New Dhamma Hall @ Tisarana is ready!

After 7 years of planning, navigating a pandemic and patiently waiting for the right time to begin, the New Dhamma Hall is finally a reality! The New Dhamma Hall as it stands today is a testament to the dedicated skill, diligent effort and unparalleled generosity of our entire community.

As announced earlier, the Tisarana community will be hosting our first Kathina after many years on Sunday the 27th of October in our brand new Dhamma Hall. That this Royal Kathina will be the first event at the new Dhamma Hall is all that much more significant and exciting.

Since inception of this project, Tisarana has received exemplary support and inspiring generosity from supporters both local and around the world. The donors, Sangha, residents and the members of the monastery’s Board have all kept the construction moving forward through challenging times. The fact that construction was never paused or halted is noteworthy for a project of this magnitude.

In 2017 we started meeting with our architect Adam Mackenzie Smith, putting ideas on paper. In 2021 the site was cleared and in 2022 ground was broken.

Dave Bout, our craftsman & general contractor, his highly skilled carpenters at GreenBuilt have worked tirelessly and with good spirit to create the Hall along with the many skilled trades involved. Though the project is not entirely completed, final touches are currently being carried out so that this Kathina will make the first occasion celebrated in the New Dhamma Hall truly memorable.

Luang Por Viradhammo, the Sangha, Board Members, Residents and our entire community is truly grateful for all the generosity and support we have always received. The New Dhamma Hall will be a place of refuge and wholesome cultivation for many and is dedicated to the welfare of all beings.

Everyone is welcome, please come celebrate the New Dhamma Hall’s opening and this Royal Kathina.