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2017Stillness Flowing – The Life and Teachings of Ajahn Chah | Ajahn Jayasaro
"Stillness Flowing - The Life and Teachings of Ajahn Chah" by Ajahn Jayasaro, the long-awaited biography of Ajahn Chah in English, with an introduction by Luong Por Sumedho.
850 pgs, Panyaprateep Foundation, 2017.
From Ajahn Jayasaro's preface:
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Added on: March 15, 2018
Although it has been my intention that this book should be, as far as possible, a biography as opposed to a hagiography, I am not sure that I have been completely successful. My love for Luang Por and my belief in his enlightenment inevitably colour the text. What I have not done is suppress any scandalous or embarrassing information out of concern for his good name. Hard as it may be to accept nowadays when there is so much – and often well-founded – cynicism about the integrity of religious figures, Luang Por Chah had absolutely nothing to hide. The only skeleton in a cupboard at Wat Pah Pong was the one hanging on public display in the Dhamma Hall. In fact, that is one of the strongest reasons for my belief that the life of Luang Por Chah is so worthy of study.
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2012Forest Sangha Calendar 2012 | Aruna Publications
A calendar with pictures, text, and special events in the Ajahn Chah Sangha.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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2011Bodhinyana | Ajahn Chah
This was the first compilation of a series of translated talks by Ajahn Chah. After its initial printing in 1979 it has been reprinted many times. The book contains talks on daily-life practice, formal practice as well as a session of questions and answers.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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2010Rude Awakenings | Ajahn Sucitto & Nick Scott
Rude Awakenings records a journey by Ajahn Sucitto of Cittiviveka Monastery in West Sussex, UK and Nick Scott. They spent six months together retracing the Buddha's footsteps in India, along with many detours and sidetracks both physical and psychological. The alternating versions of what each of them perceived of their outside world presents a vision of each human being's pilgrimage through life.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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2010Abhayagiri Monastic Foundation Chanting Book | Abhayagiri Sangha
Morning and Evening Chanting (Puja), Reflections, and Suttas, as Used by Buddhist Monasteries and Groups Associated with the Western Forest Sangha in the Lineage of Ajahn Chah.
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Added on: November 1, 2014
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2007A Dhamma Compass | Ajahn Pasanno
A Dhamma Compass is a collection of three Dhamma talks that Ajahn Pasanno gave in the three winter retreats during 2003-2005 at Abhayagiri.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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2005Awakening Presence | Siladhara Community
This book from the nuns' communities of Amaravati and Cittaviveka Buddhist Monasteries features talks from several of their senior nuns.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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2004Intuitive Awareness | Ajahn Sumedho
These transcribed talks by Ajahn Sumedho convey an intuitive understanding of the Buddha's teaching which has arisen from the author's many years of practice as a Buddhist monk.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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2004Who Will Feed the Mice | Ajahn Amaro
This small book, dedicated to the memory of his mother, is based on a talk given by Ajahn Amaro on March 29, 2003, at Abhayagiri Monastery, Redwood Valley, California.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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2001Freeing the Heart | Siladhara Community
A collection of talks by the nuns' community at Amaravati.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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1999Forest Path | Wat Pah Nanachat Community
Talks, essays, poems, drawings and photographs from the community at Wat Pah Nanachat.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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1999The Pilgrim Kamanita | Karl Gjellerup & Ajahn Amaro
A novel set in the time of the Buddha portrays the life of the pilgrim Kamanita in his long and roundabout quest for spiritual perfection. This is a new version of an old book, edited by Ajahn Amaro.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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1998A Life Of Inner Quality | Ajahn Maha Boowa
This is a guide for integrating Buddhist practice into daily life, drawn from 10 talks which Venerable Ācariya Mahā Boowa has given over the past 25 years to various groups of lay people: those new to the practice and those more experienced.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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1996Wings to Awakening | Thanissaro Bhikkhu
An Anthology from the Pali Canon expounding in detail the Buddha's teaching on the 37 "Wings to Enlightenment".
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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1994A Tree in A Forest | Ajahn Chah
A collection of Ajahn Chah's similies.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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1989Now is the Knowing | Ajahn Sumedho
Three Dhamma talks by Ajahn Sumedho given during the early years of establishing Theravada Buddhist Monasteries in Britain. These talks consider the way we relate to the Three Refuges, using the basic meditation on Mindfulness of Breathing and reaching for Nibbana, the goal.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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1986A Smile | Ajahn Succito
A small scanned excerpt from Rainbow Magazine for children.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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1985Mindfulness: The Path to the Deathless | Ajahn Sumedho
The Meditation Teaching of Luang Por Sumedho.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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1980Wisdom Develops Samadhi | Ajahn Maha Boowa
The book “Wisdom Develops Samādhi” is one of the few books written by the revered forest teacher, the late Ācariya Mahā Boowa (Bhikkhu Ñāṇasampanno), formerly the abbot of Wat Pa Ban Tad.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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1980Anapanasati (Mindfulness of Breathing) | Ajahn Buddhadasa
Meditation instructions for serious beginners.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownCittaviveka | Ajahn Sumedho
Cittaviveka is a pali term meaning 'the mind of non-attachment'. Cittaviveka is also the name of Chithurst Buddhist Monastery in West Sussex, UK, the first forest-sangha monastery in Britain. The transcribed talks cover a wide range of subjects including the process of integrating Buddhism into the West, developing skilful means in practice and the relationship with a teacher.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownThe Four Noble Truths | Ajahn Sumedho
A small booklet of edited talks given by Ajahn Sumedho on the central teaching of the Buddha: that the unhappiness of humanity can be overcome through spiritual means.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownNothing Is More Joyless Than Selfishness | Ajahn Sumedho
Five talks to the monastic community at Wat Pah Nanachat in May 1989, given by Ajahn Sumedho and transcribed by Bhikkhu Gavesako.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownGreat Patient One | Ajahn Sucitto & Nick Scott
This book is the sequel to Rude Awakenings. It records the seven hundred mile journey on foot, of Ajahn Sucitto and Nick Scott as they spent six months together in the Middle Land of the Buddha, as well as a long loop into Nepal and the Himalayas. The arduous nature of the pilgrimage, both physically and psychologically, 'gives the reader a taste of Dhamma off the cushion and on the road'.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownRituals and Observances | Ajahn Sucitto & Ajahn Candasiri
Based upon talks given at Cittaviveka by Ajahns Sucitto and Candasiri. Meditation alone is not a guaranteed entry into the sublime. This booklet is about the recognition and cultivation of skilful means whereby we bring emotive forces into our daily lives.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownIntroduction to Insight Meditation | Ajahn Succito
A brief guide suitable for anyone setting out to develop meditation. It deals with the correct attitude, body posture and ways of integrating meditation into daily life.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownKamma and the End of Kamma | Ajahn Succito
This book explores a range of ways in which the principle of kamma - of cause and effect - can be seen as underlying the Buddha's teaching in all aspects of life. Often seen as a teaching on morality, kamma has its most transformative fruition in meditation.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownKalyana | Ajahn Succito
A collection of Dhamma talks commemorating Ajahn Sucitto's fiftieth birthday.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownPractice Without Stopping | Ajahn Piek
Advice to monks, novices and postulants before the Dtao-Dum Retreat, by Venerable Luang Por Pieg at Wat Fakram (4 march 2001), Pathum Thani, Thailand.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownThe Dhamma and the Real World | Ajahn Pasanno & Ajahn Amaro
This small book contains four talks and conversations with Abhayagiri co-Abbots Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Amaro.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownLike a River | Ajahn Pasanno & Ajahn Amaro
From the Dedication: "Todd’s life was like a river that flows gently to make all who came to know him happy... We put together this book with kind assistance from family and friends for readers who are interested in life’s lessons through stories and teachings related to this special boy’s life."
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownThe Island: Teachings on Nibbana | Ajahn Pasanno & Ajahn Amaro
This presentation by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Amaro is a small compendium of the 'essence teachings' of the Buddha, as they appear in the Pali Canon and have been conveyed by the lineages that rely upon them (the Thai forest tradition in particular).
This is version 1.2 of this web edition, released November 2015.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownBroad View – Boundless Heart | Ajahn Pasanno & Ajahn Amaro
Transcribed talks of Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Amaro. Ajahn Pasanno describes the practice of the Brahmaviharas - loving-kindness, compassion, empathy and equanimity. Ajahn Amaro offers an overview of Theravada Buddhism and Ajahn Chah's teaching of Right View in this tradition.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownWalking Meditation | Ajahn Nyanadhammo
Edited from Dhamma talks given by Ajahn Ñāṇadhammo at Dhammaloka Buddhist Centre (31st of July, 1992) and Bodhiñāṇa Forest Monastery (22nd of January 2002) in Perth, Australia.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownThe Spiritual Faculties | Ajahn Nyanadhammo
Edited from a Dhamma talk given by Ajahn Ñāṇadhammo at Cittaviveka Buddhist Monastery (June 1998) in Sussex, Southern England.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownThe Power of Faith | Ajahn Nyanadhammo
Edited from a Dhamma talk given by Ajahn Ñāṇadhammo at Wat Pah Nanachat (27 September 2002) in Ubon Rachathani Province, Thailand.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownVerses of Liberation From the Khandas | Ajahn Mun
Composed by Venerable Ācariya Mun Bhuridatto and translated from Thai by Bhikkhu Khemasanto.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownWalking With Awareness | Ajahn Liem
A Guide to Walking Meditation by Luang Por Liam.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownKeeping the Breath in Mind | Ajahn Lee
This is a guide to Ajahn Lee's method of breath meditation and the practice of the jhanas.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownMississippi Pilgrimage | Ajahn Jotipalo
The journals of Venerable Jotipālo Bhikkhu and Austin Stewart on a Spiritual Journey up the Mississippi River Valley.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownTwain Shall Meet | Ajahn Jayasaro
A short history of how western monks came to Ajahn Chah.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownNo Worries | Ajahn Liem
Buddhist teachings and a short biography of Luang Por Liem Thitadhammo.
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Added on: November 3, 2014
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UnknownFrom The Darkness To The Light | Ajahn Liem
Dhamma talk given in 1996 to monks, novices and nuns after the ceremony of asking forgiveness.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownThe Real Practice | Ajahn Jayasaro
Three talks to the monastic community of Wat Pah Nanachat.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownOn Love | Ajahn Jayasaro
From the book: Is it (love) truly part of the solution to our suffering in life or does it merely compound it? My short answer to this question is that it depends. On what? On the kind of love and how you care for it.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownMindfulness, Precepts, and Crashing in the Same Car | Ajahn Jayasaro
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownDaughters And Sons | Ajahn Jayasaro
From the book: (my parents had) looked after me for eighteen years, given me food every single day—three or four times a day—and they’d still worried that the food might not be delicious enough for me. They’d given me both clothes and shelter. They’d taken me to a doctor when I was sick, and when I was ill they’d seemed Daughters and sons 7 to suffer more than I did. Why was I never impressed with that? I suddenly felt that I’d been shamefully unjust. I realized how much I’d taken them for granted. At that moment, it was as if a dam burst. Many examples of my parents’ boon khoon, their generosity and kindness, came to my mind, so overwhelming, so impressive. That was the beginning of my gratitude toward my parents.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownWhat Is Buddhism | Ajahn Chandako
What is Buddhism offers a very clear and concise overview of Buddhism and its core teachings, and addresses many questions that people unfamiliar with or new to it's teachings often raise.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownNo Ajahn Chah | Ajahn Chah
From the introduction: This collection... gives us some insight into concepts such as impermanence, virtue, not-self and so on... Hopefully the reader can catch a glimpse of the "No Ajahn Chah" who used to say, "I'm always talking about things to develop and things to give up, but, really, there's nothing to develop and nothing to give up".
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownThe Teachings of Ajahn Chah | Ajahn Chah
A collection of Ajahn Chah's translated Dhamma talks.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownThe Collected Teachings Of Ajahn Chah, Volume 3: Renunciant Practice | Ajahn Chah
The third book in the three volume set of the complete collection of all the talks by Ajahn Chah that have been translated into English and are currently available for free distribution.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownThe Collected Teachings Of Ajahn Chah, Volume 2: Formal Practice | Ajahn Chah
The second book in the three volume set of the complete collection of all the talks by Ajahn Chah that have been translated into English and are currently available for free distribution.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownThe Collected Teachings Of Ajahn Chah, Volume 1: Daily Life Practice | Ajahn Chah
The first book in the three volume set of the complete collection of all the talks by Ajahn Chah that have been translated into English and are currently available for free distribution.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownThe Collected Teachings Of Ajahn Chah – Single Volume | Ajahn Chah
The complete collection of all the talks by Ajahn Chah that have been translated into English and are currently available for free distribution. These same talks are also available in the three volumes below.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownLiving Dhamma | Ajahn Chah
This is a collection of nine transcribed Dhamma talks given by Ajah Chah to the lay community as well as to the monastic community in Thailand.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownFood for the Heart | Ajahn Chah
This is a collection of ten transcribed talks given by Ajahn Chah mainly to the monastic community in Thailand.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownSamadhi for Liberation | Ajahn Anan
A Dhamma talk given to the monks and novices of Wat Marp Jan (4 august 1999), Rayong Province, Thailand.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownThunder in an Open Sky | Ajahn Amaro
Reflections on the life and teachings of Luang Por Chah by Ajahn Amaro.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownThinking | Ajahn Amaro
An essay on relating to thought by Ajahn Amaro
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownSilent Rain | Ajahn Amaro
This book is an account of a 'tudong' walk through England, made by Ajahn Amaro in 1983. It was previously published in a shorter book called Tudong:The Long Road North.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownTheravada Buddhism in a Nutshell | Ajahn Amaro
Adapted from a talk given on a retreat held at the Angela Center, Santa Rosa, California, November 1997.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownRain on the Nile | Ajahn Amaro
From Ajahn Amaro: "When Silent Rain was first compiled, part of the idea of producing such a varied collection of material – talks, poems, travelogues and artwork – was that it would then provide an easy source for smaller offprints over the years. Rain on the Nile is both an outcome of that original intention as well as an arena for the offering up of some more recent material – to wit, the travelogue of a journey to Egypt made in December of 2006."
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownRugged Interdependency | Ajahn Amaro
Ajahn Amaro shares his experiences and thoughts from his first visit to the US in 1990 up to 2007. During those years much happened, most importantly the founding of Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery. This travelogue gives the reader a healthy glimpse into the short yet rich history of bringing Ajahn Chah's monastic tradition to the US.
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Added on: November 2, 2014
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UnknownMara and the Mangala | Ajahn Amaro
This story is intended to be both a partner to the novel 'The Pilgrim Kamanita,' written by Karl Gjellerup in 1906, and a tale that stands on its own. There is no need to have read the earlier book in order to make sense of this one.
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Added on: November 1, 2014
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