Visiting Elders Summer & Fall 2024

Dear friends,

We are pleased to let you know that we will be receiving a few esteemed Elders who will be visiting Tisarana over the next few months.

Though we have not yet planned any large public gatherings or events, these Elders will be in residence during these dates and may possibly be available after Dāna to meet and discuss Dhamma.

Tan Ajahn Karuniko: May 26th to Jun 19th & Jul 4th to Jul 10th

Tan Ajahn Kusalo: Jun 10th to Jun 14th & Jun 19th to Jun 20th

Luang Por Sucitto: Jun 9th to Jun 13th; Jun 29th to Jul 14th & Oct 23rd to Nov 1st

Luang Por Pasanno: Aug 8th to Aug 14th

Please feel free to visit and share in the goodness and blessings of their presence, we look forward to seeing you at Tisarana.