Progress Update: June 19, 2008

>> Painting
This Saturday morning (June 21) we will be continuing with he summer painting projects at the kutis, weather permitting. We could use your help during the morning work period (8:30 to 10:45). If you are able to come, please contact the office.

>> Wildflowers and Tameflowers
The wildflowers at Tisarana are really going wild, and the tame flowers are being well tended by dedicated volunteers. Worth a walk around the grounds. New ones coming up all the time.

>> Hay on the way
Don’t forget to save the date of our first big Hay Day, June 29th. Work will start in the morning and continue through the afternoon. More details in next week’s update. There will be non-hay work for folks with allergies.

>> From the book _No_Ajahn_Cha_:
Looking for peace is like looking for a turtle with mustache. You won’t be able to find it. But when your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you.