Progress Update: August 21, 2007

>> Tiny Kuti:
Harry and Anagarika Alan have been putting in good time on this and the wall frames should be going up this week. The roof has been prepared in advance and this should also come together quite soon. [photo]

>> Site Plan:
This has finally been submitted to council and, with luck, should be cleared in a week or two. The application for three kuti permits has also been submitted but a permit can’t be issued until the site plan is approved. The paticca-samuppada of construction.!

>> Heated Discussion:
We are still deliberating on how to heat the kutis. It is clear that there is not enough wood on the property for this. Does anyone have any direct experience with small oil-burning stoves (space heaters)? A quick search on the net shows several companies selling these. The units are cheap enough and we have oil regularly delivered for the house. If you have used one, or know someone who has one we would be please to hear from you.

>> New Back Lawn:
Raked, seeded, mulched and watered. We eagerly await the green stuff – hopefully well before the white stuff. The new front lawn is, alas, still a hole-in-waiting.

>> Gutless Barn:
The process of clearing the old barn continues. With so many guests for the weekend we took the opportunity to haul out the ‘milking stall frames’ – having first chainsawed them into five panels. Each panel was pretty heavy and took quite an effort to get out into the yard. [photo] Well done team.

>> New Neighbour:
Susan Quipp has bought a house in Perth and moved in last week. She will be looking after the office while Marion in at Amaravati for the winter retreat. Welcome Susan.!

>> Full House:
The barn was full to enlightenment for the Saturday Day-of-Mindfulness. Overflowing. It is so inspiring to see the increasing level of interest at such a relatively early stage of the monastery. It augurs well.

>> Full Heart:
The generosity continues and much joy and gratitude to you all. Overflowing. AK.