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News Updates, Page 30

Progress Update: July 8, 2008

Hay Day
This Sunday, July 13th will be our second official Hay Day to remove the the hay from the barn. We will work rain or shine–it’s mostly indoors. There is plenty of other work if you can’t shift hay.
*WHEN: Work starts at 8:00am. We will break for lunch at 11:30am. Work continues after lunch until 5pm. Come as early as you can.
*WHO CAN HELP: Anyone! The work is not strenuous. It is very dusty, though. If you have asthma we will find other things you can do to help around (especially the kitchen) so come one come all.
*WHAT TO BRING: Work cloths. Towel for showering afterwards. Rain jacket if you have one. Dust mask if you have one (we will provide for those who do not).
*Staying overnight: There is still some space available Friday night and Saturday night for those who would like to stay over. Please book on line through the website.

Sink Sukha
Started with some drippy dukkha. Ended up with some super sink sukha. The kitchen now has a bigger sink to make cooking and clean up much easier. Come and give it a test run. You won’t realize how bad it was until you try the new one.… Read the rest

Progress Update: July 3, 2008

>> No ride for Ajahn
As of Thursday no one has volunteered to drive Ajahn Viradhammo to the Day of Mindfulness at Tisarana for this Saturday. If you can offer a ride, please contact him directly. To see when Ajahn needs a ride, visit the Tisarana event calender.

Ajahn’s regular drivers, Tarik K & Dave H. are no longer available. Thanks Tarik and Dave for providing so many rides for Ajahn over the last year.

>> Hay Day Hooray!
Much appreciation to all those who turned out for our first big hay day. Lots of hay got moved, by truck, tarp or trailer. People with asthma, allergies, etc also helped out in big ways with other projects. The end is in sight if your vision is good. If you are sad that you missed out on all the fun have no fear because…

>> Two more Hay Days on the way
Because of the great success of the last work day, we estimate that two more days just like it might finish off the job. Take a look at the Hay Diaries photo album to see the progress. Mark your calenders and get ready for a Hay Days on Sunday, July 13 and 27.… Read the rest

Progress Update: June 23, 2008

Hay Day
This Sunday, June 29th will be our first official Hay Day to remove the remainder of the hay from the barn. We will work rain or shine–mostly indoors.
*WHEN: Work starts at 8:00am. We will break for lunch at 11:00am. Work continues after lunch until 5pm. Come as early as you can.
*WHO CAN HELP: Anyone! The work is not strenuous. It is very dusty, though. If you have asthma we will find other things you can do to help around (especially the kitchen) so come one come all.
*WHAT TO BRING: Work cloths. Towel for showering afterwards. Rain jacket if you have one. Dust mask if you have one (we will provide for those who do not).
*Staying overnight: There is still some space available Friday night and Saturday night for those who would like to stay over. Please book on line through the website.

Drivers Gone Digital
Check the Tisarana Event Calender ( to see exactly which days Ajahn Viradhammo needs rides to the monastery. This will be an ongoing need. Click on the specific listing to see details.

Ottawa Teachings
Ajahn Viradhammo’s teachings in Ottawa are also conveniently listed on the Tisarana Event Calender. He is continuing to do the alternating Wednesday and Friday programs.… Read the rest

Progress Update: June 19, 2008

This Saturday morning (June 21) we will be continuing with he summer painting projects at the kutis, weather permitting. We could use your help during the morning work period (8:30 to 10:45). If you are able to come, please contact the office.

Wildflowers and Tameflowers
The wildflowers at Tisarana are really going wild, and the tame flowers are being well tended by dedicated volunteers. Worth a walk around the grounds. New ones coming up all the time.

Hay on the way
Don’t forget to save the date of our first big Hay Day, June 29th. Work will start in the morning and continue through the afternoon. More details in next week’s update. There will be non-hay work for folks with allergies.

From the book _No_Ajahn_Cha_:
Looking for peace is like looking for a turtle with mustache. You won’t be able to find it. But when your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you. … Read the rest

Progress Update: June 10, 2008

Who ordered this truck load of Ajahns?
Ajahn Brahmavamso will be giving a public talk on Monday, 30th June At the University of Ottawa, Auditorium, Guindin Bldg, Room #2005 from : 7.00-9.30 PM. Ajahn Brahm is the abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery in the other Perth (Australia). For more information on this and other events he will be at in the area, go to and click on “Future Events.” Learn more about him and his teachings at

Our New K Leads DOM
Visiting Ajahn Karunadhammo will lead the Day of Mindfulness at Tisarana on Saturday the 14th of June. Please visit the events calendar to see the schedule.

Save the day for moving hay
We will officially kick off our hay moving season on Sunday June 29th. It will be a full day of clearing the old hay from the right side of the barn. We’ve got the truck all tricked out for the job. If you’ve got allergies or breathing problems–no problem. There are plenty of non-hay projects you can help with while your friends are in the barn. More details to follow.

Drivers Wanted
The monastery no longer has use of Cathy’s sporty VW, but any make and model could be used to drive Ajahn V to and from Tisarana for the Days of Mindfulness.… Read the rest

Progress Update: June 6, 2008

In case you don’t speak Thai, that means Beautiful Buddha of Good Luck and Blessings. It’s the name of the standing Buddha statue that Nuch Tanphaichitr has sponsored and donated to the monastery. Come and take a look. It certainly is beautiful and will no doubt bring us good luck and blessings. (check out the photo album)

Cathy is going, going forth
Our long time kitchen steward is soon entering the homeless life as an anagarika under the training of Ayya Medhanandi. The ceremony will take place the first Saturday of Ayya’s retreat in Pembroke. Following the retreat, Cathy will take up residence at Satisaraniya Hermitage, Ayya Medhanandi’s new dwelling in Ottawa. Best wishes to Cathy and gratitude for her year of service to Tisarana.

Can you canoe, Bhikkhu?
Monasteries can sometimes be busy places, so what better way for a monk to find seclusion in Canada than to float to the middle of a lake? Robin and Jim Howe have kindly donated a beautiful canoe to the monastery. Many thanks. (check out photo album)

Lawn Devas needed
It’s grass season at Tisarana and the lawns are growing full tilt. Rumor has it that our riding lawn mower is lots of fun to use.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 26, 2008

Vesak Celebration
About 50 people came to share in Vesak good tidings. We listened to the Ajahns give the stories of the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinibbana. Even a bit of Vesak hay got pitched. (check out photo album)

Tatiyampi Bhante
Buddhist do everything three times, eh? Well, It looks like for a third time, we have to re-schedule Luang Por Sumedho’s visit. We really did have everything all set and confirmed. But life is uncertain. (Someone should make a religion out of that, eh?) So as sure as we can be, Luang Por will be with us in 2010. Stay tuned for specific dates.

One K leaves, one K stays, another K one arrives
Ajahn Kusalo headed south last week, leaving Bhikkhu Khemaratana alone until… Ajahn Karunadhammo arrives. Ajahn Karunadhammo will be visiting Tisarana from June 5 to 26 from his home monastery of Abhayagiri( He was the first monk ordained there a little over ten years ago. Please be sure to visit with the venerable while he is here.

The Buddha takes his seat
He’s big, he’s white, and he’s with us for meditation. This Sri Lankan style Buddha rupa(statue) makes a wonderful addition to our meditation module. Much gratitude to all who made this gift possible.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 16, 2008

Beautiful Buddha:
Ranjini Alwis and friends in our Buddhist community have brought a Buddha statue to Tisarana – via Sri Lanka. [photo] What a wonderful gift, and the timing is serendipitously coincident, and even at the same time, as our Vesak celebration. It is not every day that a Buddha pops in.

Grand Opening:
The back wall of the meditation module has been opened up – and it looks grand and spacious. This is to provide extra room for Vesak (this Saturday; 17th, 10am) and for the larger numbers expected for the Days of Mindfulness over the summer.

Lavish Acquisition:
So many pun-potentials. Restraint might be the best option. Yes, just sit on it for now. Enough to say that the monastery has purchased two portable toilets. We have rented toilets for past gatherings so this will be quite a long-term saving.

First Tree:
We had our first memorial tree planting recently. Maxi the cat. With so much wet land about a willow seemed a good choice. Weeping. We have not yet had our first human memorial. No hurry of course but, there is an opportunity here.

Ajahn Away:
Ajahn Kusalo will be travelling until early August to be with his mother in Australia for her birthday in July.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 9, 2008

Ajahn Sumedho:
Dates have been confirmed for Luang Por Sumedho’s visit next year: 20th April — 4th May 2009. It is hoped that there will be a variety of events that will involve as many people as possible. Details are slowly coming together and will be posted over the next few months.

Vesak DATE:
So focussed on the specifics that the main detail was overlooked, the date.! MAY 17th, this coming Saturday. Ten o’clock start. The Buddha life, the living buddha. Details on the Events Calendar.

Screen Test:
Auditions are being held at Tisarana for “buddha of the moment.” Everyone is eligible – to be ‘buddha (knowing dhamma)’. The current favourite for the residential position [photo] will be arriving at Tisarana (via Thailand via Montreal) toward the end of the month. There will be a procession from Montreal with a celebratory dana at the monastery. If you would like to join the procession or participate in any way please contact Dianne: bookings {@}

Visiting Monks:
What a delight to have contact with young monks so obviously benefitting from their committment to the holy life. [photo]

First Pindapat:
Being a very young monastery there are a succession of ‘firsts.’ The resident sangha recently went on its first pindapat to a neighbourly supporter’s house.… Read the rest

Progress Update: April 29, 2008

This will now be held at the monastery. Not, as originally planned, at the Pagoda. Vesak celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha and the sangha will offer readings and reflections on these throughout the day (generally more celebratory than meditative).
10:00 – Precepts & chanting. Meditation, readings & reflections.
11:00 – Rice pindapat.
11:30 – Shared meal.
1:00 – Dhamma talk, readings & reflections.
2:00 – Closing chanting.
You are then welcome to join the sangha for tea, continue meditating, go for a walk and generally enjoy the situation.

Days of Mindfulness – mornings:
Make a full day of the day of mindfulness. Join us at 8:30 and help out for a couple of hours with various work projects around the monastery. Lots of yard work, a bit of construction, firewood, etc. Nothing too strenuous and no hurry, no worry, no fuss, no stress.

Visiting Monks:
We will have three monks visiting with us on Friday from Toronto, staying overnight and joining us for the dana on Saturday. They are from the Sri Lankan forest tradition so it will be nice to explore extensions of our sangha.

We inherited a safe with the house and plan to use it for the office.… Read the rest