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News Updates, Page 20

Kathina 2013 Schedule

Kathina Celebration, November 3, 2013 at Civitan Hall Perth, ON

The Kathina is a tradition that has been followed for over 2500 years. It takes place during the month following Vassa (the three-month rains retreat corresponding to the rainy season in India). At that time, lay followers make a special offering of Kathina cloth as well as additional requisites to the Sangha. Kathina is a very happy, warm-hearted time for celebration. It is a time to come together, focusing on the single act of generosity of offering the Kathina robe material.

We will have a sangha of 14 bhikkhus and bhikkhunis attending so we hope many people will join us in this joyous day of alms giving and Dhamma reflection.

This will be the first year that a Kathina will be held for the Sangha at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery. This year’s Kathina Robe is to be offered by Risini and Nalaka Gunawardhane family and friends. Risini and Nalaka can be contacted by email: or by phone 613-825 6508

Kathina Location: Civitan Hall, Perth, ON

Date: Nov. 3, 9:00am – 3pm

Please note the Kathina is not being held at the monastery, but at the Civitan Hall in Perth (6787, Highway 43)

We have rented the Civitan Hall so there should be lots of space for everyone

See map to Civitan Hall here:!contact-usRead the rest

Winter Retreat Stewards Needed

Winter is quickly approaching, and we are now considering applications for anyone wishing to join the winter retreat as a steward. From the beginning of January until the end of March, the monks and Anagarikas at Tisarana put away projects and minimize their worldly commitments, so that these three months can be devoted to more intensive meditation and study.

Each year, 4 or 5 lay friends join the retreat to help in the kitchen and office. Anyone interested in being a steward during the winter retreat could contact us at

Visiting Monks from Boston Vihara

Ajahn Jayanto, Venerable Caganando, Anagarika John, and Bruce made the 10-hour trip from the Boston area to visit us for 6 days. They’re part of our same Ajahn Chah lineage, and they’ve come to say hello and pay respects to Ajahn Viradhammo. They’re also seeing Tisarana for the first time, and getting to know the resident community better. They are also grateful for the break in city living, where they’ve been temporarily set up, as they search for a potential properties to establish a Forest Monastery.

They’ve been invited by supporters to investigate, and potentially set up a Forest Monastery in the New England area.… Read the rest

Progress Update: Fri Sept 6th, 2013

Ajahn Viradhammo Visits Abhayagiri Monastery

Ajahn Viradhammo will be visiting his old time friend (back from their days together at Wat Pah Nanachat): Ajahn Pasanno, abbot of Abhayagiri monastery.  Ajahn Viradhammo returns to Tisarana Sept 11th.

Upasika Program is Full

We would like to thank all applicants for applying to our Upasika program.

September Residential Meditation Retreat is Fully Booked

Again, we would like to thank all applicants.  The spaces filled up very, very quickly!  It’s inspiring to see the tremendous willingness of our community to meditate intensively.

Sunday Dana Meals for Vassa Fully Booked

Gratitude is expressed to Nalaka and Risini, for coordinating Dana meals for each Sunday all throughout the remainder of this Vassa Season (ending Saturday Nov 2nd).

Antique Tractor in Action

We’ve posted photos of Cornel Pop driving our tractor and delivering gravel in a recent work project to improve various paths on the monastery property.  Cornel and Ion have done great work in reviving the tractor back to health.

Note: we are planning to purchase a large snowblower attachment for the tractor, to do the snow removal ourselves this winter.

Website and Office Computer Security Tightened

In keeping with common best security practices (which would be typically found in any small or medium business environment today) security has been tightened in several ways:

  • Passwords are centrally managed in a LastPass online vault.
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Work Bee Sunday Sept 8th, 2013

Correction to last posting: Work bee is on Sunday Sept 8th, 2013, not Sept 6th

Please come join us in a day of community-building work.  Our main project is to develop kuti meditation walking paths.  The heavy lifting will be done by our tractor bucket, however help is needed to smooth out gravel and dirt, as well as line the paths with logs.  Lighter work is also needed, in the way of trimming branches with loppers.

The Work Bee starts at 8:30am.  A potluck lunch will be served at 11am.  Afternoon work resumes at 1pm, ending at 4pm.

The weather isn’t too hot, there have virtually no insects at this time, and it’s a great time for outdoor work!… Read the rest

Progress Update: Tues Aug 20th, 2014

Work Bee Sunday Sept 8th, 2013

Please come join us in a day of community-building work.  Our main project is to develop kuti meditation walking paths.  The heavy lifting will be done by our tractor bucket, however help is needed to smooth out gravel and dirt, as well as line the paths with logs.  Lighter work is also needed, in the way of trimming branches with loppers.

The Work Bee starts at 8:30am.  A potluck lunch will be served at 11am.  Afternoon work resumes at 1pm, ending at 4pm.

The weather isn’t too hot, there have virtually no insects at this time, and it’s a great time for outdoor work!

Welcome Anagarika Shawn

We’d all like to welcome the newest member of our community, Anagarika Shawn.  After attending numerous Goenka meditation retreats, and serving Ajahn Punnadhammo at Arrow River Forest Hermitage as a steward, he’s now ordained as an Anagarika.

New Kuṭi donated: the “Kataññutā Kuṭi”

A portable kuṭi on wheels has been donated by friends of the monastery.  Some photos are available here:

Garu-bhaṇḍa Equipment Repair

  • Ion Colcher, Cornel Pop, and Peter Pauls have done major work to restore our vintage-era tractor (including its large lawnmover attachment) to a functional state where the lawn can be mowed.
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Tisarana Website Hacker Thwarted

This posting is on our new website, which is free from all hackery (at least so far).

Our new website continues to evolve every day, so please be patient as other missing parts and details are gradually filled in and updated.  Hopefully this process goes smoothly, but as Murphy’s Law goes, there’s bound to be at least a small amount of “turbulence.”

Contact Email Address Correction for the Vassa Aradhana Ceremony on 28 July 2013

The correct contact email address is  The previous Newsletter had a typo, putting a dash between “tisarana” and “kathina,” which should have been a period.

New Photos Posted

We’ve moved our older Photo Albums to a free Flickr account.  We can post huge photos there.  Those of you with HD displays will appreciate this, as our camera takes 9 MegaPixel photos.  You can see old “sets” of photos there:

…as well as a few new sets we’ve recently posted:

“Winter Retreat 2012”:

“Summer 2013”:

“Latvia Retreat 2013”:

New Resident Monk: Tahn Suddhāso

We’re delighted to report that a new monk has arrived from Abhayagiri monastery (, residing at Tisarana at least until the end of the next Winter Retreat (i.e.

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The Upasika Training Program


The term upasika means “one who sits close by,” and it has come to refer to lay people who join with the monastics in the practice of the Dhamma. Following the model established at Abhayagiri Monastery in California, Tisarana would like to provide a similar structure for lay people to practice and study together.

Regular Upasika Days will be held at the monastery roughly every 4 to 6 weeks at which time upasikas renew their commitment to the Three Refuges and Five Precepts, participate in a study session focusing on a Dhamma topic, and practice meditation.


Following are the primary purposes of the Upasika Program:

  • To enhance individual practice and increase self-discipline through making a formal commitment to spiritual training.
  • To deepen both the intellectual and experiential understanding of Dhamma.
  • To have more supportive contact with like-minded people and the ordained Sangha.


The following Upasika Program guidelines are meant as an outline for spiritual training of the individual and are intended to provide a structure for those seeking support and encouragement in their practice.

  • Undertake to live by the Three Refuges and the Five Precepts.
  • To take the Theravada tradition as the focus of one’s Buddhist practice.
  • Visit the monastery and formally take the Refuges and Precepts and attend regularly scheduled upasika meetings.
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Vassa Aradhana Ceremony on 28 July 2013

The Kathina is a tradition that has been followed for over 2500 years. It takes place during the month following Vassa (the three-month rains retreat corresponding to the rainy season in India). At that time, lay followers make a special offering of Kathina cloth as well as additional requisites to the Sangha. Kathina is a very happy, warm-hearted time for celebration. It is a time to come together, focusing on the single act of generosity of offering the Kathina robe material.

This will be the first year that a Kathina will be held for the Sangha at Tisarana Buddhist Monasteryi. This year’s Kathina Robe is to be offered by Risini and Nalaka Gunawardhane family and friends. We would like to invite everyone to participate in this happy and auspicious occasion. The Kathina festival will be held on Nov. 3 at the Civitan Hall in Perth.

There will also be a ceremony to formally invite the sangha to observe the Vassa period and also to offer the requisites to the sangha for the period of this Vassa. This ceremony is known as the Vassa Aradhana. This ceremony will take place on July 28th at the monastery. Nalaka, Risini and family and friends would like to invite you to join with them in the activities planned for this day of Vassa Aradhana.… Read the rest

Progress Update: Tuesday, June 4th, 2013


Upasika Program Re-Started

Two years ago, just before his mother died, Luang Por Viradhammo initiated a program of study and practice for lay friends of Tisarana.  It was called the ‘Upasika Program’ and it was intended for those who wanted to deepen their practice and commitment to the Buddha-Dhamma-Sangha.  Luang Por has decided to re-start the program.  An e-mail will be sent out with further details.  Please take a look if you’re interested.

Gratitude to Parents Day

Gratitude to Parents day will be held on June 23, 2013 at Sati Saraniya Hermitage.  This will be the first gathering  inside the new temple that is being built at the hermitage. Please arrive at 10 am.  The potluck dana will begin with an almsround at 10:45 am followed by the meal offering, precepts, blessing chants and Dhamma reflections.

If possible, please try to: carpool, bring folding lawn chairs (to sit outside for the meal), and bring serving spoons.  Please note that there will be no facilities to heat food or wash up serving dishes

New Monastery Gardener

The monastery is very pleased to say that we now have a volunteer gardener.  Akka Jannsen has volunteered to build and oversee the flower beds and areas around the monastery. … Read the rest