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News Updates, Page 26

Progress Update: May 4, 2010

Work Weekend:
This Saturday and Sunday, May 8 & 9, to help with preparations for Ajahn Sumedho’s visit. We will work from 8 am to 5 pm BOTH DAYS, taking a break for meals and the Saturday 1pm program. There is space available to stay overnight, so you can make a weekend of it; book through the website. We will have work for people of all abilities and skills (or lack thereof).

Vesak Program:
09:00 Ajahn Sumedho gives 8 precepts 09:30 Suggested arrival time (earlier is better) 10:00 Welcome / introduction 10:15 Children’s devotional songs 10:30 Rice pindapat 11:30 Lunch 01:30 Children’s Jataka Play – Abhaya Auspicious chanting Dhamma Talk Once-a-year Kuti tours

Toronto Visit:
A group of about 20 people associated with Toronto’s Mahamevanawa Temple came and spent Saturday at Tisarana joining with the regular dhamma program and helping with work. Various projects were seen to but the rain eventually drove us into the barn where several staging platforms were constructed. [photo]

Porch Cover:
A temporary cover is being built over the porch outside the kitchen to extend available space during Ajahn Sumedho’s visit. It is a very simple affair but will take the load off the kitchen. [photo]

Access to the monastic area across the stream has tended to be right past venerable Atulo’s kuti.… Read the rest

Progress Update: April 30, 2010

It has been a while since Ajahn Kusalo was in Thailand attending alms giving ceremonies but we thought you would be interested in some detail of that time. Here is a collection of photos and text that will give you some idea of his time there. It was very beneficial on several counts; making contact with people in Bangkok who support Tisarana, meeting up with several senior Ajahns who have an interest in monks in the West, connecting with the Thai western sangha generally and to recieve the financial generosity so warmly given. There was also a Malaysian man who made an extremely generous donation to Tisarana. Our mortgage is now very manageable. Thank you to all those involved, both here in Canada and overseas. [photo]

LPSumedho Visit:
Things are on track for his visit at the end of May. The first main event will be Vesak on Saturday 29th May starting at 10.00 sharp. Check the website for general infomation and the calendar for specific details.
The Vesak Schedule:
09:30 You arrive
10:00 Welcome / introduction
10:15 Children’s devotional songs
10:30 Rice pindapat
11:30 Lunch
01:30 Children’s Jataka – Abhaya
Auspicious chanting
Dhamma Talk
Once-a-year Kuti tours

Lavish Decor:
We have a whole crew working on the construction of several privies for the kutis.… Read the rest

Progress Update: April 5, 2010

** Visit NOW!! to help with preparations for Ajahn Sumedho’s visit **
We have lots to do here at the monastery in the weeks leading up to this event and the best way to help is to book an overnight visit and stay for as long as you can. We could really use your help, whatever you are able to do.

If you think you have a particular skill to share, please e-mail

** Annual General Meeting **
The Tisarana Annual General Meeting for the year 2009 will be held on SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 2010 at 3:00 P.M. at the monastery. All are welcome. Please mark your calendar. This will follow the regular Day of Mindfulness activities.

** Gratitude for the retreat **
The resident community would like to express its appreciation for all the support it received during this year’s Winter Retreat. There were volunteers here to cook almost every day for the whole three months, a record for us so far. If you were here and enjoyed your stay, tell your friends. If you are interested in supporting the retreat next year, feel free to ask us any questions.

** Life at 1356 Powers Road **
We are springing forth from the winter retreat with many plans for preparations on our minds.… Read the rest

Progress Update: February 24, 2010

Ajahn Sumedho Visit Date Change
The dates for Ajahn Sumedho’s visit have changed slightly. He will be arriving at Tisarana on Friday 28 May and departing Friday 18 June. More information can be found on our website at

Ajahn Viradhammo needs rides.
Now that we are without anagarikas or regular stewards at the monastery, we are again in need of driving support for Ajahn Viradhammo on the weekends. Please contact him at if you are available. Because of monastic rules there needs to be another male in the vehicle.

We’re still open
Even though we are on retreat, the monastery is still open to day visitors. The Saturday and Observance Day activities continue uninterrupted. Please feel free to stop by as usual. We appreciate the quiet time and hope you will, too.

2009 AGM
The Tisarana Annual General Meeting for the year 2009 will be held on SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 2010 at 3:00 P.M. at the monastery. All are welcome. Please mark your calendar. This will follow the regular Day of Mindfulness activities.

Winter retreat stewards–almost there!
We are so grateful for all the people who have helped and will help with supporting the winter retreat. There is space for a second person from now until April 1.… Read the rest

Progress Update: February 16, 2010

Farewell Janko
Anagarika Janko is leaving Tisarana this week to continue his training in Asia. We appreciate all the service he has offered the community and wish him well in his travels.

Monk Fear Rumour
We have heard a rumour that there are people who want to offer a meal, but they are scared of cooking for monks. Have no fear! As far as we know, no one has ever gotten hurt offering dana to the Sangha. Monks are easy to cook for. The community is very small (3 or 4 people). Our only dietary requirement is that we finish eating by 12:00 noon. We can eat the same food you do. There can always be someone available to answer questions. To schedule a meal offering, please contact

Winter Retreat Support Still Needed
As it stands, there is no one scheduled to be here to cook from March 7 to 22 or from the 29 to 31. If you are able to serve during that time please contact Ideally, potential volunteers will have stayed at Tisarana in the past and are able to stay for at least a week. We have room for a second volunteer most weeks until April 1, but the most urgent need is during the time listed above.… Read the rest

Progress Update: January 24, 2010

Luang Por Sumedho Retreate Registration Now Open:
Registration is now open for Luang Por Sumedho’s weekend retreat in Ottawa June 12 and 13, 2010. Use this link for more information: Weekend Retreat. This is a non-residential retreat with registration required. There is some campus housing available for those coming from out of the area. See the link above for more information. Housing registration and retreat registration are separate.

Winter Retreat Volunteers Still Needed:
There is no one signed up to support the winter retreat at Tisarana from Jan 29 to Feb 14 as well as from Mar 1 to Mar 31. The main responsibility is cooking the meal for the small group of residents on retreat. This is an excellent way to integrate your meditation practice into daily life activities. We are seeking past guests who can commit to a week or more. Contact Bookings 0100090000036900000010001c0000000000050000000b0200000000050000000c020000000004000000020101000400000004010d0008000000fa0200000000000000000000040000002d01000007000000fc020000ffffff000000040000002d0101001c000000fb020000080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000002d010200040000002e011800050000000902ffffff00040000000701030007000000430f2000cc00000000000300000000000000000000000000 if you are interested.

Dana Meals Still Welcome:
The community is welcome to bring dana meals during the winter retreat as normal. Please contact the Steward 0100090000036900000010001c0000000000050000000b0200000000050000000c020000000004000000020101000400000004010d0008000000fa0200000000000000000000040000002d01000007000000fc020000ffffff000000040000002d0101001c000000fb020000080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000002d010200040000002e011800050000000902ffffff00040000000701030007000000430f2000cc00000000000300000000000000000000000000 if you are interested. The monastery calendar is updated to note the days people have already signed up.

Saturday Program Continues:
The Saturday program continues through the winter retreat.… Read the rest

Progress Update: December 29, 2009

Season’s Greetings:
The year is nearly ended and the monastery will be on retreat from Jan 4th until March 29th. These updates may not arrive during this time. Ajahn Kusalo will be in Thailand and Oz. during most of February and there may be some news after that trip. This update is really to wish you a trouble free and joyous new year. May the blessings of all your goodness and generosity bring you much happiness in times to come. Tisarana is only able to continue as a result of your ongoing support and for this we are all truely grateful. Thank you.
Here are a few newsy reminders.

New Years Eve:
You are most welcome to join us for the evening.

New Year’s Day after DOM:
Jan. 2nd – cancelled.

Winter Retreat Stewards:
Still space in February & March.

Kitchen Steward:
Long term person needed.

Ajahn Sumedho:
Booking forms for the in-city retreat are almost ready. There will be an announcement, probably mid_Jan.

VESAK 2010:
May 28th. EVERYONE, including Ajahn Sumedho, will be at Tisarana.

Don’t Worry:
Be Happy. … Read the rest

Progress Update: December 21, 2009

New Years Eve:
Greet the new year at the monastery with auspicious blessings and delicious marshmallows. We begin the evening with judicious Puja at 7:00pm and the night will be a mixture of religious chanting, propitious meditation and nutritious dhamma talk, reflections and more advantageous meditation. There will be an ambitious bonfire. If you are planning to stay the night please bring some extra bedding and a floor mat. We have some but best play safe. Do join us.

New Year’s Day DOM:
New year’s eve is on Friday night so we imagine there may not be many coming for the Day of Mindfulness on Saturday – new years day. You are most welcome to visit but there will be no organised program on Saturday the 1st 2010.

The year-end newsletter has been printed and posted. If you haven’t received a copy you can download a PDF off the web site: NewsNewsletter. To be included in or removed from the postal mailing list, please contact Tina: with your mailing details. Note: the newsletter mailing list is not the same list used for these email updates.

VESAK 2010:
The full moon of May is on the 28th of August [just checking you are awake :] and it is a Friday.… Read the rest

Progress Update: December 4, 2009

Winter Retreat:
The winter retreat will start on Monday, January 4th. There will be a week of all-day group meditation with dhamma reflections and guidance. Morning and evening pujas will continue over the retreat but there will be periods of ‘no meetings’ so people can spend more time on their own. You are more than welcome to visit the monastery and join with whatever is going on. We will be observing Noble Silence. Feel free to come to the monastery at any time for meditation or perhaps just go for a walk. You could join us for the daily meal at 11.00.

Winter Stewards:
If you are interested in staying at Tisarana (minimum a week) during any during any part of the winter retreat please contact Samanera Atulo: . January is pretty full but there is space in February and March.

Samanera Ordination:
Just over a week ago Anagarika Joe took the samanera precepts and his new name is Atulo which means ‘incomparable or immeasurable.’ Practice it now: ‘A’ as in hut, ‘u’ as in put, ‘o’ as in hello Atulo. The ceremony was very well attended with his mother and other family members offering the alms bowl and robes. There were also a large number of friends to witness this going-forth which was held in the new barn space – The Grand Hall.… Read the rest

Progress Update: November 14, 2009

Anagarika Joe’s Ordination:
Anagarika Joe will take the going-forth as Samanera ??? His new name is a surprise. The white to the brown. You can get it live, along with a shared meal, chanting, ritual, dhamma, kalyanamitta and so much more on Saturday November 21st. The ceremony will begin after lunch, about 1.00pm. Car pooling will not only save gas but make parking here a lot easier. We hope you can come.

New Year’s Eve:
It is a good way off but a few people have been enquiring about staying at the monastery overnight. This is not a problem although there may be only floor space available (beds for the elderly and infirm). Please fill out the ‘guest booking form’ (participatevisiting). We will start at 7pm with chanting then meditation, a dhamma talk, a walk, a fire, some reflections mixed in with various etc.

Your Winter Retreat:
January, February and March are a time of retreat at Tisarana. We reserve space in the house for lay friends to come and join us for a week or more. If you are interested in staying at Tisarana during any of this time please contact Joe:

Ajahn Sumedho Visit 2010:
Thanks to those who filled out the participation survey.… Read the rest