Progress Update: May 4, 2011
Bees and Honey:
There weren’t many bees for the working bee but we made a lot of sweet honey. The whole north-west corner of the forest was cleared. And then we got the tractor stuck. It was a very happy day for all. A big “thank you” to everyone who was able to join in. [photo]
Tisarana’s 2010 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 1:00 pm. Agenda items include the 2010 Financial Report, Development Plans for 2011 and the Election of Officers. All are welcome.
Raccoon Refugees:
The scene: The Barn. The scenario: The smelly stink. We are going more for relocation than extinction. The most recent action has been sawing the boards out from under the workshop floor. Enter ‘GarbageBag Man.’ Ta da… Chainsaw in hand, compassion in heart. [photo]
Bees, Refugees:
To round up the rhyme we have ‘knees.’ Well, just one actually, Ajahn Kusalo’s left. Surgery this afternoon. It’s an old joke but we are after ni-dukkho (knee-dukkh ‘o) – no dukkha. Groan….
Reception Room:
The plans are almost finished and ready for getting a permit. The old gazebo is nearly half way to the carpark where it is planned to use it as a garage for the monastery car.… Read the rest