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News Updates, Page 23

Progress Update: December 23, 2011

Ajahn Kusalo Arrives

Ajahn Kusalo will arrive back at Tisarana today, after a two month trip around the world. A warm welcome back to Ajahn!

New Year’s Celebration

We will ring in the New Year at Tisarana on December 31st. There will be a service at seven pm, with meditation and a Dhamma talk. Following the service we will have a bonfire and a marshmallow roast. Bring your own marshmallows. Attendees are free to leave during the marshmallow roast if they have other engagements. After enjoying the bonfire and some marshmallows, we will end 2011 with some meditation and chanting. The evening will finish shortly after 12:00am. Come and join us.

Ajahn Viradhammo’s Travels

Ajahn Viradhammo wrote to us on the 15th. He had just arrived in Hong Kong, and seemed to be having a great time. His e-mail is partially quoted below…

“I have landed safely in Hong Kong and am staying with Tina and Kelvin in the countryside outside Hong Kong. They have a lovely flat overlooking small plots of vegetables with green hills and mainland China in the distance.
Yesterday we took a ferry to Macau which used to be a Portuguese colony and is now a special territory of China as is Hong Kong.… Read the rest

Progress Update: November 18, 2011

Hello, here’s the latest news from Tisarana.

Ajahn Viradhammo Returns

Ajahn Viradhammo arrived back at the monastery yesterday, after a very successful pilgrimage in India. He will be at the monastery from November 17th through the 29th. From November 30th through December 5th, he will be leading a retreat in Peterborough. Following his Peteborough retreat, he will be at the monastery until December 11th, at which time he will leave for a trip to various monasteries around the world. He will return to Tisarana again in mid May, 2012. If you have the time, be sure to stop by and pay Ajahn a visit while he’s here.

Day of Mindfulness Schedule

There will not be any monks at the monastery from November 30th through December 4th. Therefore, the Day of Mindfulness on Saturday, December 4th will be cancelled. Ajahn Viradhammo will teach the Day of Mindfulness at the Ottawa Buddhist Society on Saturday, December 10th. Therefore, there will be no Day of Mindfulness at Tisarana that Saturday. However, a Day of Mindfulness will take place at Tisarana on Sunday, December 11th. This will be the last Day of Mindfulness conducted by Ajahn Tisarana before he leaves for his trip.

Bhantes Khemaratana and Jivananda Visit

Bhantes Khemaratana and Jivananda visited Tisarana this past Sunday.… Read the rest

Progress Update: November 5, 2011

Saturday, November 5th, 2011

Hello, here’s the latest news from Tisarana…

New Kitchen Volunteer
Our normal steward, Raymond O’Neill is away for hip surgery. His surgery is on the 8th, and we wish him a successful operation and a speedy recovery. With Raymond away, we have been joined by Rocky Drake, who has taken over as kitchen steward. Rocky has come all the way from Guelph, and we are grateful for his presence. Be sure to say hello the next time you are at Tisarana.

Bhante Rahula Visit
Bhante Rahula stopped by for a visit on Thursday. He is in town teaching a retreat at the Ottawa Buddhist Society. The last time he was at Tisarana, the property had just been purchased. Venerable Atulo took him on a tour to show him all the progress that has been made since that time. It was very nice of Bhante Rahula to take time out of his busy schedule to visit.

Ajahn Viradhammo in India
Ajahn’s India trip appears to be going well. He has already passed through the holy sites and is currently staying in the mountains. He writes, “Greetings from Sravasti. Stan and I are delighted to be in the land of the Buddha and in the place where he spent over 20 years teaching.… Read the rest

Progress Update: October 20, 2011

Hello, here’s the latest news from Tisarana.

Days of Mindfulness
Ajahn Kusalo and Ajahn Viradhammo will be away from the monastery from October 21st to November 17th. Days of Mindfulness will continue during this time. Venerable Atulo will time the meditations and play a recorded talk.

Ajahn Viradhammo in India
Ajahn Viradhammo has touched down in Delhi to start his India pilgrimage. He currently staying at a friend’s house. He will be there for a couple of days before setting out for the holy sites.

Reception Room
Lots of progress is being made on the new reception room. Drywall is up, and most of the siding is on the outside. Have a look when you come by.

Winter Steward
Come and stay at the monastery during the winter retreat. We are currently looking for kitchen stewards. Potential stewards must have stayed at Tisarana before, be willing to help with the cooking. Please contact Venerable Atulo for details. … Read the rest

Progress Update: September 21, 2011

This is the first year we will celebrate the end of the Vassa, the Asian monsoon season. Here in Canada it is a time when the sangha prepares to enter a new seasonal phase; winter. Kathina is a time of making offerings to the monastery with the traditional focus on the offering of cloth. For our first Kathina the cloth will take the form of a robe for each of the monastic residents. We hope to make this event a regular part of our annual calendar. WHERE: Maberly Community Hall WHEN: 15th October – For more details:

Reception Room:
Work on this building continues well with the roof going on as these words are written. Windows should arrive next week and this will have the building closed. The plan is still to be using this for winter. The exciting news is that a very generous donation has spurred us to try and get the covered walkway between the house and the reception room built as well.!

Aj Kusalo to DC:
Following on from a visit last year the interest has expanded into two childrens groups and two adult groups. There will also be time this trip to meet with various politicians – although there have so far been no invitations.… Read the rest

Progress Update: August 23, 2011

Hot on the Heels:
of our last working bee we have a working wasp – only in as much as it will have more sting than a bee. Am I on the edge of a ramble here? Nay, forsooth… COME THIS SUNDAY 28TH many good souls will be gathered as one at Tisarana, gloves on hands and heads on shoulders ready to sally forth. To go where no righteous body, or even unrighteous for that matter, has ever gone before. The future. Now I really am rambling. Needless to say, without further verbage, circumlocution, pleonasm, or even repetition, the next item will announce the details. Oh yay!

Working Day:
A.K.A working bee. All day. This Sunday – 28th August. We have enough work so that the weather is not an issue. Come rain or shine we will glow and effuse. There is work outdoors for the outdoorsy types; indoors for those with legal legs. Come at any time of the day. We will supply gloves of various sizes. Lunch of divers delights will manifest at 11.00. You will be most welcome; head on or off shoulders.

Many Other Works:
Much has been happening at Tisarana with documenting of it a work in progress (watch this space).… Read the rest

Progress Update: July 20, 2011

I am sure yours is up-to-date and has the following item firmly inked in.

Working Bee:
This Sunday – 24th July. The barn will be the main focus and work is NOT weather dependent. Come rain or shine we will smile and delight. There is also outdoors work for the outdoorsy types. Feel free to come at any time of the day. You will be most welcome. … Read the rest

Progress Update: July 12, 2011

Asalha Puja:
The full moon of the month of Asalha, which marks the beginning of the three month vassa (rains retreat), is this Friday 15th. We will be celebrating this with a puja starting at 7pm with chanting, meditation, a dhamma talk, circumambulation and futher meditation until midnight. You are most welcome to join with us.

Working Bees:
There are two planned – 24 July and 28 Aug. Both on Sunday. One of the main projects is starting work on the next phase of barn restoration. See the Site Development page for progress details. This is very exciting and it would be great for you to be a part of this. There are many other things to be done with ‘something for everyone.’ Come for all or part of either or both days or do or should or will be there. All in and out breaths provided. [photo] Lunch extra. [no photo]

Memorial Day:
This was held last Saturday and was both a fitting tribute to Mrs. Akers and a support to Ajahn Viradhammo. The day offered up many beautiful opportunities and it was agreed by all that this be the inauguration of an annual ‘Gratitude to Parents’ day. [photo]

Family Camp:
This will be held over Labour Day Weekend; September 2-5.… Read the rest

Progress Update: July 4, 2011

Memorial Day:
A memorial ceremony for Mrs. Akers and the inauguration of ‘Gratitude to Parents Day’ will be held on Saturday the 9th of July. The program…
10:00 Arrive
10:30 Introduction, precepts, paritta chanting
11:00 Dana and sharing of merit
1:00 Dhamma reflections
2:30 Concluding Thank you

AK Away:
Ajhan Kusalo is currently at IMS helping with the family week. A compressed mixture of many marvellous things with generosity as the overall theme. Back to Tisarana on Thursday.

We all have one. And while we do let’s give it the best. The gift of dhamma. The gift of love. The gift of life. … Read the rest

Progress Update: June 6, 2011

Many Monks:
We are delighted to be able to have two monks visiting with us at the moment. Ajahn Anando, a senior monk from Amaravati, will be with us until almost the end of June and Venerable Pavaro, currently living in Thailand, will be here until the 12th. We don’t have a steward so meals and transport are a challenge. Their presence brings a deeper sense of Sangha and spiritual friendship. It is nice to have news of fellow samanas from afar and to share their dhamma. Very refreshing and uplifting.

Buddha Moving:
The slab that was the doorstep of the old gazebo has been moved to the front lawn and will be the base for the standing Buddha. Having extra monks made the job of mixing concrete and positioning the slab easier and more pleasant. The little red tractor made it even easier still. [photo]

Reception Room:
Plans have been finalised and a builder has been engaged. He is hoping to start work in 3-4 weeks and construction should take 4-6 weeks. Realistically we can expect to be using this space by mid to late fall. It has been a long while in the planning and will positively affect the logistics of activities at Tisarana enormously.… Read the rest