Food, Household & Personal Items: Dana

The monastic code requires the monks and novices to be dependent upon the lay community for all their physical needs (i.e. the material requisites of life, including all food). The kitchen & household can sometimes run low on supplies, so food & household items are some of the most practical and helpful offerings that can be brought to the monastery. Please see the guidelines below if you’re unfamiliar with the process of offering food and other requisites to the monastic community.

Items helpful for our resident community: (links are provided as examples)

Last Update: Jul 26, 2024 @ 10:41 am BEEN UPDATED FOR THIS WEEK.


TO AVOID WASTE, WE HAVE ENOUGH OF: White Rice, Apple & Mango Juices, Apples, Oranges, Crackers, Frozen Fruits & Canned Soup.


Kefir (Mango, blueberry, strawberry, plain)




New Dhamma Hall

No more folding chairs are required. The full number needed has been generously donated.


If you have questions about what items to bring or more specific needs, or if you’d like to set a date to offer a prepared dish or offer an entire meal, please use the contact form to make an inquiry with the kitchen steward.

Food needs can change frequently because stores (especially perishables) can sometimes run low in the morning and full by the afternoon, and then low again some days later. We try to keep the following list in order of what is needed most, and as up-to-date as possible.

Offering a Meal at the Monastery

The monastics eat one main meal a day in late morning (around 11:00 am) and the monastic regulations require that they finish by midday. Offering food to the monastic community provides an opportunity to visit and participate in the lifestyle of the monastery. You are welcome to cook your food in the monastery kitchen. Some people may feel awkward preparing food in a kitchen that is not their own. If that is the case, it may be easier for you to prepare a dish or several dishes ahead of time. When offering the meal or part of the meal at the monastery, the kitchen steward can help explain the protocol for offering food to the monks. Please click on this link if you wish to contact the kitchen steward for any inquiries regarding meal offerings.