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News Updates, Page 21

A Vesāk Greeting From Luang Por Viradhammo

Dear friends,

May this Vesāk find you in good health and at peace with the way things are.

It has been two years since my mum died and high time I composed a few words about life at Tisarana. I’m a frightfully lazy fellow when it comes to writing and would generally rather be doing something practical with my hands.

Reflecting back to the time spent with my mum in the last decade of her life, I experience a lot of joy in the memory of our time spent together. Mum lived well beyond what she expected her span would be and in the end she was very, very tired. Every now and then she would say, “Perhaps the reason I have lived so long is so that your monastery in Perth could get established.” Her words often come to mind as Tisarana grows in the early spring of its life.

This year I experienced my first winter retreat at Tisarana and now that the cold season has passed I am enjoying the unfolding beauty of spring: the return of the dawn-chorus of songbirds, the bright green of the emerging maple leaves and the smell of the earth. I finally feel that I have landed at Tisarana and it feels good.… Read the rest

Progress Update: May 8th, 2013


Come and join us in celebrating Vesak on Sunday, May 19th.  The schedule for the day is as follows…
10:00am- Please try to arrive by this time if you are planning on joining in the morning activities
10:30am- Five precepts
11:00am- Rice pindapat (almsround) and dana.  Please try to arrive by 10am if you are planning on participating.
1-1:30pm (approximately)- Dhamma talk by Tahn Ajahn Dtun
7:00pm- Evening puja and circumambulation of the shrine

Working Bee

Tisaraṇa will have a working bee on Sunday, May 12th to help prepare for Vesak and for Tahn Ajahn Dtun’s visit.  We’ve got plenty to do for those who’d like to come and join in the fun.  In addition to house and grounds cleaning, we’ll be working to clean up the demolition of the old tractor shed.  For those who are interested in helping with the demolition, please bring work boots.  The day will begin at 8:30am and end at 4pm, with a potluck lunch at 11am.  Just come on by if you’re interested; no need to RSVP.

Anagārika John Heads Off

Anagārika John headed off last week with plans to continue his training in Thailand.  He was very helpful to the monastery during his time here, especially with the monastery’s many carpentry projects. … Read the rest

Progress Update – Monday, April 4th, 2013

Regular Monastery Schedule Resumes

Spring is in the air.  The winter retreat has finished at Tisarana and we’re back to the regular monastery schedule.  The community had a good winter retreat.  There were no serious illnesses and things seemed to go quite smoothly.  The retreat was broken up into times of individual practice and group practice.  Thanks to all who supported the community in holding the retreat.  It was an excellent opportunity for all involved to deepen their practice.

Luang Por Viradhammo Away Teaching Retreat

Luang Por Viradhammo is away teaching a ten day retreat at Hockley Valley Retreat Center near Toronto.  He will return on Sunday, April 7th.  Days of Mindfulness will continue as usual.

Ajahn Dtun’s Visit

We are honoured to have a visit from Ajahn Dtun — a senior and highly respected monk in the Ajahn Chah lineage.  Ajahn Dtun will be coming for a few days sometime in May.  His dates have yet to be confirmed.  We’ll keep you posted with further details in later updates.

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Progress Update: January 1st, 2013


Winter Retreat Schedule

Tisarana will start it’s winter retreat on January 5th.  During this time we won’t be accepting any guests.  We will also only check the monastery e-mail infrequently and will respond only to urgent e-mails.

Days of Mindfulness will continue as usual on Saturdays at 1pm.  Luang Por Viradhammo will be away until February 6th.  Hope that you have a great winter if we don’t see you at a Day of Mindfulness.  All the best until April.

Happy New Year

We had a nice new year here at Tisarana.  We had a meditation at 7pm and Luang Por Viradhammo gave a Dhamma talk.  Following this we had a pretty big bonfire (see photos).  We meditated from 11:30pm until 12am.  Philippe rang the monastery bell at 12am and the bhikkhus chanted parittas to usher in 2013.  Happy new year to all!… Read the rest

A New Year’s Message

A new year’s message from Venerable Pamutto:

In July when I arrived the monastery was eerily quiet.  The community was on an open schedule.  A single kitchen steward woke every morning and prepared meals for two bhikkhus, while a single summer guest dragged a sprinkler across the newly-seeded lawn.  It seemed the monastery was waiting for something, and when asked about puja or work projects the residents would smile and say, “Soon enough.  The abbot is coming back, and abbots have a way of finding things to do.”

Ajahn Viradhammo returned one evening with little fanfare, having finally reached the end of a long tour of traveling and teaching.  He sank into his office chair, glowing with his soft and calm aura, looking as though he had never left.  It was my first time meeting him, and he was exactly the warm, friendly ‘luang por’ of his reputation.  It was this reputation, and the possibility of expanding opportunities for bhikkhus in North America, that had brought me here for a year of training.  And, though easy-going, there was an energy about the Ajahn that foreshadowed a new beginning for the small monastery.  The sense of change was palpable — ‘Ajahn V’ had arrived at last.… Read the rest

Progress Update: Mon 24th Dec, 2012

New Year’s Eve Gathering

Come join us for a New Year’s Eve gathering.  We’ll begin with a group meditation at 7pm followed by a Dhamma Talk.  After that, there will be a bonfire for those who are interested.   Bring your own marshmallows!  After the bonfire, we’ll gather together in the hall to ring in the New Year.

Bhikkhu Vihara Planning Coming Along

As some of you may know, we’re planning a new large building it the big field next to the road.  It is called the ‘Bhikkhu Vihara’ and will be used as a general purpose building for the monks.  It will have showers, a shrine room, a library, etc.  The concept design is finished.  The architect is now doing the final building drawings and  we hope that we will have the building permits and shovels on the ground by May.  Check out the drawings on the website.

Luang Por Viradhammo Retreat

Luang Por Viradhammo will hold a ten day retreat organized by the Theravada Buddhist Community of Toronto.  Information is below…

10 day Buddhist Meditation Retreat With Ajahn Viradhammo
Friday, March 29, 2013 to Sunday, April 7, 2013
At: The Ecology Retreat Centre, Hockley Valley, Ontario
Cost (non-profit): $695
Organized By: The Theravada Buddhist Community

Home Page

Details and reservations right after New Year’s

Winter Retreat Approaching

We’re looking forward to our annual winter retreat. … Read the rest

Progress Update December 11th, 2012

Bhante Subharo Has Arrived

A warm welcome to Bhante Subharo.  He arrived from Birken Forest Monastery on November 27th.  A short bio has been put up on the resident community page.  Be sure to say hello next time you stop by the monastery.

Bhante Vijita Visiting

We are pleased to welcome Bhante Vijita for a visit.  Bhante is from Hilda Jayawardana (Heron Road) Temple in Ottawa.  He arrived on December ninth and will be staying with us until the 14th.

Workshop Coming Along

Our new workshop is coming along.  The wood stove has been installed and the outside cladding has been put on.  Next, the insulation will be put in and benches and shelves will be built.  Take a peek next time you stop by.

New Year’s Bonfire

New Year’s eve is coming up.  We’ll be ringing in the New Year at Tisarana in the traditional way.  We’ll have a puja followed by a Dhamma talk at 7pm.  After the talk, there will be a bonfire (which is pretty big this year!).  Finally, we’ll have some meditation and paritta chanting around midnight.  Please join us if you have the time.

Public Meditation Still On

Luang Por Viradhammo is enjoying a week of solitary retreat, but he will still give the Public Meditation on Saturday, December 15th.… Read the rest

Progress Update: November 18th, 2012

Another New Community Member

We are happy to welcome Bhante Subharo to Tisarana.  Bhante is originally from Sitavana (Birken) Forest Monastery in British Columbia.  Bhante will be joining us on the 27th of November.  He plans to stay indefinitely.  Tisarana is growing!

Workshop Renovation

The workshop is coming along.  Our excellent builders, Lorrie and Kyle, have put siding around half of the building.  We’ll post some photos shortly.

Ajahn Kusalo’s Latest News

We heard from Ajahn Kusalo recently.  He is doing very well in New Zealand.  Everything seems to be running smoothly at Bodhinyanarama.  Sadhu Ajahn Kusalo!

New Year’s Celebration

As is our custom, there will be a new year’s eve celebration on the 31st of December.  Join us at 7pm for meditation and a Dhamma talk.  After the talk, there will be a bonfire — bring your own marshmallows!  If you can stay until 12pm, we’ll ring in the new year with meditation and some chanting.

Winter Retreat Approaches

We’re looking forward to our annual winter retreat.  The retreat will run from early January until late March.  The monks typically devote themselves to meditation and study during this time.

Luang Por Viradhammo will leave in January to visit Thailand.  He will return in February to finish the retreat with the community.… Read the rest

Progress Update: November 4th, 2012

New Resident

We have a new a resident at Tisarana.  A warm welcome to Anagarika John, who has joined us from Birken monastery in B.C.  His intention is to stay on to continue his training at Tisarana.  You can find out more about Anagarika John on the Resident Community page on the website.  Be sure to say hello the next time you stop by.

New Website

Our new website up and running!  The layout is basically the same as the old one, so you should be able to find your way around pretty easily.  The biggest differences are on the administrative side.  The website is easier to keep maintained.  It is also easier for the relatively computer illiterate add photos, edit pages, etc.  We’ve also added many books to the ‘Books’ page.  Take a look if you haven’t already.

There may very well still be some kinks in the site that we haven’t noticed.  If you see anything that’s not working, or if you have any suggestions, please send us an e-mail.

Sincere thanks to Tavaro in England for his help.  Without his impetus, the website we have would not have been built.

Accounting Database

More computer news!  Tina and Geoff Karlson have spent quite a bit of time bringing our accounting system up to date. … Read the rest