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News Updates, Page 11

Seeking Volunteers for Winter Retreat 2019

Staffing the Winter Retreat 2019


Tisarana Buddhist Monastery is looking for sincere, mature Dhamma practitioners to volunteer as staff for part or all of our upcoming Winter Retreat (Jan 01 – Mar 31).

The crew for the retreat usually consists of 5-6 people who run the critical functions of the monastery on a shared rotating basis of daily chores interspersed with regular time off. Crew members should expect to work between 2-4 hours daily, with occasional longer work days as circumstances require.

General tasks

Potential candidates should be willing and able to perform all duties of the retreat. These include –

  • Cooking: being head cook
  • Cooking: being assistant cook
  • Domestic chores: Vacuuming, laundry, dish-washing, cleaning bathrooms, etc.
  • Winter chores: Shoveling snow

Specialty roles

  • Office: Responding to urgent messages, paperwork / bills
  • Maintenance: Responding to plumbing, electrical, structural emergencies and routines. Operating the tractor with snowblower.

Responsibilities will also include attending all morning and evening pujas and upholding the Eight Precepts.

In return the Winter Retreat staffers will receive an opportunity to practise the Dhamma in a quiet, beautiful and inspiring monastic setting and gain the satisfaction and merit of providing support for monastics and fellow crew members undertaking this period of more intense practise.… Read the rest

Alms Rounds in Ottawa

Two weeks ago, the monks from Tisarana Buddhist Monastery have started alms rounds in the Barrhaven suburban neighbourhood of Ottawa, Ontario.

The above photos were from Sunday, August 12, 2018.

For over 2,600 years, Buddhist monastics have traditionally went on daily alms round (piṇḍapāta) to collect food. The Buddha established this practice to allow his monastic disciples to obtain their daily sustenance through the generosity of lay people. The tradition continues in many traditional Buddhist countries such as Thailand, Burma and Sri Lanka. The forest masters of Thailand, include Ajahn Chah, made alms round a centerpiece of the daily monastic schedule.

Since the late ’70s, as monasteries in the Ajahn Chah tradition became established in the west. There was strong interest in keeping the alms round tradition alive. In many ways, maintaining this alms round tradition in new cultures has been successful. For example, the monks at the Pacific Hermitage, located in southern Washington, go on alms every day to the nearby town of White Salmon. The monks at Temple Forest Monastery, located in New Hampshire, go on alms round twice per week and the monks at Abhayagiri, located in northern California, go on alms round once per week.… Read the rest

Bhikkhu Ordination of Sāmaṇeras Amarasiri and Sirimedho

At 12:30pm on Sunday, September 16, 2018, Sāmaṇeras Amarasiri and Sirimedho will take full ordination (Upasampadā) and become bhikkhus under the preceptorship of Luang Por Vīradhammo. All are welcome to attend.

There will be a meal offering that day at 11:00 am. Shortly after the meal offering and cleanup, the ordination ceremony will start. Therefore, please plan to be at the monastery by 12:30pm.

The ceremony will be followed by a Dhamma talk given by Ajahn Vīradhammo. This will all take place in our large outdoor tent at the monastery. In addition to the tent, canopies will be available in case there is a large attendance.

For questions and other inquiries, please contact us by using our contact form.… Read the rest

Stephen “Santacitto” Saslav Passes Away

On August 18, 2018, Steve Saslav, the former Ajahn Santacitto, passed away. The Tisarana community would like to extends its thoughts and good wishes to everybody that knew him, including his family, friends and fellow practitioners.

From Ajahn Amaro and the Amaravati Community:

On the morning of Saturday the 18th of August, 2018, Steve Saslav, the former Ajahn Santacitto, passed away peacefully in his home in Chichester. He was one of the very first Western monks to train with Ajahn Chah, having first taken robes in 1971. He was part of the founding monastic group of Amaravati in the ‘80s and was the very first Amaravati Librarian. The last years of his monastic life were spent as the abbot of Hartridge Buddhist Monastery, in Devon.

He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in May of last year and dealt with its relentless progress with great patience and good-heartedness right until the very end, attending at least three retreats at Amaravati during these final months, including a 10-day one in June of this year. the rest

New Property Finalized

Tisarana Monastery is happy to announce that the purchasing of the new property at 548 Pike Lake Rt. 17A is complete. The agreement was finalized on June 15, 2018. As we shared last February, the bordering property includes 59 acres of forest similar to Tisarana and has a small stretch of access to Pike Lake.

The costs of the property were donated by disciples of Luang Por Ganhah of Wat Pah Subthawee Dhammaram in Thailand, as well as disciples of Ajahn Ñānadhammo of Wat Pah Rattanawan in Thailand. Several others also made generous donations to make this purchase possible. From the Saṅgha and the extended lay community at Tisarana, we offer our sincere gratitude for this maha-dāna.

The following photos were taken during a blessing ceremony with the Tisarana community in early July 2018, shortly following Luang Por Viradhammo’s return from his travels to the west coast.

Anumodana for all those who helped in this acquisition of this beautiful property.… Read the rest

Development Plans for Tisarana’s new Dhamma hall.

As our community grows and expands, the need for a larger space dedicated to meditation, silence and teaching has become apparent. To address this need, a building sub-committee, headed by Ajahn V and Adam Mackenzie Smith, our architect, was formed. Over the past year, the building committee has made significant progress developing plans for a new Dhamma hall.

As a result, we have seen design plans and a new model displayed in the house. Taking this further, we have now added a new page on our website detailing our vision to help bring these plans to fruition. Please click here to view the page about our development plans.

Our architect and the building committee have envisaged that the new hall will hold 150 people (expandable to accommodate up to 200) with much needed washroom facilities during large events. This hall will also be connected to the other buildings, providing easy access.

We invite you to visit our website for more details, to take the virtual tour and view our interactive site plan. We are grateful for all the encouragement and support received from our community, both local and overseas. Do enjoy our new Dhamma hall web-page and feel free to participate in any way you may wish to support this project.… Read the rest

Vesak Day of Meditation (Sat, May 19th) & Vesak Celebration Day (Sun, May, 20th)

Saturday, May 19th, 2018, will be observed as a day-long meditation retreat to commemorate the upcoming Vesaka Puja Day (May 29th, 2018).

8.45 AM: Arrive & be seated

9 AM to 11 AM: Readings on the life of the Buddha & Meditation

11.15 AM: Potluck dana

1.30 to 4.30 PM: Readings on the life of the Buddha & Meditation

Sunday, May 20th, 2018 has been scheduled as Vesak Celebration Day at Tisarana.

10.30 AM or earlier: Arrive & be seated

10.45 AM: Rice Pindapath

11.15 AM: Potluck dana

1.30 PM: Chanting, Meditation & Dhamma Talk by Tahn Ajahn Amaro

Registration for these events is NOT required and all are welcome to attend. Contributions are welcome for the potluck dana on both days.… Read the rest

Saturday afternoon with Ajahn Amaro.

Tisarana Buddhist Monastery is honoured to welcome Tahn Ajahn Amaro, Abbot of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, who is visiting us from Hertfordshire, England.

The public meditation this Saturday (May 12, 2018) at Tisarana will be lead by  Tahn Ajahn Amaro. The afternoon will start with a group meditation at 1.30PM followed by a Dhamma Talk and Q&A.

On Sunday (May13, 2018) Tahn Ajahn Amaro will lead the public meditation retreat at Sati Saraniya Hermitage. Please click here for the programme.… Read the rest

Steward needed at Thunder Bay

Ajahn Punnadhammo, abbot of Arrow River Monastery near Thunder Bay, is in need of a new steward.

From Ajahn Punna:

On April 28 we are going to ordain a young man, James Koskela, as a samenera. While this is a joyous occasion, it does raise a practical issue. James has been serving long term as our steward (driver and cook) and after taking the samenera vows he won’t be able to fulfill those duties (especially shopping). This leaves us in need of a steward. We did have someone lined up for the position, but it didn’t work out. So we are suddenly short handed.
If you know anyone who might be interested, or can spread the word, please point them in this direction. More information about Arrow River and stewardship can be found here –
The person acting as steward should have a valid driver’s license and be willing to make at least a two month commitment, preferably longer.
Read the rest

Ajahn Amaro Coming to Visit

Ajahn Amaro, abbot of the Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in southern England, is coming on May 10-20, 2018 to reside at Tisarana and during that time he will be offering several teachings.

Scheduled events:

12 May, Sat: Meditaion and public talk by Ajahn Amaro at Tisarana, 1:30 – 3:00PM
13 May, Sun: Afternoon meditation and Dhamma Talk with Ajahn Amaro at Sati Saraniya

    • 1:30 – 4:30 pm – meditation, Dhamma talk and Q&A.

19 May, Sat: Vesak Day-long with Ajahn Amaro at Tisarana

    • 9:30 – 11:00 meditation & reflections
      11:15 – 12:30 – Meal / dana (Please contribute)
      1:30 – 5:00 Meditation & teachings
      5:00 – Tea in the Sala with Ajahn Amaro

20 May, Sun: Vesak Celebration. Special guest: Ajahn Amaro

      • 10:30 Precepts:
        11:00 Rice pindapat /dana /meal
        1:30-ish: Dhamma talk from Ajahn Amaro

About Ajahn Amaro:

Small image of Aj. Amaro
Ajahn Amaro

One of the direct Western disciples of Ajahn Chah and currently the abbot of Amaravati monastery in the UK. Ajahn Amaro founded Abhayagiri monastery in California and was co-abbot there with Ajahn Pasanno for 14 years, is author of several books on Buddhism, and is a wonderful teacher and friend of Tisarana. Read a more complete biography for Ajahn Amaro here.Read the rest