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Visiting Monks

Visiting Elders Summer & Fall 2024

Dear friends,

We are pleased to let you know that we will be receiving a few esteemed Elders who will be visiting Tisarana over the next few months.

Though we have not yet planned any large public gatherings or events, these Elders will be in residence during these dates and may possibly be available after Dāna to meet and discuss Dhamma.

Tan Ajahn Karuniko: May 26th to Jun 19th & Jul 4th to Jul 10th

Tan Ajahn Kusalo: Jun 10th to Jun 14th & Jun 19th to Jun 20th

Luang Por Sucitto: Jun 9th to Jun 13th; Jun 29th to Jul 14th & Oct 23rd to Nov 1st

Luang Por Pasanno: Aug 8th to Aug 14th

Please feel free to visit and share in the goodness and blessings of their presence, we look forward to seeing you at Tisarana.… Read the rest

Covid 19 / Coronavirus Update

Functioning guidelines with regard to COVID 19 / Coronavirus

In keeping with Health Canada guidelines detailed by the Public Health Agency of Canada, we request our community to follow guidelines below until further notice. We will update you when conditions change, but until you hear from us, please note the following:


All pubilc events at Tisarana have been cancelled until further notice.

  • All pujas will be restricted to the resident community
  • Saturday afternoon public meditation sessions will not recommence until further notice
  • All New Guest Orientation events have been cancelled for the time being
  • The Sala is not open to non-residents for meditation or gatherings

Overnight guests:

Until further notice we will not be open for overnight guests. If you have made a booking to stay with us after April 1, 2020, we will email you a letter of cancellation.

The booking form will not be available online until Health Canada lifts restrictions on public gatherings.

Dana & Food:

The kitchen is a high-risk area for the spread of infection and disease. We request that

  • All groceries and food be dropped off at the designated drop-off table, just outside the front entrace.
  • The kitchen area will be restricted for the use of residents only
  • Once you have dropped off your dana, it will be offered to the sangha by the residents
  • The Anumodana will be chanted daily but given the size of our hall, proper social distancing can not be practiced.
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Spring Work Bee #2 – July 7th

Join us for our second spring Work Bee on July 7th at 8:30 am to help prepare Tisarana for Luang Por Sumedho’s upcoming visit.

We are sprucing Tisarana up for Luang Por Sumedho’s arrival to Tisarana on the 11th with his attendant Ajahn Asoko. We’ll be planting trees, gardening, landscaping and doing grounds maintenance. The shared potluck meal will begin at 11:30 am, and after the meal we’ll continue working until 4:30 pm or later. Things to bring:

  • willing hands
  • possibly a dish for the meal
  • partial shade flowers that deer don’t like to eat

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Luang Por Sumedho’s visit to Tisarana

We are delighted to announce the upcoming visit of Luang Por Sumedho and his attendant Ajhan Asoko this coming July.

We will have the good fortune of hosting Luang Por and Aj. Asoko who arrive on the 11th of July and depart on the 3rd of August.

Given Luang Por’s health, he will not be available for interviews or teaching events. He has graciously accepted to offer a dhamma talk on the occasion of his 85th birthday on the 27th of July. We are indeed blessed to be part of this auspicious & momentous occasion. More details about the event to follow.

Luang Por Sumedho may also give a Dhamma talk on the 20th of July as our three Anagarikas take Samanera (Novice) precepts. This depends on his health and energy levels so stay tuned for another update.… Read the rest

Vesak Day of Meditation (Sat, May 19th) & Vesak Celebration Day (Sun, May, 20th)

Saturday, May 19th, 2018, will be observed as a day-long meditation retreat to commemorate the upcoming Vesaka Puja Day (May 29th, 2018).

8.45 AM: Arrive & be seated

9 AM to 11 AM: Readings on the life of the Buddha & Meditation

11.15 AM: Potluck dana

1.30 to 4.30 PM: Readings on the life of the Buddha & Meditation

Sunday, May 20th, 2018 has been scheduled as Vesak Celebration Day at Tisarana.

10.30 AM or earlier: Arrive & be seated

10.45 AM: Rice Pindapath

11.15 AM: Potluck dana

1.30 PM: Chanting, Meditation & Dhamma Talk by Tahn Ajahn Amaro

Registration for these events is NOT required and all are welcome to attend. Contributions are welcome for the potluck dana on both days.… Read the rest

Saturday afternoon with Ajahn Amaro.

Tisarana Buddhist Monastery is honoured to welcome Tahn Ajahn Amaro, Abbot of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, who is visiting us from Hertfordshire, England.

The public meditation this Saturday (May 12, 2018) at Tisarana will be lead by  Tahn Ajahn Amaro. The afternoon will start with a group meditation at 1.30PM followed by a Dhamma Talk and Q&A.

On Sunday (May13, 2018) Tahn Ajahn Amaro will lead the public meditation retreat at Sati Saraniya Hermitage. Please click here for the programme.… Read the rest

Come to Kathina, Sunday Oct 8th.

On Sunday October 8th, the Tisarana community will celebrate the end of the Rains Retreat by offering the Kathina cloth to the monastic community. The event will be held at the monastery (1356 Powers Road, Perth ON) and will start at 10.45 AM, followed by the meal blessing and a meal. At 1 PM, the ceremony of offering the Kathina cloth will take place followed by a Dhamma Reflection given by Luang Por V.

We are delighted that Ajahn Punnadhammo from Arrow River and Venerable Suneetha from Ottawa are joining us this year. We look forward to the gathering on Sunday. Please ensure that you arrive well before 10.15 AM if you are offering dana for the pot-luck meal. Please allow time for parking, getting to your seats and we ask that everyone is seated by 10.40 AM in order to start the event. Help with breaking up and cleaning up after the event will be greatly appreciated.… Read the rest