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News Updates, Page 33

Progress Update: June 19, 2007

Monastic Visitors:
There are several. The biggest the Tisarana sangha has been with seven ordained samanas. A while ago we welcomed Bhante Khemmaratana. Friday saw Venerable Pavaro from Birken Monastery in B.C. join us and yesterday evening we were delighted to welcome Ajahn Sucitto. He is on a short tour of U.S. and Ca. and will be with us for a few days. Today was a bit of ‘R&R’ for Aj. Sucitto – a bit of kayaking on Pike lake – ooops, tippy, tippy. The hat managed to stay afloat. [no photo]

Working Bees:
On Saturday about 20 people came to join for the working bee. We started about nine in the morning and broke around 11 for a shared meal. The weather was brilliant – sunny, with enough breeze to keep the bugs away – and several people ate outside. A tremendous amount was achieved: both barn basements cleared, swimming pool ‘modified’, trees trimmed, kuti materials delivered, etc.. Many thanks to all those who could come. [photos]

Happy Bees:
There was a lot of work done but the pace was pretty relaxed. There was time during the day to stop for a drink and a chat. Time for a mid-afternoon group meditation in the sala.… Read the rest

Progress Update: June 13, 2007

Working Bee:
This Saturday – Tisarana. Come anytime through the day, stay the night if you wish. There are lots of non-technical projects: swimming pool, barn clearance, firewood, tree trimming, etc. If you think you might come can you contact Dianne: – 613 264 9661

On the Path:
Several accessways have been made – the way is easier. To the office, across the stream, to the beaver pond and to the second kuti site. To freedom? Always a work in progress. [photos]

Does anyone have an old canoe? We only have a small (with sticks and rocks) lake so old, ‘bashable’ is ideal. We could even repair. Get out on the water and sit about, watch the birds, meditate, chant.

The swimming pool has had its cerebral membrane punctured and is on the way to non-being. The plan is to restore the ground to more or less original contours and return to grass. There is a big pile of rock adjacent so with luck we may not have to import fill. [photo]

Monastery History:
Lorne came around on Sunday to set headstones in memory of his wife Vivian’s, mother and father. It is lovely to include these aspects in the monastery, our heritage, extended community.… Read the rest

Progress Update: June 5, 2007

Welcome Bhante:
Bhante Khemmaratana has been with us for about a week now visiting from Bhavana monastery, West Virginia. He is planning on staying for about a month. It is very nice having him here. An enthusiastic nature lover he was keen to spend some time in a tent. We have several, so no reason at all why not… well, the weather? No sooner was he tented than “the rains came down and the floods came up.” Several serious liquid deliveries. But these tough forest monks are… waterproof. [photo]

Monastic Law:
A rough translation from a Pali commentary… “If materials and/or tradespeople can possibly arrange to arrive at lunch time, then they will.” Our new fridge has been long awaited. Yes, the meal was ready. It was being offered. The door bell rings. Three large men proceed to remove the old fridge. It was a graceful ballet of monks and men, bowls, bowing and beg-pardon. We managed to fit the anumodana chanting in – between the exit of the old and entry of the new. A little more shuffling and shunting, exuse us, sorry and it was in. Glorious – the meal – AND the new fridge.

Sutta Studies:
We seem to have gotten these rolling again.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 30, 2007

What a great day we had. The weather was not too hot, not too cold. Not too many bugs. Two extra portaloos. Could this be heaven? Ajahn Viradhammo introduced the morning and offered several readings from the Buddha’s life story, focussing on birth and enlightenment. The children then presented a splendid rendition of the enlightenment [view video:]. A joyous rice pindapad followed by a shared lunch. Tea and chat. Death (of the Buddha). The natural order of things. What a joy it is to gather in these simple ways; celebration, reflection, meditation. The monastery is working well.

The Monastic Month:
June will see quite a few monastics visiting Tisarana. Sister Mon has been here for a few days already and Bhante Khemaratana arrives today. Both are staying for about a month. We will also have Ajahns Sucitto & Punnadhammo and Venerable Pavaro, although not all at the same time.

Some of you may have entered the basement door and stepped into a large puddle inches deep. No more.! Several water outlets were feeding into a very old non-soaking, soak pit. A bit of plastic magic and these are now exiting via the main soakage field. Your best socks can once again be worn with impunity – and trousers, or skirts please.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 23, 2007

Vesak – Saturday 26th May:
Just to remind you that this is happening AND that it is at the monastery – NOT at the Pagoda as earlier advertised. 10.00am start. The barn meditation sala has been closed in and is ready to rock. We have fans for the warm weather (loving) and screens for the mosquitoes (tolerating). We are expecting a good crowd and have prepared accordingly. [photos]

Gorgeous Garden:
The lawn got its first monastic haircut (not too short) over the weekend and is looking great. Can we maintain the high precedent standard? Marion has been exerior decorating on the front balcony with a delightful display of blooms around the buddha. [photo] The pool has been emptied, fenced and flagged.

Common Property:
A few people have been expressing interest in living closer to the monastery and some preliminary work has been done exploring options around living on a common property as well as other forms of co-operative living. There are many possibilities. If this strikes a chord of interest with you please contact Bill & Lorraine:

GPS Boundary:
I am not sure of the technology but we need to get some idea of our property boundaries and traditional surveying would be very costly.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 16, 2007

Cool Ordination:
Last Saturday evening a small crowd gathered to witness the going forth of Anagarika Alan. Everyone had their lines learnt and all went very smoothly. Alan had just the right amount of nervousness in his voice to give the ceremony, and all present, that compassionate “will he won’t he” feeling. Very moving to be a part of and a milestone in the monastery’s history. Congratulations Alan.! [photos]

There are several weekdays and some weekend days open for someone to offer a meal (or part) at the monastery. Contact the office.

I guess technically they should be called ‘siphoners’; those brave souls who took on the job of emptying the swimming pool (sans pump). And of course, the job finished, for several days after, it rained heavily. What will become of this hole in the ground? It is generally 5′ deep so the addition of 3′ walls would make it a useable building space – dana sala, meditation ‘cave’, storage…? [photos]

Ancient treasure:
Those of you who are interested in a sample of 130 year old barn-basement dust (or other antique debris) should send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the monastery. We have been uncovering a great deal of it as we begin to tackle the ‘stuff’ in the main barn basement.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 9, 2007

Vesak – 26th May:
The Pagoda has been double booked so we are having Vesak at the monastery. More details to follow

There are quite a few this week. Please note that all references to photos are to the photo gallery on the web site. The news update rarely has links and never has email attachments – small and simple, that’s the key.

Thanks to a couple of kind gifts the house shrine has been enhanced. A lovely stone Buddha image and a very elegant reliquary. (see photo)

de Fenceless:
Thanks to the persistant efforts of several people the two fences on either side of the house lot have been removed. It is surprising how the absence of such a little bit of wire opens up the space. (see photo)

Kuti Kurtains:
Alan has moved into the Opanayiko kuti. We had an official curtain hanging ceremony and it all looks very nice. Small and simple, that’s the key. (see photo)

Marion Returns:
Her trip was very successful. A good visit with Jarvis in San Quentin and a hearty stay in Vancouver. (see photo)

Sound Favourites:
One of those rare links… … Read the rest

Progress Update: May 2, 2007

Ajahn Viradhammo’s Birthday:
This was celebrated at the monastery on Saturday, 28th April. It was a delightful day and a success on many fronts. The main one was of course bringing focus to the goodness of Ajahn’s life; several people spoke warmly of this. It was also the first large gathering we have had at the monastery, about 60 people attended, and a test of our facilities and various spaces. There was a rice pindapat before the main meal offering (see photos). The new meditation module in the barn was used and while it was a bit cold (the roof is yet to come) the space was much appreciated. So, a great day and may Ajahn have many more to come.

Ajahn Kusalo – retreat:
True North Insight have organised a youth retreat (18-32) and this will be lead by Ajahn Kusalo and Daryl Lynn Ross. You can get details and forms etc. from:

Opanayiko Kuti:
At the current rate of work Alan will be moving in next week. Curtains have been made and a second-hand stove bought. It is quite the transformation. Book now for tours.!

Well Waggoned:
Not everyone shares my enthusiasm over the monastery’s new four-wheel waggon but the work it can do will surely be appreciated.… Read the rest

Progress Update: April 24, 2007

Marion Away:
Many of you may know of Marion’s ongoing friendship with Jarvis (in solitude on death row for most of his 43 years). She has gone to visit with him in San Quentin and we all hope that this goes well.

The monastery has an outdoor bell, a kind gift from Ajahn Viradhammo’s mum. It has a sweet ring and can be heard from a good distance – lunch is not to be missed.

Half a Tractor:
can be seen on the skyline on the edge of the back field. The other half? Hmmmm. Standing at the edge of the oozing bog engulfing the lower half, a sheepish antipodean (over)enthusiast hangs his head in shame. The road to the new kuti site is paved with good intentions. Photo to come.

Dana list:
This has been updated on the web site.

Construction Progress:
The Opanayiko kuti (old workshop) is not far away from being usable. The new workshop (inside the horse barn) is ready for use. The meditation module in the main barn has most of the walls up. The timber for the first monk’s kuti has been delivered (see photo). The road to the site is just half a tractor away from completion.… Read the rest

Progress Update: April 17, 2007

Ayya Medhanandi:
Will be giving a public talk in Perth on Sunday, April 22nd – 2pm. This will be at the Yoga Connection, 32 North Street, Perth (613) 267-7148

Thanks to your ongoing support we have been able to begin repaying our (private) loans. This has always been a priority for us and to date we have cleared 57% of the propery cost. Sadhu.!

All the way from Vancouver, our new kitchen steward. We are delighted to have her here. It relieves Marion of a lot of responsibility and extends our fledgling community in a very positive way. Welcome Cathy.

Tisarana will be joining with OBS to celebrate this auspicious event; the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha. We will meet on Saturday, 26th May at the Tu-An Pagoda (Vietnamese Buddhist Temple), 3591 Albion Road, (near Bank Street). The program (in brief): 9.30 – gathering and preparations 10.00 – refuges & precepts 10.30 – children’s presentation of the “Enlightenment of the Buddha” 11.00 – offering of food to the Sangha, shared meal 1.00 pm – dhamma talk and reading, reflections on Vesak from Ajahn Viradhammo 2.30 – closing comments and chanting

Anagarika Going-forth:
On Saturday May 12th Allan Gschwind will take the anagarika precepts as the first step toward bhikkhu ordination.… Read the rest