Progress Update: May 16, 2007

>> Cool Ordination:
Last Saturday evening a small crowd gathered to witness the going forth of Anagarika Alan. Everyone had their lines learnt and all went very smoothly. Alan had just the right amount of nervousness in his voice to give the ceremony, and all present, that compassionate “will he won’t he” feeling. Very moving to be a part of and a milestone in the monastery’s history. Congratulations Alan.! [photos]

>> Dana:
There are several weekdays and some weekend days open for someone to offer a meal (or part) at the monastery. Contact the office.

>> Suckers:
I guess technically they should be called ‘siphoners’; those brave souls who took on the job of emptying the swimming pool (sans pump). And of course, the job finished, for several days after, it rained heavily. What will become of this hole in the ground? It is generally 5′ deep so the addition of 3′ walls would make it a useable building space – dana sala, meditation ‘cave’, storage…? [photos]

>> Ancient treasure:
Those of you who are interested in a sample of 130 year old barn-basement dust (or other antique debris) should send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the monastery. We have been uncovering a great deal of it as we begin to tackle the ‘stuff’ in the main barn basement. A lot is wood so our firewood supply is already being augmented.

>> Recycle Shed:
As the community grows so does the garbage — and the goodness and the generosity and all that — but, more space is needed to organise our ‘left overs’. A large patch of bulbs has been moved outside the kitchen window to make way for… a small shed? bins? a cookie monster? All will be revealed once we work through the plethora of options. The good news is that the transplanted bulbs are just LOVING all the recent rain.

>> Kuti Access:
Many big rocks later, the tractor and wagon has made it through to the first kuti site. We still need to get our building permit but work will hopefully start soon. [photos]

>> Vitality:
The blessings of Spring; health and energy. Ajahn Kusalo