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News Updates, Page 4

TBC teaching events


Jun 11 -Tan Sirimedho @TBC Morning Talk (10 am ET)

Jul 23 –  Luang Por Viradhammo@TBC Morning Talk (10 am ET)

Aug 27 – Ajahn Pavaro @ TBC1/2 DOM (8:30 am to 12 pm ET)

Sep 24 – Tan Amarasiri@ TBC1/2 DOM (8:30 am to 12 pm ET)

Oct 29 – Tan Amarasiri@ TBC1/2 DOM (8:30 am to 12 pm ET)

Nov 26 – Ajahn Pavaro@TBC Morning Talk (10 am ET)

Dec 10 – Tan Sirimedho @TBC Morning Talk (10 am ET)

Zoom link

Password: 883290… Read the rest

Sunday Mornings – Meditation and Dhamma Talk

Beginning in May 2023, Tisarana will once again be hosting a regular on-site meditation, followed by a Dhamma talk offered by a Sangha member.

The weekly sessions will take place on Sundays (9:30 – 11am) and begin on May 7th. Please plan to arrive by 9:15. This will enable you to be nicely settled when the meditation begins.

Following the Dhamma talk, visitors are welcome to join the community for the midday meal. If you wish to stay for the meal please bring a pot luck dish if possible. The meal begins at 11:30.

The weekly sessions will take place in our current meditation Sala, so are not weather dependent. … Read the rest

OBS April events with Ajahn Viradhammo

OBS April events with Ajahn Viradhammo

Friday Evening Meeting April 7, 7:30 PM – 9:30PM – online only

Friday Evening Meeting April 21, 7:30 -9:30PM – in-person with online access
Saturday Day of Mindfulness April 22 8:45 – 3.00PM – in-person with online access

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 899 5047 8744
Passcode: 111716

Find your local number: the rest

New Visitor Orientations and bookings for April 2023.

As the monastic community comes out of winter retreat, we will get into planning Tisarana’s calendar from April to December 2023. However, here’s some important information that may be relevant:

New Visitor Orientations will commence as of May 2023 and dates will be posted on our calendar sometime around the third week of April. Please note that we are unable to process New Visitor bookings prior to April 30th this year.

Regular visitors (those who have stayed with us for at least three or more visits) are welcome to request overnight stays for the month of April by emailing the Guest Monk.

The booking form has been disabled till April 30th.

For those who have been applying over the winter months, please note that we are unable to hold and process applications in queue. You are welcome to apply again after April 30th, should you wish to stay at Tisarana.

As always, we are open for day visits and those bringing Dana are welcome to book by contacting the Kitchen Steward.

Warmest regards from our entire community.… Read the rest

Details for Tax Receipts: First-Time and New Donors

Dear friends and supporters,

At the beginning of every year, the Finance Team at Tisarana strives to send out Tax Receipts to all Canadian donors. Prior to that, we try to collect donor information that is missing.

If you have donated to Tisarana for the first time, or have recently started donating, we request you kindly send us your full official name and complete postal address via email to

Please note that we can only send out Tax Receipts to Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents or donations originating in Canada and the donor having a Canadian postal address.

We have received many donations by Interac eTransfer recently, but we have no donor records for these generous donations.

Please keep in mind that even if you prefer not to claim credits based on these donations, as a charity, Tisarana is responsible for sending you tax receipts. Please help us fulfill this important obligation by providing us with the relevant information.

As always, we are very grateful and appreciative of your continued support and friendship.… Read the rest

Ten Royal Duties

Affairs of state are clearly not the focus of Buddhist teachings. Indeed, conversation about ‘kings and ministers’ figure in the many forms of ‘low or animal talk’ that the Buddha recommended we avoid (Anguttara 10.69). This injunction stems from the view that we often engage in such talk simply to exercise our opinions, without useful purpose.

Yet, however contested modern political discourse might be, the function and qualities of leadership are of ongoing relevance in our worldly lives. And when it’s observed that no dimension of life is excluded from the Dhamma it does not surprise that, in addition to diverse spiritual teachings the Buddha gave to various kings of his day, he is also known to have offered them guidance on royal governance. 

With the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II and ascension of King Charles III, reflection on the role of monarchs – indeed, any form of personal, professional, or state authority – acquires renewed pertinence. 

Is there a Buddhist approach to such ancient and contemporary concerns? A list of qualities found in the Jataka Tales, provides one response. The Jatakas present memorable incidents believed to issue from various previous lives of Gotama Buddha. The following ‘Ten Royal Duties’ (also, ’Norms’ or ‘Rules’: Dasa Rajadhamma) appear in the Jataka III,274:



Pariccagaaltruism, or selflessness

Ajjavahonesty, or integrity



Akkodhanon-anger, or calmness

Avihimsaharmlessness, or non-violence

Khantipatient forbearance

Avirodhauprightness, or conformity with principles of Dhamma

Even a brief glance will confirm that the list is in harmony with numerous refined qualities recommended by Buddhism to be worth developing… by anyone.… Read the rest

Dhamma Hall – August Update

As can be seen by the photos posted in the News section, the Dhamma Hall is now taking shape. As usual, the early work all took place below ground (e.g., foundation footings, electrical lines, septic and water lines, etc.) all monitored by repeated surveying. Although such work doesn’t interest everyone, for the residents even this proved to be rather captivating, as it was conducted by an impressive excavator, dump trucks, large concrete pumper, and teams of workers. Lots of commotion! 

This first rows of insulated blocks for the foundation, have now been filled with concrete and buried below several feet of packed gravel. The insulated walls have continued to be raised and strengthened with concrete and rebar, and now stand nearly complete, with just a few more rows needed at each gable end. 

Before these ends are completed, some of the timber framing along the walls will begin. However, before this is done attention will be focused on the floor. Like everything, this is a sequential process, entailing a heavy plastic vapour barrier set between 2 layers of insulation, onto which tubing for the radiant heating will be attached. The concrete can then be poured and levelled. Outside of the main building, the well and a septic tank have also been dug. … Read the rest

July Update

Luang Por Sumedho’s VisitAjahn Pavaro

It’s a normal summer morning: The big lawn is being mowed; rooms are being cleaned; hardwood planks are being worked on the jointer; a trip to the dump has cleared our recycling bins. The Dhamma Hall is also slowly being raised, block by  block. Yet over much of July things were charged with a unique spirit, as all the  normal routines and tasks of the monastery were weighed and variously considered  in preparation for the visit by Luang Por Sumedho.  

The first week of the stay was kept deliberately quiet, as Luang Por – accompanied  by his skillful, longtime upatak Ajahn Asoko – settled in after a full period at  Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery and on the West Coast. It was Luang Por Viradhammo’s wish that the visit contain plenty of open time for our senior-most  Elder. This meant it was not feasible to arrange public talks or events beyond a day or so in advance. Nevertheless, the Tisarana community, some additional guests, and fortunate day-visitors did have several opportunities to hear Dhamma  reflections, pay respects, and receive Luang Por Sumedho’s blessings.  

Some talks are now posted on Tisarana’s YouTube channel, including one here, which he delivered on Asalha Puja, as Buddhist monastics the world over enter the Rains season.… Read the rest


Luang Por Viradhammo and the community are delighted to report that after several
years of careful pondering and planning (and a two-year delay) Tisarana’s Dhamma
Hall is now formally under construction.

Following the excavation work which began in early May, in the past two weeks, the
final surveying has been done, the forms have been laid, concrete poured, and the
first rows of eco-friendly, insulated blocks have been set in place for the foundation.
On June 2 these blocks were filled with another round of concrete. When cured,
this will leave the site ready to be backfilled and have established the level of the
Hall’s floor. Far from the site, meanwhile, massive Douglas fir and pine posts and
beams are being meticulously crafted. Many architectural elements of the Dhamma
Hall make this building unusual, recently prompting one of the workmen to remark
that for him the project may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Proving that it’s
not only the monks who are enjoying the show!

As admittedly absorbing (from our on-site perspective) as it is to watch these skilled
workers ply their trades, our pleasure in witnessing these ‘bricks and mortar’ details
is animated by an ongoing appreciation for the myriad forms of encouragement,
generosity, and hard work that have brought us to this stage.… Read the rest