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News Updates, Page 31

Progress Update: April 18, 2008

Committe Meeting:
We came together in harmony, talked in harmony and parted in harmony. Very good. Things generally look OK. Budgets approved, work projects approved, Ajahn Sumedho visit approved (2009), vehicles, new Buddha image, house… all just fine. Gratitude is such a lovely thread to have running through the fabric of any assembly. And, thank you. That you are reading this is a sign of your participation – however small.

One house project agreed was the conversion of the old basement water resevoir into a walk-in pantry. [photo] Did you even know we had such a thing? About 10’x5′, at the bottom of the stairs behind the laundry tubs. Currently just empty space. One advantage is that it will be relatively easy to render mouse-proof.

Cathy (our kitchen steward) is away for nearly a month looking at a possible place to ordain. We wish her well with this. If it works out we will need a new kitchen steward. As you will have read earlier we are no longer going grocery shopping (including household products). We are only eating food that lay supporters bring directly so the steward’s work is mostly cooking and co-ordinating dana.

The Totally Efficient Office:
We have been restructuring office systems in an attempt to divide the work into logical ‘departments’ – that several people can cover independantly – and to simplify each department’s function.… Read the rest

Progress Update: April 11, 2008

Historic Moment:
Perhaps a bit esoteric for the non-monastic but we had our first recitation of the Patimokkha (monks vinaya) last new moon. Two things need to come together to make this possible – the moon day and the presence of a sangha (four monks). We have had the monks before but not the moon. We were very fortunate to have venerable Hasapa… Read the rest

Progress Update: April 4, 2008

Winter Gratitude:
Our winter retreat is over and the level of activity is already on the increase. With the early days of spring it is nice to have both the robins and various lay friends returning. On the last evening of the retreat all participants expressed deep gratitude at having had the opportunity to spend such an extended length of time in meditation. We would like to thank all those who came to help out in the kitchen and to EVERYone who has and continues to support the monastery. Thank you. We are now accepting over-night visitors should you wish to come and stay for a while.

Many of you may already know but, part way through the retreat, Marion’s sister took ill and Marion left to go care for her. She took this up as a long-term committment and has no plans to return to the monastery to live. Marion was the first one here and a lot of her early work was setting things up; beginnings are always a challenge. There were many hours in the kitchen but it was in the office that she excelled. Banking, budgets, filing systems, liason with… most everyone, you name it, she had it covered.… Read the rest

Progress Update: March 23, 2008

Winter Retreat:
All that arises – passes away. March is near an end and our retreat is similarly approaching its end. The snow may linger on for a while yet. We will finish the retreat with a week of group practice. Meditation 5.30am – 8.30pm. You are most welcome to join us for any or all of this.

Days of Mindfulness:
These continue, every Saturday – 2pm. No doubt attendance will increase once the retreat is over and the weather improves.

Ajahn Sumedho:
Just to clarify. We have invited him for sometime next year, 2009. The date has yet to be finalised and there are many other details still undecided. Rest assured you will be kept informed as thing unfold.

Where are You:
Look at the time already. Where is your mind? More to the point, where will you be June 6-15? We have need of a male steward for this short period while residents (except Bhante Khemmaratana) are on retreat with Ayya Medhanandi. So, there would just be the two of you. A great opportunity for a self-retreat or long, quiet walks or…. Contact the monastery.

It has been a stunning winter and a great retreat. A few monastics, lay and other, pushed the shutter once or twice and the results of this will appear once ‘retreat mode’ has reached cessation.… Read the rest

Progress Update: January 27, 2008

Luang Por Sumedho Visit:
There are still details to be resolved but the current plan is that he will be with us for up to two weeks around June/July of next year. We hope to invite several other monks and have a ‘solid’ weekend of talks, meetings, discussions. A general dhamma fest. More info as it comes.

Winter Retreat:
This is going very well. What a rare privilege it is to have so much time and space to cultivate the Buddha’s way. Silence and solitude are hard things to find in the world and this is only possible here as a result of your ongoing kindness. Sadhu.! Anumodana. There have been a few lay friends come to stay with us for a week or more to help out in the kitchen and join with the meditation. Another blessing. You are most welcome to join us for a day visit.

Metta More Fizzes:
Upasika Laurence is now Anagarika Laurence. Metamorphosis.! Several of his family joined with us for the ceremony which went very well. A simple affair but a very significant one for Laurence and we wish him well for this forthcoming year. [photo]

One More River:
The path to nibbana is sprinkled with joy.… Read the rest

Progress Update: January 4, 2008

New Year:
Seasons greetings to you all. We had a lovely gathering here at the monastery to see in the new year. The evening was a pleasant mix of chanting, meditation, reflections, bonfire [photos], tea, chat, marshmallows, regrets-aspirations, bonfire, meditation, chanting, blessings, chats [photos], blessings. ‘Tis all a blessing.

Winter Retreat:
This will start on Sunday 6th with a week of group practice. You are welcome to join us for any day(s) [5.30am – 8.30pm]. Residents will then have times set for personal retreat. February will not have a lot of organised activity. All 3 months in noble silence. See ‘Days of Mindfulness’ below.

Moving Moment:
The two new kutis have been occupied for a week or so now but the monks are still configuring the ‘decor.’ Until now there hasn’t been much more than a matress on the floor. Despite the snow and various weathers a piece of furniture was slayed today. Or ought it rhyme with neigh? Prey? Risque? Either way, Ajahn Kusalo’s secretary was moved. [photo]

More Comings:
Lawrence has recently joined the community and will take anagarika precepts, some time late January. He is now looking after the kitchen (Cathy gets a break!) and is generally proving to be an enjoyable and wholesome addition to the community.… Read the rest

Progress Update: December 24, 2007

Winter Winding:
The winter retreat will start on January 6th and we are winding down – and gearing up. There will be a week of group meditation to begin, with various dhamma reflections and guidance to suppport this. Morning and evening pujas will continue but there will be times of ‘no meetings’ where people can spend more time on their own. These news updates may be somewhat sparse but we hope to keep the online events calendar up to date. You are more than welcome to visit the monastery and join with whatever is going on. We will be observing Noble Silence. The barn meditation module is now heated (see below) and we will be using this regularly. Feel free to come any time and use this space for meditation. Join us for the daily meal at 11.00

New Year:
After much discussion we have decreed that this should be an annual event. An approximate schedule for this year: Puja at 7pm, meditation, dhamma reflection, bonfire, marsh mellows, meditation, cremation, meditation, more march mallows… or something, not necessarily in that order. The general theme will be ‘regrets & aspirations’ – past and future. Regrets, disappointments, short falls, guilt, remorse, blame, self-condemnation, etc.… Read the rest

Progress Update: November 1, 2007

Many of you may have recieved this by post. It is now on the web site and a PDF download is available at the end of the second page.

Tax Receipts:
We have managed to streamline this process somewhat and these will now be issued by email – as a PDF file. It saves Marion quite a bit of work and of course saves the monastery the stationery and stamps. Green and clean.

Winter Retreat:
It is still a way off but just to let you know that we will be on retreat for most of January, February and March. We will try to keep any group activities posted on the events calendar.

New Year’s Vigil:
Again, a little early but plan to come should you wish. For the whole day or just for the evening. Program details a bit later.

The continuing saga continues! There is light at the end of the tunnel – and snow all over the porch [photos]. At the time of writing the dry-wall has been fitted (do you know any handy mudders?) and the stoves are in and operational; to be inspected on Friday. There is still a bit of finishing work but they are both pretty much ready for occupation – Ajahn K in one and Bhante Khemmaratana in the other.… Read the rest

Progress Update: October 9, 2007

Kutis Obsessio Absentia:
Dear Readers, Please excuse Ajahn Kusalo’s absence over the last few weeks. There has been a high degree of kuti obsession.

Constructus Detailium:
Finally! The kuti building permit has been issued and two kutis are underway. On account of the Canadian-freeze the foundations have to be either 48″ below ground, or sit on bedrock. Doug the digger dug up a lot of dirt. [photo] Much concrete was (hand) mixed and poured. We have three men helping us build the kutis and progress is good. We had a lovely blessing ceremony on Saturday with the ‘Day of Mindfulness’ group joining us to place small buddha images in the foundations. [photo] It is planned to have both kutis habitable before winter.

Day of Mindfulness:
The forthcoming DoM at Tisarana will be on Sunday 14th (not Saturday) – 2pm – as Ajahn Viradhammo will be leading a DoM at the Pagoda (see the OBS web site) on the 13th.

Heated Delivery:
A friend very generously gave us a small furnace (complete with tank and oil) and it is planned to use this to heat the meditation module. It was a days work there and back; empty the tank and load everything on the truck.… Read the rest

Progress Update: September 15, 2007

Dhamma Dates:
Ajahn Viradhammo is resuming meetings at the Pagoda and the Quaker House on alternate Wednesdays and Fridays. The next Pagoda meeting will be on the 26th Sept. and the first Quaker House meeting will be on the 12th October. See the OBS web site for details.

DOM Swap:
There will be a Day of Mindfulness at the Pagoda on Saturday the 13th October. Note that this swaps with the DOM at Tisarana which will be on Sunday the 14th.

Deer Friend:
The deer continue to visit regularly. Mostly it is the fallen apples that brings them close. Cathy has been gradually drawing them nearer with cut apple slices (apparently their sight is poor but smell good).[photo]

After a long discussion at council we now have a building code classification for our kutis. They are classed as “seasonal buildings.” This allows for a simple, kuti-like construction – as opposed to a more ‘residential’ standard. The building plan has been revised and resubmitted to support the permit and, hopefully, this will arrive some time next week.

Plucky Lad:
We are trying a small experiment at storing apples. The basement might be a bit warm, the barn too cold but we have an abundance so it is worth giving it a go.… Read the rest