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Podcast, Page 64

Exploring Different Traditions

I find reading about the insights, of what I think are attained beings, from other traditions very interesting.  It’s quite a nice challenge to be able to ask, ‘Is this the same insight that I had?  Is this the path?’… Read the rest

Three Dukkhas

A talk based around the three types of dukkha—dukkha vedana (the feeling of dukkha), dukkha sacca (the truth of dukkha), and dukkha lakkhana (the characteristic of dukkha).… Read the rest

Four Brahma-vihara’s

Memory can be like that, we can plug into goodness.  Memory is important to understand, and how it works, like in the practices of metta meditation.  [We use it] to bring up associations that are wholesome and skillful.… Read the rest

Metta Meditation

Bring up the image of someone whom it’s easy to feel affection for.  On the in-breath bring the image of them into your heart.  On the out-breath wish, “May you be well.”… Read the rest

Body Meditation

Quite often we carry a lot of tension in our eyes and our face.  So, to become conscious of that can be an interesting exercise.  Get in touch with this awareness which isn’t looking for anything special.… Read the rest

Practice As a Craft

In the texts the Buddha would often give analogies which related to craft.  So you have the musician tuning his instrument, the fletcher straightening his arrow, a carpenter working with a piece of wood- these are the images of craft.  So, if there’s that attitude, then we do try things out.  That’s the way we learn.… Read the rest