Progress Update: June 17, 2009

>> AGM:
The Annual General Meeting for Tisarana will be held this coming Saturday after the usual day of mindfulness (approx. 3pm). All are welcome.

>> Satisariniya:
The nuns’ monastery is becoming more real than the previous reality that it really was before!? The major change is the purchase of a property. Fourty-seven acres in the Perth area and not so far from Tisarana. There is a very nice house [photo] and a good number of very serviceable outbuildings. The land is a lovely mix of pasture and forest with a lovely spring fed pond. You can follow developments on the web site:

>> Beautiful Barn:
As if the wonderful wood and space and light was not enough. We have a Thai artist friend staying with us and he is transforming the barn lobby into… into — something different (words are not enough). There are several pictures on the website but even they don’t give a clear indication of the scale and beauty of the whole. Come to the day of mindfulness and AGM on Saturday and see the (hopefully) finished product. 6x[photo]

>> Holey Barn:
The lobby is almost done but the floor in the main area is breached, bereft, sundered, rent, gashed and probably needs more work than it needs a thesaurus. The replacement floor joists should be here from Pembroke this Friday (seeing is believing) and work should get under way some time next week.

>> Kuti:
As if the holy and the beautiful were not enough there is work aplenty to be done on the kuti. It is almost ready for the roof 2x[photo] and this will go on before we get too distracted repairing the barn floor.

>> Timing is Everything:
Funny how the mind so easily inclines to the proximate and pleasant and how they are so often found in the past or future; the present moment laced with lures. We can decline the invitation.