Progress Update: June 13, 2007

>> Working Bee:
This Saturday – Tisarana. Come anytime through the day, stay the night if you wish. There are lots of non-technical projects: swimming pool, barn clearance, firewood, tree trimming, etc. If you think you might come can you contact Dianne: – 613 264 9661

>> On the Path:
Several accessways have been made – the way is easier. To the office, across the stream, to the beaver pond and to the second kuti site. To freedom? Always a work in progress. [photos]

>> Canoe:
Does anyone have an old canoe? We only have a small (with sticks and rocks) lake so old, ‘bashable’ is ideal. We could even repair. Get out on the water and sit about, watch the birds, meditate, chant.

>> Ouch.!!:
The swimming pool has had its cerebral membrane punctured and is on the way to non-being. The plan is to restore the ground to more or less original contours and return to grass. There is a big pile of rock adjacent so with luck we may not have to import fill. [photo]

>> Monastery History:
Lorne came around on Sunday to set headstones in memory of his wife Vivian’s, mother and father. It is lovely to include these aspects in the monastery, our heritage, extended community.

>> Grounds Person:
Denny, who has a cottage on Pike Lake, has kindly offerred to oversee the care of grounds and gardens. There is more work than one person can manage but it is great to have someone take on the general responsibility.

>> Dragonflies:
Life is buzzing, croaking, singing, biting, mating, flying, swimming. Be in it.! (under a bug hat 🙂 – A.K.