Progress Update: April 11, 2007
Opanayiko Kuti:
The old workshop is currently being ‘winterised’ and will become the first kuti at Tisarana. It is a VERY old shed so life expectancy is uncertain but, hey, our community is growing and needs the space. We have windows, panelling and insulation but still need a small wood-burning stove (old and rough is good enough). Allan will be the first occupant. “Opanayiko”… leading inwards.
Days of Mindfulness:
Just to remind you that every Saturday is a day of mindfulness at the monastery. Come and share the meal (11am) and spend some time at the monastery. Group meditation, 2.00pm; Dhamma talk, 3.10; Meditation, 4.00; Tea, 5.00; Meditation, 7.00; Dhamma talk, 8.15.
We plan to build a ‘bush shower’ for the summer and wonder if anyone may have renovated recently and still has the old shower taps and head (or just has a set in the basement – along with the A.T.V., the arc welder and the mooose head). Ditto, wash basin.
One Tent…:
Yes, we have been donated one and it is almost warm enough to put it up. Many thanks for that. But… it is lonely. Does anyone else have a family tent (eg. 3-4 person, 10′ square, standing room) that we could borrow to provide accommodation during our work program?… Read the rest