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News Updates, Page 28

Progress Update: April 13, 2009

Janko’s Ordination:
Cause for an auspicious dhamma celebration. 18th of April – this coming Saturday. Join us for the dana at 11:00 and stay on for the ordination (about 1pm) and continue the theme of liberation on into the usual afternoon meditation and dhamma talk. Linger longer for the evening puja at 7pm.

May 9th – at the monastery. The programme is on the web site calendar.

Not Cool Cooker:
Our old stove in the kitchen is a bit too cool for its own good. Well, our good actually. A friend moved house a while ago and ended up with an extra stove. It is really hot. The old cooker was last seen sitting out in the yard. [photo]

Module Extension:
The meditation module has regularly reached its mat maximum – there were 21 meditators for the recent day of mindfulness. An extension is underway, in conjunction with the floor renovation. [photo]

The winter retreat is over and we are already getting a good number of guests. You are welcome to come and stay – pretty much any time. Fill out the form on the site: Participate Visiting Form. … Read the rest

Progress Update: April 1, 2009

Winter Retreating:
It is the first day of April and the monastic retreat has drawn to a close; winter has similar thoughts. There were no casualties, nothing broke down, blew up or did other than could be expected in a world of variation and unpredictabilty. A good time was had by all. Many thanks to all those who came and offered support. Let’s do it again next year.

Janko to Ordain:
The sangha is expanding yet again with the Janko’s impending anagarika ordination. This will be on the 18th of April. Join us for the meal at 11.00. The ordination will be after the dana; about 1pm. You are all welcome to join with us and celebrate his committment to the holy life. This will be followed by the usual meditation and dhamma talk at 2pm.

Beavers’ Damn:
They are busy little critters but are they busy enough to rebuild after a machine attack? As well as being cute they also spread their watery domain without discernment. Our neighbour’s field has been getting soggier and wetter so… whack whack crack (him, not us). It will take a while to see how the beavers deal with it. [photo]

A good while away but, put it in your diaries; May 9th.… Read the rest

Progress Update: February 9, 2009

The month of January has passed. Where was I at the time? We have had a wonderful series of lay supporters staying with us, for a week or more at a time, helping out in the kitchen and generally bringing a lovely energy to our shared practice. Our Noble Silence is holding quite well in and around weekend visitors. Each of the monastic residents is taking a two week self-retreat when they can entirely set their own schedule. A lot of time on their own. There are still two more months ahead. What a splendid opportunity for us all. [photo]

Season Celebration:
The sangha here, joined the sangha at Satisaraniya there, for an end of year celebration dana. It was a joyful gathering of many friends and an opportunity to celebrate our shared aspirations in dhamma. There were gifts. There are always gifts. [photo]

Days of Mindfulness:
Starting at 1.00pm. Chanting, meditation, dhamma talk, questions & discussion. Every Saturday, all through the winter retreat – and beyond – where no one has been yet.

Awesome Auto Announcement:
We have been thinking for a good while about an alternative to the truck. Small, economical, reliable. Well, we wished, and we want no more.… Read the rest

Progress Update: January 3, 2009

New Year:
There seems common agreement that we have one. The transition here at the monastery was jolly and joyous with a lovely mixture of chanting, meditation, dhamma, bonfire, mantra, meditation, marshmallows, meditation, midnight, paritta, chanting, chatting and so much more to come. We hope yours is a happy one. Should the package contents not be complete or not function according to your preferences feel free to contact one of our representatives and we will arrange a visit so the necessary corrections can be made. First line in the manual says: Breathe in. Second line: Breathe out. [photo] – of the fire and the breathing.

Days of Mindfulness:
Note: These now start at 1.00pm. They will continue through the winter retreat.

Winter Retreat:
We have started with a few days of no schedule. Monday 5th will start full days of group practice; 5.30am meditation, 7.15 breakfast, 8.30 meditation, 11.00 lunch, 2pm meditation, 5.00 tea, 7.00 meditation. This will change on Wed. night. Feel free to join with any of this. The remainder of the retreat is not so scheduled but you are most welcome to visit and join with whatever is happening.

Generator Box:
Our backup generator has a new house compliments of Janko’s handiwork.… Read the rest

Progress Update: December 27, 2008

Samanera #1:
Both as in ‘the first’ and as in ‘the best.’ What a wonderful occassion it was. About fifty people joined us for the day which began with a superb, shared meal in the house. Eventually we all managed to fit into the meditation sala, literally standing room only, and Ajahn Viradhammo began by outlining various aspects of the ceremony. Anagarika Laurence then navigated his way through each step; never missed a que, never messed the Pali. He is now Venerable Sumangalo. The sangha expressed their joy and delight by chanting paritta. Sadhu.! 4x [photo]

New Year’s Eve:
The sublime alternative. Let’s do a better bit a being. Starting at 7pm with chanting, meditation, dhamma talk and reflections. Cast your regrets, unwanted *mind-heart clutter* etc. into a raging bonfire. Celebrate with a marshmallow(s). Collate all your aspirations, hopes, future endeavours. See in the new year with blessings.

New DOM Format:
With less daylight, The Day of Mindfulness will start an hour earlier as of January 3rd. Start at 1pm with chanting, followed by guided meditation, a dhamma talk and a question and answer period to finish (around 4pm). These days continue to be well supported with local people beginning to join in as we get better known.… Read the rest

Progress Update: December 12, 2008

Portable Parthenon:
Entering into the barn this time of year can coincide with cascades of snow off the roof onto the head, to say nothing of the ice build up outside the door. Not nice. The happy and handy novices at Tisarana have provided an elegant, simple solution. All it lacks is Doric columns. [photo]

Anagarika Laurence will become Samanera ??? Sunday December 14th. The ceremony will begin after lunch, about 1.00pm. Car pooling will not only save gas but make parking here a lot easier. We hope you can come.

Tis the season. There is an e-card waiting for you. Happiness, joy, good health, blessing, fun. Try this journey to the unknown

A Waiting Game:
The foundations of the third kuti make a snowy photo opportunity. Little concrete trees standing silently among the trees. [photo] Isn’t it nice that we have a three month winter retreat and don’t have to carry on building?

Another Mover:
The Opanayiko kuti has been empty for some months now while under repair. Finally, Anagarika Joseph has moved in for the winter retreat. Our life as forest samanas is so much enhanced by the kuti lifestyle so it nice to be able to offer this opportunity to Joseph.… Read the rest

Progress Update: December 4, 2008

Anagarika Laurence will be ordaining as Samanera ???. His new name is a surprise. You can get it live, along with a shared meal, chanting, ritual, dhamma, kalyanamitta and so much more on Sunday December 14th. The ceremony will begin after lunch, about 1.00pm. Car pooling will not only save gas but make parking here a lot easier. We hope you can come.

This is now up and running and a new dhamma talk by Ajahn Viradhammo will be released regularly. At the moment this will be every two weeks. You can access available talks on the web site audio page and subscribe to the feed on the podcast page

The fire was lit with wood what was split. The chimney smoked but nobody choked. Some water was heated and the monks were treated. There’s still more to do but we got the crew – sadhu. [photo]

Laurence’s new name is certainly one but, there is another one and surprises wouldn’t be surprising if given away all at once. Don’t miss the next update. Be there or be… unsurprised. Hmmmmm. What could it be I wonder? Windfall, goofball, catchall, be-all and end-all?

We will be having an all-night vigil on new-year’s eve.… Read the rest

Progress Update: November 16, 2008

Car Finder:
And still, we need a small sedan. Some funds are available but, we need a qualified volunteer to find a suitable vehicle. Please contact: khema [at]

Venerable Khemaratana has finished the second of the workshop storage units. How nice it is to have a place to tidy things to. Along with plastic around the walls it is now a both useful and cosy space to work in. [photo]

End of Vassa:
The wonderfully full moon of November shone down from a clear sky upon freshly shaven pates as they made their way to the ceremony. A small band of samanas gathered to reflect on the last three months spent together. The ritual was simple, the context very uplifting. Let’s do it again next year.

The TUB:
Almost ready to roll. Ajahn Kusalo cuts it up and Lawrence fixes it down. Finishing touches are being made but it will be a good while before it is finished. 2x[photo]

Aj.Kusalo to Peterborough:
Monday to Thursday. Talks on Tues. & Wed. evening. Morning puja. Tea & talk through the day.

Flat Line:
Like one of those beep-beep heart monitors where the sine wave goes flat when the patient dies. Someone (name by private appointment) missed the bridge.… Read the rest

Progress Update: November 6, 2008

Children’s Dhamma:
The November class was well attended with two new families bringing attendance up to ten children. After the usual introductory puja we looked at the five precepts. The bowing song was great fun with everyone getting due respect. We then decorated bodhi leaves. [photo]

Venerable Visit:
Bhante Jotipalo stayed with us for about two weeks. His visit was enjoyed by all and his contribution to the work around the monastery much appreciated. He returns to Arrow River, where he has been staying for the last year, and then on to New Zealand where he will be resident at Vimutti Monastery just south of Auckland. Bon voyage. [photo]

Furniture Rustique:
Our good friend Andre from Montreal has been with us again and brought us two more of his wonderful rustic craftworks. They really do suit the style of the place. Sadhu.! 2x[photo]

TUB Progress:
The (temp) utility building now has a roof and almost all that remains to be done is fitting the door. We are still not sure how to work the water element. A conveniently placed dead pine tree has provided fuel but… where does the water come from during the winter?

First Snow:
We have had our early warning with quite a change in temperature.… Read the rest

Progress Update: October 23, 2008

The Annual General Meeting for Tisarana will be held on Saturday, October 25th. This will be after the meal and before the regular Day of Mindfulness. Join us for all three.

The TUB:
As in the “Temporary Utility Building.” This is progressing well [photo] and should be operational for the winter – with, among other features, a tub. So, its “Rub a dub dub we’re off to the tub.” And when it becomes permanent? It will be: “We’re of to the….” Oh well, perhaps another acronym will evolve.

Totally Floored:
Finally, one of the last things required to finish the Cetovimutti Kuti has been finalised – the floor. We have had the materials for quite a while now but… life here is like life everywhere; many things to do and ne’er enough time to do them. Still, it is done. [photo]

Hatchet Job:
In response to our request on the web-site dana list someone gave us a hatchet – through the post. Perhaps the sort of thing one might otherwise presume to have ominous implications. Not so. Generosity is a joy.

The Bleach Boys:
Never mind that it is not Monday. Any sunny day can be laundry day at this time of year and our sparkly anagarikas have taken the advantage.… Read the rest