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New Dhamma Hall @ Tisarana is ready!

After 7 years of planning, navigating a pandemic and patiently waiting for the right time to begin, the New Dhamma Hall is finally a reality! The New Dhamma Hall as it stands today is a testament to the dedicated skill, diligent effort and unparalleled generosity of our entire community.

As announced earlier, the Tisarana community will be hosting our first Kathina after many years on Sunday the 27th of October in our brand new Dhamma Hall. That this Royal Kathina will be the first event at the new Dhamma Hall is all that much more significant and exciting.

Since inception of this project, Tisarana has received exemplary support and inspiring generosity from supporters both local and around the world. The donors, Sangha, residents and the members of the monastery’s Board have all kept the construction moving forward through challenging times. The fact that construction was never paused or halted is noteworthy for a project of this magnitude.

In 2017 we started meeting with our architect Adam Mackenzie Smith, putting ideas on paper. In 2021 the site was cleared and in 2022 ground was broken.

Dave Bout, our craftsman & general contractor, his highly skilled carpenters at GreenBuilt have worked tirelessly and with good spirit to create the Hall along with the many skilled trades involved.… Read the rest

Royal Kathina Ceremony at Tisarana – 27th Oct ’24

Dear friends,

It gives us great pleasure to invite you all to the Kathina Ceremony at Tisarana this year on Sunday 27th Oct 2023. This will be the first event at the New Dhamma Hall which is very exciting. It is a matter of great honour that His Majesty King Maha Vajralongkorn Rama X, King of Thailand has graciously presented the Kathina Robe at the request of His Excellency Ambassador Kallayana Vipattipumiprates, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from the Kingdom of Thailand to Canada. Kindly see the e-Invitations attached. Luang Por Viradhammo, the Sangha, residents and wider Tisarana Community look forward to your presence and we welcome you to participate in this celebration.

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SAVE THE DATE – Kathina Ceremony at Tisarana on Sunday, 27th October 2024.

Dear friends,

After a gap of three years, Tisarana will be conducting the Kathina Ceremony on Sunday 27th October 2024. This will be the first event that will happen in the New Dhamma Hall that’s under construction at the moment. We will be announcing a detailed schedule of events shortly. But, please do save the date and we would be delighted to welcome you to the first event at the New Dhamma Hall. Luang Por Viradhammo, the Sangha, residents and the wider Tisarana Community send you all good wishes.

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Upasampada at Tisarana – 7th Jul 2024

It gives Luang Por Viradhammo and the Sangha at Tisarana great joy to announce the Upasampada (Bhikkhu Ordination) of Samanera Padipo on Sunday, Jul 7th, 2024.

Samanera Padipo has spent over two and a half years at Tisarana training as an Anagarika and a Samanera. He has requested for acceptance into the Bhikkhu Sangha. This is a significant commitment to the holy life.

Over his time here, Samanera Padipo has seamlessly integrated into our community as a valued and dear friend. We invite you to join us to witness this memorable occasion. The schedule of events is as follows:

10 AM – arrive with meal dāna for the potluck table

11 AM – Pindapat

approx. 1.30 PM – Ordination ceremony commences

approx. 3.30 PM – breakdown and clean-up (volunteers welcome)

Please note, you are welcome to join us just for the afternoon or for both morning as well as the afternoon events. No prior notification is needed, all are welcome.… Read the rest

Upasampada at Tisarana – 7th Jul 2024

Dear friends,

It gives Luang Por Viradhammo and the Sangha at Tisarana great joy to announce the Upasampada (Bhikkhu Ordination) of Samanera Padipo on Sunday, Jul 7th, 2024.

Samanera Padipo has spent over two and half years at Tisarana training as an Anagarika and as a Samanera and has requested to be accepted into the Bhikkhu Sangha. This is a significant commitment to the holy life.

Over his time here, Samanera Padipo has seamlessly integrated into our community as a valued and dear friend. We invite you to join us to witness this memorable occasion. The schedule of events is as follows:

10 AM – arrive with meal dāna for the potluck table

11 AM – Pindapat

approx. 1.30 PM – Ordination ceremony commences

approx. 3.30 PM – breakdown and clean-up (volunteers welcome)

Please note, you are welcome to join us just for the afternoon or for both morning as well as the afternoon events. No prior notification is needed, all are welcome:Read the rest

OBS Teaching Luang Por Viradhammo

The Friday Evening Meeting will be led by Luang Por online and hosted by the OBS from Quaker House, 91A fourth Avenue, Central Ottawa at 7:30PM. Anyone is welcome to join the OBS at Quaker house if they’d like to meditate in a group and meet others interested in Buddhist teachings.

The Saturday Day of Mindfulness will be led by Luang Por in person at the Tu an Pagoda, 3591, Albion Road, South Ottawa at 8:45AM. All are welcome to attend in person or online using the Zoom link below.

OBS Friday Evening Meeting & Saturday Day of Mindfulness with Luang Por Viradhammo
June 21 7:30PM- 9:30PM & June 22 8:45AM-3:00PM
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 0903 2811
Passcode: 172082

Find your local number:

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Visiting Elders Summer & Fall 2024

Dear friends,

We are pleased to let you know that we will be receiving a few esteemed Elders who will be visiting Tisarana over the next few months.

Though we have not yet planned any large public gatherings or events, these Elders will be in residence during these dates and may possibly be available after Dāna to meet and discuss Dhamma.

Tan Ajahn Karuniko: May 26th to Jun 19th & Jul 4th to Jul 10th

Tan Ajahn Kusalo: Jun 10th to Jun 14th & Jun 19th to Jun 20th

Luang Por Sucitto: Jun 9th to Jun 13th; Jun 29th to Jul 14th & Oct 23rd to Nov 1st

Luang Por Pasanno: Aug 8th to Aug 14th

Please feel free to visit and share in the goodness and blessings of their presence, we look forward to seeing you at Tisarana.… Read the rest

Saturday Pindapats @ Ottawa, May 18th, 2024

The Sangha from Tisarana Buddhist Monastery will be going on Pindapatha scheduled for 18th May Saturday.  It will commence from Prasanna Ekanayake’s residence at 617 Remnor Avenue at 0800 and conclude at Rishanthi Pattiarachchi’s residence at 59 Maricona Way.  You can offer Dhana at either of these two residences. 

18th May Saturday @ 0800

Start: 617 Remnor Avenue

Finish: 59 Maricona Way

Thank you very much.

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