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News Updates, Page 32

Progress Update: September 7, 2007

Raise the Roof:
The weather has been kind and Harry and crew have been kinder, giving generously of their time and skills to the building of the little kuti. The roof has been framed, big window in, door and other windows on site. [photo] It should be fully weather-proof in a few days.!

A Little Potty
The kitchen has had a wee upgrade – in the form of a hanging pot frame over the work table. The kitchen can be a bit small, especially on weekends, and this frees things a little. So far no heads have been banged while leaning over the table. [photo]

Site plan:
For those of you who have been following this aspect of the monastery it must seem as if this whole business has been going on for ages. It has. BUT… the zoning has finished, the site plan has now been approved and kuti permits are in [see photo for locations]. It could be a week or more before permits are issued and then work will begin toot sweet. If anyone has time to help – labouring and up (especially through the week) – please let us know.

Round the Bend:
We’ve been here long enough to make comparisons (however banal 🙂 Have a look at:… Read the rest

Progress Update: August 30, 2007

Kuti Walls:
The little kuti has a third dimension – walls. [photo] And, by the time you read this much of the roof and cladding will have appeared. What a joy it is to see this first kuti take shape.

Shoe Rack:
It has been a delight to see the increasing number of visitors to the monastery, especially over the weekends. This has invariably meant more feet on the premises. This in in turn has produced more shoes at the front door. Anagarika Alan’s aesthetic arborial architecture to the rescue. [photo]

Heaped Hole:
What was the hole that was the car park infront of what was the office is now two heaps of soil. [photo] This of course means another hole – in a hill out back – but we won’t go there here.

Green Fuzz:
The ‘back lawn in progress’ is progessing well. [photo] The weather has definitely turned and the showers we have had save on the sprinkler.

Levitation [photo]:
Thoughts come and go, emotions rise and fall. Keeping the heart leavened throughout is the ever-present possibility we have. AK … Read the rest

Progress Update: August 21, 2007

Tiny Kuti:
Harry and Anagarika Alan have been putting in good time on this and the wall frames should be going up this week. The roof has been prepared in advance and this should also come together quite soon. [photo]

Site Plan:
This has finally been submitted to council and, with luck, should be cleared in a week or two. The application for three kuti permits has also been submitted but a permit can’t be issued until the site plan is approved. The paticca-samuppada of construction.!

Heated Discussion:
We are still deliberating on how to heat the kutis. It is clear that there is not enough wood on the property for this. Does anyone have any direct experience with small oil-burning stoves (space heaters)? A quick search on the net shows several companies selling these. The units are cheap enough and we have oil regularly delivered for the house. If you have used one, or know someone who has one we would be please to hear from you.

New Back Lawn:
Raked, seeded, mulched and watered. We eagerly await the green stuff – hopefully well before the white stuff. The new front lawn is, alas, still a hole-in-waiting.

Gutless Barn:
The process of clearing the old barn continues.… Read the rest

Progress Update: August 8, 2007

Workshop Electrics:
We recently had the electricians around and our workshop wiring is now done. Lots of outlets and a couple of fluorescent lights. All that now remains is to find a place for all the tools and stuff (the easy part) and have them remember their place (the hard part). The barn will be next — when we are clear what we need.

Harry is Here:
No, not Potter the boy but Hill the man. He was at Bhavana in West Virginia for about a year and will be with us for a couple of months. He has the skills and has very generously offered to help out with the kuti building. The wheel is turning.!

Log Splitter:
We are slowly getting our winter wood together and a good friend donated an electric log splitter. [photo] Feel free to offer us a demo next time you are visiting 🙂

Hole & Non-hole:
The swimming pool is no more. That hole that once was is not. No more. All further discussion will be of ‘the new (back) lawn in progress.’ [photo] The parking area in front of what was the garage, but is now the office, is now a hole. [photo] All further discussion will be of ‘the new (front) lawn in progress.’… Read the rest

Progress Update: August 2, 2007

Vassa 2007:
It was delightful to have so many people join us on Saturday for the meal and the days dhamma activities. Ajahn Viradhammo gave a fine talk and the community meditated until midnight. The vassa was formally established on Monday.

Site Plan:
The next step, following on from the zoning approval, is submitting a site plan of intended works. Initially this will be three kutis. We need to establish their precise location on site. Our consultants have kindly agreed to show Ajahn Kusalo how this is done so that for our next submission we can be somewhat more independent. The short of this is that we now have a (cheap) GPS unit.

Being here Now:
Where here is 44 degrees, 47.029N — 076 degrees 19.060W — 523 feet above the sea, and now is, well, now.

Fading Pool:
Slowly, by degrees (N, S, E & W) the swimming pool is not-being. We are fortunate to have a neighbour (Doug) with a big digger. Yes, that’s Dougs Digger doing the deed. [photo]

Anagarika Alan has been, and is, as well as his monastic duties, doing some great work around the place. A set of doors for the workshop being one of them.… Read the rest

Progress Update: July 25, 2007

Sunday 29th is the full moon of July – Asahla Puja. This heralds the beginning of the vassa (the three month rainy season in Asia). We will be marking this occassion on Saturday. There will be a pot-luck dana, the usual ‘Day of Mindfulness’ and some reflections in the evening. You are most welcome to join with us.

Newspaper Article:
A reporter from the Perth Courier recently came round to interview us. The article was well written and presented with a photo of Ajahn Viradhammo. We have a copy at the monastery should you wish to see that.

Denny is overseeing much of our ground work and would like to meet with anyone who has a sense of garden layout, suitable plants etc. Write to the monastery.

Our Wednesday sutta study has evolved into a daily (evening tea time) study of the Four Noble Truths. We are using the text by Venerable Nyanatiloka – ‘Word of the Buddha.’ There are copies of this available on-line.

A bat somehow found its way into the shrine room – a Buddhist Bat? Ever tried herding bats? Cats are a doddle by comparison. Marion and Alan danced a merry jig, blocking and guiding, steering and directing.… Read the rest

Progress Update: July 18, 2007

Council Approval:
Our zoning application was unanimously approved by council and there is now a 20 day appeal period. All going well our building permit for kutis should arrive not long after this. Yeee hahhhh ! !

Kuti Builder:
Met with John the builder and agreed that he would oversee construction of our first two kutis. He is happy to work with us (whoever ‘us’ might turn out to be at the time) and there is no real reason why we shouldn’t have these finished – at least usable – for the winter retreat.

A screen door has been fitted to the Opanayiko kuti. So, that’s a bug net, a regular door, a screen door, a storm door… Where is the faith in the protection of the Dhamma? I admit that I don’t know of any sutta covering the vagaries of Canadian bugs and weather.

Cat Liberation:
Young Fred the cat has broken down the barriers. Cast off the shackles of bondage. Exited the door of the house. Walked on the lawn of liberation. And, returned to share his adventures – beautiful in the beginning, marvelous in the middle and easeful in the end.

Yes, there has been a lot about.… Read the rest

Progress Update: July 11, 2007

Zoning Meeting:
Our zoning application was presented to the Tay Valley Council last night (July 10th) and all went very well. Full council approval is pending and this (assuming a ‘thumbs up’) is followed by a 20 day appeal period. It has been quite a protracted process but good to know that we are ‘doing it right’ from the outset.

Days of Mindfulness:
Tisarana DOMs are on Sunday for: 15th July AND 12th August. This is because OBS have their DOMs on the Saturday (14th & 11th respectively). So… you can have a full weekend of mindfulness. A full week. A full life.!

Swimming Pool:
The long, drawn out demise continues. Anagarika Alan and Ajahn Kusalo have been doggedly doing the deed. [photos]

Direct Credit/Debit:
We have switched banks and it is now possible to make a direct credit to our account. Contact the office for details.

The Law:
Old age, sickness and death. One of the very old apple trees on the property has lost a couple of arms. It was a still and quiet night – until, cRaSh… and there you go. [photo]

Freed Frog:
Marion has been maintaining the balcony garden, assiduously watering. [photo] But…? The watering can is full, but why won’t the water come out?… Read the rest

Progress Update: July 4, 2007

DOM changes:
Saturday “Days of Mindfulness” will be on Sunday on…… 15th July AND 12th August. Mark those days on your calendar.

Big truck – Small car:
We have the one, and it is great around the property and local runs but, its a big steamer. We need a small, economical, reliable sedan for trips to Ottawa and the like. Any suggestions?

First the working bee clean-up shifted the clutter in the workshop basement. Then, Samanera Paramitto let loose swinging a big hammer and yielding a monster pry bar. What was there is no longer – just empty space. It looks just great and will probably be construction storage – lumber, plumbing, electrical. [photo]

We don’t let them all escape so easily. Ajahn Sucitto was weatherbound overnight in Chicago taking nearly 30 hours to get back to Chithurst. Venerable Pavaro only just made it to the airport. Gashed his head on the car door in the scramble, just squeaked through check-in security, only to have to wait for remaining passengers. As far as we know Ven. Khemmaratana made it back to Bhavana without mishap.

Land Co-op:
The meeting last Saturday was extremely well attended and the interest is high.… Read the rest

Progress Update: June 28, 2007

Land Co-op:
There is a meeting at Tisarana on Saturday 30th, 5pm, to discuss various options around living on a common property as well as other forms of co-operative living . There are many possibilities. There are currently 12 people intending to attend. Ajahn Viradhammo will chair the meeting. If you would like to join, just turn up. To follow the results, contact Bill & Lorraine:

Changing Faces:
Sure, why not? A little silicon, a sharp knife… No, not that silly. Merely face relocation(s). Ajahn Sucitto to Chicago/UK, Ven. Pavaro back to Birken and Bhante Khemmaratana back to Bhavana on Tuesday. The exit line will be balanced by the return of Ajahn Punnadhammo and Samanera Paramitto on Friday. They will be staying for about a week. Such is the nature of a monastery at this time of year. Things will quiet down for the vassa – in about a month.

Garden Grows:
With all the rain and warm weather we have been having the garden is looking superb. There is such a wonder of beautiful flowers and grasses around the house and beyond. Much of this, of course, is our inheritance from the previous owners. Thanks for that. [photo]

Tiny Kuti:
General zoning allows us to freely errect a building of up to 100 square feet.… Read the rest