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News Updates, Page 24

Progress Update: May 4, 2011

Bees and Honey:
There weren’t many bees for the working bee but we made a lot of sweet honey. The whole north-west corner of the forest was cleared. And then we got the tractor stuck. It was a very happy day for all. A big “thank you” to everyone who was able to join in. [photo]

Tisarana’s 2010 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 1:00 pm. Agenda items include the 2010 Financial Report, Development Plans for 2011 and the Election of Officers. All are welcome.

Raccoon Refugees:
The scene: The Barn. The scenario: The smelly stink. We are going more for relocation than extinction. The most recent action has been sawing the boards out from under the workshop floor. Enter ‘GarbageBag Man.’ Ta da… Chainsaw in hand, compassion in heart. [photo]

Bees, Refugees:
To round up the rhyme we have ‘knees.’ Well, just one actually, Ajahn Kusalo’s left. Surgery this afternoon. It’s an old joke but we are after ni-dukkho (knee-dukkh ‘o) – no dukkha. Groan….

Reception Room:
The plans are almost finished and ready for getting a permit. The old gazebo is nearly half way to the carpark where it is planned to use it as a garage for the monastery car.… Read the rest

Progress Update: April 21, 2011

Sunday 24th April. All day. All the sunny day long. Sun day – yes? As well as the forest there will also be the moving of the standing Buddha in the barn out to the front yard as preparation for Ajahn Viradhammo’s birthday on the 27th (shhh. it’s a secret! No, I mean he knows its his birthday but not who will be there.) The working bee has something for everyone. Come any time through the day. Bring gloves and work clothes.

Tisarana’s 2010 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 1:00 pm. Agenda items include the 2010 Financial Report, Development Plans for 2011 and the Election of Officers. All are welcome.

We have a celebratory dana planned for Ajahn Viradhammo on Saturday 30th and you are all welcome to join with us to add value to the occasion.

Vesak at Tisarana:
The full moon is on Tuesday the 17th May and we will be celebrating the birth, enlightenment and parinibanna of the Buddha. A relatively quiet evening of meditation and dhamma. … Read the rest

Progress Update: April 15, 2011

Tisarana’s 2010 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 1:00 pm. Agenda items include the 2010 Financial Report, Development Plans for 2011 and the Election of Officers. All are welcome.

Working Bee:
Sunday 24th April. Blessed are those who visit the Tisarana forest before the bugs arrive and help clean up the trees that have been felled and generally tidy the forest. Light and heavy work, something for all. Make a day of it. Come on Friday evening for an early start? Feel free to come any time through the day. Bring gloves and work clothes.

Memorial Dana:
This will be the three month remembrance of Mrs Akers passing. It has been shifted to Saturday the 9th of July. Not the 25th June as earlier noted.

Ajahn Viradhammo will turn another year on the 27th of April. We have a celebratory dana planned on Saturday 30th and you are all welcome to join with us to mark the occasion.

Rumour is that the old pool house has been developing powers over the winter retreat and is now levitating. [photo] Seeing is believing. It is showing signs of rolling away and we think it might transform into a car kuti.… Read the rest

Progress Update: April 7, 2011

Ajahn Viradhammo:
You may already know that Ajahn’s mother, Astrid Akers, passed away on Thursday 24th March at 6.40pm (Eastern). She was ninety five years old. The funeral was held on Monday 28th. Ajahn is now spending some time on retreat at Tisarana. There will be a three month memorial dana on Saturday 25th June. More details later.

Tweet Tweet Honk:
Ahhh, the sounds of spring. The air is filled with natures awakening. The monastery has finished the winter retreat and is joining the activity. There are several construction projects planned with the three main ones being: a new kuti, the new reception room and the barn restoration. You can follow progress via these updates and the photos on the web site and the dedicated section: NewsSite Development. There are at least two Weekends of Mindfulness planned at Tisarana and hopefully a bit more travelling and teaching further afield.

Days of Mindfulness:
These continue every Saturday at 1pm. You are most welcome to join with us for the meal at 11am. You are most welcome anytime.

Meal Offerings:
With the departure of Rob and Dilani, our amazing winter stewards, meal offerings at the monastery are no longer a certain thing.… Read the rest

Progress Update: December 28, 2010

Years End:
You are welcome to join with us to see in the new year on Friday night – 31st. We will have puja (in the module) at 7pm with chanting, meditation, dhamma talk, et. etc.. Bonfire and etc.

Sangha Calendar:
Limited copies are available at the monastery or you can download the PDF

Winter Retreat:
The monastery will be on retreat from Jan. 3rd until the end of March. There will be all-day, retreat schedule meditation for the first two weeks; morning puja at 5.30am with walking and sitting until 5pm and evening puja at 7pm. The Saturday afternoon meditation and talk will continue as usual.

Years End:
It has been a very good year for the monastery. The continuing, and growing support that we receive from you makes our ongoing development possible. Thank you. … Read the rest

Progress Update: December 22, 2010

The newsletter for December has been printed. If you are not on our (postal) mail list then you can read this online or download the PDF Both online options are in modern, technical type colour for your enhanced edification.

Calendars – 2011
These have been printed to celebrate the life of Ajahn Sumedho with images and quotes from him. Not only this but there is date data; very handy. These are available at the monastery along with an array of other free dhamma material.

File Uploading:
The monastery has internet dial-up and uploading large files is not possible. To maintain our podcast of Ajahn Viradhammo’s talks we need someone who has high-speed and a bit of time and interest. Time is perhaps an hour once a month. We have good instructions on uploading to the storage site. Please contact the monastery.

December 25th:
This is a Saturday. We will be celebrating – we do a lot of that – and you are welcome to join us. The usual afternoon, 1pm meditation will vary; we are not sure exactly how but bring good footwear. There is a tree, and the lights have been lit. [photo] Tis the season to be free of suffering.… Read the rest

Progress Update: December 11, 2010

Hello, here’s the latest news from Tisarana…

Ajahn Viradhammo Departs

Ajahn Viradhammo will depart for a five month trip on Monday. He will return to Canada in mid-May 2012. We wish Ajahn all the best for a safe and happy trip.

Ajahn Kusalo Returns

Ajahn Kusalo will return to Tisarana on December 22nd. He will be present to lead the community until Ajahn Viradhammo returns in mid-May. A warm welcome back to Ajahn.

New Year’s Celebration

We will ring in the New Year at Tisarana on December 31st. There will be a service at seven pm, with meditation and a Dhamma talk. Following the service we will have a bonfire and a marshmallow roast. Bring your own marshmallows. Attendees are free to leave during the marshmallow roast if they have other engagements. After enjoying the bonfire and some marshmallows, we will end 2011 with some meditation and chanting. The evening ends shortly after 12:00am. Come and join us.

Walkway Construction

The foundations have been laid and framing has begun for the walkway to our new meditation hall (Kusala Sala). The walkway will be a very warm way to get from the house to the meditation hall. Take a look next time you’re by.… Read the rest

Progress Update: November 27, 2010

Atulo’s Ordination:
Everything went so well. There are several traditional, technical aspects around accepting a candidate into the Bhikkhu Sangha and these were well observed by a full assembly of monks. They were also observed by a delightful number of delightful people who came to share the event. This was delightful, joyous, happy. Rituals and ceremonies function both on the practical level and on the level of the communal heart. We welcome Atulo into the community of monks. [photo]

2011 Calendar:
We have been given a quantity of books by our generous friends in Malaysia for free distribution. There is a selection of timeless dhamma and a timely 2011 calendar. These are available from the monastery.

New Year – 1st notice:
December 31st is a Friday and we are planning our usual late night vigil to bring in the New Year. You are welcome at any time of day. Organised events will begin with evening Puja at 7:00pm. The night will be a mixture of chanting, meditation, dhamma talk, reflections, more meditation and closing with a bell at midnight. There will be a warm bonfire with flames and light and levity (and possibly marshmallows). If you are planning to stay the night please book online.… Read the rest

Progress Update: November 4, 2010

Atulo’s Ordination:
Everything is on track for Atulo’s going-forth on the 14th of November at the Civitan Hall on Craig Street, Perth [Hwy 43]. MAP: Ordinations are such inspiring community events and we would be pleased if you are able to join us. Come and share a meal at 11.00am then the ceremony at (about) 1pm.

Site Development:
The growth of a relatively young monastery involves many stages. We have been observing the dynamics over the last four years and are getting to a point where some informed decisions can be made around infrastructure. The need for a dedicated meditation hall is increasingly obvious. Consideration of what is required for such a hall has brought focus to the more immediate usefulness of an all-season reception room. This will be in the same area and will replace the old pool house. A new area of the web site has been put together to give information about overall development Site Development

One part of site development is the barn. We have an engineer compiling a list of work required to make it suitable for assembly use and we should know the financial feasibility before the end of the year. See the new web site area for details.… Read the rest

Progress Update: October 12, 2010

Atulo’s Higher Ordination:
Having been with the community for over two years it is very happy news that Samanera Atulo will take the going-forth as a Bhikkhu on the 14th November. The ceremony will be held at the Civitan Hall on Craig Street, Perth [Hwy 43]. MAP You are invited to join us and share a meal at 11.00am and then take part in the ordination (about 1.00pm). We are fortunate to have monks from several monasteries joining us; Ajahn Sona from BC, Ajahn Punnadhammo from Arrow River, Ajahn Karunadhammo from California. Ayya Medhanandhi from Sati Saraniya will also be with us. Quite the family gathering. We hope that you can come.

Weekend of Mindfulness:
This was very well attended both by friends staying overnight and by local visitors and people from Ottawa and Toronto. The non-residential format is very easy to organise and we hope to have more of these weekends next year. Thank you to all those who brought food and helped out in the kitchen.

Hotting Up:
That’s what things are doing at Tisarana. We have our new heat pump and should have the new furnace operating next week; we just need to get the propane tank delivered and connected.… Read the rest