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News Updates, Page 12

Gratitude to Parents 2018

An Invitation to Gratitude to Parents Day (From Sati Saraniya)

– April 22, 2018, co-led by monastics from Tisarana Buddhist Monastery & Sati Saraniya Hermitage Time & Venue: 10-2:30 Sati Saraniya Hermitage

Please save a special date in your calendar: April 22, 2018. We are planning to host a Gratitude to Parents Day at Sati Saraniya Hermitage. In honouring our parents on this day, we will be joined by Ajahn Viradhammo and members of the Tisarana community, sharing together in chanting, a traditional dana meal and spiritual food in the form of a Dhamma talk. The programme will be something like this:

10:15 am Rice pindapat & Blessing Chants

11:00 Shared Meal and cleanup

1:00 pm Precepts & Meditation

1:15 Dhamma Talk

2:oo Circumambulation of stupa & Dedications to our Parents

2:30 Closing

We invite you to bring a small photo of your parent/s to place on a shrine for the occasion.… Read the rest

Spring 2018 Events at Tisarana

Spring Events

We’ve just emerged from our Winter Retreat and want to let you know about upcoming events to be held at Tisarana, or involving the Tisarana community. See also our public calendar
20 April, Fri: Ajahn Viradhammo teaching at the Quaker House in Ottawa,
sponsored by the Ottawa Buddhist Society.
21 April, Sat: Day of Mindfulness with Ajahn Viradhammo at the Tu-An Pagoda,
sponsored by the Ottawa Buddhist Society
22 April, Sun: Gratitude to Parents Day with Ajahn Viradhammo and Ayyā Medhānandī at Sati Saraniya:

    • 10:15 am Rice pindapat & Blessing Chants
      11:00 Shared Potluck Meal
      1:00 pm Precepts & Meditation
      1:15 Dhamma Talk
      2:00 Circumambulation of Stupa & Dedications to our Parents
      2:30 Closing

27 – 29 April, Fri-Sun: Non-residential retreat with Ajahn Viradhammo in Toronto.
Sponsored by Sati Panna and Theravada Buddhist Community of Toronto

04 May, Fri: Ajahn Viradhammo teaching at the Quaker House in Ottawa,
sponsored by the Ottawa Buddhist Society.

10 -20 May: Ajahn Amaro visits Tisarana

12 May, Sat: Special public talk by Ajahn Amaro at Tisarana, 1:30 – 3:00PM
13 May, Sun: Afternoon meditation and Dhamma Talk with Ajahn Amaro at Sati Saraniya

    • 1:30 – 4:30 pm – meditation, Dhamma talk and Q&A.
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Stillness Flowing – The Life and Teachings of Ajahn Chah

“Stillness Flowing – The Life and Teachings of Ajahn Chah” by Ajahn Jayasaro, the long-awaited biography of Ajahn Chah in English, with an introduction by Luong Por Sumedho.

850 pgs, Panyaprateep Foundation, 2017.

From Ajahn Jayasaro’s preface:

“Although it has been my intention that this book should be, as far as possible, a biography as opposed to a hagiography, I am not sure that I have been completely successful. My love for Luang Por and my belief in his enlightenment inevitably colour the text. What I have not done is suppress any scandalous or embarrassing information out of concern for his good name. Hard as it may be to accept nowadays when there is so much – and often well-founded – cynicism about the integrity of religious figures, Luang Por Chah had absolutely nothing to hide. The only skeleton in a cupboard at Wat Pah Pong was the one hanging on public display in the Dhamma Hall. In fact, that is one of the strongest reasons for my belief that the life of Luang Por Chah is so worthy of study.”

Available as PDF

Bound copies available by pick-up at our free distribution table at the monastery, or by following these instructions.… Read the rest

The Monastery Grows

New property addition:

Near the beginning of the winter retreat we became aware that a neighbouring property along the NW boundary of Tisarana came up for sale: 548 Pike Lake Rt. 17A (see the image below). This is 59 acres which have long been held by a group of hunters. The piece is undeveloped in that there is currently no source of water or septic.  There is a gravel access road and a small cabin and storage shed. The acreage is mixed hardwood forest, scrub and marshland, very similar to the Tisarana property. It also has a small stretch of lake access.

At the suggestion of several lay supporters and with the approval of the Board of Directors, the monastery has decided to pursue purchase of this property. We have in mind several purposes:

  • Buffer one boundary of Tisarana and insure no new (possibly disruptive) neighbour appears there;
  • Create additional wildlife refuge;
  • Expand the amount of useable trail and forest for monastery visitors;
  • Create a men’s compound (eventually) for increased separation of visitors by gender, and
  • Expand the number of monk’s kutis by one or more.

The property listed at $295,000 (CDN) and we expect to close a deal to complete the purchase and transfer of ownership by mid-June of this year. … Read the rest

Anagarika Christopher

Ordination of a New Anagarika: On Jan 31, during the Uposatha observance evening, Luang Por Viradhammo gave the Anagarika precepts to Christopher Harnett, who has gone forth into the homeless life, wearing white. The Tisarana community welcomes Anagarika Christopher to the training!… Read the rest

100 years: A letter from Thailand by L.P. Viradhammo

Subject: 100 years

Dear friends,
I am at Dhammaram in Bangkok, room 5, LP Sumedho is downstairs talking with Ajahn Amaro and the sangha from Amaravati, Ajhn Kongrit is packing a box with Yom Meechai for sending to the UK and Ajahn Panyasaro is crocheting a cover for my watch. We were all on the same flight from Ubon this afternoon and so it’s a good time to reflect on the Wat Pah Pong gatherings, our monastic legacy and our close friendships with each other. It has been a warm and heartfelt gathering of our community.
I am sure you have seen pictures from the great gatherings at Wat Pah Pong. The numbers are impressive: 6500 lay people in tents on the grounds of Wat Pah Pong, 1050 monks registered with over 100 western monks and the siladharas from Amaravati, on the final day one estimate was that a total of 2000 monks(?) and 30,000(?) lay people took part in the circumambulation around LP Chah’s stupa.
More than the numbers is the the sense of dignity and reverence that flowed throughout this beautiful gathering. Just before the circumambulation LP Sumedho gave a talk in the big sala to the laity while LP Pitoon spoke at the uposatha hall to the assembly of monks.
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2018 Ajahn Chah Memorial Day

Every year on 16 January we observe a special puja to remember the life and teachings of Luong Pu Chah, the founder of our ordination lineage and teacher of Ajahns Sumedho, Pasanno, Viridhammo and many other of the senior teachers in our larger community of monasteries, including Tisarana, Abhayagiri, Amaravati. The senior monks of our lineage usually attend a Sangha meeting at Wat Pah Pong in NE Thailand where the annual memorial is held and participate in the ceremonies there.

At Tisarana on 16 January we will have a puja at 7:00 PM (chanting followed by meditation) and a Dhamma talk. All are welcome.… Read the rest

Entered Winter Retreat

The Tisarana community of monastics and lay supporters has entered the 2018 3-month  Winter Retreat. The resident community and retreat crew will be conducting ourselves in Noble Silence as much as possible. We thank all our supporters for this wonderful opportunity to cultivate deep practice.

From now until 31 March we will not be hosting overnight guests, although we are always open to day-visitors. Also our usual Saturday afternoon program is suspended, it will resume in the spring when the retreat is over. We will continue to offer a Dhamma talk as usual on Lunar Observance days at 7:00PM.

Happy Winter!  – Khemako… Read the rest

Ordination: Anagarika Peter becomes Samanera Sirimedho

Peter’s ordination: 15 Dec 2017 –  email message from Luong Por Viradhammo:

Peter is now officially Samanera Sirimedho. We had a simple Pabajja ceremony this morning and Sirimedho is radiant in his new robes – happy fellow. I’ll try to get some photos to you shortly. 
The ordination took place in Chennai, India with Luong Por Sumedho as preceptor.
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Ven. Khema wanders away

In our monastic training tradition a monk spends his third year “abroad”. Tan Khema completed his 3rd rains retreat (Vassa) in October. Today he left to visit family and friends before heading to Bodhivana Monastery near Melbourne, Australia, where Ajahn Kalyano is the abbot.  The community at Tisarana wishes safe travels and good faring for Tan Khema.… Read the rest