Kathina 2013 Schedule
Kathina Celebration, November 3, 2013 at Civitan Hall Perth, ON
The Kathina is a tradition that has been followed for over 2500 years. It takes place during the month following Vassa (the three-month rains retreat corresponding to the rainy season in India). At that time, lay followers make a special offering of Kathina cloth as well as additional requisites to the Sangha. Kathina is a very happy, warm-hearted time for celebration. It is a time to come together, focusing on the single act of generosity of offering the Kathina robe material.
We will have a sangha of 14 bhikkhus and bhikkhunis attending so we hope many people will join us in this joyous day of alms giving and Dhamma reflection.
This will be the first year that a Kathina will be held for the Sangha at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery. This year’s Kathina Robe is to be offered by Risini and Nalaka Gunawardhane family and friends. Risini and Nalaka can be contacted by email: tisarana.kathina@gmail.com or by phone 613-825 6508
Kathina Location: Civitan Hall, Perth, ON
Date: Nov. 3, 9:00am – 3pm
Please note the Kathina is not being held at the monastery, but at the Civitan Hall in Perth (6787, Highway 43)
We have rented the Civitan Hall so there should be lots of space for everyone
See map to Civitan Hall here: http://www.perthcivitan.org/#!contact-us… Read the rest