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News Updates, Page 27

Progress Update: October 9, 2009

Ordination #1:
Samanera Sumangalo will take the going-forth on Saturday 31st October. You are all invited to come and share the meal at 11.00 then take part in this historic event. We will have four visiting monks (all Canadian!) supporting proceedings as well as the resident sangha. The barn is looking just great and we are optimistic that the rented furnace will be sufficient to supplement the warmth of our joyous assembly. Bring a cushion or stool/chair.

Ordination #2:
Anagarika Joe will take samanera ordination on Saturday 21st November. This will bring the brown-robe count up to four. Gladness and delight. We hope to use the new barn space, depending on how well the heating works next Saturday. This will be after the meal around 1.00pm and you are most welcome to join with us for both.

Winter Retreat:
As you probably know the monastery spends January, February and March on silent retreat. In previous years we have had lay friends join with us for a week or more to meditate and help out in the kitchen. If you are interested taking part in this retreat period please contact Joe:

Ajahn Sumedho:
Yes, he will be at Tisarana from 25th May … Read the rest

Progress Update: September 14, 2009

Lotsa News:
It has been several weeks since news was updated but it has been pretty much a case of being too busy doing it to have the time to report it. A very fruitful time with much happening. Here are the headlines.

Bhikkhu Ordination:
October 31st is the big day – both for Samanera Sumangalo and for Tisarana; and, of course, his parents, family, friends and the whole four-fold sangha. That’s a big percentage of the planet 🙂 The first bhikkhu ordination for a monastery is a historic milestone requiring a large number of wholesome factors to be in place. Our three North American monasteries will be joining us in the form of Ajahn Pasanno from California, Ajahn Sona from B.C. and Ajahn Punnadhammo from Thunder Bay. Ajahn Viradhammo will be the preceptor, his first ordination as an ‘official’ upajjhaya. You are all invited. More details later.

Newsletter Online:
In case you didn’t get our latest (printed) newsletter posted to you a copy is available online: newsnewsletter. There is a PDF version available at the bottom of the page. To be included in or removed from the postal mailing list, please contact Tina: with your mailing details.

Canoe Retreat:
Awesome!… Read the rest

Progress Update: July 27, 2009

We are generally looking to reduce the amount of lawn we mow and one strategy is to plant wildflowers down the side of the front lawn. There are several species (basically weeds) that grow quite prolifically around us so it should be no problem. Watch that space.

High Speed Help:
A volunteer is needed, approx. bi-monthly, to upload large podcast files to the internet. Qualifications: have high speed, have experience using upload interfaces, and preferably comes to the monastery to pick up talks. E-mail if you are able to help.

Floor Reno:
The sittting room floor has been patiently waiting for a drink since we lifted the carpet not long after buying the house. Olli has generously, courageously taken on the task of sanding and varnishing the lovely oak. The difference in colour is a joy to behold. [photo]

Barn Update:
The first replacement beam has been fitted and it will be only a matter of days before the floor joists are back in place. Then, before you can say “well that was quick and hang on a minute while we just plane a few floor boards and pound a few nails in” the first section of the floor will be walkable – even bowable.… Read the rest

Progress Update: July 7, 2009

Family Camp:
5th – 7th September (Labour Weekend). An opportunity to spend time at the monastery with a range of activities for both parents and children. Tents, campfire, chanting, meditation, craft, long walks, food, friendship and sunshine. If you are interested in taking part contact the monastery or contact Vivienne Bartlett – (613 567 8308).

Canoe Retreat:
Led by Ajahn Kusalo. August, Wed 12th – Tues 18th. The plan is for a small group (max. 6 canoes) to paddle in to a base for five days of quiet dhamma; meditation, talks, discussion, silence. A relaxed retreat schedule with group and personal time through the day. Food will be organised but you will need your own gear; tent, canoe, etc. Interested? Contact Tina Stephenson:

Kuti Progress:
The roof is on, the walls are clad, one window is in, the porch is down. There is still a lot to do but it looks like we are on target for winter habitation. 2x[photo]

There are quite a few little (and not so little) bits to be repaired before the new floor actually goes down. One of the basement posts, as well as being a bit rotten, had punched a hole in the concrete floor.… Read the rest

Progress Update: June 24, 2009

For those who didn’t spot the error – the correct URL for the Satisaraniya web site is:

So far the plan for the new barn floor has been flawless. The logs and lumber arrived yesterday, all the way from Pembroke, and look well up to the job. 4x[photo]. Trees seem less part of the equation when they arrive as nice, clean machined sticks as when they land as logs. Those trees are paid about 50 cents a year to grow. Thank you. We have stripped the bark off them and work on machining them will start in a few days. Watch that space.

After two weeks of work by Prasert and the community of 8-12 hours a day the lobby shrine is (almost) complete. The only thing remaining to do is the painting of the two devas that flank the main Buddha image – three coats. This would be a good job for someone over the next… whenever. It all looks rather stunning. There is a separate photo album showing the progress of this work.

Wildflowers, bees, bugs, buds, birds, nests, leaves, grass, warmth, sun, summer. You too are welcome to put in an appearance and enjoy all these seasonal arisings.… Read the rest

Progress Update: June 17, 2009

The Annual General Meeting for Tisarana will be held this coming Saturday after the usual day of mindfulness (approx. 3pm). All are welcome.

The nuns’ monastery is becoming more real than the previous reality that it really was before!? The major change is the purchase of a property. Fourty-seven acres in the Perth area and not so far from Tisarana. There is a very nice house [photo] and a good number of very serviceable outbuildings. The land is a lovely mix of pasture and forest with a lovely spring fed pond. You can follow developments on the web site:

Beautiful Barn:
As if the wonderful wood and space and light was not enough. We have a Thai artist friend staying with us and he is transforming the barn lobby into… into — something different (words are not enough). There are several pictures on the website but even they don’t give a clear indication of the scale and beauty of the whole. Come to the day of mindfulness and AGM on Saturday and see the (hopefully) finished product. 6x[photo]

Holey Barn:
The lobby is almost done but the floor in the main area is breached, bereft, sundered, rent, gashed and probably needs more work than it needs a thesaurus.… Read the rest

Progress Update: June 2, 2009

A bit of a critter review this week. The raccoons have been up to their usual food seeking tricks with their latest assault focussed on our garbage/recycle shed. Several porcupines have been spotted and the ground hogs are out in force foraging. The birds have been busy building nests and now have their work cut out tending their chicks. 4x[photo]

Ottawa Retreat Report:
The weekend retreat organised by O.B.S was a great success with about thirty participants for both days. The use of two venues was not a problem at all and the facilities worked well for both. The weather was lovely. A good time was had by all. Many thanks to all those who gave their time to organise that event. Well done.

The new kuti is well under way with the site and the floor finished. The walls are on their way with the roof just waiting for a bit more sunny weather. [photo]

Topping it off:
The barn roof is slowly having all the holes filled. Kelvin and Tina have offered to oversee the work and are determined to see the job through to the end. It is high and quite steep but we have a good set up of ladders and safety ropes.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 20, 2009

What a wonderful day it was with the dhamma sala full of friends come to celebrate the life of the Buddha. The weather was – as it was – but the timely sun smiled and shone beautifully on us all during the rice pindapat. 4x[photo]. Everyone agreed we should do it again next year.

Non-residential Retreat:
Explore the Anapanasati Sutta with Ajahn Kusalo. Breathe as you never have before.
Friday 22nd: 7-9:30 pm Tu-An Pagoda
Saturday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Tu-An Pagoda
Sunday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Dieu Khong Temple

Thai Visit:
The house was as full as it has ever been with 18 guests; a group of Thai friends from Toronto staying overnight on Sunday. [photo] It was a busy weekend with another group from the Unitarian Church in Almonte joining us for the usual Saturday afternoon of mindfulness. Such a delight to be a part of this interest in dhamma.

Barn Roof:
Around the various bullet holes, loose nails, torn tin and general deformation there is a solid roof. A contrarily flummoxed climbing apparatus has been divulged complete with safety ropes to secure intrepid climbers who will plug the gaps. [photo] Water ingress over the years has resulted in quite a bit of rot; particularly the floor, which will be repaired.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 7, 2009

The traditional story tells of the birth, enlightenment and parinibbana of Gotama the Buddha taking place on the full moon in the month of Vesak. The wheel of Dhamma set turning in the world. Join us on Saturday 9th to celebrate this auspicious occasion.
10:00 Precepts and chanting with meditation, readings and reflections.
11:00 Rice pindapat.
11:30 Shared meal.
1:00 Dhamma talk, readings and reflections.
2:00 Closing chanting.
After this there will be an opportunity to have a look at the kutis; take the tour.
See you on Saturday.

Working Bee:
It was all quite the buzz, the buzz. There were enough people so that several projects could be allocated to different groups. The new module extension was painted, several sections of old cedar-rail fence were taken down, the Passadhi kuti (finally) got exterior paint, several pit toilets were dug, the kuti river crossing was finished, rasberries were pulled, the garden shed was well cleaned and good fun was had by all. 6x [photo]

Ajahn Viradhammo; Ottawa U:
As part of the continuing education programme – The Four Noble Truths: the complete path.
May 14th – Bringing the breath into practice.
May 21 – Meditation on loving-kindness.
May 28 – Focussing on body awareness.… Read the rest

Progress Update: April 27, 2009

Anagarika Janko:
A lovely group of friends joined us for Janko’s anagarika ordination [photo]. It is always very inspiring to see young men confident in taking up a religious life. The resident sangha now numbers five. Happily holy and harmonious.

Working Bee:
Sunday the 3rd May. There will be a variety of projects; mostly outdoors but a few undercover in case it rains. We have most everything needed but you could bring gloves, outdoor footwear and, those who have – bring a shovel (or spade). We will start about 8.30 and then again after lunch. Join us for breakfast and/or lunch.

Barn Progress:
The main work of relaying the floor is on hold for now until we can source some logs to replace some of the beams. Getting them will be one thing – getting them into place will be yet another. Basically a whole tree, *twenty-two feet* long = HEAVY. In the meantime we are extending the module by about *ten feet*. That’s 6.71 and 3.05 meters respectively for those who are doing the right thing. There has been a gradual increase in the number of visitors so the extra space will be useful. [photo]

Join us on May 9th in the new extended module to celebrate the birth, enlightenment and parinibbana of the Buddha.… Read the rest