Progress Update: June 24, 2009

>> Mistaken:
For those who didn’t spot the error – the correct URL for the Satisaraniya web site is:

>> Floored:
So far the plan for the new barn floor has been flawless. The logs and lumber arrived yesterday, all the way from Pembroke, and look well up to the job. 4x[photo]. Trees seem less part of the equation when they arrive as nice, clean machined sticks as when they land as logs. Those trees are paid about 50 cents a year to grow. Thank you. We have stripped the bark off them and work on machining them will start in a few days. Watch that space.

>> Enshrined:
After two weeks of work by Prasert and the community of 8-12 hours a day the lobby shrine is (almost) complete. The only thing remaining to do is the painting of the two devas that flank the main Buddha image – three coats. This would be a good job for someone over the next… whenever. It all looks rather stunning. There is a separate photo album showing the progress of this work.

>> Appeared:
Wildflowers, bees, bugs, buds, birds, nests, leaves, grass, warmth, sun, summer. You too are welcome to put in an appearance and enjoy all these seasonal arisings.