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News Updates, Page 25

Progress Update: September 29, 2010

Weekend of Mindfulness:
This weekend. Starts at 5:30am Saturday and finishes around 4:00pm on Sunday. Sitting and walking with some instruction and talks. Come for part or all of this time. If you are joining for the meal at 11:00 please bring a dish.

Ajahn Viradhammo – rides:
If anyone is coming to the monastery on Saturday morning and could offer Ajahn Viradhammo a ride please let us know. Generally, if you are coming to Tisarana it would be good to know if you could offer him a ride.

Upasika Program:
A new study program from Tisarana is being initiated for those who would like to strengthen their commitment to meditation practice and the study of Buddhism as presented in the Pali Canon and the Forest Sangha tradition. program details

We need a structural report on the barn as part of our development. It seems as if all the engineers on the planet are sooooo busy with bigger fish to fry. Do you know anyone who might be able to help us with this relatively small matter?

Not Quite Pink:
We have been investing in the energy efficiency of the house. Following the energy audit earlier this year we now have a new propane furnace and heat pump along with a well foamed basement and attic roof.… Read the rest

Progress Update: September 16, 2010

With Kelvin and Tina’s change of plans and venerable Atulo’s impending bhikkhu ordination it is unclear how the mid-day meals at the monastery will happen, especially through the week. There are several possible solutions.
Someone comes to the monastery in the morning and either cooks or offers a prepared meal.
Meals are prepared and frozen at home and delivered to the monastery. Delivery could easily be by another person.
Someone comes to the monastery and prepares a meal using the above meals.
Someone comes to the monastery and offers food to the monks from our freezer. NB. Monks can’t cook but are permitted to (re)heat food.
The committee discussed this issue last Sunday and it was generally felt that the food itself was not the principal hurdle but that the key issue was more ‘someone coming to the monastery.’ So, there are likely two groups of people:
those who can prepare the food – frozen or otherwise
those who can come to the monastery to offer it – in the morning
Delivery is another group but there are always people coming weekends so this is just a matter of coordination.
If you feel you can help in any of these three areas – preparing, offering or delivery – then please contact Tina Prudhomme:
This item probably breaks the record as the longest update ever.… Read the rest

Progress Update: August 27, 2010

Moving News:
Many of you may already know of Venerable Sumangalo’s decision to put down the Bhikkhu training and take up lay life again. His warm and generous presence will be missed in the monastery and we wish him well in his new life.

Canoe Retreat:
The rain fell unceasingly, accompanied by wild lightning and hellish thunder for the first twelve hours; the purifying prelude to a serene and sunny calm that held for the remaining five days of the retreat. An awesome metaphor for our diligent practice. All so rewarding on many levels. [photo] see homepage for ‘textures’

Ajahn Sumedho Talks:
It has been a while but well worth the wait. Titling dhamma talks is often a challenge but we resisted listing these as… “The Way It Is: Part I” – – the Part II, etc. These will be added as part of the podcast system or you can download the first of these files

Moving On:
Kelvin and Tina are in popular demand. Unfortunately, for us, it is their work commitments that will whisk them away to Hong Kong much sooner than the completion of their intended year with us here at Tisarana. They have been incredibly supportive and giving over the last year plus and there will be a visible gap come the end of September.… Read the rest

Progress Update: July 29, 2010

Wonderful News:
The latest Wow Jones index shows that the relationally enhanced division of statistical dhamma ratios between pre- and post-meditative experience has extensive increases of mindful in-breaths to mindful out-breaths at 1.375:1.375 – and counting. The release of this news last week has seen significantly more people taking stock and actively leveraging their share. An opportunity not to be missed. [photo]

New Stewards:
Kelvin and Tina Stephenson-Chin have taken up residence at the monastery as stewards. Their intention is to stay for a year. They have been involved with monastery activities for quite some time already helping with any number of things and their extended commitment is most welcome.

Site Menu Change:
The monastery web site menu has been revised. The two main changes are: ‘photos’ is now under ‘news’ (also ‘about us’) and ‘visiting’ is a seperate heading. We have been having a lot of guest inquiries and the thought was to make this information more clearly visible. A good many pages have been updated to reflect the changes taking place at Tisarana and if you spot any anomalies please let us know.

Shining Summer Sundries:
The site has been cleared for the new kuti [photo] and excavation for the foundations will get underway on Monday.… Read the rest

Progress Update: July 16, 2010

No News:
After the wonderful whirl what was Ajahn Sumedho’s visit things at Tisarana have settled to a fairly gentle pace. Venerable Khemaratana has left to take up residence in Toronto. Venerable Sumangalo is visiting with family. This leaves vens. Kusalo and Attulo with 54 acres of serenity each. But… there are things afoot. For some that means toes, for others it means work. Read on.

New Kuti:
With a view to future community growth we will be starting construction of a new kuti quite soon. Depending on available labour this year may only see the foundations – or, roof only – or, finished and ready to go. Watch this space.

Dhamma Hall:
Following the incredible generosity earlier this year from Thailand, Malaysia and Canada we are now considering plans for a purpose-built dhamma hall. There are SO MANY options but the general location is clear (on the old golf course) and capacity is reasonably agreed. A secondary consideration is a dana sala (dining hall). LOTS of possibilities here. We are still very much in the conceptual design stage and would be happy to talk with any monastery-friendly architects or engineers that you may know – or even be.

Aj Kusalo Away:
Just returned from two weeks in the US teaching in Boston – weekend kids group + discussion group + talk and Q&A – then a week co-teaching a family retreat at IMS in Barre.… Read the rest

Progress Update: June 18, 2010

Family Day:
This Sunday, 20th. Join us for lunch at 11:00. There will be a children’s class at 12:30 (bring painting clothes). If you would like to be included on the family mailing list please contact Vivienne:
There will be a weekend family camp over Labour Weekend – September 3-6. More on this later.

Up Up and Away:
After just over three weeks at Tisarana Ajahn Sumedho is winding his way West. What an incredibly rich time it has been, not only the scheduled events but impromptu teachings as well. The public talk in Perth on Sunday 6th was attended by over 200 people and everything went very smoothly. The talk on Friday 11th at OttawaU was brilliant. A copy of this can be downloaded here: The weekend retreat was awesome. With eyes closed it was hard to imagine there were 250 people in the hall it was so quiet. With eyes open it was a joy to see many old friends and many new faces. Most of Ajahn’s talks were recorded and these will be available shortly. Lots of images can be downloaded in any size from Jim Roy’s web site. Prints can also be ordered at cost. Please request US Postal service for lowest cost shipping.… Read the rest

Progress Update: June 1, 2010

Wow. Everything went right, nothing went wrong. Lots of people came – we estimate over 200. Luang Por Sumedho gave a large group the eight precepts in the morning. Two groups of children then offered a selection of devotional songs. This was followed by what must be the longest rice-pindapat we have seen at Tisarana. We then enjoyed a superbly generous meal together. The weather was sublimly cool in the morning and warm and sunny in the afternoon so people could eat on the lawn and, with such a large crowd, spill out of the tent during the afternoon activities. After lunch a play based on the Cullahamsa Jataka (the taming of Nalagiri the elephant) was presented. We were delighted to have three monks visiting from Ottawa and Ayya Medhanandhi from Sati Saraniya and the entire sangha joined in offering auspicious blessing chants to mark the propitiousness of the occasion. Luang Por Sumedho then gave an uplifting dhamma talk. To end the afternoon many took the opportunity to tour the monastic area and view the kutis (a once-a-year event). Monastery residents and friends had made an array of gifts – Buddha amulets, bodhi leaves and a selection of books – and these were appreciated.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 27, 2010

Friday Volunteers:
We still need volunteers this Friday, May 27 to get ready for Vesak. It is an Uposatha day (Full Moon) so we will also have a 2 PM meditation. Ajahn Sumedho will be here for the meal.

Parking Volunteers – Vesak:
We need four people on the 29th to help with parking from 9:30 to 11:30 and four more from 11:00 to 1:00. If you can help, contact Bhante Khema:

Vesak Detail:
If you would like to sit on the ground, bring a cushion. We will have some chairs available. Food should be brought ready to serve – no re-heating facilities. Park in the old golf course. See the schedule on the website for details

Visit During the Week:
We will be asking Ajahn Sumedho to give a morning reflection after the 7:15 breakfast. There may also be the opportunity to chat after the 11:00 lunch. Please join us.

Food to Share:
When you come to the monastery for the meal, you may want to bring food ready to eat. We will also need groceries during this time as well. The dana page on the website will be updated regularly.

Dhamma Talk – Sunday:
Ajahn Sumedho will give a talk at 1:00 pm this Sunday, May 27 at Tisarana.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 20, 2010

Whats the Buzz:
Word on work has it that the bees are still needed at Tisarana. There is lots of light work to do indoors and out, so please consider coming, rain or shine. If you are not able to come on the weekend, we will still need help all next week. It would help to know if you are coming, particularly next week. Contact:

Food for Vesak:
If you are planning on bringing food for the Vesak dana, we are requesting that it can be transported and eaten cold. There will be no opportunity for re-heating food.

Wheel Chair Access:
There will be a wheelchair accessible toilet on site outdoors at Tisarana for the three weeks that Ajahn Sumedho is here. If you have and questions contact:

A Pride:
It certainly pertains to lions. I wonder if we could also have a pride of privies? There are several of them ready for the crowds we are expecting during the three weeks of Ajahn Sumedho’s visit and they are so nicely constructed the builders have reason to be proud. [photo]

Perth Public Talk:
Yes, indeed, Ajahn Sumedho is giving a public talk in Perth on Sunday, June 6 at 3:00 p.m.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 14, 2010

Working Bee:
Next weekend – 22nd & 23rd May. This is mostly in prepartaion for Ajahn Sumedho’s visit. Come in the morning and work up an appetite for lunch then work off the excess in the afternoon. There is lots to do and something to suit all skill levels.

Working Bee:
U mide tink hiss were a little title typo. I tis egg jelly an attention grabbing device 2 get U 2 read the first item again. Even again. Read it again. Author strikes confident pose and ponders next item.

Next Item:
Thinks… can my esteemed audience tolerate more work bee encouragement? Perhaps better not bee overworking the medium and just move on.

Vesak Volunteers:
Please write to: if you are able to volunteer for part of the day, Vesak, May 29. We will need help from morning till afternoon. Stewarding, car parking, food management, etc.

Ajahn Sumedho:
The first event of his visit will be Vesak on Saturday the 29th May. There will be a public talk in Perth on Thursday June 3rd and at Ottawa University on Friday June 11th. See the web site for details. The retreat is fully booked but please check the University web site for details.… Read the rest