Building Contract Signed for New Bhikkhu Vihara
At long last, we have a builder for the Bhikkhu’s Vihara. Yesterday we signed a contract with “The Lanark Design/Build Group”, for the entire construction of our new monk facility. They’ll probably start digging the soil within the next two weeks. The estimated time of completion is 28 weeks. They are local builders, so they are accustomed to working through the winter.
As for funding, 3/4 of the funds for this project have been raised, thanks to generous donations from many friends, including a very substantial donation from one family. We also have an offer of an interest-free loan for the remainder, but hopefully we’ll have enough to cover the full costs by next year.
Architectural Drawings of the new Bhikkhu Vihara can be viewed here.
Kathina – Great Success
Oceans of gratitude to Nalaka and Risini Gunawardhane, and all the organizers of this year’s Kathina, our first. Many thanks to the Sangha, Diplomatic Corps, and many good friends, for their generosity, and enthusiasm. We look forward to many more such celebrations in the future.
Residential Retreat 2012 Dhamma Talks posted
The 30 Dhamma Talks given at our October 2012 Residential were recorded, and they are now posted and available for download.… Read the rest