjfHWu8f0 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDay 01 Session 02 | Aug 2021 Online Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo (08-30-2021)
06:22 Guided Meditation 1:04:54: Dhamma Reflection For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/6eGvGNJ4f2M >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDay 3 Session 01 | Aug 2021 Online Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo (08-29-2021)
For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/lCy30w4j4xM >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAug 2021 Online Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo | Day 02 Session 02 (08-29-2021)
For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/Sww6kFTJxFc >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAug 2021 Online Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo | Day 01 Session 01 (08-28-2021)
Aug 2021 Online Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo | Day 01 Session 01 For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/1AULfouhSCI >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMalaysia Group Session | Ajahn Pavaro | 07 Aug 21 (08-24-2021)
Ajahn Pavaro, leads a guided meditation followed by a Q & A session, on the occasion of his birthday. This was with the Malaysia group. Wishing Ajahn Pavaro, great health, and may his light shine long in this world. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/60jPBBm__Mo >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAngel Group Retreat Day 07 | Luang Por Viradhammo | 23 Jul 21 (08-20-2021)
In this concluding session of this retreat, Luang Por urges retreatants, to enquire into what the true purpose of this life is? To attempt to open to the "way it is". To abide in open awareness, rather than be driven by the floods of greed hatred and delusion. The session ends with an asking for forgiveness and gratitude from the retreatants. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/79wny1wq8eA >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTCanoes and coming home | Luang Por Viradhammo | 17 May 2021 (08-20-2021)
In this dhamma zoom session, Luang Por Viradhammo, reflects on the Bodhisattva way, vs the quest of Arahantship (To come home). How does one pursue the yearning for enlightenment (Arahantship), while living in the world and being of service to other beings (The Bodhisattva intention). For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/B3eZGQG1OGg >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAngel Group Retreat Day 06- Session 02 | Luang Por Viradhammo| 22 Jul 21 (08-19-2021)
In this session Luang Por provides suggestions on how to create an environment in the home, that is conducive to Dharma practice. He also suggests cultivating the 4 Divine abidings, of Metta (Loving kindness, Karuna (compassion), Mudita (sympathetic joy) and Upekkha (equanimity), in ones attitude to practice. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/11YyBuPttbg >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAngel Group Retreat Day 06 -Session 01 | Luang Por Viradhammo | 22 Jul 21 (08-19-2021)
The theme of this meditation session, is sustaining the quality of awareness. This awareness is of the nature of non-grasping, watchful and available. The underlying theme, is to be with "it is like this". Welcoming whatever arises without aversion or clinging. Paying attention to the gap between thoughts. Listening to the silence. Practising in this way gives rise to Samma-Samadhi. Or "right" concentration. Which leads to "Right" Wisdom. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/RsvZGQz9Qi8 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAngel Group Retreat day 05 - Session 02 | Luang Por Viradhammo | 21 Jul 21 (08-19-2021)
Luang Por Focuses of the 3 kinds of desire. Sense desire, the desire to become, and the desire to avoid becoming. Desire is a natural phenomenon, and is necessary. But when it becomes entangled with craving it becomes a cause for suffering. By allowing whatever is in consciousness to arise and be seen. One becomes free from craving through insight. Free from forming narratives and stories. Seeing phenomenon just as they are. This is the aim of the "Arahant" project. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/vRPt1cAuD8U >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAngel Group Retreat Day 04 - Session 02 | Luang Por Viradhammo | 20 Jul 21 (08-19-2021)
In this session Luang por explores the "doubting" mind. The difference between enquiry and simple doubt. And how to investigate this. The session is followed by a Q & A. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/hu_McHrOFgk >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTZoom Dhamma Session | Luang Por Viradhammo | 28 May 2021 (08-17-2021)
Another zoom Dhamma session, Luang Por Viradhammo, staying with the theme of the Arahant vs Boddhisattva project, explores the connotation of the term Metta, as love. He starts by examining the definition of the term "enlightenment", by Sri Nisargadatta. Which speaks of a profound silence, with a pervasive sense of peace, and goodwill towards all things. How can we bring this sense of "Love" into all that we do. Without bringing in concepts of love, as the thinking mind likes to do. This is followed by a Q and A session from participants. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/3SPMDcDijvI >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAngel Group Retreat Day 04 - session 01 |Luang Por Viradhammo | 20 Jul 21 (08-17-2021)
In this meditation session Luang Por gives instructions on using the body as an object of meditation. Stilling to a point where one notices bodily sensations arising and passing. And then posing the question. Who knows this arising and passing. Allowing a connection to the Citta. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/i1Dk-hXjrm4 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTStepping out of the "Created" world | Luang Por Viradhammo | 13 Aug 21 (08-16-2021)
In this zoom session Luang Por makes the distinction between the created and the uncreated. How each has its place." Being human, we are in a play, where we are actors, directors, script writers.. and also the audience or the witness. The teaching encourages us to look beyond that which is created.. To the unconditioned uncreated, un-originated, Nibanna quality. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/yiNt6P1ICQ8 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAngel Group Retreat Day 03 - Session 02 | Luang Por Viradhammo | 19 Jul 21 (08-14-2021)
Luang Por explores right understanding. The linguistic nuance of "right view" vs "right understanding". Understanding implies "knowing things as they are". Using Ajahn Sumedho's Phrase: "It is like this". This feeds into depend origination in that once one understands how it is. Then one can go about deconstructing the phenomena to understand how suffering arises. This is followed by a & & A session. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/BcPLGCPN038 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTZoom Q&A session |Luang Por Viradhammo | 04 Jun 2021 (08-13-2021)
Following on from the Dhamma talk from the zoom session. Luang Por addresses questions from the audience pertaining to Dhamma and the practice. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/oXLVG0C0RFo >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAngel Group Retreat | Luang Por Viradhammo | 18 Jul 21 (08-13-2021)
Luang por discusses the role of faith in developing right understanding. This is followed by a Q&A session. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/jKI8kZoKZvk >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAngel Group Retreat Day 03 Session 01| Luang Por Viradhammo | 18 Jul 21 (08-12-2021)
This session includes a guided meditation. Luang Por begines by talking about strategies to deal with sleepiness. Using techniques from Yoga to induce wakefulness. This is followed by a silent meditation. The sessions ends with instructions on walking meditation. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/EjauC-8Zg6I >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTZoom Dhamma session | Luang Por Viradhammo | 04 Jun 2021 (08-10-2021)
Staying with theme of "Love". Luang Por explores "Love" in the context of the Brahma-viharas. Or the 4 divine abidings. Loving Kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity. That when love arises spontaneously from the heart, rather than a mind based thought. Then there is no effort required. It just is, the way it is. He cites the line from the Metta sutta: "Just as a mother protects her child her only child, so with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings". _ A mother does not have to wake up each morning and put forth effort to do this. it just "is". - Exploring that quality of inherent love. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/AAKKcthldD8 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTStepping out of the narrative of self | Luang Por Viradhammo | 06 Aug 21 (08-09-2021)
In this session, Luang Por begins with a meditation, focusing on Metta Bhavana. This is followed by a Dhamma talk, where, stepping out of the narrative of the self, and coming into the Citta is explored. The session ends with a Q&A session. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/vB836IpAeno >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWorking with Fear | Luang Por Viradhammo | 06 Feb 2021 (08-06-2021)
Luang Por Viradhammo, talks about skillfully dealing with the emotion of fear. Using the quality of the heart to find ground, when fear strikes. The session is followed by questions on how to deal with other aversion based states such as anger and hared. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/n_J_Yfx7WUg >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAngel Group Retreat Day 02 - Session 01 | Luang Por Viradhammo | 17 Jul 21 (08-02-2021)
In this session, Luang Por Explores, the 2nd nobe truth, or the Cessation of suffering, in a practical context. The theme is Nirodha. Or stopping. Bringing trust to awareness rather than thought. Acknowledging thought, but not resisting it. Sessions begins with instructions, guided meditation, and conclusion. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/4TkL93Ots4I >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST"Prepare the heart and happiness will come to you" | Ajahn Pavaro | 08 Jun 2021 (08-01-2021)
The first zoom session with the Indonesian group. Ajahn Pavaro, provides an introduction to the Thai Forest Sangha, as espoused by Ajahn Chah. He discusses "Don't know" mind. Anicca (Impermanence). He goes onto talk about how the practice, if stuck with, eventually carries the practitioner through the tumult and uncertainties of life. This is followed by a few questions from the group that he addresses. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/uqIO5ey2FDc >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAsalha Puja session 01| Luang Por Viradhammo | 23 Jul 21 (07-30-2021)
Day 01 Dhamma talk and question and answer session For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/k7L3tI2Pjhg >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAngel Group Retreat Day 01 Session 01 | Luang Por Viradhammo | 17 Jul 21 (07-29-2021)
Day 01 session 01, of the Angel group online retreat. Luang Por goes through the significance of the 5/8 precepts, followed by a guided meditation, and finally a short talk. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/3J6ZE8aw_ic >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWest Coast Friends session | Ajahn Pavaro | 18 Jun 21 (07-29-2021)
Ajahn Pavaro, speaks of a unique way to reignite, a flagging spiritual practice. Reading the Suttas with an open heart. In order to rouse inspiration in the heart. To evoke a sense of wonder. He uses the example of Venerable Sariputta's enlightenment. Using the MN 74 Dighanakha Sutta, as inspiration. The session is followed by Questions and answers. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y8X-EvMFVfI >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAsalha Puja Day 02 session 02 | Luang Por Viradhammo | 24 Jul 21 (07-29-2021)
Day 02 session 02, chanting the Dhammacaka Sutta, followwed by asking for forgiveness, and starting of the Vassa. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/sURafQEIXjU >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAsalha Puja Day 02 session 01 | Luang Por Viradhammo | 24 Jul 21 (07-29-2021)
Asalha Puja zoom session Day 02, session 01. After a short chant, Luang Por Viradhammo begins with a reflection on the Buddha's first teaching, the 4 noble truths, and the nature of Dukkha/suffering. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/ik0jgBO7xzM >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAsalha Puja Day 01 Session 01| Luang Por Viradhammo | 23 Jul 21 (07-29-2021)
Dhamma talk from Day 01 Asalha puja zoom session. Trust in Dhamma and leave the rest to Kamma. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/qGqqF42bXJs >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAvoiding information overload in Practice | Luang Por Viradhammo | 09 Jul 2021 (07-25-2021)
Luang Por Viradhammo, discusses how one can get bogged down in too many details in the practice. And how to focus on what is truly improtant. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/RfxNUQ3S_Fw >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOnline meditation retreat with Luangpor Viradhammo (07-23-2021)
Below is a link to the Friend in Dhamma's youtube channel which has recordings of the online retreat which occurred July 17-23, 2021.
To view retreat recordings, click here
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST28 April 21 Zoom Dhamma reflection: Merit and Mangoes: - Ajahn Pavaro (05-17-2021)
Ajahn Pavaro reflects on merit. Examining the quality of Mudita. Or sympathetic joy. Asking us to reflect in the goodness we bring into the world, the goodness that is bestowed upon us. And finding gladness of heart. Making this practice habitual. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/a9DbC3YdF3k >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTZoom Dhamma session 30 April 2021 - Luang Por Viradhammo (05-06-2021)
Zoom Dhamma session, and Q&A with Luang Por Viradhammo. Luang Por reflects on the loss of life due to COVID, around the world, how to be with Sadness. This talk is followed by a Question and answer session from participants. For more teachings, please visit : https://tisarana.ca/teachings-audio/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJxRRGBrVo0 >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST14 June 2020 - Guided Meditation: Developing Conscious Awareness (04-25-2021)
30 minute guided meditation presented by Ajahn Viradhammo, on developing a sense of conscious awareness. This meditation session forms part of a longer zoom session that included a Dharma talk, and a Q & A session. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs-SQgqmFwY >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTLuang Por Sumedho – Patient observation, relaxed awareness (03-26-2021)
This Dhamma reflection was given by Ajahn Sumedho on March 13, 2021 at Amaravati Monastery, UK.
Luang Por Sumedho – Release your faith in this awareness (03-16-2021)
This Dhamma reflection was given by Ajahn Sumedho on the 8th of March at Amaravati Monastery, UK.
Luang Por Sumedho – Magha Puja Dhamma Talk (03-06-2021)
This Dhamma reflection was given by Ajahn Sumedho on the 26th of February at Amaravati Monastery, UK.
Luang Por Sumedho – The teachings as directional signs (02-24-2021)
This Dhamma reflection was given by Ajahn Sumedho on Feb. 15th, 2020 at Amaravati Monastery, England.
Practicing when your Attention is Like the Weather (02-19-2021)

Venerable Khemako discusses how calmness and stillness associated with meditation is a means to a higher end, not the end itself. He describes how one’s attention is variable like the weather, and how one can start with a coarse object of meditation and then see whether the mind can observe more details of, for example, the subtleties of the breath. (Dhamma talk recorded at OBS Arnprior retreat on 25 November 2019. Duration 31:34).
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHow to Disempower Difficult Mind States through Contrasts (02-05-2021)

Ajahn Viradhammo explains how to disempower difficult states of mind. He discusses how instilling contrasting states of mind can be helpful in becoming aware of and bearing with, for example, the self-critical mind. These contrasting states include body awareness and the Brahmaviharas. The talk concludes with a question and answer period. (Dhamma talk via Zoom recorded on 19 September 2020. Duration 48:00)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAjahn Viradhammo - Thailand - Zoom Retreat - November 2020 (01-29-2021)

This retreat at Rai Poonyavee, Thailand was conducted via Zoom with Ajahn Viradhammo. It included both guided meditations, Desanas (brief comments prior to the meditations), and Dhamma talks. Many thanks to the Angel Group Thailand for hosting the retreat and editing the recordings. Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
- Nov. 22 - Desana and Guided meditation
- Nov. 23 - Desana and Guided meditation
- Nov. 24 - Desana and Guided meditation
- Nov. 25 - Desana and Guided meditation
- Nov. 26 - Desana and Guided meditation
- Nov. 27 - Desana and Guided meditation
- Nov. 28 - Desana and Guided meditation
- Nov. 29 - Desana and Guided meditation
A. Nov. 21 - Dhamma Talk
B. Nov. 22 - Dhamma Talk
C. Nov. 23 - Dhamma Talk
D. Nov. 24 - Dhamma Talk
E. Nov. 25 - Dhamma Talk
F. Nov. 26 - Dhamma Talk
G. Nov. 27 - Dhamma Talk
H. Nov. 28 - Dhamma Talk
I. Nov. 29 - Dhamma Talk
J. Nov. 30 - Dhamma Talk
Let Go of Self-criticism by Trusting in Change (01-22-2021)

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses how our misperceptions of ourselves are strongly conditioned, and feel very real. However, through trusting in the changing nature of mental phenomena, trusting in awareness, and patiently bearing with these difficult self-perceptions, we find the space to appreciate the beauty in our lives. (Dhamma talk via Zoom recorded on 12 July 2020. Duration 31:50)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTInvestigating how Opinions Underlie Uncertainty (01-15-2021)

Venerable Khemako describes how views and opinions are quick sketches and shortcuts for the fullness of the present moment. Once we see this, we can hold our opinions more tentatively and recognize their uncertainty. He encourages us to investigate how the process of constructing opinions unfolds, and thereby providing an opportunity to see something new. (Dhamma talk recorded at Arnprior Retreat 30 November 2019. Duration 47:38)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOpening the Heart in Difficult Times (01-08-2021)

In this question and answer session, Ajahn Viradhammo discusses how to overcome biases by opening the heart. He also describes how to be socially relevant in difficult times, while inclining the mind towards silence. He also comments on practice-related questions on using the end of the out breath and visual images arising during meditation. (Dhamma talk recorded via Zoom on 16 September 2020. Duration 38:32)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTrust in Awareness (01-01-2021)

In this wrap up of the online retreat, Ajahn Viradhammo encourages us to trust in awareness, rather than defaulting to a habit of, for example worry. He explains that a willingness to witness our reaction to being in an emotionally vulnerable (but safe) situation is a form of Metta. He encourages us to use meditation as a practice of purification, where we cultivate open-hearted awareness of difficult states of mind. (Dhamma talk recorded via Zoom on 17 September 2020. Duration 30:24)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTQuestion and Answer: How to Investigate the Root of Fear (12-25-2020)

In this Question and Answer session,Venerable Khemako explains that while part of what we experience as fear is primal and rooted in our human physiology, part of the experience is rooted in a self-schema driven by desire (e.g., wish to remove perceived threats to ego). He also describes how meditation practice can help in the investigation of what triggers our unwholesome desires and mental activity. (Dhamma talk recorded via Zoom on 20 August 2020. Duration 37:14)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTLuang Por Sumedho – What the Heck Is Pure Consciousness (12-24-2020)
This Dhamma reflection was given by Ajahn Sumedho on the 21st December 2020 at Dhammaram, Thailand.
Mindfulness, Metta, and Self View (12-18-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses how important it is for mindfulness to be in the context of Sila (morality) and Panna (wisdom). Each has our own predicament where mindfulness is lost, and Metta (loving-kindness) supports bearing witness to difficult mind states which strengthen mindfulness and awareness. He highlights the importance of constant reflection on uncertainty and enquiry that brings the mind to silent knowing. (Dhamma talk recorded at Tisarana Monastery on 18 August 2020. Duration 37:47)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAchieving Peace Through Observing Non-equanimity (12-11-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo makes a distinction between conventional truths and the stream of consciousness. Both are important to attend to, but witnessing where your stream of consciousness gets preoccupied is the challenge for which meditation helps you prepare. Seeing the silence behind the movement of the mind helps liberate you from Self view. (Dhamma talk recorded via Zoom on 10 July 2020.Duration 37:36)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDhamma Reflection from Luang Por Sumedho, December 4th, 2020 (12-06-2020)
Don't be Fooled by the Illusion of Self (12-04-2020)

Venerable Khemako outlines how craving to present one's self in a certain way is common because of the pressures and reinforcement of earning a living and societal messages. He discusses how practicing the 8-fold path allows us to lift the veil on the automatic processes that generate a craving to become some ideal Self. (Dhamma talk via Zoom recorded on 16 May 2020. Duration 33:27).
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPeaceful Coexistence with all Mind States (11-27-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses developing receptive awareness and the cessation of mind states. He explains how witnessing one’s mental reaction to difficult people and situations inclines the mind to cessation, and to realizing that the mental reaction is not who one is. (Dhamma talk via Zoom recorded on 8 May 2020. Duration 38:31).
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTKnowing Opinions as Uncertain is Liberating (11-20-2020)

Ven. Khemako discusses how holding tightly to fixed views and opinions is taking refuge in the unreliable. He explains how, by framing opinions in terms of the 3 characteristics (i.e., Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta), you are taking refuge in the Dhamma. (Dhamma talk at Tisarana Monastery on 1 February 2020. Duration 27:18)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTraining in Equanimity (11-13-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo describes three types of equanimity. He explains how sila and dhamma vijaya are essential to training in equanimity. (Dhamma talk recorded via Zoom on 3 July 2020. Duration 34:11)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWitnessing versus Attaching to Views and Opinions (11-06-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo describes how attachment to opinions leads to Dukkha. He then explains how seeing an opinion simply as an object in awareness allows the heart to be open in difficult situations (Dhamma talk recorded via Zoom on 26 June 2020. Duration 37:34)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Trap of Intellectualism (10-30-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses the difference between having a clever, confident position on Buddhist concepts versus the use of awareness to discover an existential Right Understanding of reality as we live it. (Dhamma talk recorded via Zoom on 20 June 2020. Duration 34:49)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat Will the Mind Think Next? (10-23-2020)

Tan Khemako responds to some Dhamma questions, including how to deal with one's mind when it is obsessed by memories of a disagreement at work (Q&A recorded at Tisarana via Zoom on 20 August 2020. Duration 31.08)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTouching the Transcendent via the Brahmaviharas (10-16-2020)

Luang Por Viradhammo explains how the realization of the Transcendent is a process of tuning into the heart more than controlling your emotional reactions through mindfulness. (Dhamma talk recorded via Zoom on 18 September 2020. Duration 36:46)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTFloor it With Thought (10-09-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo gives a Dhamma talk and reflects on how expectations can condition disappointment (Dhamma talk recorded at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery on 25 September 2020. Duration 58.03)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe 3 Magicians (10-02-2020)

Tan Khemako depicts a spiritual story to explain the conditional process of sense-consciousness, perception, and mental proliferation in the human mind (Dhamma talk via Zoom recorded on 20 August 2020. Duration 33.38)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTToo Much Thinking (10-01-2020)

Luang Pu Sumedho gives some more wise teachings.
Link: https://vimeo.com/amaravativideo
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIs this the Truth? (09-30-2020)

Tan Khemako offers some reflections on the Buddha's teaching that all phenomena are rooted in desire (Dhamma talk recorded at Tisarana via Zoom on 20th August 2020. Duration 33.21)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Deva Realms (09-11-2020)

Tan Khemako gives a Dhamma talk about the Deva realms (talk recorded at the Arnprior retreat in Ontario on 29 November 2019. Duration 1:03:37)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTJust Watching the Mind (08-23-2020)

Luang Pu Sumedho gives some more wise Dhamma reflections.
Please click on this link: https://vimeo.com/amaravativideo
Die Before You Die (08-21-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo offers some Dhamma reflections on death and dying (talk recorded at Pak Chong retreat, Thailand, on 1st December 2019. Duration 35.26)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTZoom Dhamma talk recorded on 3rd July 2020 (08-14-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo gives some Dhamma reflections on the subject of the Brahma-Viharas.
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTZoom Session recording (MP3) from 24th July 2020 (08-07-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo gives some Dhamma teachings on using skillful language during meditation to maintain present moment awareness.
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTZoom Dhamma Talk from 6th June 2020 (MP3 recording) (07-31-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo offers some Dhamma reflections on the theme of uncertainty.
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST86th Birthday Dhamma Talk (07-28-2020)

Luang Por Sumedho expounds on the path to immortality.
LINK: Amaravati video at Vimeo
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNot Trying So Hard (07-25-2020)

Luang Por Sumedho offers some wise teachings on meditation and living mindfully.
LINK: https://vimeo.com/amaravativideo
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTZoom Teaching from 20th June 2020 (MP3 recording) (07-24-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo gives some Dhamma reflections on the topic of letting go and non-desire.
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Fifth Precept (07-10-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions at the Pak Chong retreat. These include; How do I stop drinking alcohol? Are there any studies about what happens to the brain after many years of meditation? How do I practice ‘choice-less awareness’? (Q&A recorded at Pak Chong, Thailand, on 30 November 2019. Duration 47:58)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAwareness in Daily Life (07-03-2020)

Luang Por Sumedho offers some more reflections containing deep wisdom.
Link: https://vimeo.com/amaravativideo
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTFree Will? (07-03-2020)

Tan Khemako answers questions from the retreatants including; What are the qualities of Enlightenment? Do we ever make decisions? What are the four foundations of mindfulness and the seven factors of awakening? What are the five aspects of the grasping mind? (Talk recorded at Arnprior on 28 November 2019. Duration 1:22:30)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSadhu Sadhu 'sadu'! (06-26-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo talks about the four heavenly messengers: the old person, the sick person, the corpse, and the sadu (religious seeker). He recommends that we frequently reflect on these because they will rouse in us a sense of urgency to search for the deathless reality, just as they did for the Buddha. (Talk recorded at Pak Chong on 29 November 2019. Duration 34:59)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Five Khandas (06-19-2020)

Tan Khemako reflects on the five khandas that constitute a ‘human being’, often talked about by the Buddha. Tan Khemako talks about how they feature in the Four Noble Truths teaching, and how we can learn to recognize them in our present moment experience. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 2 January 2020. Duration 31:41)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTInvestigation or Ice Cream Cones (06-12-2020)

On Asalha Puja Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on the word 'practice', used nowadays by many monastics and lay meditators to refer to our cultivation of the Path. He suggests the terms investigation, reflection, and enquiry are more fitting for the mind states required to realize the unconditioned (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 16 July 2019. Duration 33.40)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBeware of Idealism (06-09-2020)

Luang Por Sumedho offers some more wonderful Dhamma reflections (recorded on 7th June 2020).
Video Link: https://vimeo.com/427268122
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAwareness Being Aware of Awareness (06-06-2020)

Luang Por Sumedho gives some more Dhamma reflections (recorded on 29th May 2020).
Video link: https://vimeo.com/424809938
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThought is Natural (06-05-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo answers some more questions during the retreat. He reflects on the pali term Sotāpanna in respect to the first three fetters, and the disadvantage of simply repressing thoughts with a meditation technique. (Talk recorded at Pak Chong on 28 November 2019. Duration 49:38)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTZoom Dhamma Talk - 29th May 2020 (06-01-2020)

Luang Por Viradhammo offers some Dhamma reflections via a Zoom meeting on the subject of doubt, the fifth hindrance to samadhi and also the third fetter to stream-entry.
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTYou Turkey! (05-29-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo talks about the way our minds attach to views and opinions, and answers a question about how to embrace fear. He gives the example that if we attach to self-criticism after making a mistake, we are simply creating kamma that will lead to future hateful mind-states. (Talk recorded at Pak Chong on 27 November 2019. Duration 44:38)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNot Thinking about Thinking - 21 May 2020 (05-24-2020)

Luang Por Sumedho gives more Dhamma reflections in response to questions.
Link: https://vimeo.com/421835111
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTZoom Dhamma Talk - 22 May 2020 (05-23-2020)

A recording of Ajahn Viradhammo giving a Dhamma talk via Zoom organized by supporters in Singapore and Malaysia.
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Mind Knowing the Mind (05-22-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo answers a couple of questions from the retreatants. The first is ‘What is the mind knowing the mind?’ The second is about Metta practice. He then leads a guided meditation on how he deals with drowsiness. (Talk recorded at Pak Chong on 25 November 2019. Duration 42:45)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDhamma Reflection from Luang Por Sumedho, May 12th (05-15-2020)

Video link: https://vimeo.com/417515355
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTiger Balm Heart (05-15-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions from some of the retreatants. He reflects on the importance of abiding in wholesomeness, the difference between Tanha and Chanda, and the fact that some of our desires are based on natural, biological requirements of the body. (Talk given at Pak Chong on 26 November 2019. Duration 36:12)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOBS Friday Evening Zoom Meet with Ajahn Viradhammo May 08 (05-12-2020)
Ajahn Viradhammo gives a Dhamma talk and answers questions from members of the Ottawa Buddhist Society via Zoom for their Friday night meditation on May 08. This new way of communication has proven beneficial for it allows more access for those who previously could not attend in person. Much appreciation to those who put in time and energy to make this work.
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTVesak Reflection From Luang Por Sumedho (05-08-2020)
Praise And Blame, Wisdom And Foolishness

The Beautiful Dhamma (05-08-2020)

Tan Khemako explains the meaning of the phrase “The Dhamma is beautiful in the beginning, beautiful in the middle, and beautiful in the end”. This is a line from the Pali Canon that we recite during the morning chanting. (Dhamma Talk recorded at Arnprior on 26 November 2019. Duration 57:58)

On the second day of this retreat Ajahn Viradhammo talks about the Middle Way of dealing with unpleasant bodily feeling. He reflects that it is important not to attach to aversion for the pain, and not to change posture immediately there is discomfort. (Talk recorded at Pak Chong on 25 November 2019. Duration 42:32)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDhamma Reflection from Luang Por Sumedho, April 26th (04-28-2020)

Link: Welcoming Fear, Grief & Anger, And Not Taking Them Personally
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTLiberation Through Suffering (04-24-2020)

Tan Khemako gives a reflection on how our minds are continually creating the past in the form of memories, or creating an imagined future. If we are able to bring our mind back to the present moment and recognize the raw experience of suffering, we move closer to liberation. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 19 December 2019. Duration 36:40)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDhamma Reflection by Luang Por Sumedho – Recollecting the Deathless in the Presence of Fear & Death April 7, 2020 (04-20-2020)
A Dhamma reflection offered by Luang Por Sumedho

Link: https://vimeo.com/405089849
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTLimited Mobility, Limitless Consciousness, Luang Por Sumedho, April 16, 2020 (04-20-2020)
Vipassana Romances (04-17-2020)

On the first day of this retreat in Thailand Ajahn Viradhammo gives a talk on the five Jhana factors. He reflects that all five can be employed as a method, rather than expecting Piti and Sukha to be the result. He also speaks about the five hindrances. (Talk recorded at Pak Chong on 24 November 2019. Duration 45:49)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTChanging Climate; Solid Views (04-10-2020)

Tan Khemako gives a reflection on how our minds cling to views and beliefs. He uses the example of climate change, explaining that we filter everything we read/hear about the subject to fit in with our view. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 11 December 2019. Duration 32:58)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHappiness as a Method (04-03-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo gives a reflection about whether happiness is something a meditator should be trying to achieve from his/her meditation, or whether it is more skillful to cultivate wholesome thoughts that are inherently ‘happy’. He gives examples of thoughts of loving-kindness (Metta) and gratitude. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 11 November 2019. Duration 36:48)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Gem on the Garbage Pile (03-27-2020)

Tan Khemako delves deeper into this simile in response to a question from a retreat attendee. He explains how our minds have been conditioned to create a conceptual overlay covering the raw phenomena that we experience. Clinging to these concepts is what causes our suffering. (Dhamma Talk recorded at Arnprior on 27 November 2019. Duration 1:00:40)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAwareness Is Your Refuge (03-22-2020)

All of us are being affected by the current Coronavirus pandemic, and we can see how difficult this is for many people around the world. This stress and uncertainty in our lives can help us to see what we really take as our refuge. This short talk given by Ajahn Sumedho in 2007 highlights the importance of taking refuge in that which is wholesome: the Buddha, as an example of enlightenment, the Dhamma as the way to liberation, and the Sangha, those who give us encouragement and inspiration on the path. He also emphasizes taking Awareness as our refuge. Rather than getting caught up in what is happening around us or our own moods, if we pause to recognize ‘the way it is’ without judgement, taking Awareness as our center, we will find we are able to act more skillfully and be able to provide help to those who may be distressed. (Talk given by Ajahn Sumedho at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in 2007. Duration 20:10)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMonitoring Craving (03-20-2020)

On the first day of this retreat in Thailand Ajahn Viradhammo gives a 20 minute reflection on the importance of being heedful of the three types of craving. He then gives a guided meditation on body awareness, encouraging mindfulness of the whole body. (Talk given at Pak Chong on 24 November 2019. Duration 42:25)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Spider in Your Shoe (03-13-2020)

When we are participating in daily activities there will be many situations which trigger our defilements. Instead of thinking of these scenarios as obstacles to our development, or that our reactions are somehow wrong, we can use them as an aid to seeing the nature of our mind and incline it towards non-attachment. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 4 December 2019. Duration 34.43)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTeatime Q&A (03-06-2020)

Ajahn Khemasiri answers questions at tea time from Tisarana's resident community about: Understanding the feeling of something missing (1:00); The nature of Samadhi (15:00); How to connect with people who don't share your values anymore (41:00); How to do comtemplation of body parts (59:00); Bare awareness as a meditation technique (72:00); How to strengthen Metta/Mudita practice (79:00) (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 18 August 2019. Duration 1:28:59)>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST
A Jewel on the Trash Heap (02-28-2020)

Tan Khemako talks about Anicca. He suggests the word 'uncertain' is a good rendering of this Pali word because it describes the unpredictable, unstable nature of all phemomena (Talk recorded at Arnprior on 25 November 2019. Duration 54:22)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Kevatta Sutta (02-21-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo answers a question about the use of the word viññāṇa in the Pali Canon. He makes reference to the book The Isand by Ajahn Amaro and Ajahn Pasanno which contains a chapter on the Buddha’s rare use of the word as a synonym for Nibbana (Q&A recorded at Arnprior during the OBS retreat on 20 September 2019. Duration 42:24)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTStream Entry (02-14-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo expounds on the first three fetters which block the fruition of Stream Entry. He explains that holding to ideals can be difficult to observe in ones mind because oftentimes we have attached to them since childhood. (Q&A recorded at Arnprior during the OBS retreat on 19 September 2019. Duration 31:32)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTInvestigating Thought (02-07-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo talks about the nature of obsessive thinking and how a meditator can perceive it as a mind object. He uses the example of worrying, and suggests that by allowing the feeling of fear to be present in ones mind, without indulging in it or repressing it, will lead to insight and liberation from this habit. (Q&A recorded on the third day of the OBS retreat at Arnprior on 18 September 2019. Duration 55.08)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTJhana and Samadhi (01-31-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on the words Jhana and Samadhi, highlighting how the English translations we use will have an effect on our minds. He often renders them as meditation and composure because these don't exacerbate the desire to want to achieve and become. Ajahn Viradhammo quotes from an article by Āyasmā Kumāra Bhikkhu which is as yet unprinted (Q&A recorded during the Ottowa Buddhist retreat at Arnprior on 17 September 2019. Duration 46.09)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDon't Believe in Buddhism (01-24-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo gave this talk on the second day of the Ottowa Buddhist Society retreat. He emphasizes the importance of not attaching to ideals, but instead to use them as reflections for understanding the desires of the mind. (Dhamma talk recorded at Arnprior on 16 September 2019. Duration 37:57)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDetermination of the Heart (Vintage) (Part 1) (01-17-2020)

Ajahn Viradhammo gave this Dhamma talk a few days before Luang Por Chah’s cremation. He includes details of how and why the training he received from Luang Por was so fruitful and inspiring, particularly his emphasis on non-attachment. (Dhamma talk recorded at Wat Pah Nanachat on 12 January 1993. Duration 29:47)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAjahn Porcupine (01-17-2020)

Tan Khemako talks about the benefits of restraining unwholesome actions, and how the Buddhist precepts are an excellent guide for the practitioner to reflect on. (Dhamma talk recorded at Tisarana on 19 April 2019. Duration 30:49)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDetermination of the Heart (Vintage) (Part 2) (01-17-2020)

The conclusion of the talk given a few days before Luang Por Chah’s cremation. (Dhamma talk recorded at Wat Pah Nanachat on 12 January 1993. Duration 19:01)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTwo Kinds of Thought (01-10-2020)

Tan Khemako responds to a question about how to cultivate right speech in ones own mind. He bases his talk in the framework of the Noble Eightfold Path and includes reference to the Dvedhavitakka Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 19). (Dhamma talk recorded at the Quaker House in Ottawa on 15 November 2019. Duration 47:27)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST2020: Wholesome Direction (01-03-2020)

This New Year’s Eve Tan Khemako talks about setting ones mind in a wholesome direction, towards freedom and liberation. He encourages us to observe how sensual pleasures are fleeting, not leading to lasting or reliable happiness (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 31 December 2019. Duration 33:02)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTCultivating the Motivation to Meditate (12-27-2019)

Two weeks into the winter retreat Tan Khemako considers how to skillfully increase ones motivation to practice formal meditation when the mind is being distracted by trivial pursuits. He gives a summary of the Rattapala Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya Sutta 82) and reflects on its message. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 20 January 2019. Duration 33:23)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Mind Will Go Chicken (12-20-2019)

Tan Khemako answers a question about the Buddha’s teaching on non-self. He expounds about the uncertainty of all phenomena, and how the practice of meditation can prepare the mind for the moment of death (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 6 January 2019. Duration 1:03:03)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Mind That's Not Suffering (12-13-2019)

Venerable Khemako gives a guided medition, and follows by offering some Dhamma reflections. He addresses the fundamentals of the Buddhist path, namely the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, and the primacy of reducing mental suffering. (Guided Meditation and Dhamma Talk recorded at Tisarana on 2 April, 2019. Duration 1:42:05)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTStrengthening the Capacity to be Aware (12-06-2019)

Ajahn Viradhammo describes the path of practice to participants of the Ottawa Buddhist Society’s Day of Mindfulness, pointing out how our experience is better understood through verbs rather than nouns. He follows with a guided loving-kindness meditation. (Dhamma talk and guided meditation recorded at Tu-An Pagoda on 20 April 2019. Duration 1:11:11)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSkillful Uses of Time for Long-term Happiness (11-29-2019)

Tan Khemako uses the simile of training a horse as a way to explain the training of the mind to be skillful, step by step. He explains how to find pleasure in doing things that give long-term benefits. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 2 November 2018. Duration 1:02:33)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTEstablishing the Unestablished (11-22-2019)

Ajahn Viradhammo explains how to come to the Awakend Mind by establishing the appropriate supports, illustrating how our behavior and thinking patterns condition our minds. He goes on to describe the nature of clinging and what happens when we free ourselves from it. His Dhamma talk is followed by questions and answers. (Dhamma talk and Q&A recorded at Tu-An Pagoda on 20 April 2019. Duration 59:50)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Response Robot (11-15-2019)

Tan Khemako answers a question about how do deal with obsessive thoughts and confusion, through mindfulness and investigation. He discusses how the training brings intentions to the surface, so that we can consciously set good intentions leading to desirable results. (Q&A at Tisarana on 2 December, 2018. Duration 1:22:17)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDon't Confuse the Methods with the Goal (11-08-2019)

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses how the methods or practices of Buddhism such as metta practice or morality often get taken up as goals in and of themselves. Although these practices can be reflective tools for deep peace, having a goal-oriented mindset to the practices (i.e., I should do that) is bound by wordly conditions and self identity. He describes how the Buddha pointed to a peace that is beyond the conditions of the mind. (Dhamma talk recorded at Tisarana Monastery on 15 August 2019. Duration 34:50 minutes)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDeep Peace Through Witnessing Suffering (10-25-2019)

On Thanksgiving weekend, Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on the cultural formats that support monastic practice. He reflects that beauty of the harvest moon can make the mind stop and experience deep peace. With an emphasis on composed awareness rather than control, we can investigate suffering and be at peace with difficult situations and mind states. (Dhamma talk recorded at Tisarana Monstery on 13 October 2019. Duration: 40:29 minutes)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Vinaya and Sexual Restraint (10-18-2019)

Venerable Khemako offers reflections on the Vinaya, the Buddha's prescribed code of conduct for monastics, and how it relates to the Dhamma and ultimate liberation. He points out how sensual and sexual restraint are the very foundation for true success in the monastic discipline. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 4 February 2019. Duration 30:17)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTimeless Practise (10-11-2019)

Tan Khemako explains that everything that we can experience happens in the present moment, whereas the past and the future are merely mental representations. He shows how investigating the mind in the present moment is the way out of dukkha. (Dhamma talk recorded at Tisarana Monastery on December 7, 2019. Duration: 50:46)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAwakening the Heart to Purity (10-04-2019)

At a Saturday afternoon public meditation session, Ajahn Khemasiri explains the purposes and benefits of meditation. He notes that cultivating an understanding of how our minds work can be very helpful in providing a sense of calm and peace. However, he suggests that there can be purposes of meditation beyond the benefits of grounding and investigation – purposes such as cultivating a place of pure awareness and awakening the heart to purity. (Dhamma talk recorded at Tisarana Monastery 10 August 2019. Duration: 38:15).
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAt Ease with Bees (09-27-2019)

For the Lunar Observance evening talk, Tan Khemako reflects on our habit of thinking that we know what is going to happen next. He tells a story showing how unexpected events help us wake up to the uncertainty of life. He also explains how training and developing wholesome thoughts and actions aid us in reacting to unexpected events in skillful ways. (Dhamma talk recorded at Tisarana Monastery on September 6, 2019. Duration: 33:39)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTConforming towards Freedom (09-20-2019)

On a windy, late summer’s evening at Tisarana, Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on the freedom that comes from conforming to the monastic rules and way of life. With this foundation for freedom, he discusses how we can let go of one’s self-narrative and perspectives, and abide with the reality of awareness of change. (Dhamma talk recorded at Tisarana Monastery on 13 September 2019. Duration: 36:23)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNot Self is the Way to Happiness (09-13-2019)

Upon savouring the community's chanting of the Anatta Lakkhana Sutta, the Discourse on Not Self, Venerable Khemako points out why looking for happiness in the body and mind is destined to fail. He then describes the solution given by the Buddha, which leads to real, lasting happiness. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 27 February 2019. Duration 41:14)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHeads I Win, Tails You Lose (09-06-2019)

Venerable Khemako explains how the mind is constantly playing tricks on itself, asserting truths about the world and our identity. He shows how the very rules of our mind are rigged, and that the Buddha's path is the way out of this trap.(Talk recorded at Tisarana on 13 January 2019. Duration 36:50)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTQ&A with Luang Por Sumedho (08-30-2019)

Visitors take advantage of the wonderful and rare opportunity speak with Luang Por Sumedho during a Question and Answer session here at Tisarana. A variety of topics were raised, one being how one should develop a sense of ‘samvega’ , or spiritual urgency, in ones practice and daily life. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana in July 2019. Duration 44:17).
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTea Time with Ajahn Asoko (08-23-2019)

During his short period of time here at Tisarana, Luang Por Sumedho’s attendant, Ajahn Asoko, answers questions from various guests staying at the monastery at tea time. One subject brought up was how one should skillful practice Asuba meditation, contemplating the unattractive nature of the body as a means of letting go of our sense of self and attachment to it. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 26 July 2019. Duration 1:38:13)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDon't Take Anything Home With You (08-16-2019)

Tahn Ajahn Khemasiri, visiting from and former Abbot of Dhammapala monastery in Switzerland, explores how we can hold different levels of Buddhist conventions, pointing out that the conventions are a framework to support our practice, he encourages his fellow mediators to not cling to any results, but instead to embody our experiences in our daily life. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 24 July 2019. Duration 30:22)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSubjectivity vs Objectivity (08-09-2019)

Luang Por Sumedho encourages us to look at experience as it is rather than trying to constantly change conditions to fit what we like, which in the end is what causes us suffering. In letting go of this self-centered tendency, one will find peace. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 21 July 2019. Duration 53:07)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBirthday Reflection by Luang Por Sumedho: Ageing, Mindfulness & Gratitude (07-29-2019)
Luang Por Sumedho observed his 85th birthday at Tisarana and shared from his deep well of wisdom. We made a video of the event.
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBrain Surgery and Anesthesia (06-28-2019)

Ajahn Viradhammo expresses joy and approval at Tisarana's newest community member arriving with generous offerings and commitment. He outlines a strategy for countering the negative, critical mind, a comprehensive practice that includes determined reflections of good will and three techniques for staying with the present moment. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 12 April 2019. Duration 34:05)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSpring Work Bee #2 - July 7th (06-27-2019)
Join us for our second spring Work Bee on July 7th at 8:30 am to help prepare Tisarana for Luang Por Sumedho's upcoming visit.
We are sprucing Tisarana up for Luang Por Sumedho's arrival to Tisarana on the 11th with his attendant Ajahn Asoko. We'll be planting trees, gardening, landscaping and doing grounds maintenance. The shared potluck meal will begin at 11:30 am, and after the meal we'll continue working until 4:30 pm or later. Things to bring:
- willing hands
- possibly a dish for the meal
- partial shade flowers that deer don't like to eat
Abandoning the Unwholesome (06-21-2019)
On a snowy winter's night at Tisarana, Venerable Khemako illustrates that even more important than performing meritorious acts is the abandoning of unwholesome ones. He shows how this practice of renunciation leads one from attachment and suffering to freedom from samsara. (Talk recorded at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery on 12 February 2019. Duration 31:58)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHave Faith in the Goodness of Your Actions (06-18-2019)

Ajahn Pavaro chats with visitors and reflects on the process of leaving one's family to become a Buddhist monk. He answers various visitors' questions about Ajahn Chah's way of teaching, and bringing peace to the mind. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 09 November 2018. Duration 58:48)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSingleness of Mind (06-07-2019)
Tan Khemako provides a guided breath meditation. He briefly discusses singleness of mind, and insight meditation. (Guided Meditation recorded at Tisarana on 02 November 2018. Duration 26:26)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA New Branch on an Old Tree (05-31-2019)
At this years Vesak celebration, Ajahn Chandasiri, who was one of the first women to ordain as a Siladhara at Chithurst Buddhist Monastery in England, speaks on what drew her to the monastic life and how the example the monks living at Chithurst set inspired her to go forth as a Siladhara. She talks on the difficulty she and other nuns faced in the beginning. (Talk Recorded at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery on 18 May 2019. Duration 58:10)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRecollecting the Buddha (05-31-2019)
On this years Vesak celebration, which is a day where we celebrate and remember the Buddha's birth, Enlightenment, and Parinibbana, Ajahn Viradhammo emphasizes the importance of faith and how it can help our practice. He offers suggestions on various ways we can go about recollecting the Buddha, such as simply gazing at a Buddha image and seeing what feelings naturally arise in ones heart. (Talk Recorded at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery on 18 May 2019. Duration 09:05)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhen Desire Is Frustrated (05-24-2019)
On his 72nd birthday, Ajahn Viradhammo offers reflections to Tisarana's resident community on the relationship between desire and happiness. He shows how the conditions of living in the monastery, the interactions with each other and the work projects are an opportunity to awaken to frustrated desires and to liberation. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 27 April 2019. Duration 35:29)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Rotten Smell in Your Mind (05-17-2019)
Ajahn Viradhammo explains how to develop a wise relationship to wanting. By using awareness to know wanting as an object in the mind, instead of becoming preoccupied with wanting and attaching to it in a subjective way, he shows through the Buddha's teaching of the Four Noble Truths that we can know it's cessation and realize true peace. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 08 September 2018. Duration 34:20)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTChanging Our Personality Is Not the Goal of Practice (05-10-2019)
Ajahn Pavaro chats with some visitors about happenings in this tradition, as well as reflections on death and dying. He discusses differing teaching styles and how personalities can change or stay the same as we progress. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 10 August 2018. Duration 57:00)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Mazarati is Already Broken (05-03-2019)
At his 72nd birthday gathering, Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on skillfully relating to the conditions of life: not getting pulled into them nor abdicating our responsibilities. By taking refuge in skillfulness, in wholesome qualities, the ups and down of life (worldly winds) lose their grip, and we can find peace independent of conditions. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 27 April 2019. Duration 34:01)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTListening to Silence (05-03-2019)
Ajahn Viradhammo offers a guided meditation to a large crowd on a Spring afternoon at the monastery. He prioritizes being aware and awake, encouraging our minds be present with the knowing. (Guided meditation recorded at Tisarana on 27 April 2019. Duration 11:13)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Object of Your Own Subjectedness (04-25-2019)
On New Year's Eve before the start of 2019, Tan Khemako encourages us to look back on the wholesome actions we performed over the past year and reflect on our good fortune. He explains how negative mind states are simply habits that can be let go, thus enabling the cultivation of happiness and continued well being. (Talk recorded at the Tisarana on 31 December 2018. Duration 41:20)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTFinding Stillness in No Thought (04-19-2019)
(Note: this talk was truncated due to a recording malfunction.) On the full moon of Magha Puja, Ajahn Viradhammo invites us to ask the question, "What would this moment be like with no thought?" He shows that while wordly situations use a certain amount of thinking for successful navigation, one who is aiming for enlightenment requires the trust and patience found in the stillness of no thought. (Talk recorded at the Tisarana on 19 February 2010. Duration 26:02)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNot In This Reality (04-14-2019)
Tan Khemako offers a Dhamma talk on how the mind puts labels on things as being good or bad, and takes it as being self. In reality, good and bad are simply a product of the mind, they don't exist in reality. (Talk recorded at the Tisarana on 15 December 2018. Duration 39:10)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat Arahants Know (04-05-2019)
Ajahn Vajiro, abbot of the Sumedhārāma Monastery in Portugal, offers reflections on the fruits of the Buddhist path. He encourages us to know the qualities of abundant generosity, freedom from suffering, and the realization and opportunity given by this precious human life. (Talk recorded at the Tisarana on 4 April 2019. Duration 37:44)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTStrategies for Uplifting the Heart (03-29-2019)
Ajahn Pavaro distinguishes identifying with an emotion versus being aware of it. He gives the contemplations of the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha, the devas, contemplating virtuous qualities and acts of generosity as strategies to uplift the heart. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 27 October 2018. Duration 47:07)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAwareness of Change Is Refuge (03-22-2019)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks with guests on being aware of feeling with compassion and to be with things as they are & not to replace or analyze. He also speaks to the importance of renunciation to witness change and its peace vs. seeking something to satisfy desire. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 19 October 2018. Duration 1:29:35)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhen Is the Next Moment? (03-15-2019)
Ajahn Viradhammo explores how practises such as metta bhavana and wise reflection can be used to create skillful pathways in a mind preoccupied with anger. In asking a question that doesn't require an answer at just the right moment, he points a way to awakening the mind and being freed from preoccupation. (Talk recorded at the Tisarana on 9 September 2018. Duration 34:16)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSamatha and Vipassana Are Not Separate Techniques (03-08-2019)
Ajahn Pavaro has a tea time conversation with guests, and explains that if meditators lay down the conditions of dana (generosity), sila (moral precepts) and bhavana (mental cultivation), wisdom will arise. Meditators require different types of encouragement, which is not always based on meditation technique. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 1 August 2018. Duration 57:23)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTLearn to Die Before You Die (03-01-2019)
Ajahn Viradhammo shares that to "do" dying well we need to reflect on how we have lived our life. He speaks about keeping precepts as a way of giving fearlessness to others and preventing remorse. (Talk recorded in Ottawa on 13 July 2018. Duration 31:10)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTFender Benders (02-22-2019)
Ajahn Viradhammo, during Tisarana's Kathina in 2018, reflects that the one thing we can count on in life is that: life will be disappointing. But even knowing that, when we don't get what we want, we suffer. And when we get what we don't want, we suffer. You can think about it, and feel resentful, and blame. That's dukkha, that's attachment. Or you can awaken and say: "Oh. This is a feeling of getting something that I don't want." And if you hold that feeling, if you hold that awareness, then that mood can't dominate, can't take control over your mind. (Talk recorded at the Stanleyville Hall on 28 October 2018. Duration 30:58)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTriggers and Foundation for Practice (02-15-2019)
Ajahn Pavaro speaks with guests at tea time on the triggers and process of becoming a monk. He also touches on the foundations of practice including kammatana and how spiritual qualities depend on and develop each other. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 27 August 2018. Duration 52:53)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTJust Enough Friction to Get You Enlightened (02-08-2019)
Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions from Tisarana's resident community concerning rebirth in contrast with not being reborn, on the different settings available for Buddhist practice, and on how to use Right Understanding to find a balance between being too tense and too relaxed in meditation. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 12 September 2018. Duration 51:36)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDukkha and the End of Dukkha (02-01-2019)
Tan Khemako leads a Q&A starting with the unsatisfactory nature of worldly desires. He also speaks to the 4 Brahmaviharas and the significance of the Patimokkha. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 29 December 2018. Duration 46:43)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTReleasing Drowsiness (01-25-2019)
Tan Khemako provides a guided meditation starting with releasing the body and suggestions on how to deal with drowsiness and a wandering mind. (Guided meditation recorded at Tisarana on 29 December 2018. Duration 21:04)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAjahn Viradhammo - Ottawa Buddhist Society Retreat (2018) (01-18-2019)
As the Tisarana community begins its Winter Retreat for 2019, we aware of others in the wider lay community that have the time and interest to devote themselves to more formal meditation practice.
In light of this, we would like to share the following recordings that were recently given during a retreat at the Ottawa Buddhist Society. The retreat was lead by Ajahn Viradhammo and was held on September 21-28, 2018 at the Galilee Centre.
- 21 Sep. - Introduction and Precepts
- 22 Sep. 6:00 AM - Guided Meditation
- 22 Sep. 8:30 AM - Reflections
- 22 Sep. 1:30 PM - Reflections
- 22 Sep. 7:00 PM - Dhamma Talk
- 23 Sep. 6:00 AM - Guided Meditation
- 23 Sep. 8:30 AM - Reflections
- 23 Sep. 9:00 AM - Guided Meditation
- 23 Sep. 1:30 PM - Reflections
- 23 Sep. 2:00 PM - Guided Meditation
- 23 Sep. 7:00 PM - Dhamma Talk
- 24 Sep. 8:30 AM - Reflections
- 24 Sep. 1:30 PM - Reflections
- 24 Sep. 7:00 PM - Dhamma Talk
- 25 Sep. 8:30 AM - Reflections
- 25 Sep. 1:30 PM - Reflections
- 25 Sep. 7:45 PM - Dhamma Talk
- 26 Sep. 8:30 AM - Reflections
- 26 Sep. 1:30 PM - Reflections
- 26 Sep. 7:45 PM - Dhamma Talk
- 27 Sep. 1:30 PM - Reflections
- 27 Sep. 7:45 PM - Dhamma Talk
We would like to thank those at the Ottawa Buddhist Society for helping make these recordings possible.
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDhamma Orientation (01-11-2019)
In response to a large gathering following the Saturday afternoon program, Ajahn Sucitto discusses the characteristic of not self, the connection of mind and body, and the the ability to recollect your own virtues in order to calm the mind. He encourages us to be alert and reposed, restful but alert. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 15 September 2018. Duration 28:29)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTYou're on Death Row, You Know (01-04-2019)
Ajahn Sucitto reflects on the fragility of life, and encourages a Saturday afternoon gathering at Tisarana to cultivate the only real refuge, awareness. He leads a guided meditation of body-based mindfulness using the sitting, standing and walking postures. He also responds to questions about the inner tyrant and on how to develop kindness to oneself. (Guided meditation recorded at Tisarana on 15 September 2018. Duration 2:04:53)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Eight Worldly Winds (12-29-2018)
Tan Khemako explains how suffering as a result of praise and blame, pleasure and pain, fame and obscurity, and wealth and poverty, the Eight Worldly Winds, is entirely optional. He shows that the key is learning to let go of the mind's tendency for grasping by developing wise reflection in order to see things as they really are. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 30 November 2018. Duration 33:38)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTYou Sit in the Fire (12-21-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo explores the difference between awakening to the various emotions that arise and in seeing them from a perspective of idealism. By letting go of idealism and simply being with any type of mind state, even states like anger and self-criticism can be known with compassion and a sense that they all belong. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 17 October 2018. Duration 37:37)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTStop (12-14-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo expounds the benefit of learning how to stop when we come to a difficult experience, and just be with the full knowing of that reality, instead of looking for some kind of distraction. By repeatedly practising this way, he shows that this is the path to liberation. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 9 October 2018. Duration 31:43)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRenewal (12-07-2018)
In one of the many topics talked about during a discussion with lay guests, Ajahn Viradhammo gives some history on how the Ajahn Chah tradition came into existence and developed into one of the most successful traditions from Thailand. He mentions some of the problems of how Buddhism was being practiced, namely being mixed with other beliefs. This led to a necessary renewal which meant going against the way people practiced Buddhism. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 20 August 2018. Duration 1:07:56)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Field of OK-ness (11-23-2018)
Venerable Khemako points out that even in near perfect conditions, our minds can be subject to habit patterns that cause sadness, misery, anger, and so on. Referring to the Buddha's advice in the Discourse on Not-Self, he explains how every moment is an opportunity to develop a wholesome habit pattern, and create kamma that leads the mind on a path from suffering to happiness. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 15 November 2018. Duration 43:04) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Reading of the Cosmos (11-16-2018)
Ajahn Sucitto explores the value of the Dhamma Vinaya as laid out by the Buddha. By letting go of the grasping at individuality, he shows how respect and learning to live within a community are conditions leading to a harmonization with something larger than conventional reality. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 17 September 2018. Duration 37:20) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Closest Approximation to Enlightenment You Can Get (11-16-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions at tea time from Tisarana's resident community about the attaching to tranquility compared to the Buddha's goal of realization of the unconditioned, about dukkha and impermanence, the advantages and pitfalls of pleasure, about a Tibetan nun's long period practising in solitude, and on the value of community practise. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 31 October 2018. Duration 1:28:13) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHalf-Moon Parittas (11-10-2018)
On a half-moon Wan Prah shortly before Ajahn Viradhammo's departure, the Tisarana community chanted parittas for the well-being and welfare of all. (Chant recorded at Tisarana on 1 November 2018. Duration 16:31) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBe the Knowing of Not Knowing (11-09-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions at tea time from Tisarana's resident community about the nature of insight contrasted with intellectual conclusions, about anger versus heavier states such as hatred and revenge, about consciousness and the unconditioned, and about the relationship between Advaita Vedanta and Theravada Buddhist practises. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 25 October 2018. Duration 1:01:32) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTUsing One's Time (11-02-2018)
On the last day of the Vassa, Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on the goodness of the Tisarana community. As he will be away during the first part of the 2019 Winter Retreat, he also shares encouragement and suggestions on how they can best make use of their time during the retreat. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 24 October 2018. Duration 44:01) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBhikkhu Ordination of Amarasiri & Sirimedho - Part 3: Acceptance (10-26-2018)
On September 16, 2016 at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery, Venerable Amarasiri and Venerable Sirimedho took Bhikkhu Ordination (Upasampadā) under Luang Por Vīradhammo as Preceptor, and Ajahn Pavaro and Tan Khemako as Chanting Ācariyas. This is part 3 of 3. Event recorded at Tisarana on 16 September 2018. Duration 31:32. If you have trouble viewing the video, or for more information, please go to https://files.tisarana.ca/amarasiri_sirimedho_ordination/. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBe the Vase (10-26-2018)
Tea time at Tisarana finds Ajahn Viradhammo answering questions about dealing with contraction and sense restraint in the outside world after spending time living in the security of a monastic environment, on dealing with fear as an object by changing the attention at the sense doors, and on contemplating the Four Noble Truths as a way to transcend suffering. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 15 August 2018. Duration 50:30) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBhikkhu Ordination of Amarasiri & Sirimedho - Part 2: Going Forth & Request (10-19-2018)
On September 16, 2016 at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery, Venerable Amarasiri and Venerable Sirimedho took Bhikkhu Ordination (Upasampadā) under Luang Por Vīradhammo as Preceptor, and Ajahn Pavaro and Tan Khemako as Chanting Ācariyas. This is part 2 of 3. Event recorded at Tisarana on 16 September 2018. Duration 19:44. If you have trouble viewing the video, or for more information, please go to https://files.tisarana.ca/amarasiri_sirimedho_ordination/. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA True Refuge (10-19-2018)
Awareness can be understood as an objective state of mind that simply knows things as they are. Ajahn Viradhammo stresses how to recognize, in our day to day life, that our experiences (of pleasure, pain, various moods) are constantly changing. But if we look deeper at the awareness behind it all, we can see that awareness is unchanging. It becomes a center grounding point, a true refuge. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 1 September 2018. Duration 28:43) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBhikkhu Ordination of Amarasiri & Sirimedho - Part 1: Introduction & Parittas (10-12-2018)
On September 16, 2016 at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery, Venerable Amarasiri and Venerable Sirimedho took Bhikkhu Ordination (Upasampadā) under Luang Por Vīradhammo as Preceptor, and Ajahn Pavaro and Tan Khemako as Chanting Ācariyas. This is part 1 of 3. Event recorded at Tisarana on 16 September 2018. Duration 35:05. If you have trouble viewing the video, or for more information, please go to https://files.tisarana.ca/amarasiri_sirimedho_ordination/. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAll Salads Taste the Same (10-12-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions from Tisarana's resident community at tea time. He compares the need for jhana and the role of samma samadhi, the difference between ultimate reality and present moment awareness, how to train with distracting thoughts by using contact at the sense doors, and on how an attachment to things going well conditions the perception of things not going well. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 2 August 2018. Duration 1:03:30) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAwakening the Mind with Metta (10-05-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo has tea with the community and reflects the true quality of Theravada Buddhism: "Reflective as opposed to an absolute teaching". Furthermore, he goes on to give another perspective of Metta which can sometimes be wrongly described as "emotional". He describes instead Metta as a factor for enlightenment, a "fundamental component of the awakened mind". There is the Metta which we practice thinking of our families, our friends, our community and wishing them well, wishing them happiness. This is done from the perspective of "you and I". However, here, Ajahn Viradhammo describes Metta as a universal acceptance of things as they are: "It all belongs". (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 28 May 2018. Duration 1:07:08) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSound and Awareness (10-05-2018)
In this guided meditation, Ajahn Viradhammo invites us to open up to the sound around us. Notice how the sound changes, but the awareness behind the sound is unchanging. Then move attention to the body as a whole, sitting where you are; and finally resting on the breath. (Guided meditation recorded at Tisarana on 1 September 2018. Duration 06:25) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDo Monks Cry? (09-28-2018)
During tea with Ajahn Amaro, someone asked if monks cry. This lead to a discussion, with Ajahn Amaro drawing from his own personal experiences. He reflects how monks, or even enlightened beings, can experience emotions such as sadness or irritation, but they are able to let it go and not cling to it as "I" am sad, or "my" emotions. He gives advice on how we can cultivate this attitude ourselves when faced with difficult emotions. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 5 May 2018. Duration 1:21:38) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Disfactory Clockwork (09-28-2018)
Tan Khemako explains in detail the measure of dukkha in our daily life. Starting by showing how the mind feels pain and where it can lead, he encourages us to explore the very feelings of dissatisfaction. Seeing their causes and learning how to release them will then pacify the mind. Thus, bright and wholesome states will have much more room to develop and prosper. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 11 August 2018. Duration 43:27) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTChocolate Cake and Death (09-21-2018)
After a prompt from the audience, Tan Khemako takes us through the steps of dependent origination, showing how its understanding can lead to freedom from suffering. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 9 December 2017. Duration 41:09) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Five Niyamas (09-21-2018)
Ajahn Pavaro explores the topic of the five niyama or laws of Nature in the Buddha's teaching and how they relate to our direct experience of reality. Understanding these principles, we can find ourselves in different situations: good or bad, pleasant or difficult, but trained with the proper attention, it is possible to orient our life to a more peaceful and pleasant abiding. This talk also includes a couple questions and answers at the end. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 18 August 2018. Duration 43:23) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Ten Perfections (09-14-2018)
Ajahn Pavaro talks about the ten paramis that were praised and extolled by the Buddha. He explains how their practise and cultivation help to strengthen our practise and point us in the direction of liberation. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 11 August 2018. Duration 56:32) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTwo Interpretations of Dependent Origination (09-14-2018)
Tan Khemako answers questions from the lay community at Tisarana on the subject of dependent origination. He contrasts the three lifetime and single lifetime versions from the commentary, and explains how to develop awareness so as to break this cycle of dependence. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 6 December 2017. Duration 59:23) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Bald Man Walking Around in Orange Robes (09-07-2018)
Tan Khemako has tea with the community and begins by talking about his recent trip to Israel that he went on with some of his family members to tour some of the holy sights in that area. He describes how the people living in that area of the world have very little knowledge of Buddhism or what a Buddhist monk is; so the sight of a bald man walking around in orange robes is an unusual thing to see. But people were none the less very curious and would occasionally approach him and ask him who he was and why he dressed the way he did, which he would kindly explain. Later on in the discussion, Venerable Khemako was asked to talk a little about his background and how he got interested in Buddhism and the monastic life. He goes into detail about some of the places he traveled to, the people he met, and teachers that inspired him along the way. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 18 May 2018. Duration 1:13:14) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Yuck Talk (08-31-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo shares some reflections on going beyond pleasure and pain, the past and the future. The usual course of existence is manipulating phenomena in order maximize pleasure and minimize pain. Ajahn Viradhammo encourages us to apply our energies to put our attention on the simple reality, to dwell in non-preoccupation, to free our selves from suffering. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 4 August 2018. Duration 29:14) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMeditation on Attention (08-31-2018)
Tan Khemako shares a guided meditation on scanning through the parts of the body. (Guided meditation recorded at Tisarana on 9 December 2017. Duration 27:54) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Spiritual Faculty and Power of Mindfulness (08-24-2018)
Mindfulness is now a ubiquitous buzzword that is often used to just refer to being aware. In truth, when cultivated intensively, it becomes a real power and it is present in any wholesome state. He also answers some questions and at the end of the talk. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 28 July 2018. Duration 41:04) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPol Pot Probably Loved His Dog (08-24-2018)
On the full moon night of Vesak Puja, Ajahn Viradhammo advises Tisarana's resident community to consciously develop a feeling of gratitude and devotion to the Buddha, and to his teaching which has remained alive in the world for over 2500 years. He explains how by using compassion we can awaken to our states of mind in a way that is both harmonious to those around us and liberating to all. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 29 May 2018. Duration 27:42) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTEvolution of Practice and Grief (08-17-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo shares with us the story of the 4th uncle, a chinese healer. He then answers questions about the evolution of "practice" developing the themes of right understanding, not grasping, the knowing and hiri-ottappa. He concludes by showing how to deal with grief and use a doctrine as a tool for reflexion and not as an opinion. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 27 May 2018. Duration 1:17:04) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTVesak Day Celebration at Tisarana (08-10-2018)
On Vesak Day, Ajahn Viradhammo and Ajahn Amaro give readings on the birth, enlightenment and final parinibbana of the Buddha. (Recorded at Tisarana on 19 May 2018. Duration 01:12:42) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhite Knuckle Practice (08-10-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo explains how an attempt to get something from sensory experience pulls the mind into a sense of self and inevitable suffering. By making a firm intention to be aware of neutral experiences such as touch, sound and the movement of the body, he shows how we can train the mind to remain in the present, not takes things personally and know things as they really are. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 20 July 2018. Duration 32:04) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAm I Doing It Right? (08-03-2018)
Ajahn Pavaro reflects on a few obstacles that can challenge experienced Buddhists and meditators. He encourages us, especially those coming from a Western background, to reflect on the role of faith and balance in our practice. After the talk, Ajahn Pavaro also answered a few questions from the attendees. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 21 July 2018. Duration 51:47) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMarmite Soldiers (08-03-2018)
Tan Ajahn Amaro offers a guided meditation using awareness of the body and the breath on a sunny Saturday afternoon at Tisarana. He then gives a talk on how to put forth effort without over-investing in the results, without being attached to the outcome due to a mistaken sense of self. Tan Ajahn and Luang Por Viradhammo answer questions about skillfully relating to stressful situations, having a fatalistic view of successes and pitfalls in our lives and on the challenges posed by the allure of comfort food. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 12 May 2018. Duration 01:44:45) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGood Will Fetters (07-27-2018)
Practitioners sometimes run into periods of time where difficult emotions and states can overwhelm the mind. Unfortunately, perfectionism and idealism can undermine our ability to skillfully relating to these states. Ajahn Viradhammo shares reflections and suggestions on how we can stay present and wisely navigate these challenging states of mind. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 12 July 2018. Duration 33:26) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTStomach Aches Belong But Make Sure You Throw Out the Old Daal (07-27-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo recently returned from an inspiring trip to the west coast of Canada and the United States. He recollects a beautiful teaching he received on the beauty that comes from keeping precepts. Buddhist ethics doesn't require us feel or not feel anything, but simply to not act out with unskilful energies. And we can use this attitude of peace towards our internal conditions, to ground ourselves in good will and accept the totality of experience. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 5 July 2018. Duration 41:02) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWe Can Still Train Our Minds (07-20-2018)
Tan Khemako offers a reflection on effort to a small but dedicated group of practitioners on a hot, sunny afternoon at Tisarana. Even amidst difficult conditions, there can be progress in training our minds if we're willing to be persistent and reflective. By employing a steady energy with clear mindfulness and appropriate curiosity, we can affect the mind in wholesome ways over the long term. This steady application of effort is encompassed in the Noble Eightfold Path and can ultimately result in the cool freedom of Nibbāna. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 14 July 2018. Duration 35:40) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTea Time with Ajahn Amaro (07-20-2018)
Many interesting and relevant topics concerning our modern world were discussed during tea time with Ajahn Viradhammo and Ajahn Amaro. Ajahn Amaro visited Tisarana for ten days last May. Ajahn Amaro,was asked how he handles being the abbot of such a large community, both lay and ordained, at Amaravati Monastery (England). Some important things for him were to watch his attitude, not to be fixed on a particular outcome, listen to others and don’t take sides. He goes on giving useful advice on how to be a good leader in general, whether as an Abbot of a monastery or as a CEO of a large company. In the later half of the discussion, someone asked how he thinks modern technology and social media affects our mental health. Ajahn Amaro, and others add in as well, discuss how it tends to create a strong sense of self, cultivates fear, and so on. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 19 May 2018. Duration 1:25:40) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Crucible (07-11-2018)
On the New Moon night of May, Luang Por Viradhammo presides over the ordination of Anagarikas Lancelot and William. After an inspiring ceremony, Tahn Ajahn Amaro offers advice to Tisarana’s two newest sangha members on using the outer conventions of shaved heads and commitments to moral precepts as a crucible for transforming the inner experience. By letting go of preferences and surrendering to LP Chah’s statement that ‘Everything is teaching us’, he maps out a chart for success in the holy life. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 14 May 2018. Duration 38:44)
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTruth Beyond Happiness and Dukkha (05-25-2018)
Ajahn Sucitto describes how the pursuit of certainty and comfort acts as a barrier to the deep discharge of the pain of being. Discharge becomes available through allowing and handling the weight and intensities of unresolved dukkha. When approached with honesty and accuracy, there is the possibility to experience what is real, the unconditioned. (Talk given at Tisarana on 26-Mar-2017. Duration = 39:26) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOffering & Receiving: Training in the Relational Domain (05-18-2018)
Ajahn Sucitto reflects on how ways of relating at the monastery provide training for accessing the true place of citta. In the monastery we are encouraged to get beyond self-views of “have to”, “is it good enough” and “am I worthy” so the deeper qualities of citta - warmth, generosity, gratitude - can manifest. (Talk given at Tisarana on 25-Mar-2017. Duration = 31:12) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNon-attachment versus Non-preoccupation (05-11-2018)
Ajahn V. discusses how the term ‘non-preoccupation’ can be a useful way to talk about non-attachment, and the importance of noticing presence, noticing awareness, and noticing change. (Talk given in Toronto at the annual retreat on 06-May-2017. Duration = 17:56) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThree Perceptions to Cultivate in Practice (05-04-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo describes a story in the Buddha’s life to remind us why we practice. He discusses the Buddhist perspective about the relationship between the conditioned and the unconditioned in the spiritual practice. He also identifies 3 affirmations as themes for the retreat: coming to the present, noticing objects in awareness, and noticing change (Talk given in Toronto at the annual retreat on 05-May-2017. Duration = 40:36) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIf You Grow Good Fruit, Eat It! (04-27-2018)
Ajahn Sucitto responds to a question about dana parami, describing the gift of safety that can be provided by keeping precepts and sustaining open awareness. He reminds us that in the field of dana we are also in a position to receive generosity, partaking of the good fruit we have grown. This is a continuation of the previous talk, "Faith: The Grounds for Your Personal Monastery". (Talk given at Tisarana on 24-Mar-2017. Duration = 13:59) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTFaith: The Grounds for Your Personal Monastery (04-26-2018)
Addressing the universal need to find meaning, Ajahn Sucitto describes how faith and wisdom work together in this search to set us free. He encourages the group, upon leaving the supports of the monastery structures and routines, to sustain forms of practice and personal protocols for wholesome actions as a way to keep one rooted in what has true meaning. (Talk given at Tisarana on 24-Mar-2017. Duration = 33:47) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTranspersonal: The Place of Don’t Have To (04-20-2018)
Ajahn Sucitto describes how our efforts to be good and “get it right” tend to come from a constricting place. Such efforts are accompanied by self-consciousness, criticism and stress which block access to the innate good qualities of our own heart. This talk outlines a way to move from the strategies of the head to the opening of the heart by coming into the body. (Talk given at Tisarana on 23-Mar-2017. Duration = 27:44) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRelying on Your Gut Intelligence (04-13-2018)
In this morning talk, Ajahn Sucitto points to a gut intelligence we all have that can be relied on to save us from the thinking mind. The thinking mind creates suffering. Our embodied (gut) intelligence is a saviour, a source of safety; it always tells the truth. (Talk given at Tisarana on 22-Mar-2017. Duration = 24:09) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat Makes a Sangha Thrive (04-06-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo compares a healthy Sangha to a living organism. For it to flourish, members cooperate through skillful observation of each other's needs, and find a healthy balance between solitude and community. (Talk given at Tisarana on 11-Feb-2017. Duration = 37:25) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTQ&A: Speaking to the Silence (03-30-2018)
Ajahn Sucitto answers questions about re-entering mundane life after a retreat, allowing space into our practice and daily life, the relationship between drawing and meditation, and dealing with a sense of density during meditation. (Talk given at Tisarana on 04-Feb-2017. Duration = 1:04:25) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPushing the Door that’s Already Open (03-23-2018)
Ajahn Sucitto begins the talk by explaining the reason behind re-establishing ritual contact on Lunar Observance day, then moves on to describing our two fundamental needs, safety and warm affection. Trying to fulfill these needs through the mind that judges and self-denigrates is like pushing against a door that’s wide open. The answer lies in our awareness of the body. With all of its sensations and feelings, it is the body that does not judge. (Talk given at Tisarana on 27-Jan-2017. Duration = 53:49) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Joy of Undoing the Meditator (03-16-2018)
Tan Cunda draws on an episode from his life as a new monk to explore the benefits of kindness towards oneself as a way of uncovering the joy of practice. This kindness can be extended to ourselves when we allow the meditator to stop the meditation project, “not doing meditation, but letting the meditation do you”. (Talk given at Tisarana on 20-Jan-2017. Duration = 29:35) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhen You Stick Your Neck Out (03-09-2018)
On the occasion of the arrival of the large new Buddha Rupa (statue), Ajahn Viradhammo talks about taking personal and societal risks and responsibilities, and how this allows one to work with fear. (Talk given at Tisarana on 12 Jan 2017. Duration = 25:27) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIroning out the Waves of the Ocean: Q & A (03-02-2018)
Ajahn Sucitto answers questions on practising "spirituality", sankharas, consciousness, cessation, and choiceless awareness. (Talk given at Tisarana on 12-Jan-2017. Duration = 39:42) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA User's Guide to Making Determinations (02-23-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo suggests that we make determinations inspired by wisdom as opposed to making determinations based on athleticism, endeavour and blind will power. (Talk given at Tisarana on 11-Jan-2017. Duration = 35:18) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDecisions, Choices and Firm Determination (02-16-2018)
Ajahn VIradhammo offers reflection: "Having made the decision to observe the arising and cessation of resistance, we should make our choices accordingly and determine to abide by them. Wisdom informs effort, effort informs action, and action is in line with the Dhamma and no longer performed out of habit. Adhitthana will help maintain our decision, but should not entail a sense of non-forgiveness or excessive self-criticism." (Talk given at Tisarana on 10-Jan-2017. Duration = 23:32) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGuided Meditation: Standing (02-09-2018)
Ajahn Sucitto guides meditators in a one-hour standing meditation. (Talk given at Tisarana on 10-Jan-2017. Duration = 59:38) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGuided Meditation: Beyond Observing Resistance (02-02-2018)
"One step beyond observing sensations is observing the resistance that arises from sensations." Ajahn Viradhammo guides meditators in separating discomfort from resistance to discomfort, and in observing the energy and changing nature of resistance itself. (Talk given at Tisarana on 10-Jan-2017. Duration = 1:02:36) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTReal Peace, or What Happens when Change Stops Changing (01-26-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo explains how real peace goes beyond physical or emotional happiness. Real peace comes from experiencing the vicissitudes of life from a position of awareness: by observing change in conditioned things, we become available to the unconditioned, to the unchanging, and to ultimate peace. (Talk given at Tisarana on 09-Jan-2017. Duration = 38:22) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGuided Meditation: Focus on the Outbreath (01-19-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo instructs the meditators to use the out-breath in order to bring vitality to one’s posture and to observe one’s hands and eyes at the end of the out-breath, all the while maintaining the head in awareness. (Talk given at Tisarana on 09-Jan-2017. Duration = 1:00:08) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAjahn Chah Memorial Day - The Lotus and the Tumbleweed (01-16-2018)
Ajahn Sucitto reminisces about Ajahn Chah’s predilection for the unplanned as well as his ability to perceive exactly what the present moment required. Being grounded in the present, says Ajahn Sucitto, is like watching a lotus, solidly rooted in Dhamma, blossom; whereas being immersed in plans for the future makes us as aimless as tumbleweeds. (Talk given at Tisarana on 16-Jan-2017. Duration = 42:37) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Million and One Ways to Wisdom (01-12-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo explores the different ways in which we can adapt our meditation technique to our present disposition. He explains how to maintain a vigorous posture by locking the Hara, and how to practice yoga Nidra. For dullness, one can use complexity, such as intricate visualizations or recitation of a sutta, or evoking each individual in the room and sending them loving kindness. (Talk given at Tisarana on 08-Jan-2017. Duration = 33:23) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGuided Meditation on the Breath and Body Scan (01-10-2018)
Ajahn Viradhammo gives an overview of using the themes of dukkha, anicca, anatta to frame experience and encourage non-grasping. Included is a complete guided meditation on posture, breath and body scan. (Talk given at Tisarana on 07-Jan-2017. Duration = 49:17) >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTChristmas Shopping & the Brahmaviharas (11-19-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo talks about how Christmas, a season of goodwill and cheer can turn into a daunting time of expectations and stress and emphasizes using the Brahmaviharas as vehicles to promote goodwill while facing adversity and our own defilements. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat’s the Point? (11-12-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo explores the meditation theme, Nibbana. He helps us understand how to use the subtle theme of peace as an object of meditation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDeveloping Wholesome Perceptions (11-05-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about how perceptions colour our minds and how we can develop skilful perceptions to help and inform our practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTension & Anger (10-29-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions about how to relax when there is tension in the mind and body and also talks about dealing with anger by being aware of it and understanding instead of focusing on it as an object to get rid off. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Frustration of Desire (10-22-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about how desire is frustrated when we cannot get what we want. If we allow this experience to be a teaching for ourselves we can learn how to transcend both the unwholesome desire and the suffering that is arising out of not satisfying it. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST40 Objects of Meditation (10-15-2017)
Ven Khemako talks about the 40 traditional techniques used to develop concentration and focuses on Anapanasati. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat the Monastic Life Is for (10-08-2017)
This is from a past talk on the occasion of an anagarika ordination. Ajahn Viradhammo talks about the meaning of monastic life and all that it entails. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSelf View and Self Importance (10-01-2017)
Venerable Cunda reflects upon the distress caused by self importance, how we are regarded by others and how we regard ourselves. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIndividuality vs Anatta (09-24-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo talks at the Ottawa Buddhist Society Day of Mindfulness about the unconditioned, uncreated, transcendent and how we suffer because of wrong view. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTStillness and the Roar of the Crowd (09-17-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo talks at the Ottawa Buddhist Society about the stillness that exists constantly and the recollection of that stillness in presence, even when the crowds roar for Olympic Athletes! >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTVedana and Right View (09-10-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo talks about the experience of feeling and investigates how we form views and opinions based on feelings. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Buddha’s Project (09-03-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo uses carpentry to examine how we learn and apply knowledge to our practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRight Speech (08-27-2017)
Venerable Cunda talks about the four modes of speech. Focusing closely on the first two modes. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Pragmatic Way to End Suffering (08-20-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo explores the reflective capacity and speaks about how to apply reflection – not for the sake of knowledge, but to learn what it is we are supposed to reflect upon. Examining the absence of conditions and exploring not self, non-becoming and non-resistance. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGratitude on Canada Day (08-13-2017)
On Canada Day, Ajahn Viradhammo talks about how different people react to the same occasion with different points of view and also how gratitude can lead to a deep sense of peace. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Opportunity for Contemplating Peace (08-06-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on the monastic life as one in which we allow each other different moods of mind. Reading from the Visuddhimagga he explains how acceptance of these mind states creates the possibility of transcending them. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThere Is the Unconditioned (07-30-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on being caught in the conditions of life. He suggests that we ask the question “What is the unconditioned?” as a skillful way of developing awareness of the difference between conditioned existence and that which is unconditioned. He uses the teaching on Dependant Origination to show how we can stop the chain of conditioned arising and bring attention fully into the present moment. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Way of the World (07-23-2017)
Venerable Cunda recounts experiences from his monastic career, including times when he felt fear and worry. He explains how the fear was conditioned by a strong sense of self, including examples from Luang Por Pasanno and Luang Ta Maha Boowa, and illustrates how the monastic way of practice moves in the opposing direction of the eight worldly winds. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTI’m the First Chapter: Q & A (07-16-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo meets for a discussion with the lay supporters. He talks about being interviewed for a book on Buddhist practitioners, and responds to a question about utilizing thinking in a skillful way, by suggesting that one memorize extended passages from the suttas, be deliberate in the use of language, and use the meditative technique of “No Thought”. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIt’s Like This (07-09-2017)
To mark Tisarana’s Vesak celebration, Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on the Buddha’s awakening and the teachings that point to this awakening. He stresses the importance of finding a way to rest the mind, thus freeing the mind from the constraints of thinking. He offers the technique of using a mirroring technique in the silence for training one’s mind, and explains how this technique can lead to wisdom and compassion. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThis is A Fascinating Cave (07-02-2017)
Venerable Cunda describes the Buddhist path as one that is leading inwards, a path towards insight and the end of suffering. He shows how to use the path factors of Right Intention, Right Speech and Right Effort skillfully to navigate this path and be a friend to oneself. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThere Is Another Shore (06-25-2017)
Ajahn Punnadhammo speaks on the twin skills of knowing all experience in terms of its characteristic of not-self, while at the same time keeping the final goal of nibbana in mind. He gives importance to the spiritual faculties of sadda, faith, as it relates to the Third Noble Truth, and upekkha, equanimity, as it relates to the citta. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDiscernment: Q & A (06-18-2017)
Venerable Cunda answers questions on how to skillfully deal with thoughts that can arise during formal meditation practice. He speaks on the importance of sense restraint when engaging others, and on finding nutriment in one’s spiritual practice. He reflects on how the Buddha answered the question of what is reborn after death. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Conceit of A Happy Plan (06-11-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo contrasts the conceit involved in having a fixed plan for a happy mind with the beauty involved in spontaneous generosity. He points out the importance in having a long range plan, and the wisdom needed to remember that a plan in itself cannot provide liberation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Practice of Reflection (06-04-2017)
Venerable Khemako discusses the importance of utilizing reflection to gain the full available potential from our meditation practice. He explains how to reflect using the Three Characteristics of anicca, dukkha and anatta, and how practices such as generosity and restraint can be understood as ways to know true happiness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRefuge Is Possible (05-28-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks on the skillfulness of using reflection on change as a way to develop an awareness of that which is not changing. It is through this awareness that we can find a real and secure refuge. He likens the way of practice according to the Noble Eightfold Path as a craft which leads onwards to refuge. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTFear and doubt and the Ten Perfections: Q & A (05-21-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo conducts a question and answer session with the lay retreat crew. He speaks on fear and doubt, the unskillful responses that can result from the attachment to these mind states, and a way to skillfully handle them according to the Four Noble Truths, and through knowing the mood of the mind. He explains how the parami, the Ten Perfections, can be a positive way to work with our karma and kilesas. He reflects on the role of the monastery in relating to the laity, and the role of karma in the eating of meat. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTStar Dome Sky: Q & A (05-14-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo conducts a question and answer session with the lay retreat crew. He speaks about reflecting on karma as a skillful means to develop one's practice, versus taking a position on the workings on karma which can lead to religious doctrine and is not really helpful. He points out the way people often get caught up in a reactivity with the mood of the mind, and in vibhava-tanha, instead of practicing rightly in accordance with the Third Foundation of Mindfulness. He reflects on the different types of beauty, including a sensual kind which leads to kama-tanha and an absorption into the sense experience, and a different type of beauty that can incline the mind towards an awareness and sense of stillness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTEveryman’s Ethics (05-07-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo reads the Vyagghapajja Sutta: Conditions of Welfare, from the Anguttara Nikaya (AN 8.54). He includes observations and reflections on how the Buddha’s advice from 25 centuries ago is relevant and of vital importance in how we lead our lives today. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDependent Origination and the Third Noble Truth (04-30-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo conducts a question and answer session with the lay retreat crew. He talks about family, monasticism and vocation as three paths by which one can practice self surrender and Right Livelihood, and how this can develop understanding. He discusses the distinction between experiencing an object and experiencing the awareness that knows this object, and points out how what we are really searching for can be found only in this awareness through the realization of the Third Noble Truth. He explores the idea of indulgence in an experience and how to let go of this indulgence through the teaching on Dependent Origination. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Perils of Staleness (04-23-2017)
Venerable Cunda speaks on the perils of becoming stale in one’s practice and losing a sense of the beginner’s mind. He reflects on skillful ways of perceiving our everyday experiences which help us keep our practice fresh and interesting. Two ways we do this are through questioning our perceptions and witnessing the instability of all experience. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMindulness Q & A (04-23-2017)
Venerable Cunda also answers a question regarding bare mindfulness versus a more involved investigation in one’s practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Contemplative’s Work (04-23-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo compares the work of a scholar with that done by a contemplative. He explains how a scholar amasses teachings and knowledge, while a contemplative uses these teachings as bases for reflection. Using the example of the teaching on the Four Noble Truths, he shows how reflection can develop into a cherishing of all living beings. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTInterested in Peace (04-16-2017)
Venerable Cunda speaks on the Five Hindrances, specifically restlessness and anxiety, and how these are tied in with regret and remorse. He points out the value of sila (morality) in overcoming these hindrances, and how right speech can be cultivated to lead us towards peace. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBeyond all Flat Tires (04-12-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo gives a talk using the analogy of how we suffer when we get a flat tire and explores the skills needed to see beyond self-identified suffering due to our social conditions. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Cards You’ve Been Dealt (04-09-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo expounds the Buddhist practices of sense restraint and being content with little, but stresses that while these are important practices, they are methods for reaching the final goal, and not the goal itself. He offers advice in accepting one’s own kamma as the cards that one has been dealt. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTElection Dukkha (04-09-2017)
This is a past talk by Venerable Khemako offered at the Ottawa Buddhist Society. Venerable Khemako examines various sources of stress in our lives and compares the situation of the US Presidential Elections as a cause of Dukkha and how we react to it. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGoing Forth: A Year of Service (04-02-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo talks about the commitment of a Year of Service offered by Anagarikas with the hope of understanding Sangha life and serving the Sangha on the occasion of David’s Anagarika ordination. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPlaying with Dominoes (03-26-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about gratitude to one’s parents, and what to do if this gratitude is difficult to develop. He offers reflections in training the mind by repeatedly returning to the stillness of knowing, and through cultivating an awareness of the basic senses of listening and tactile sensations >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMoral Boundaries and the Buddhist Precepts: Q & A (03-19-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions about how to live a wholesome, productive life without getting caught in the trap of becoming. He speaks on the value of upholding the precepts and developing the parami, the Ten Perfections, as ways to develop skills without creating an ego around the skills. He also advises using meditation based on awareness of the breathing and the bodily posture as ways to gradually get more in touch with intense forms of suffering. He recommends an objective knowing of the khandas as a skillful way to deal with interpersonal conflict. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat’s on Netflix? (03-12-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks on Right Livelihood in three aspects, that of profit, skill and development of character. He points out how this character development can lead to a patience which is able to overcome greed, hatred and delusion. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat’s on Netflix? Guided Meditation (03-12-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo leads a guided meditation, beginning with advice on sitting posture, and including tips on the four meditation postures of sitting, standing, walking and lying down. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Mind is Burning (03-05-2017)
After a recitation of the Fire Sutta, Ajahn Viradhammo explains how a misunderstanding of conditioned existence can lead to grasping and suffering. He gives practical methods for noticing the unconditioned and letting go of desire, and discusses the value of the monastic conventions of repetition and renunciation. He points out how practicing with path factors such as Right Speech and Right Intention can develop this letting go. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTraining in Non-desire (02-26-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo discusses the need for a constant diligence in our mindfulness practice. He warns of the danger in doing a meditation practice with desire in order to become something, and recommends instead the practice of paying attention to vedana, sensations, in the body. He explains how practicing with the Four Foundations of Mindfulness is a skillful means leading towards samma-ditthi, Right View. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBeyond Duality (02-19-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo reads a passage by Jean Klein, and explores the function of a contemplative mind in analyzing this passage. He discusses desire in relation to the Third Noble Truth, and how to cultivate a quality of attention which is both watchful and available. These form a basis for Right Effort and dhamma-vicaya, the investigation of phenomena. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAccessing the Heart (02-12-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo compares the emotions of remorse and guilt, and explains how one is a healthy response to a situation whereas the other tends to result from thought and self criticism. He recalls difficult experiences in his own practice, and how he learned to let go of thinking and come in touch with the heart. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTInsight, Inspiration, Confidence, Doubt (02-12-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo discusses the place of intellectual understanding of the Buddha's teachings. He points out that while this type of understanding is important, it is our own personal experience of these teachings that leads to true insight. He explores the landscape of repetition in practice as a cause for gaining in confidence over time. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAuthentic Personal Interest (02-05-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about the importance of finding a technique of meditation in which one has an intuitive and authentic personal interest. He explains how this is a skillful way to cultivate a meditation practice that is sustainable. He warns of the pitfalls in adopting a meditation technique based solely on another person's recommendation or from an idea of wanting to achieve or attain something from one's practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTI'm Like a Tree: Guided Meditation (02-05-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo leads a guided meditation to allow us to fully welcome and cultivate good will towards those habits of mind that can sometimes be limiting. He uses mindfulness of the body and a calming breathing technique to help us stabilize the meditation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAn Avenue of Peace (02-05-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo describes how we can be with our experience of life in a pragmatic, worldly way, and also in a transcendent way which leads towards peace. He explains how we can transcend all of our experiences through practicing according to the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAll Roads Lead to Rome (01-29-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo recalls experiences from his early days of practice when he sought certain spiritual qualities and experienced aversion towards other qualities. He explains how all practice should ultimately lead in the same direction, towards present moment awareness and the abandonment of craving, and illustrates this with various listening techniques. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTEquanimity and Indifference, Gratitude and the Heart: Q & A (01-29-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo conducts a question and answer session with the lay retreat crew. He talks about the difference between equanimity and indifference, reflects on the time spent caring for his elderly mother, explores the nature and function of mindfulness, suggests skillful means of dealing with the hindrances, recommends lying down meditation and speaks on gratitude and other heart based practises. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Quiet Space of Non-Proliferation (01-29-2017)
Venerable Cunda reflects on a mind which experiences sankharas and goes into a proliferation of thinking, and a mind which experiences the same sankharas, yet experiences no proliferation. He explains how we can use the skillful technique of 'No Thought' to train the mind towards the abandonment of proliferation. He shows how this training can help us work with doubt, praise and blame. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPresence without Agenda (01-22-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo expounds the teachings on generosity and morality, and explains how they are methods for reaching the final goal and not the goal itself. He stresses the importance of knowing unwholesome mind states in awareness. This knowing can then strengthen Right Mindfulness, instead of allowing these unwholesome states to become problems or obstacles. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Nature of Awareness (01-22-2017)
Venerable Cunda explains how awareness is a sankhara that is conditioned by our efforts. He describes how practicing Right Effort and Right Mindfulness can fine tune our awareness, and uses the analogy of a spinning top to illustrate the different levels of awareness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGenerosity, Support and the Love of Dhamma (01-22-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on the beauty of those who are currently well, but taking care of those who become sick. He recounts the tale of our Thai friends’ support and generosity for a new Buddha Rupa, and how the Thai's love of Dhamma helps Buddhism spread to the West, and Western Buddhist teachings integrate back to the East. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSpaciousness (01-15-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo stresses a wise relation with the world of sensory objects, and how noticing a sense of space and the silence of the mind allows for a resting in awareness and a letting go of the objects of awareness. He integrates this teaching with Tan Ajahn Dtune’s reflection on an alternate interpretation of the Four Noble Truths. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTFull Conscious Presence: Guided Meditation (01-15-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo leads a guided meditation which emphasizes fully conscious awareness as a way to establish Right Mindfulness. He then walks through a scanning of bodily sensations followed by mindfulness of breathing. He stresses the key to the meditation as knowing all hindrances as they are instead of trying to control them, and points out how this knowing can strengthen the awareness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWelcoming Sankharas (01-08-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo describes how the skillful use of language can aid us in knowing all sankharas for what they are, instead of indulging in them or becoming averse to them. He presents Tan Ajahn Dtune’s alternate version of the Four Noble Truths, which illuminates how the mind either creates suffering or knows freedom from suffering. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Knotted Carpet (01-08-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo gives techniques for handling distractions that arise during meditation. He stresses the importance of setting a firm intention before starting formal practice, and uses the example of counting the breathing to demonstrate this importance. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe iPhone and the Nut-hatch (01-08-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo contrasts two different types of attention, one which remains dependent on its object and one which leads to awareness. He explains how renunciation can help us in developing this awareness and in freeing ourselves from the objects of attention. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIf You Don’t Want to Meditate, Meditate (01-01-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo explains how to use the monastic form and the special conditions on the winter retreat for developing present moment awareness of our likes and dislikes. This mindfulness can help us respond skilfully to any wholesome or unwholesome states of mind that may arise. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHow Do You Get the Hypotenuse? (01-01-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo explores the use of repetition in the chanting and other practice techniques as a way to develop wisdom with regard to sankharas. He discusses how we can learn to let go of obsessive thinking by meeting it with good will and wisdom. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Recipe for Meditation (01-01-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo compares meditation based on craving with that which leads to a knowing awareness. He then leads a guided meditation using listening and bodily sensations as a way to develop this awareness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Traffic Jam of Sense Consciousness (01-01-2017)
Ajahn Viradhammo discusses the three forms of dukkha, and how becoming familiar with them can point the way to freedom from dukkha. He explains how we can cultivate the four Brahma Viharas of good will, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity as methods for realizing this freedom. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Cards You’ve Been Dealt (12-25-2016)
Luang Por Viradhammo expounds the Buddhist practises of sense restraint and being content with little, but stresses that while these are important practises, they are methods for reaching the final goal, and not the goal itself. He offers advice in accepting one’s own kamma as the cards that one has been dealt. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Point of Awakening (12-18-2016)
Luang Por Viradhammo discusses moral responsibility in terms of relating to others via the Internet. He shows how to use the Five Precepts as a guideline for wholesome interaction. He talks on the cessation of thinking as the realization of the Third Noble Truth, the point where real knowing occurs.
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSiddarth's Anagarika Going Forth and the Values of Monastic Life (12-11-2016)
This is the ceremony for Siddarth's anagarika ordination along with a talk by Ajahn Viradhammo about the values of monastic life (the Dhamma talk begins at 22 minutes). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPersonality and the Bramaviharas (12-04-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo teaches us to apply present moment awareness to let go of that which drives our personalities in unskillful directions and encourages the intentions that motivate our personalities with more skillful responses. The result is a personality that is not operating out of delusion and is, instead, under the influence of the Bramaviharas. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTCultural Vitality, Personality, and Parami (11-27-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo relates how the monastic tradition depends on culture for its vitality. He then develops his teaching on the concepts of personality and character development through the use of parami (perfections) amid the three characteristics of existence (suffering, impermanence, and not self). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Third Satipatthana (11-20-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo discusses in detail the various formulations of vedana (feeling), in particular, knowing vedana with upekkha (equanimity). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTContemplative Practice and Dependent Origination (11-13-2016)
With the arising of this, that comes to be. With the cessation of that, this ceases. Ajahn Viradhammo explains how to use contemplative practice to explore the theme of dependent origination in our daily life. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Nature of Awareness Is Goodwill (11-06-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about the Brahmaviharas and explains how metta, goodwill, can be directed towards any experience or perception we have, allowing even difficult formations of mind to be the way they are. He then goes on to answer some questions brought up by the group. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAwareness: The Key to the Transcendent (10-30-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo explores how awareness is a quality that allows us to observe the body, feelings and other phenomena, but cannot be observed itself because it is transcendent and timeless. By applying awareness to our experience of suffering, impermanence and not self, we learn to create peace within the mind. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Skill of Meditation (10-23-2016)
Luang Por Viradhammo speaks about how we can get the most from our meditation by developing it as a skill. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIntolerance to Nonconformity (10-16-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo explores the skillful and unskillful elements of conformity and nonconformity, tolerance and intolerance. By examining how the three fetters operate and keep us bound to ignorance, craving, and attachment, we can understand how to drop these fetters and utilize the skillful elements of these themes. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Conceit of Thought and the Opening of the Heart (10-09-2016)
Thinking often leads to unskillfulness, but the heart leads to generosity, gratitude, joy and compassion. Ajahn Viradhammo encourages us to follow the heart. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Island Is Not Thought (10-09-2016)
At an Ottawa day of Mindfulness, Ajahn Viradhammo offers a short talk and reviews again the quote from the Saṁyutta Nikāya on Nibbāna. He explains preoccupation and how we wake up to the present moment without being the thinker. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTChoosing a Skillful Model (10-09-2016)
In this answer to a question about handling suffering, Ajahn Virahdammo speaks about the importance of staying with a skillful model of practice that relieves suffering rather than mixing models which can cause confusion. Ultimately, we need to examine the spiritual model we are using and see for ourselves whether it is working. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIs Harmony Reliable? (Partial Talk) (10-02-2016)
This is the last 20 minutes of a talk given by Ajahn Vīradhammo. He speaks about harmony and what it is we can rely on and answers questions about stillness and observing objects of beauty. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTComing Home: A Guided Meditation (10-02-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo offers a short reflection, the first of four reflections from a Day of Mindfulness in Ottawa. He explains how he returns to his center, the present moment and reads from a Saṁyutta NIkāya Sutta describing NIbbāna. He then goes on to lead a 15 minute guided mediation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Unformed, the Unconditioned, the End (09-18-2016)
At an Ottawa Day of Mindfulness, Ajahn Viradhammo explores the nature of the unconditioned using a quote from the Saṁyutta Nikāya, verse 43.1-44. He then goes on to answer questions from the group. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Learner's Mind (09-11-2016)
At the Ottawa Buddhist Society's Friday night teaching, Ajahn Vīradhammo speaks about training the mind with an attitude that is open to the process of learning. Ajahn uses the analogy of carpentry and explains how the mind is able to best learn a new craft. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMaking the Rocks Smooth - Ajahn Jayanto (09-04-2016)
The day before Venerable Khema's ordination, Ajahn Jayanto gave the following words of advice: When we take up the path of practice in a monastery, we learn to both examine and use the communal life to train our minds. We deal with varied views and opinions and learn to take the self and the mind less personally, finding contentment with what is. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRamana Maharishi and Buddhism: Q & A (08-28-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo fields questions from guests at Tisarana and speaks about various topics. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Mood of the Mind (08-21-2016)
Ajahn Vīradhammo gives a talk to the Noble Eightfold Path Study Group giving examples of how we can succumb to the moods of our minds when we attach to circumstances and conditions that are out of our control. Instead we can reflect on how the moods of the mind change (the impermanent quality of these moods), and allow ourselves to witness the experience of change rather become swept up by it. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Mood of the Mind: Q and A (08-21-2016)
Ajahn Vīradhammo answers questions from the Noble Eightfold Path Study Group on the theme of "the mood of the mind." >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Goal or the Method (08-14-2016)
At a Day of Mindfulness meeting in Ottawa Ajahn Vīradhammo explains how to understand what it is we need to do to realize the goal of our practice. We focus on the method rather than the goal, cultivating present moment awareness to understand how we relate to the world and how to let go of the unwholesome actions of our minds. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Inner Workings of Self: Q & A (08-07-2016)
At a tea time meeting with Ajahn Vīradhammo, he answers questions and speaks on topics about chronic pain, over analysis, a sense of self arising, trying to get to the end/goal, dealing with the khandas. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Noble Attitude (07-31-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo explores how we can make our living environments reflect the state of our minds thereby creating a noble attitude in the way we carry our actions of body, speech, and mind. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Buddha's Jig (07-24-2016)
For the Noble Eightfold Path Study Group, Ajahn Vīradhammo teaches about vedanā (pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral feeling), the second tetrad of the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta (Four Foundations of Mindfulness). Using the metaphor of a wood working jig, Ajahn explains how the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are a step by step, specific and pragmatic method to aid in perfecting the qualities that lead to enlightenment. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Buddha's Jig: Question and Answer (07-24-2016)
Ajahn Vīradhammo answers questions from the Noble Eightfold Path Study Group about the talk he gave on vedāna (pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral feeling). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTI Teach Frustration (07-17-2016)
Ajahn Chah would explain to people that his teaching method was through frustration. Ajahn Viradhammo explains: By being with our experiences of not getting what we want, we see our attachment to the conditions we desire and the suffering that ensues when we do not have access to these conditions. Through seeing this suffering we can more easily learn to let go of this attachment and grasping so we are available to the unconditioned. This talk is followed by a short question and answer series. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTComing Back Home to Awareness (07-10-2016)
In this talk Ajahn Viradhammo encourages us to see how conditions can be held in awareness. When anger goes out to an external object there is always an internal experience where this intention arises. Awareness hold this space of the mind moving outward. By quoting Ajahn Dune Atulo's inverse order of the Four Noble Truths, he expresses how we can come home to awareness: The mind sent outside is the origination of suffering. The result of the mind sent outside is suffering. The mind seeing the mind is the path. The result of the mind seeing the mind is the cessation of suffering. From: Gifts He Left Behind, trans. by Ajahn Geoff >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat Is in Awareness? What Is the Knowing? (07-03-2016)
At the Ottawa Buddhist Society's Friday night meeting Ajahn Viradhammo asks us again to investigate: "What is in awareness? What is the knowing?" By attending to the transcendent truth we can ask these liberating questions and experience peace whereas questioning the necessary but conventional truth, such as "Its hot in the room, turn on the fans . . ." is limited. Peace comes with knowing, in the sense of non-grasping. Thus knowing is not limited. The mind moving outward comes from grasping or seeking an object whereas knowing, being with, and receiving an object in awareness is an experience of non-grasping and has a liberating quality. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPrecepts and Unbiased Attention (06-26-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo explains how to use the precepts for our practice and also focuses on the theme of attention and how to consistently keep awareness on a particular object of mind. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Paramitas (06-19-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo explains the Paramitas and how they can help us realize the goals we have set in our lives. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMindfulness of the Body and the Eight Fold Path (06-12-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo gives an explanation and overview of the Eightfold Path and speaks about mindfulness of the body (the first Satipatthana tetrad). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMindfulness of the Body and the Eight Fold Path - Q & A (06-12-2016)
This question an answer session follows the above titled talk. Please note that the first question could not be heard well and was deleted. Ajahn Viradhammo summarizes this first question before giving an answer. The questions include: using insight to deal with craving (without using thought), group kamma, and right livelihood. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTReboot Your Intentions (06-05-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo begins this talk by encouraging us to accept help when we need it rather than refusing it from a self reliant, egocentric or self-centered reaction. He goes on to explain the difference between knowledge and insight using examples from his own recent history: getting a visa for India, building ladders, etc. and shows us how to come back to our skillful intentions as if we are "touching stone." >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Creation of Self in the Khandas (05-22-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo offers a talk explaining how we compare ourselves to others and create this sense of self out of the 5 Khandas. Using reflections from the various stages of a monk's life he shows how to watch this self creating habit by using both awareness and restraint. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Life of Insight (05-15-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo begins speaking about wholesome and unwholesome conformity and then explains how we can use personal experiences in our lives to understand the Buddha's teachings, gaining insight into the workings of our own minds so that we can ultimately realize freedom from suffering. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPerceptions, Memories, Lived Experience (05-08-2016)
Luang Por Viradhammo explains how perceptions can change the nature of our experience. If we are aware, moment, by moment, we have the choice to move in a more wholesome direction once a perception arises, rather than being a victim to these perceptions when we do not recognize them. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTExamining Motivation and Morality (05-01-2016)
Luang Por Viradhammo encourages us to examine our moods and motivations in terms of our moral understanding of what is wholesome and unwholesome. By abiding as the witness of change rather than reacting to our experiences, we let go of trying to get our own way, which creates a foundation for fostering harmony in our social lives and allows us to make decisions based on intuitive wisdom. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Life of Sawdust (04-24-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo gives teachings on what he means by "the silence of the mind" and answers questions regarding this topic. He speaks about how we expect our ourselves or our realities to be a particular way and how we can use awareness and knowing to be present for this inclination of mind, noticing the end of thinking by listening to the perception of change. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTEmotional Perceptions and Delusions (04-17-2016)
Our emotional tones color our perceptions and moods. When we are fully conscious of our emotional states we cease to create a storyline or person out of these states, thus allowing ourselves to clearly see the process whereby we create self view and self identification. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBeyond the Peaks and Valleys (04-10-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo encourages us to understand the quality of arising and ceasing in our experiences so that we can transcend the perception of having peaks and valleys in our practice. He uses themes of communal life, living in harmony, how we perceive our characters and identities, and how to work with boredom to illustrate this topic. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDealing with Aversion - Q & A (04-03-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo meets with lay guests during a tea time question and answer session at Tisarana. He fields questions about how to work with the critical faculty and aversion, aversion to thought in meditation, and perceptions we have about Dhamma practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDependent Origination and Reflecting on Phenomena (03-27-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks on using our practice in day to day life to reflect on phenomena and causality. He uses this/that conditionality to explain the process of Dependent Origination. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTReflecting on Right Speech (03-20-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo reads many of the Buddha's verses on right speech and explores how to use right speech in the monastery, citing examples of how it is best to use speech with others, how to offer feedback, and how to use metta (loving kindness) practice when we speak with others. This talk also explores the concept of right conduct and the restraint of body, speech, and mind. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWherever You Are Is Your Monastery (03-13-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo discusses how to use one’s social responsibilities and life commitments as a vehicle to find freedom, as an opportunity to give up to something bigger than oneself and as a way to watch one’s likes and dislikes. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTListening for the End of Thought (03-06-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo notes that if we are preoccupied with the conditioned, we cannot be available to the unconditioned. To learn about dullness or anxiety for example, we make an effort to sustain our awareness on the changing nature of conditioned phenomenon. He also speaks on being patiently aware of negative judgments as objects of mind as well as noticing the habit of creating self-perception. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Mind Knowing the Mind Is the End of Suffering (02-28-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo discusses Luang Por Dune Atulo's nuanced approach to the Four Noble Truths. He also speaks about how right effort helps us understand how our attention gets preoccupied in certain situations or with particular emotions. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThree Meanings of Dukkha (02-21-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo encourages our connection to the heart chakra, and offers techniques to do this when we start the day. He also discusses the interrelationship between dukkha-vedana, dukkha-Sacca, and dukkha-Lakkhana. He notes that preoccupation with the sense realm is a form of idolatry to experience, a belief that worldly objects will take care of us. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRefuge in the Thumb (02-14-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo uses an analogy for the fingers and the thumb where the fingers are the sense objects that touch the thumb -- awareness. In this way being fully conscious of difficult emotions points back to awareness. He also distinguishes between the goal of trying to attain particular emotional responses to life and gaining wisdom and refuge through witnessing cessation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHow to Cook an Egg (02-07-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about the skill required to cook an egg and shows how to use this same skill to understand our experience just as it is. He also talks about the joy of developing character and the importance of developing the perception of sense objects changing in awareness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Vanishing of Greed, Hatred, and Delusion (01-31-2016)
A talk from the 2015 winter retreat. Ajahn Viradhammo opens with a quote from Venerable Nyanatiloka's translation of Nibbana. He gives salience to keeping the goal in mind (the vanishing of greed, hatred and delusion), how we can learn to make honest and clear assessments about our inner worlds so as not to create negative kamma within the mind. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDeveloping a Spacious Awareness - Q & A (01-24-2016)
During a tea time gathering at Tisarana, Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions about: transitioning from the "end" of formal meditation, explanation of the terms: awareness/ space/consciousness, being stuck on the awareness of awareness, dealing with the habit of the busy, do something mind, right thought, and when the mind won't settle down for sleep. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Winter Retreat at Tisarana (01-17-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks to the winter retreat support crew of 2016. He explains how to have a skillful attitude during the retreat by not reacting to one's likes and dislikes, developing harmonious communication, and serving the retreat in a helpful and wholesome way. All of these acts of goodness help to support one's personal practice so Dhamma and insight can be more easily penetrated. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTCoughing Belongs (01-17-2016)
Dealing with a cold, Ajahn Viradhammo explains that when we go through difficulties in our lives, instead of focusing on our histories and problems (which create endless objects of the mind (sankharas), if we accept and remain aware of our changing experiences then we can face such adversity with a mind at ease. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Middle Way of Knowing Mental Formations (01-10-2016)
By taking the middle way between resistance and indulgence, Ajahn Viradhammo suggests that we try to monitor our habits and see where the thinking mind gets us stuck in self views. From this understanding we can learn how to abandon the thinking process, simply knowing mental formations (sankharas) as mental formations. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat Is the Timeless (01-10-2016)
In regards to our experience of inhabiting a body and being ill, we can learn how we understand and conceive time. According to Ajahn Viradhammo this is a ripe area for investigation in our practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Three Refuges (01-10-2016)
Ajahn Viradhammo begins by explaining the Itipiso Chant, and how we practice with the Three Refuges. We are encouraged us to ask ourselves: What gives us strength? What it is we trust in? And what can we ultimately rely on? >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA New Year's Talk: The Awakened Mind Allows and Accepts (01-03-2016)
Reflecting on being sick after returning from his pilgrimage to India, Ajahn Viradhammo recommends that we allow our experiences into awareness rather than trying to get somewhere or get something. If we understand the nature of changing conditions, we can transcend the mind that is attempting to solidify and control our experience. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNon-attachment, Non-grasping, and Finding a Balance (12-27-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo begins his talk speaking about karma yoga (a life of service) and goes on to define what it means to let go of our attachments and grasping, finding balance in our lives both on and off the cushion. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Genesis of Preoccupation (12-20-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about how we occupy the mind with various unwholesome objects (attaching to the 5 khandas) and how we can use skillful objects to notice this and let go of our attachments. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNon-Anticipation, Non-Becoming, and Non-Catastrophizing (12-13-2015)
Ajahn Vīradhammo explains how to live skilfully in the present moment. He explores our tendencies to "catastrophize" our experience and gives alternatives to anticipation (becoming), non-becoming, and sense desire (bhava tanha, vibhava tanha and kama tanha). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTLetting Go and Developing (12-06-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo explores these two themes using precepts and practices to explain how we reflect wisely and learn how to let go and develop wisdom. Through the development of character and wholesome characteristics (paramitas), we lay the foundation for a deeper investigation of mind. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNoticing Endings - Q & A (11-29-2015)
During this tea time question and answer session, Ajahn Viradhammo fields and answers questions about meditation practice from a variety of guests staying at Tisarana. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRight View: Accepting the Storm of Experience (11-22-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo teaches us to pay attention to the arising and ceasing of experience, being a witness to change rather than trying to get something better or remove something we don't want in our field of awareness. This leaves room for wisdom to arise. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Myth of Sisyphus (11-15-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo employs a Buddhist interpretation of the myth of Sisyphus explaining how good kamma can result from engaging in wholesome behavior. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSkillful Intention, Attention, and Kamma (11-09-2015)
At yesterday's Kathina, Ajahn Viradhammo talks about how thinking conditions our experiences and how we have the ability to change our intentions towards skillful qualities within the mind. His themes revolve around intentionality, attention and kamma. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThis Is a Good Life (11-08-2015)
Following Venerable Khema's Bhikkhu Ordination Luang Por Vīradhammo explains how this path of being a Buddhist monk and living within a Saṅgha provides an excellent condition for growth, maturity, learning new skills, and leading to the final goal of Nibbāna. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Tradition of Expertise (11-01-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo explores how we learn by engaging with and accepting the way reality is presenting itself to us. We thereby become more competent in whatever it is we are applying ourselves to. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTCaught by the Color of Experience (10-25-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo uses the theme of color to explore how we are confused by the sense or color of our mental impressions. To free ourselves from this delusion, we learn how to use discernment to give ourselves an edge on the knowing quality of our experience. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Willingness to Awaken to Discontent (10-18-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo explains how we can use discernment to awaken to the Noble Truth of suffering. Ajahn uses the pali word lakkhana (mark or characteristic) as a way to understand the role discernment plays in exploring discontent. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Buddha as a Car Mechanic (10-11-2015)
The Buddha is likened to the role of a car mechanic rather than being in the role of an abstract theoretician. A car mechanic explores the problem, realizes what is broken, fixes it, and then might teach someone what was done from that very real basis of experience. This is opposed to a very theoretical position that is not based on actual experience. Ajahn Viradhammo also focuses on the difference between discernment and criticism in this talk. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOne Size Does Not Fit All - Q & A (10-04-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions from the laity during an informal tea time session at Tisarana. Themes include letting go, ego development, navigating though sense distractions, developing paramis, generosity, self-thinking, present moment awareness, interest and curiosity, noticing cessation, dealing with anxiety, heart practice, a definition of practice: letting go of self view, being aware of only what we are conscious of, attainment and goal seeking, etc. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Smell of Donuts (09-27-2015)
A talk by Luang Por Viradhammo: Our minds are stimulated by so many experiences that we are not given enough space to reflect on the nature of Dhamma. We are consistently being drawn outward by our tendency to move toward external experience and may find it difficult to maintain awareness due to this outgoing tendency. Themes also include: Buddhism as a religion, idolatry verses symbology, and how paying attention is one of the more valuable qualities of our practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSubmitting to the Reality of the Egg (09-20-2015)
Luang Por Viradhammo speaks about the need to harmonize with our experience of reality rather than fighting against this reality, wanting it to be different, believing that is it different, or trying to force it to be other than what it is. Whether good or bad, our experience of reality is what we have to work with and what we can choose to learn from. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTwo Perceptions (09-13-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo addresses how the Buddha's teachings speak of two perceptions: the conventional and the transcendent.
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSelf Reflection (09-06-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo gives advice on how to develop the skill of self reflection.
>> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWatching Resistance (08-30-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo encourages us to choose awareness rather than blind reactivity to circumstances, so we can abide in a consciousness that is aware of change. This is a transcendent form of freedom which is different from being caught in resistance or trying to get what you want. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMeanings In Traditions (08-23-2015)
From our 2015 Magha Puja Day. Ajahn Viradhammo introduces the historical tradition of Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha days, specifically addressing Magha Puja or Sangha Day. The discussion focuses on the underlying meaning of these traditional days as well as how they relate to our personal practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIntellectual Understanding of Buddhist Teachings (08-16-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about how intellectually working with various Buddhist teachings, such as the Four Noble Truths, can aid in recollection and contemplation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Heart's Response from Wisdom - Q & A (08-09-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo fields questions from long term lay residents regarding: applying the Four Noble Truths, the process of narrative in memory, the use of the Brahmaviharas, and how to deal with the five hindrances. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDependent Origination as a Skillful Perception (08-02-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo describes how to use the law of dependent origination as a skillful method for perceiving our experiences. Instead of habitually grasping at our khandas (aggregates) we can develop a view that sees conditions which simply cause phenomena to arise and cease. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOur Use By Date - Luang Por Liem (07-26-2015)
Ajahn Thaniyo translates a talk given by Luang Por Liem. He covers many themes including mindfulness, generosity, sacrificing, not to be a slave to the worldly Dhammas and conditioned things, and seeing the nature of our bodies as impermanent and not self. This allows us to experience dispassion, helping us to put forth effort more easily so that wisdom can arise. He also answers two questions about desire and death. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNoble Eightfold Path Study Group: Dhamma Talk on Right Effort (07-19-2015)
Once a month, on Saturday afternoons, Tisarana Monastery is hosting an ongoing series of afternoon practice sessions based on a topic suggested by the OBS's Noble Eightfold Path Study Group. In this talk, Ajahn Viradhammo speaks on the nuances of Right Effort. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNoble Eightfold Path Study Group: Questions and Answers on Right Effort (07-19-2015)
Once a month, on Saturday afternoons, Tisarana Monastery is hosting an ongoing series of afternoon teaching and practice sessions based on a topic suggested by the OBS's Noble Eightfold Path Study Group. In this recording Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions about the use of right effort. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTEffort and Suitable Conditions - Luang Por Liem (07-12-2015)
On Tuesday, June 23, Ajahn Thaniyo translated Luang Por Liem's Observance Day Dhamma talk in English (first 30 seconds in Thai). Luang Por encouraged the community to put forth right effort and take advantage of our suitable conditions so we can make progress in our practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSeclusion of Body, Mind, and Heart - Luang Por Jundee (07-12-2015)
A very short talk given by Luang Por Jundee about the seclusion of body and mind (kāya viveka, citta viveka, and upadhi viveka). He explains the difference between bodily seclusion and the refined difference between being secluded from unpeaceful mind states and being completely secluded from all defilements within the mind. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHitting Your Brick Wall (07-05-2015)
This is the first talk from the 2015 winter retreat. Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about right effort and how to maintain awareness as the five hindrances arise. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDeveloping the Wholesome - Luang Por Liem (06-28-2015)
This is the English translation by Ajahn Thaniyo of a short Dhamma talk offered by Luang Por Liem on Sunday, June 21, during the inauguration of the Dhamma hall project. LP Liem encourages us to take care of the health of our minds as well as our physical bodies. We do this by utilizing the internal and external conditions around us to increase the wholesome aspects of our lives and let go of that which is unwholesome. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Wisdom of Relinquishment - Luang Por Jundee (06-28-2015)
This is Ajahn Thaniyo's English translation of Luang Por Jundee's talk offered on Saturday, June 20. LP Jundee explains that happiness does not come from gain or accumulation but arises from learning how to use relinquishment, reflection on the three characteristics, and the concept of mynair (uncertainty). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Delusion of Obsession (06-21-2015)
On the Lunar Observance Day of Vesākha Puja (after our public celebration), Ajahn Viradhammo gives a teaching exploring how we are born into a view (or an obsession), unable to see beyond our delusion, and how we can work with these views so we can be released from them. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Life of the Buddha (06-14-2015)
For the Saturday public celebration of Vesākha Puja (The celebration of the Buddha's birth, death, and enlightenment) Ajahn Viradhammo reads from the books: Buddha - The Story of an Awakened Life by David Kherdian and The Majjhima Nikaya by Bhikkhu Bodhi. He offers comments and encourages us to use the story of the Buddha's life as an inspiring example for our own lives and for how we practice the Dhamma. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTUsing Social Life (06-07-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo teaches us how to stabilize the mind within our social life. We do this by using generosity and morality as a means to life stability, giving up short term desire for long term peace. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDying in the Dental Chair (05-31-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo discusses orthodoxy versus orthopraxy. He focuses on the practical approach to a life of awakening, from being aware of the glass half empty to not following unfulfilled desire. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Mood of the Mind (05-24-2015)
In this short talk before a meditation session, Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about awakening to the way things are, the mood of the mind, stabilizing awareness, the feel of the body and the mind, experiencing the mind and the body, and experience as “in awareness” -- not as mine or self. This is the fifth talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTInspiration and Diligence (05-24-2015)
Before a meditation session Ajahn Viradhammo gives a short reflection on Luang Por Liem's awakening, inspiration and diligence, different manifestations of personality, seeing personality as an object of awareness -- not as an awakened state. This is the sixth talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIt Depends (05-24-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo gives a short talk followed by a brief guided meditation. He reflects on the conditioned nature of sense experience and the arising of emotional states and personality. He also reflects on the Buddhas teaching regarding conventional reality and transcendent reality, knowing the stream of consciousness. This is the seventh talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTQuestion and Answer: Not Providing Fuel for the Unwholesome (05-24-2015)
For the evening Dhamma talk, Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions about dealing with difficult emotions, the story line, fear, anxiety, and suggests how to not provide fuel for the unwholesome. This is the eighth talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat . >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTObject Meditation Versus Characteristic Meditation (05-24-2015)
For the closing talk Ajahn Viradhammo Reflects on object of meditation and characteristic meditation as well as the skillful means of using ritual and chanting in our practice. This is the ninth and final talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPreoccupations: Guided Meditation and Opening Talk with Precepts (05-17-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo gives a guided mediation and opens the retreat offering the 8 precepts. This is the first talk from the Peterborough Retreat in 2014. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNon-Preoccupation with the khandas (05-17-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo gives a short talk and guided meditation speaking about the five khandas and using the three principals of presence, non-anticipation, and non-resistance to support being watchful and available. This is the second talk from the Peterborough Retreat in 2014. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIt All Belongs (05-17-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo gives a brief talk about the third foundation of mindfulness, knowing mind states as opposed to being preoccupied by them. This is the third talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Satisfaction of Competence (05-17-2015)
The skill of a contemplative. Using Perception of anicca (as change), anatta, and dukkha for awakening. This is the fourth talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTFocus Meditations and Integrating Sitting Practice Into Daily Life (05-10-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Seventeenth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Anattalakkhana Sutta and Not Self - Q & A (05-10-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Eighteenth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNot Dependent on Attributes - Closing Talk (05-10-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Nineteenth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHindrances, Jhana Factors, and Refusing to Think (05-03-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Fourteenth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTFrom Thought to No Thought (05-03-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Fifteenth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMany Questions, Many Answers - Q & A (05-03-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Sixteenth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAvijja Paccaya Sankhara (04-26-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Eleventh Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTEnlightenment Stories and Developing Interest in the Practice (04-26-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Twelfth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMemory, Kamma, and Rebirth - Q & A (04-26-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Thirteenth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBeauty and Gladness Through Letting Go (04-19-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Eighth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAwareness of Awareness (04-19-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Ninth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDeveloping Skills Without Ego, Upekkha, Apathy, and Detachment - Q and A (04-19-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Tenth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSkillful Use of Vedana and Sannya (04-12-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Fifth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTCultivating Metta and Reflections on Desire - Q and A (04-12-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Sixth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPerception Versus Belief - Beyond Position Taking (04-12-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Seventh Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRefuges and Precepts - Setting Your Boundaries (04-05-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (First Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTContemplating Resistance (04-05-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Second Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTKnowing Life (04-05-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Third Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDeepening the Four Noble Truths (04-05-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Fourth Talk). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIntellectual Dueling or an Internal Conversation (03-29-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Fifteenth talk). The difference between intellectual cleverness and knowledge versus a contemplative exploration of experience with the teachings of the Buddha. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTStaying With the Open Heart (03-29-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Seventeenth talk). Awareness with any condition: no matter what conditions arise, we use awareness to understand our changing experience. Thus we are not trapped by conditions. When we stay with the open heart, we understand the true meaning of love. We can do this by exploring how we use the brahmaviharas without using the brahmaviharas. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPrincipals of the Holy Life (03-29-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Sixteenth talk). The meaning of renunciation and how to follow a moral life while living in community. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDon't Go to the Thought Go to the Heart (03-29-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Eighteenth talk). Ajahn gives an example of being criticized and then compulsively reacting. We try to see this sort of patterning and our craft is to work on this habit with the intention to observe arising phenomena rather than hating ourselves for having certain experiences. We can do this by seeing conditionality correctly: when there is this, there is that. When we do this, we are not getting lost in the history of losing the plot, nor carrying it around. We can therefore be available to our changing experience without judging it nor thinking of it as permanent. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDealing With Obsessive Thoughts (03-22-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Twelfth talk). Using body awareness to deal with obsessive thoughts about imagery-exploring the subtlety of feeling tones in the body. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTI'm Not Interested (03-22-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Thirteenth talk). How to bring up disinterest in the stories we tell ourselves when we are experiencing strong emotions. By staying in the present moment and using body awareness we deal with our stories by saying to ourselves: "I'm not interested." Ultimately this needs to come from a strong disinterest in sense experience so that we move away from the desire mind. Otherwise we are not available or in the present moment. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHow to Deal With Stress (03-22-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Fourteenth talk). We need to be aware of the worldly qualities of the mind to understand them. We do this by emphasizing the perception and awareness of change. The rest of the talk focuses on how to deal with stress. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat Is Empathy? (03-15-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Ninth talk). Choosing not to suffer when the mind tries to suffer. And being available to others. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Changing Perception of the Body (03-15-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Tenth talk). Changing our perception of our awareness of the body. Striking a balance between energy and effort. And examining the spacious quality of the body. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDisenchantment and Dispassion (03-15-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Eleventh talk). Disenchantment with the stream of consciousness and how dispassion works with the sense realm. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThis Is the Way It Is Now (03-08-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Seventh talk). Using awareness of the thinking process and changing experiences to overcome the hindrances: greed, drowsiness, and doubt. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Difficulty of Duvet Practice (03-08-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Eighth talk). How to use Right thought to deal with hindrances or any obstruction that comes up in practice, especially the difficulty of duvet practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Nixon Button (03-01-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Fourth talk). How certain conditions can cause us to be stirred up easily and how to be aware of these conditions. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTUsing Uncertainty (03-01-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Fifth talk). How Ajahn Chah encouraged his students to see through the lens of uncertainty. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTCold Comfort (03-01-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Sixth talk). How we can be aware of uncomfortable cold sensations by using the perception of change. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTKnowing Skillful and Unskillful Thought (02-22-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (First talk). Ajahn introduces the retreat and encourages the retreatants to learn right-thinking: knowing the mind as different from the mood of the mind, examining skillful and unskillful thought and the results of both, as well as using inner monitoring and taking responsibility for the mind by not projecting outward. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSustaining the Awakened Mind (02-22-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Second talk). Noticing and sustaining the awakened mind and generating discernment through all of the hindrances. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTReflecting on Character (02-22-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Third talk). The differences between personality, character, and self view and how kamma relates to this. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPerception of Time (02-15-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Twelfth Talk). Ajahn Viradhammo explains the timeless quality of awareness and that all conditions, all objects are ultimately pointing to this reference of and refuge in awareness. Experiences, time, subject, object, space: all of it is happening in awareness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Body is in Awareness (02-15-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Residential Non-Retreat 2013 (Thirteenth Talk). We can use the teaching on anattā (not-self) to clearly see our attachment to the body. As an exercise, try sitting and thinking: "The body is in awareness." >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Timelessness of Awareness (02-15-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Fourteenth Talk). How to use the creations of the mind skillfuly and access which thinking is helpful and which is not. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBig Sunglasses With Eye Balls Falling Out of Your Head (02-15-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Fifteenth Talk). Ajahn Viradhammo encourages us to relax our eyes during meditation, explaining a couple ways we can do this, and leading a guided meditation to support this practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTrue Self-Help (02-08-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Eighth Talk). Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Liem, analysing several readings to better understand enlightenment experiences and the process of how we suffer. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMaking Effort Right Effort (02-08-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Residential Non-Retreat 2013 (Ninth Talk). Through a natural process of experimentation and investigation we can gain wisdom and learn how to make effort, right effort. By clearly seeing if an experience is increasing wholesome states and decreasing unwholesome states, we can understand the process of how our minds work with the hindrances and how best to do this with right effort. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRaising Energy Overcoming Dullness (02-08-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Tenth Talk). A quick example of how to use the breath to bring energy up in the practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHow to Handle Thought Q & A (02-08-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Eleventh Talk). We deal with thought by changing unskillful perceptions into skillful perceptions. We are trying to figure out how to balance the mind, asking ourselves: "what does the mind need right now?" It might be asubha contemplation, metta meditation, contemplation of space or some other meditation object. Other questions asked: Is contemplation analytical and therefore not meditation? How does desirelessness relate to meditation? >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTI Teach Frustration (02-01-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Fifth Talk). Ajahn Cha would say: "I teach frustration." Ajahn Viradhammo explains how he learned in Thailand to frustrate his desires. By going against our natural habits of desire, comfort seeking, and engaging in pleasant distractions, we allow ourselves to see what arises, being aware and observing desire rather than pursuing it. Eventually we learn to go beyond desire and this is done by seeing discomfort/dissatisfaction as simply a condition of mind. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBrahmaviharas Guided Meditation (02-01-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Sixth Talk). This guided meditation begins with a talk about this-that conditionality. By questioning whether the mind is in a wholesome or unwholesome state we can more easily understand cause and effect. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAjahn Chah's Teachings on Not-Self (02-01-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Seventh Talk). Ajahn Viradhammo reads some of Ajahn Chah's words on Dhamma and explains how Ajahn Chah taught his disciples about not-self. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTConventional Truth & Liberating Truth (01-26-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (First Talk). There is conventional truth which employs a sense of self: me, my life, and social responsibility. And there is liberating truth which looks at life as a stream of consciousness: mental, emotional, and physical phenomena as arising and ceasing within awareness, as simply manifestations of consciousness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRestraint of Sensory Input Q & A (01-26-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Second Talk). Questions are answered in regards to reading while on retreat as well as seeing the experiences we have as just experiences of the mind and not taking them personally. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTListening as a Meditation Object (01-26-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Third Talk). We can use the metaphor of "listening to our experience" as a means of understanding how we are causing ourselves dukkha. This is especially the case with experiences of remembering the past or projecting into the future (neither becoming nor trying to get rid of). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWalking and Sitting Practice (01-26-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Fourth Talk). A short talk on the practical aspects of sitting and walking meditation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Nuances of Bhava, Vibhava, and Kama Tanha (01-18-2015)
Ajahn Vīradhammo goes into more subtle explanations of the forces of becoming, non-becoming, and sensual desire. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Purpose of Practice (01-11-2015)
Ajahn Vīradhammo offers a brief explanation of the Theravada Tradition and the purpose of Buddhist practice. He speaks about our preoccupation with the objects of the world, the objects of consciousness and shows how we can relate to the these objects by being aware of them rather than wrapped up in them. When we use this awareness we are not so driven by these objects and allow ourselves the space for wisdom to arise. This then provides us with more freedom. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNew Years Eve: Kalyana-mitta Spiritual Friendship (01-04-2015)
Ajahn Viradhammo explains how to we can be both spiritual friends with others and with ourselves. By living with a group of spiritual friends or having a spiritual friend or partner in our lives, we learn how to be harmonious, how to not following our preferences, and how to let others give us healthy feedback. We also learn how to be spiritual friends with ourselves, allowing for kindness and encouraging skillful responses in our lives. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat to Say About Nothing (12-28-2014)
In November, 2014, Ajahn Jayanto visited Tisarana and gave a Dhamma talk explaining how to cultivate awareness of experience as it is without trying to do anything at all. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTranscendent and Immanent (12-21-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo gives a unique talk comparing and contrasting the transcendent with the immanent. He explores how we can receive our experiences without getting caught up in them. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTUsing Thought to Look at Doubt (12-14-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBringing the Heart into the Practice (12-14-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAwareness Is Watchful and Available (12-14-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWarm Yet Tough (12-14-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPart of Luang Por Liem's Autobiography (12-14-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNon-Desire and Non-Becoming (12-14-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTCompassionate and Emotionally Available (12-14-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTConclusion and Gratitude (12-14-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat Is This Moment Like? Q and A (12-07-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat Is This Moment Like? (12-07-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBeing Peaceful with Unpleasantness (12-07-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTKidnapped Attention (12-07-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAwaken the Mind (12-07-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWatchfulness and Availability (12-07-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDiscipline Towards Doing Little (12-07-2014)
These short recordings are from the 2012 Tisarana Residential Retreat. Almost all of them take place before a formal sitting meditation session. So you may enjoy playing these before one of your own sits at home. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Lay Saṅgha: Its Meaning and Implication (11-30-2014)
From a past Tisarana Residential Retreat: Ajahn Vīradhammo speaks about what it means to be part of the Lay Buddhist Saṅgha. This requires a deep commitment, responsibility, and aspiration to follow the path laid out by the Buddha for the full realization of enlightenment. This entails the duty of living by the 5 precepts, creating a foundation of generosity, developing a formal meditation practice, and developing a life of inner contemplation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHow Do You Find Peace? (11-23-2014)
This is from a Friday night talk at the Ottawa Buddhist Society. Ajahn Vīradhammo speaks about the practice in general and the value of living a spiritual life. He develops the theme of muditā (gladness) and explores how we can bring joy into our lives. In general we are learning to develop a whole set of skills that ultimately brings us peace and happiness. And learning to be patient, as well as developing awareness and non-grasping are some of the most important skills we can learn to do this. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTTisarana Kathina 2014: Don't Settle For Just Happiness (11-16-2014)
This is a recording of Tisarana's 2014 Kathina. In this traditional Kathina ceremony the laity offers the Tisarana monks who have stayed together for the three month rains retreat, gifts of robe cloth and other requisites. If you are interested in hearing Luang Por Pasanno's talk: Don't Settle For Just Happiness, please advance 40 minutes into the recording (where he begins giving this talk). Luang Por Pasanno explains how to use happiness as a basis for real peace and unshakeability, rather than using Dhamma practice only for the sake of finding happiness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Conditions Are In Awareness (11-09-2014)
Luang Por Vīradhammo discusses how to work with a mind obsessed with outward conditions and social experiences. By using the perception of all conditions being in awareness we can release our outward going tendencies. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWorking With Anticipation (11-02-2014)
At the Ottawa Buddhist Society's Day of Mindfulness held on July 4th, 2014, Ajahn Vīradhammo begins a talk about how he works with anticipation and then moves on to answering several questions on Dhamma. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTActor and Witness (10-26-2014)
The practices of Buddhism have a two fold nature. The first is as an actor, the area of our active life: morality, generosity, social responsibility, relations to others, etc.. And the second is as a witness, the area of our contemplative life: witnessing experience in our formal meditation practices as well as during daily life. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhen a Monk Disrobes (10-19-2014)
On the occasion of Ajahn Yatiko's leaving the robes (an Abhayagiri senior monk), Ajahn Vīradhammo expounds upon the merits of being a monk, whether it is for a period of time in one's life or an entire lifetime. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTImpulse, Habit, Personality, Destiny (10-12-2014)
This talk explains how to refrain from unwholesome reactions to experiences in the external world. We do this by paying attention to the movement of the mind in ordinary circumstances (much like we do with the movement of mind in formal meditation). In a sense we are learning to wait and pause around our experiences so we can identify how we move from impulse to habit to personality to destiny. This then allows us to break this repetitive cycle. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDeveloping An Inner Vigilance: Q and A (10-05-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo answers a question from a concerned mother about her fears in regards to her children and another question from a woman trying to help family members, specifically her mother, learn about Buddhism. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDeveloping An Inner Vigilance (10-05-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo speaks about how we develop the contemplative life by watching our experiences and developing wholesome action. We do this in our daily lives by being a witness to our stream of consciousness and having an awareness of change. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMonastic Renunciation (09-28-2014)
During one of the Wan Prah vigils, Ajahn Vīradhammo speaks about the advantages and uses of renunciation and how the monastic form helps to encourage the use of this helpful tool. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNon-Grasping and Non-Attachment (09-21-2014)
Luang Por Vīradhammo speaks about the theme of grasping and how we can identify grasping in the mind. We learn non-grasping, not to become a better person, but to realize how we can let go of our attachment to ideals and the ways we think we should be, thus releasing ourselves from suffering and self-view. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSimplicity (09-07-2014)
On the afternoon of July 27th, 2014, in Toronto, Ajahn Vīradhammo leads a guided meditation and then answers questions from the group. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Positive Approach To Life (09-07-2014)
On the morning of July 27th, 2014, in Toronto, Ajahn Vīradhammo leads chanting and gives an explanation for why we take the refuges and precepts (and offers the refuges and precepts). He then leads a guided meditation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPerception and Recollection (09-07-2014)
On the afternoon of July 26th, 2014, Luang Por Vīradhammo gave a Dhamma talk with the group, Satipañña: Insight Meditation Toronto. The talk focuses on how to use perception and recollection in our practice. He also fields some questions from the group. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Meaning of Taking Refuges and Precepts (09-07-2014)
On the morning of July 26th, 2014, with the group Satipañña: Insight Meditation Toronto, Luang Por Vīradhammo offers a reflection on why we keep precepts and what it is we are taking refuge in (along with the taking of the 3 Refuges and the 5 Precepts). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNot Taking It Personally (09-07-2014)
On the evening of July 25th, 2014, Luang Por Vīradhammo lead another evening chanting, guided meditation and Dhamma talk with the group Satipañña: Insight Meditation Toronto. In the Dhamma talk Ajahn Vīradhammo examines conditionality and the flow of consciousness in a non-personal way. We can learn to understand our experiences and suffering from the perception of Dependent Origination; how suffering arises and how it ceases. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBeing a Happy Puppy (09-07-2014)
On the evening of July 24th, 2014, Luang Por Vīradhammo leads evening chanting, a guided meditation and Dhamma talk with the group Satipañña: Insight Meditation Toronto. Luang Por Vīradhammo speaks about how to deal with discontent, annoyance, challenging circumstances and the stories we repeat to ourselves. We do this by being a witness to change. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHow Well Am I Spending My Time? (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-31-2014)
As the retreat comes to a close Ajahn Vīradhammo encourages the retreatants to reflect: "How Well am I spending my time?" And to be aware of the unwholesome feeling of duty that may come up in regards to this reflection. He further goes on to explain how to use the practice in the greater context of our lives. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Watermelon with a Mild Case of Poison Ivy - Q & A (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-31-2014)
Ajahn Vīradammho answers written questions from the retreatants at the Hockley Valley Retreat. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAdept at Awakening the Mind - Q & A (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-31-2014)
On the last night of the Hockley Valley Retreat Ajahn Vīradhammo talks about choiceless awareness, being a monk, the sound of silence, goodwill, how to deal with anger, different permutations of suffering and more. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDifferent Modes of Meditation - A Guided Meditation (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-24-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo talks about different modes of meditation practice and then leads a guided meditation on awareness of the body. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTYou, a Monk, I Don't Think So (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-24-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo gives a talk on his experiences just before and after becoming a monk. He goes on to give very practical advice with following the spiritual life. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSpiritual Friendship (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-24-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo speaks about Kalyāna-Mitta (spiritual friendship) , his time in Thailand, and the Thai Forest Tradition. He continues with explaining the Four Noble Truths, craving and cessation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThis is How It Feels: Q & A (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-21-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo focuses on developing a good posture, in a chair, while walking, etc. He then spends the majority of the talk answering meditation questions from retreatants at the Hockley Valley Retreat. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSadu, Sadu, Sadu (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-21-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo speaks about devotion, faith and wisdom. He also speaks about trusting the knowing quality of awareness rather than attaching to our thoughts. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTViññāyaṇa: Consciousness (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-21-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo helps us understand consciousness and then reads from the biography of Luang Por Chah and later the biography of Luang Por Liem (Ajahn Chah's successor). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTIt's Just a Perception (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-20-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo begins this Dhamma talks by answering written questions from the retreatants on the Hockley Valley Retreat. He then goes on to speak at length on several Dhamma themes including perception, cessation, and the notions of identification. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTExploring the Body - A Guided Meditation (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-19-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo gives a guided meditation using body scanning and explores various themes focusing on the experiences we have of our body. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHaving Heard the Teaching We Know This (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-18-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo analyzes the morning chanting that is done on a daily basis beginning with an examination of dukkha and the grasping of the five khandas (form, feeling, perception, mental formations and consciousness). >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGetting Back on the Bicycle (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-17-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo gives advice on how to use the horizontal posture to meditate. He further develops the analogy of riding a bicycle to explain how we learn to balance the mind with the hindrances that arise during our practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAjahn Vīradhammo Introductory Talk and Meditation at the 2013 Hockley Valley Retreat (08-14-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo begins the retreat at Hockley Valley with a 25 minute talk and a 15 minute guided meditation. Please note that these talks and guided meditations will be distributed sequentiality on each Saturday and Sunday over the next 8 weeks. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Meaning of Communal Life (08-13-2014)
On Āsālḷhā Pūjā (the night before entering the communal rains retreat), Ajahn Vīradhammo expounds upon the purpose of communal life and explains how we use the perception of change to understand our experiences. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTEverything Belongs (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-12-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo speaks about his past experiences with Ajahn Chah and more recent experiences with the Thai Forest Saṇgha. He goes on to teach about non-grasping with the themes of liking and disliking, and ends with the peace that arises from knowing our experiences just as they are, regardless of conditions, everything belongs. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTListening to the Morning Dove (Hockley Valley Retreat) (08-09-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo speaks about how the underlying wisdom of knowing that circumstances change and that they are just as they are, can get us through difficult experiences. He also speaks about using the breath, body awareness, heart practice and examining our attitudes to ground ourselves. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMeditation as Craft (07-27-2014)
In the Craft of Meditation, there are several elements which are important to be constantly aware of. One element is how our bodies are doing, which deals with our vitality and energy, as well as our posture. We can ask ourselves: What is our physical condition, what can we do with our body, what can't we do with it? >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTStabilizing the Mind (07-20-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo gives various examples to encourage stability in our mediation and explores the nuances of how our minds work within the context of Dhamma. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhen Thought is Problematic (07-13-2014)
Ajahn Vīradhammo speaks about how thought can complicate our experience and shows how we can work with thoughts, judgements, comparisons and be released from how we identify with them. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGratitude to Parents Day 2014 (07-06-2014)
Lunag Por Sumedho gives a talk on Gratitude at Tisarana on June 21st, 2014. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Four Noble Truths (06-29-2014)
In this talk Ajahn Vīradhammo discusses the four noble truths. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGuided Meditation: Metta (06-22-2014)
This is an hour-long guided meditation on the development of loving-kindness, given by Ajahn Vīradhammo during a ten-day meditation retreat. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWorking with Moods (06-15-2014)
In this talk, Ajahn Vīradhammo answers a question about how to interact with others when one is experiencing negative moods. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNon-Becoming, Non-Anticipation (06-08-2014)
"In listening, establish a receptive consciousness - receiving the sounds... It doesn't really matter what sounds are there, just let them come to you - pleasant sounds, unpleasant sounds, whatever. And get a feeling for a consciousness that is not trying to get anything or become anything - just receptive." >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPreoccupations (06-01-2014)
In this talk, Ajahn Vīradhammo speaks about maintaining kindness towards ourselves as an aid to developing watchfulness and availability in our practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTInvestigation of Dhamma in Theravāda Buddhism (05-25-2014)
In this talk given during a meditation retreat, Ajahn Vīradhammo speaks about deeply investigating Dhamma within the framework of Theravāda Buddhism. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBody Awareness (05-18-2014)
In this talk, Ajahn Vīradhammo gives meditation instructions focused around awareness of the body. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTJust Listen (05-11-2014)
A guided meditation by Ajahn Vīradhammo, structured around using listening as the primary object of awareness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMemory as Memory Only (05-04-2014)
In this talk given on a Saturday afternoon, Ajahn Vīradhammo offers a few reflections on how to relate to one's memories in a useful way. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhere is the End of the World? (03-23-2014)
The Buddha said "Dear Rohatissa, you're not going to find the end of the world, by traveling physically". That's when he said that the arising of the world, the ceasing of the world, and the path leading to the ceasing of the world, is right within this body. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWhat the Buddha Realized 2013-10-27 (at Boston Vihara) (03-16-2014)
If I have a sense of the goal, then everything else that I do - Sīla, Samādhi, and Pañña - should fit in. If I don't have a sense of what I think the Buddha might have realized, and I do practices that don't have that aim in mind, and aren't informed by that aim, I can do things which are pleasing, but they can be hit and miss, and they aren't understood fully, and then my practice can be very "hit and miss": sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't work. So when people say to me "I don't want to get enlightened, I just want to get a bit happier", I don't think that's a good idea. I do think it's a good idea to be happier. But to not try to pick up at least what the Buddha might have realized, to not have a sense of that, then I think one can't understand why he taught what he taught. And he taught what he taught, because of his enlightenment, right? He didn't teach an abstract philosophical theory. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWays of Doing, Instead of Mere Philosophies (03-09-2014)
The first element that the Buddha would emphasize was Generosity. And all these elements, that he recommended, or pointed to, were ways of doing, rather than just positions, philosophical positions, or moral positions, which were simply intellectually taken. Rather, they were ways of living, ways of developing the heart. So they were "doings", rather than "believings". >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Role of Perception in Training (03-02-2014)
Meditation is a very part of the training we do, and as monks, that's one of the strong words that we have, that of training, training in body speech, and mind. And as human beings we can train. We not just the victims of karma, or the victims of genes, or the victims of habit, or the victims of cultural preferences, or whatever. We can train, and that's one of the beautiful things of human intelligence. We can use human intelligence in a way which actually makes us better human beings, and hence we become more beautiful in the societies we live in. And one of the trainings we're trying to do is a training in perception. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPractising Outside our Comfort Zones (02-23-2014)
Sleep is a very attractive thing, and there can be a lot of aversion to not being able to take that posture, and develop the endurance to look at that. And it's very much a part of our forest tradition to not just go with that which is comfortable, to be aware of that discomfort, quite deliberately. Not as a form of self-mortification, but as a form of investigation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTPa Bah Talk - Boston Vihara 2013-10-27 (02-16-2014)
I was with Joseph in Thailand, he was "Pabbakaro" then, we were young and very intense, and dedicated to the practice. And I think Ajahn Chah was fascinated by us, because we were so eccentric, and so intense, and we all thought too much. He was interested in us, in our crazy way, but in the end he said "You Westerners are just the same, you've just got bigger noses". >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOur World is Based Upon Our Constructs (02-09-2014)
If you think the popular perception that "my glass is half full", or "my glass is half-empty", that's a perception, isn't it? Somebody might say "it's better to be an optimist," but then what about the case where you're about to cross the desert, and you're passing the last gas station, perhaps it might be better to think "my gas tank is half-empty, and I better fill up". So perceptions are part of how our inner consciousness works. And the Buddha asked us to see perception as a construct, not as something that's absolute. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTKalama Sutta - Dispelling Perplexity (02-02-2014)
So, here we are. Just a warning to everyone, this is about as good as it gets. I was just thinking this morning about how we have a community thats very diligent, we get along with each other, we all have kutis, and there are no deer flies. We have good financial support. A couple of arahants would be nice, but one doesn't want to be greedy. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHarmonious Communal Life (01-26-2014)
In this teachings of the Buddha, quite often would describe two streams of consideration. One is what we call "Conventional Truth" or "Conventional Reality", and the other is called "Liberation Truth", "Transcendent Truth", or "Liberation Reality". In the "Conventional Truth", that's where we're defined as social beings, with our various kinds of responsibilities and relationships: I'm Viradhammo, I'm the senior monk here, my brother lives in Ottawa, I have a personal history, my parents come from Latvia, my Teacher lives in Thailand, and so on and so forth. So these are the conventions of individuality that each one experiences in a different way. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGenerosity as a Training (01-19-2014)
In the mornings, we've been having some basic readings from the texts, which outline what we call the "Gradual Path". The Buddha would read people's minds, and see a gradual way of introducing the ideas which lead to liberation. There are a progression of ideas, and each lay a foundation for both worldly happiness, and eventually enlightenment. It's an accumulation of goodness, an accumulation of strength, an accumulation of insight, which leads to more and more profound well-being. The first aspect that the Buddha would emphasize is Generosity, rather than meditation. The texts we were reading indicated the importance of a heart which is not tight, which is not self-serving, which is not self-obsessed, to say the least. A mind which has the capacity to give, to look outwards, to have empathy. With generosity, there's a certain kind of confidence in the heart, because one doesn't need so much for oneself. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTFormality in Practice (01-12-2014)
When a group of people develop a common form, a ritual, and then they use it for a sense of uplift, in this kind of endeavour we're involved in. It's not [strictly] necessary, [as] we can just plunk down, put on a buzzer, and then leave, but then I think there's a sense of beauty in that [chanting]. I like ritual if it's not superstition, I'm not up for superstition. In many ways, we're orthodox, in the sense that we come from a tradition in Thailand, which has a lot of structure and form. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST3 Refuges and Training in the Bhikkhu Life (01-05-2014)
This is a monastery that offers training for men that want to become Bhikkhus, and it's also a residence for people like myself, as well as a place for Lay People to come and practice. Why do you need a monastery? Why not just have a retreat center? Why do you need Bhikkhus? Maybe in Sri Lanka you wouldn't ask that question, but in Western cultures now, there are certainly many ways to practice Buddhism. There are many Lay teachers, and there are many good retreat centers. But here in North American culture, and European culture, it's not taken for granted, the Bhikkhus, and there are many people who think the Bhikkhu Sangha isn't necessary. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBe Aware of Becoming (12-29-2013)
The sense of time is an object of consciousness; you can know that. Objects create a sense of a person in time. There's movement of time--chronological time, memory time, but you can only know the present moment. You can't become aware as a kind of experience, you can only be aware. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDon't Grasp Your Preference (12-22-2013)
One of the criticisms of Western Buddhism is that it's a kind of 'feel good' philosophy. There is a tendency sometimes with retreats and meditation situation where you get a kind of precious attitude. You might think, 'This silence is so precious.' Then, if anyone comes into that silence, there's a kind of annoyance, 'You're destroying my retreat.' But, the practice is not about being precious, it's about being free. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSangha and Laity Beyond Personality (12-15-2013)
The abbot has tremendous influence just because of the nature of our hierarchy. Just his personality has a tremendous kind of influence. So, when an abbot changes, we can see how attached we can get to personalities. So, our minds start to compare, well, 'This one doesn't do it like that.' But, a monastery and a Sangha is much bigger than a personality. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTClosing Tips and Five Precepts (12-08-2013)
So, it's been a nice time for me. It's lovely to re-connect here and practice with all of you. We need to somehow wrap up as they say. Returning to the world--I wish you well. I hope your practice does deepen. The most important, I wish you the realization of Nibbana. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSynonyms for the Practice of Awakening (12-01-2013)
This morning I was thinking about the synonyms for this practice of awakening. You find it in the literature and different teachers talk about it in different ways. So, we've been using, 'The mind knowing the mind is the path. The result of the mind knowing the mind is the cessation of suffering.' >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBefore Returning to the Busy World (11-24-2013)
In urban societies, it's very hard for people to stop. Everyone seems to have so much to do. That kind of sustaining of a practice--that's a challenge. If one really loves this whole way of developing one's life, then if you don't really honour it, you tend to lose self-respect. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTCreate a Beautiful Craft (11-17-2013)
You're always working with skillful/unskillful, wholesome/unwholesome, and obviously trying to develop the skill, training, and craft of the wholesome factors. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAdvice on Fear and Jealousy (11-10-2013)
I spoke earlier about the four Brahmaviharas. I think when we have a certain level of freedom, we're available to whatever life brings us, and I think that availability is a kind of empathy. So, if I'm caught up in my own fears and desires, I certainly have to work on them. As you begin to let go of fear and process fear and purify fear, then the heart is obviously much more in touch. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNote on Study (11-03-2013)
Study is not the same as gathering information. So, when you study a text or some piece of the Dhamma, you usually have to go over it a lot. If you memorize Dhamma teachings, then they can be like an echo that comes up in consciousness. Then, that echo comes up as you live your life and it becomes a kind of Dharmic lens through which you look at life. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDhamma & Vinaya as Your Teacher (10-27-2013)
When the Buddha was asked who his Dhamma heir was, he didn't appoint one. Instead, he left the Dhamma-Vinaya. The Dhamma is something that the laypeople hear a lot about. The Vinaya seems to be something that is the domain of the monastics because it's the rule that we live by. As bhikkhus, we all adhere to, surrender to, and venerate that. No seniour bhikkhu can override the Vinaya. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Craft of the Heart (10-20-2013)
One of the images that I've always liked is this idea of craft of the heart as opposed to say just some kind of experience that you get. In the writings about craft, there's this common number that keeps coming up. If you want to develop a craft, it takes 10,000 hours. So, if you want to develop the craft of the heart, it can't be a kind of weekend affair. It obviously has to be a lifetime affair. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAwaken to the Way Things Are (10-13-2013)
As always, we're awakening to the way things are. So, what's the mood of the mind if you didn't sleep well? If it's negative, then right from the moment you wake up, don't believe in those negative thoughts. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTStimulation and Stillness (10-13-2013)
If you consider how you develop interest--you're stimulated by life in some way. So, if you like to read a novel and you find a really riveting storyline, the novel grabs your attention and you can't put it down. Your attention is stimulated by something. Normally in life, we're stimulated by events and suchlike. But here (on the retreat), we're not stimulated in the same way. We don't have objects of interest. We don't have things that we're absorbing into. So, we have to bring up energy from our own resources, not because things are exciting. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTOpenness of the Heart (10-06-2013)
When I talk about listening, I'm not just thinking about audio. I'm using listening also as a synonym for awareness, beyond the hearing part through sound. So, when I suggest listen, then go to sound first, but just let go of sound as well, so there's just pure awareness. So, we go to the heart and we listen from the heart. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTHow Much Concentration Do We Need? (09-29-2013)
One of the questions that comes up oftentimes is how much concentration do you need to do this work? So, you get various debates in Theravada Buddhism about how much you need to get to various levels and so on. Sometimes you'll hear opinions about that, which are grounded in meditators' own insights, or assumptions, or readings, or whatever. Obviously you do need some concentration. Concentration is a very important part of developing the mind. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNo Thought (09-22-2013)
Notice the mood of the mind right when you wake up. Just see how thoughts are generated by a mood. Then notice how the mind goes to these pre-occupations continually. Then learn to drop these pre-occupations with past or future. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWake Up (09-15-2013)
Right from the moment you wake up, know the mood of the mind. Rather than trying to analyze your dreams, which can also be useful, you can just try to look at the tone or the mood. So if you wake up in a kind of an anxious state or a joyous state, just know the mood of the mind rather than the particular narrative. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSense of Self (09-08-2013)
Before we do the walking (meditation), just a note on these interviews. One of the things that happens in these retreat situations when we have interviews is that you start to rehearse. You start to think about what you're going to say. So, what you might do then with this idea of dependent origination is to see that with interview as condition, this idea of a sense of self arises. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRecollection of Silence (09-01-2013)
When we talk about mindfulness, one of the inherent things in the definition of mindfulness is recollection. You recollect the Dhamma. So, it's not just being careful not to spill the soup when you carry it up the stairs; it's more than just being careful. It has this idea of recollection--recollection of the Dharma. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTCraving for Dukkha (08-25-2013)
When you have perceptions of people, judgements about a place, critical disparagements about yourself, that gets more complicated because there's a strong sense of self-identity with that. You get born into the world of criticism or judgement or annoyance or fantasy or whatever it is. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBody Scan (08-18-2013)
I'd like to just do a guided meditation on the body. So, we'll see how that works. I'll basically just basically name parts of your anatomy and ask you to bring attention to those areas. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAbout Bhikkhu Training Rules (08-11-2013)
Today is the observance day and we have a ritual that we bhikkhus do every fortnight. The ritual is that the bhikkhus come together and we do a ritual of mutual recognition of our commitment to this particular way we live our live. Also, a recognition of the structures, what we call the Vinaya and the Kor Wat--the ways of being a bhikkhu and the ways of the monastery. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBe Fully Conscious (08-10-2013)
To just be fully conscious of this moment, without comment, you have to stop. You have to stop and see what it's really like. That's not a commentary. So, if I say to you, 'What's it like?' and you make a judgment about it, that's not being fully conscious. That's making a comment on the way things are. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRelax (08-04-2013)
These are just ideas and things to experiment with. But, if you choose the nostrils and really want to focus on the breath, you really have to be careful not to get too tight. So, where you might notice tightness is in the eyes, in the hands, and in the end of the outbreath. So, if you can keep the end of the outbreath really relaxed and just stay with it, the hands might have an enlarged feeling and the eyes will be relaxed. That can work well. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNon Becoming (08-04-2013)
So, if you just contemplate the words I used at the beginning of the meditation, 'non-becoming'. If there's any sense of becoming, that acts as a mirror to that. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTVesak 2013 (08-03-2013)
Vesak, obviously in Asia, is one of the big celebrations in our monasteries. When we celebrate Vesak, we think of the Buddha and the three events in his life--his birth, enlightenment, and parinibbana (death). As Ajahn Sumedho teaches, everyone's going to experience birth and death. The purpose of human life is to realize that in between bit--enlightenment. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNarrative World vs. Phenomenal World (07-28-2013)
When I talk about Ottawa, that's the world, isn't it? It's a place that some of you have been to, but most of you haven't. As you're listening, each of you hear the words of that story in a different way. This personal interpretation of what I said is another way of thinking about the world. This is the world in a different way. It's not the world out there; it's the world that i'm experiencing moment-by-moment. I like to think of that as stream of consciousness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNoticing Habit (07-27-2013)
To discover anything new, to have any kind of insight, for vipassana to take place, you need to be available to the way things are rather than just conditioned by past perceptions and future possibilities. That's not to deny memory. Memory is important to understand, but that kind of habit--the habit of always mulling over or planning or analyzing that we get caught up into needs to be noticed. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTChoiceless Awareness (07-21-2013)
One of the practices that one sees a lot in Buddhism is called choiceless awareness, or shikantaza in Japanese. This is the case where you basically just sit in awareness and watch the show go by. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Momentum of Our Stories (07-20-2013)
To some extent we remember our stories, but what we feel is the momentum of our stories. Even though I might not remember what I did when I was five years old or six years old or seven years old, I am still a part of that momentum. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAvailability (07-14-2013)
Availability is an interesting word to use in meditation. So, when I say listen, you're available; you're with the moment. But, if you're trying to get somewhere, get rid of something, or if you're just off into thoughts of past or future, you're not available. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTUsing Ritual to Collect the Mind (07-13-2013)
When you live in a monastery, there's all these orthodox ways of coming together--with ritual and with chanting. The purpose of them is to compose the mind and collect the mind. That's obviously one of the most difficult things to do. Our minds are just easily scattered off into worry, or annoyance, or whatever it may be. Just having to collect your mind on a ritualized choreography is actually very, very helpful. If you get into it, it also has this devotional quality--a quality of the heart--that actually helps to prepare your mind for meditation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWalking Meditation 2 (07-07-2013)
So, we'll do some walking meditation. One of the things I've been trying to emphasize is to notice the state of no thought. So, in the walking meditation, use the end of the path. When you start, bring the mind to clarity--this is the way it is now--and try to get to that sense of quiet. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAnticipation (07-07-2013)
So, notice something like anticipation. Notice thoughts that are looking for something like 'How long will the sitting last?'. Just to know them and to witness their comings and goings brings you to peace. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAjahn Dtun Q & A at Quaker House Toronto: May 17th, 2013 (07-06-2013)
Tahn Ajahn Dtun answers questions on topics including...- How to develop concentration and jhana
- Whether or not householders can attain the level of sotapanna and how it can be done
- The alteration of the bones of arahants into crystal-like relics
Reflection on the Buddha's Aspiration (06-30-2013)
I always find it helpful to contemplate the context of the Buddha's own search and why he did his practice. The Buddha's aspiration was very, very profound. The Buddha was a very successful being, socially and yet, in him there was a kind of questioning and it had to do with birth and death. He came from the consideration that old age, sickness, and death was his lot as well as everyone else's lot and yet, in Indian culture there was this idea of 'moksha' or liberation from the round of birth and death as the context of his search. So, what's the context of your search? >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAjahn Dtun Dhamma Talk at Quaker House: May 17th, 2013 (06-29-2013)
We've received these bodies from the material elements that we've taken from our parents, and so we should be careful in how we go about using this body, because we require it to go about developing goodness in our lives. When I was the age of 16 or 17, I can remember having a fever and just thinking to myself, "Why is it that I can not tell this body to feel better, to feel normal?" and it became clear to me that the body and mind are separate--that I had no control over my own body. *Translated by Ajahn Tejapanyo >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTNow is the Knowing (06-23-2013)
When Luang Por Sumedho used to start his retreats he'd say, "The past is a memory, the future's unknown, now is the knowing." So, the encouragement is always the awakening to the way things are. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMetta in Action (06-23-2013)
Sometimes people in the practice of metta are trying to manufacture some incredible, blissful, heart state, but that's a form of greed. But, just the natural openness of heart which have when we feel gratitude, when we feel generosity, when we feel friendship; I think we're just touching that natural way of being in life when the heart is very open. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAjahn Dtun Dana Q &A: May 20th, 2013 (06-22-2013)
Tahn Ajahn Dtun (Ajahn Tejapanyo translates) answers questions at a dana at Tisarana. He covers topics such as...- Eliminating sakaya ditthi (self-identity view)
- Whether or not it is selfish to end suffering for oneself when there are so many other beings that will be left behind
- How to have the determination to be reborn in a situation where we can practice.
Establish Mindfulness (06-16-2013)
I've been suggesting during this retreat to establish mindfulness, so those of you who have just come might just try that. So, be receptive, let the sounds come to you, let go of thought, listen. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTLying Meditation (06-16-2013)
People sometimes chuckle, "Yeah, yeah lying meditation. Just go to sleep." But actually, it's one of the postures that we live in and if we can develop lying meditation it's very valuable. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAjahn Dtun Evening Talk: May 20th, 2013 (06-15-2013)
In the beginning, developing concentration may be very difficult because the mind may be agitated and restless. This will make the practice of developing concentration somewhat difficult for us. Yet, if we are patient and put forth a lot of effort--really work at the practice--then the periods where our mind is agitated will lessen and the periods where our mind is peaceful will increase. *Translated by Ajahn Tejapanyo >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDealing With Frustration (06-09-2013)
One of the hallmarks of Luang Por Chah's training is the idea of frustration. He felt that sense restraint was very important, but also frustration, when it's applied judiciously, has an interesting effect. This is because when when get something we don't want or we want something we don't have, that wanting really challenges us. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAjahn Dtun Evening Q & A, May 20th, 2013 (06-08-2013)
Tahn Ajahn Dtun answers questions on topics such as...- Dealing with anxiety, fear, and anger
- Meditation practice
- Tahn Ajahn Dtun's own practice before becoming a monk
Tools for Crafting Our Hearts (06-02-2013)
Techniques-- there's so many you can use. Techniques are like tools--you have to try them out to see how they're useful. The idea is that meditation is a craft, it's not an achievement. It's more a craft within which you can get results. But, a craft is a more hands on affair. You have to pick up the material you're working with--which is your mind and body--and you have to try stuff out. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRestlessness (06-02-2013)
I try to watch the interior relationship between restlessness and discomfort. Because when there's discomfort, there's the desire to get rid of discomfort, and that's restlessness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAjahn Dtun Vesāk Talk (06-01-2013)
Today the bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, and all the laypeople have gathered here due to our faith in the dispensation of the Lord Buddha. We are very close now to the celebration of Vesākha Puja, which is an important day in Buddhism. The day of Vesākha is the full moon day in May. It is the day that the Buddha himself was born and also he died on that day and his enlightenment also took place on the full moon day in May. *Translated by Ajahn Tejapanyo >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTForest Four Noble Truths (05-26-2013)
There's an oral tradition from teacher to disciple, from practitioner to practitioner where we share questions and insights and the teacher acts like a mirror. I've been very fortunate because my teachers--Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Sumedho-- and my peers have been very helpful in helping me to understand Buddhism in that kind of reflective way. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDrowsiness (05-19-2013)
A typical problem in meditation is to literally try to look for the breath with our eyes. One of the things that's very good as we're meditating is to be aware of our eyes. What I would recommend then is to include the eyes in awareness of the body. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAttention (05-12-2013)
Perhaps we could just consider how we pay attention. This wooden carving has a deliberate flaw. Now, if you're looking for the flaw, what do you do? You're looking for something in order to try and find something. That's one way that we pay attention. We look for something. There's another way we can pay attention. We can pay attention by being receptive. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Basic Instruction for Listening (05-05-2013)
A good way to begin meditation is by just listening. Just listen--listen to the sounds and try to move away from thought. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTWalking Meditation 1 (05-05-2013)
So, in walking meditation we try and sustain that same awake consciousness. For those of you who are unfamiliar with walking meditation, try to find a path that is 15-20 paces. Mark both ends of the path, start at one end and ground yourself in the sense of the body. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBasis for a Good Meditation (04-28-2013)
Good meditation is built on generosity and morality. If we live a generous life and an ethically impeccable life then there's a foundation for liberation and for happiness. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDhamma as a Mirror, Not as a Dogma (04-21-2013)
Perhaps I'll just talk about the difference between contemplation and belief. The Buddhist teaching is very well laid out in an intellectual format. But, ovbiously if you keep the teaching as an intellectual structure, then it just becomes an artifact that everyone agrees upon that doesn't really liberate the heart. It's only when you take a teaching and internalize it--you make it alive within your own situation-- that that teaching becomes a means of liberation. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Way We Look (04-14-2013)
One way that we look is to look at things in order to get something from them - information or whatever. But then, your mind is agitated because you want something. In meditation, we're really trying to cultivate a way of attention which is not bound by wanting anything out of this particular experience and not trying to get rid of it. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Shrine Room (04-07-2013)
We can make suggestions to ourselves. So, what suggestions come up into consciousness? Are they skillful or unskillful. So, learning to listen, see thought as an object and observe the movements of the mind are very important. We're trying to witness streams of consciousness right now, we're not trying to solve the problems of the world. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTBeing Witness to Streams of Consciousness (03-31-2013)
We can make suggestions to ourselves. So, what suggestions come up into consciousness? Are they skillful or unskillful. So, learning to listen, see thought as an object and observe the movements of the mind are very important. We're trying to witness streams of consciousness right now, we're not trying to solve the problems of the world. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTDefilements and Our Thoughts (03-24-2013)
Once aspect of consciousness that we usually don't choose to notice is the aspect of consciousness which isn't engaged with the objective world. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Good Life (03-17-2013)
A good life is important for good meditation. A good life, of course, doesn't mean a life where everything goes your way, but a life of good intention, good will. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTA Letter From Luang Por Sumedho (03-10-2013)
The Sangha receives a letter from Luang Por Sumedho. Luang Por Viradhammo reflects that Luang Por Sumedho took the teaching and didn't just keep it at an intellectual level - just accumulating information. He took the challenge of his extremely responsible life and used it for practice. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTRetreat Conclusion (03-03-2013)
The worldly way of looking at this retreat would be like, 'what's the quality of the food?' But obviously what important in a retreat is whether or not you were able to be mindful. That seems to me what's important. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Buddhist Project (02-24-2013)
It's good to understand the project of Buddhism because there are all kinds of suggestions. If you don't understand what the project is then the pieces won't fit. The Buddha teaches suffering and it's end. We do have a possibility of realizing peace. It's good to keep that in mind. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTMindfulness Meditation (02-17-2013)
Mindfulness meditation tries to simplify our experience of being human. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTAttention vs. Awareness (02-17-2013)
So, what's the difference between attention and awareness? Say that I'm practicing and there's prescense- that's awareness. Then, maybe I notice that there's a headache, I pay attention to the headache. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTSurrendering in Monastic Life (02-10-2013)
Monastic life is one where we're really asked to challenge our comforts-to go out of our comfort zone. To not always take the easiest way out. Monastic life has this challenge of surrending our personal desires into a form or structure which educates us about suffering. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTUnconditioned Mind (02-03-2013)
The practice of the Buddhist meditation helps realize the nature of the mind. This nature is conditioned: by culture, by emotions, by experiences, by history. The way to realize this, is through the practice of awareness and wisdom. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Enlightenment of the Buddha (01-27-2013)
The Buddha wasn't just coming from the need to deal with a stressed-out mind. He wasn't maladjusted because he had a bad childhood. He was coming from a very deep place of questioning. That kind of model is very different from the kind of searching for ease that you often find in Western Buddhism. His questioning came from a very deep place. When the Buddha attained enlightenment, he remembered eons of his past lives. When you think of things in that way, you get a sense of the hopelessness of this endless chain of rebirths. You can see the profundity of the Buddha's questioning. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGeneral Q & A (01-20-2013)
Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions from the retreat participants in this general Q & A questions. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTGuided Meditation: A Clear Sense of Presence (01-20-2013)
Simple awakening. The language I like to use is like, 'non-becoming'. Then, I like to choose something in the present moment that reminds me of this clear sense of presence. >> LISTEN TO THIS PODCASTThe Memory of the Heart (01-13-2013)
The central theme is the awakened mind. If you trust in that and see that as important then the issue is what helps to sustain the awakened mind? It's very simple that way, but our habits are complicated.