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News Updates, Page 34

Progress Update: April 11, 2007

Opanayiko Kuti:
The old workshop is currently being ‘winterised’ and will become the first kuti at Tisarana. It is a VERY old shed so life expectancy is uncertain but, hey, our community is growing and needs the space. We have windows, panelling and insulation but still need a small wood-burning stove (old and rough is good enough). Allan will be the first occupant. “Opanayiko”… leading inwards.

Days of Mindfulness:
Just to remind you that every Saturday is a day of mindfulness at the monastery. Come and share the meal (11am) and spend some time at the monastery. Group meditation, 2.00pm; Dhamma talk, 3.10; Meditation, 4.00; Tea, 5.00; Meditation, 7.00; Dhamma talk, 8.15.

We plan to build a ‘bush shower’ for the summer and wonder if anyone may have renovated recently and still has the old shower taps and head (or just has a set in the basement – along with the A.T.V., the arc welder and the mooose head). Ditto, wash basin.

One Tent…:
Yes, we have been donated one and it is almost warm enough to put it up. Many thanks for that. But… it is lonely. Does anyone else have a family tent (eg. 3-4 person, 10′ square, standing room) that we could borrow to provide accommodation during our work program?… Read the rest

Progress Update: April 3, 2007

Kitchen — Steward:
Both positions of Kitchen Manager and Male Steward have been filled. Many thanks to all those people who expressed interest. It was encouraging to see such a positive response.

Dana – meal offerings:
Regular opportunities exist to take part in offering the monastic community their daily meal. There are a wide variety of ways that this can be done. We even had one person set it up from the U.S.! Contact the monastery for details.

New Neighbour:
Dianne from Toronto has finally made the move and is now in her new home just around the corner from the monastery. Welcome, welcome, thrice welcome.! [See ‘Photos.’] She plans to use the house as a monastic B&B – details still being finalised. Her phone is not on yet but it will appear on the website in due course.

New Resident:
Allan has been planning to move to the monastery for some time now with the longer term view of ordaining. The day has come! May his stay be long, happy and fruitful. It is a joy to see the community taking root and, what better time than spring to blossom forth? Here we can mix many a metta for? For Allan, for you all.… Read the rest

Progress Update: March 27, 2007

We have need for both a male steward (general duties) and a kitchen manager (either gender).

20 Years in Robes
It has been a delight to have Ma Medhanandi staying at the monastery for a while. It was an especial joy to be with her to celebrate her 20th year in robes. Quite an achievement – on many counts. There was plenty of cake, there was lots of chanting and, an abundance of joy.! Sadhu.

Single Phase Arc Welder:
Is this another one of those things that every Canadian has in their basement? Parked next to their Luke Skywalker light sabre, alongside the A.T.V. (also on the wish list). Alas, our basement is bereft.

Toronto visitors:
We have had several people visiting from Toronto – both for the day (on their way to…) and overnight. It is nice to know that we are seen as accessible from ‘the big smoke.’

Working Bees:
Work has begun and you can COME AND HELP anytime. We had a lovely working bee last weekend; it sets such a nice tone of communion for the afternoon meditation. The first building materials were delivered last Friday and the conversion of the horse barn into a workshop is the priority.… Read the rest

Progress Update: March 20, 2007

Stillness of Being:
This collection of talks by Ajahn Viradhammo was compiled and printed to mark his 30th year as a monk. This is available on the site under ‘Teachings.’ Unfortunately there are no longer any printed copies available. A reprint? A new collection?

Kitchen manager:
As part of our upcoming work program (hopefully this last snow was the last?) it would be be helpful to have someone (of either gender) to manage the kitchen. There would be plenty of support help but ‘central coordination’ really helps things to run smoothly. Contact the monastery.

Aerial view:
There is a nice photo of the monastery property viewable in the photo gallery. The previous owner of the property flies a small plane and took Ajahn Viradhammo for a wee sky tour. Imagine, if you will. Our hero monk, dangling from a thin wire, at speed, camera in hand, robes aflying and aflapping, with the web designer passing him small coloured dots to paste onto the scene. How did they get there otherwise?

Mailing details:
You can now change your mailing details on the web site; on the Newsletter page. There is also a link to the ‘changer’ at the end of your email.… Read the rest

Progress Update: March 14, 2007

Beautiful barns:
Some of you may have already noticed the photo of the horse barn; a taste of things to come. A virtual 3D model of the main barn has been made and photos are on the site (‘along the way’). Everyone loves the barn but… if we keep it we need to justify the cost of maintenance by using it. What for? Yes, there will be a prize for the best answer 🙂

Young peoples dhamma:
This Sunday, 18th March, 12:30 is the pre-teens group. The following fortnight; Sunday, April 1st is the teens group. These dates are on the website events-calendar. If you are coming for these, *and* joining us for the meal beforehand, it would really help if you were able to bring some food to share.

A.T.V., Quad, 4×4, thing:
What is the correct name for those 4 wheel farm-bike, mini-tractor things. Anyhow, they are incredibly low impact and versatile and there is a thought to get one; along with the thought that one of you may have a spare one in the basement (doesn’t everybody in Canada have at least one?). You may know something about them, know someone who knows someone…, etc. As well as being wonderful at moving stuff we have a lot of wetland and soft ground and their large tyres are much kinder on the land than a regular tractor.… Read the rest

Progress Update: March 6, 2007

Phone line:
Our phone was out for several days last week and over the weekend due to a broken line (it is freezing cold :). Hopefully this didn’t inconvenience anyone. It was kind of nice to have a break from the technology – although plenty of ‘catching up’ to do.

As part of the work plans for the coming season we will be upgrading the old horse barn as a workshop. This will mainly involve a plywood overlay of about 3/4 of the floor and panelling two walls up to eight feet. The basement will be used for material storage and any heavy machining.

Yes, you all…:
To reiterate the general call for people to come and help with our work program. There is lots to do; clearing the barn, general site work, building, renovating, cooking, gardening, getting enlightened (there will be a dedicated team for this).

Does anyone have a family tent(s) (eg. 3-4 person, 10′ square, standing room, screened) that we could borrow to provide accommodation during our work program? This would be a space for one person.

Ayya Medhandi:
For those of you who don’t know her, Sister is a senior nun of the Ajahn Chah sangha.… Read the rest

Progress Update: February 27, 2007

Dhamma Articles:
Reflections from Ajahn Viradhammo. From a series of articles that appeared in the Ottawa Citizen on a range of topics. The aim is to format and upload a new one each week. See the web site: under ‘Teachings.’

Calling all…?:
Spring and summer work projects are beginning to percolate. The main focus will be building kutis but, with everything so new, there are many other areas. This is a very general call to gauge interest and availability of people who might be able to come and help. Let us know roughly when, and with some indication of skills. Specifics will become more clear in time.

Monastery — Sundays
We would like to experiment with a dhamma program on Sundays. This will be every second Sunday (alternating with the children’s classes). The current plan is: a dhamma talk before the meal offering (possibly including the 5 precepts) and reconvene after the meal at 12:30 for another talk with time for questions and discussion.

Web site photos
There is a new album of photos on the web site: “Along the Way.” We hope this will be regularly updated, giving you an ongoing sense of events at the monastery – from the simple to the sublime.… Read the rest

Progress Update: February 21, 2007

Technical stuff:
We are tidying our database(s). This mailing uses a ‘merged’ list so you may not have directly subscribed to the newsletter. If you do not wish to receive the newsletter please use the link below to have your details removed. This would be from the newsletter-mailing ONLY. This letter is headed – according to our records: Dear *first name | last name* Is this you? If there is a ‘?’ in either of these could you help us fill in the blank. Did you get two copies? We have taken the liberty of joining: Eg. Bob Jones & Sally Smith as… Bob & Sally | Jones_Smith as most mail will be to: Bob & Sally. Thanks for your patience.

Main newsletter:
Just to be clear that there are two ‘productions’ — these weekly updates AND the main newsletter, which will appear quarterly. The most recent of these newsletters is available on-line (under ‘news’). The updates are also on-line.

Childrens dhamma class:
The first (pre-teens) meeting was held on Sunday and was a great success. Do you have surplus art/craft resources (crayons, paints, wool, cloth, scissors, newsprint, etc. etc.)? Please let Ajahn Kusalo know. The next class will be March 4th (teens).… Read the rest

Progress Update: February 12, 2007

Day of Mindfulness – Saturday 10th:
Ajahn Viradhammo was with us for the weekend. There were 12 meditators. Sadhu.!

Ajahn Kusalo visited Algonquin College where construction students build small buildings for ‘material cost only.’ The main extra cost is transportation to the site. This is under consideration. A site has been tentatively set for the first kuti.

Male Steward:
An opportunity exists for a male to live at the monastery in the role of steward. Please contact the monastery for details.

Sutta study:
We have started a regular study group on Wednesday evenings, 5pm, tea-time. The current sutta is ‘The shorter discourse on Emptiness’ (Majjhima Nikaya 121). Anyone is welcome to join.

Childrens dhamma classes:
These will be every two weeks but, note that there are two age groups; pre-teens (5-12) and teens (13-19). The first p-t meeting will be on Sunday 18th February. See the events calendar for details. … Read the rest