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News Updates, Page 14

Non residential retreat @ Tisarana – September 2, 3 &4th 2017

We are happy to announce a non-residential retreat at the Monastery led by Ajahn Viradhammo this Labour Day Weekend – starting on Saturday 2nd of September and ending after the morning session on the 4th of September.

This retreat is designed to offer maximum flexibility and allows participants to select their sessions.

Registration for this retreat can be done by clicking on this link:

More details are available on the form itself that will open from the link above.

Please note that registration for this event closes at 11.45 PM on the 15th of August, so, book your spot soon!Read the rest

Alms Round in Perth – Monday 24th July 2017.

This week, the Lunar Observance falls on Sunday 23rd July. Our monastics will be in Perth on Alms Round on Monday 24th July. All other details remain the same. If you would like to offer alms Monday alone, please email before 9 PM Sunday 23rd July with the words “Alms Round” in the subject line and body of your email, your name and address. Thank you very much!

Alms round details can be found at:… Read the rest

Memories of an English Spring – Chittaviveka & Amaravati visits May 2017.

On the 30th of April 2017, a day after Ajahn V’s 70th birthday celebrations, Ven. Cunda and Ven. Khema accompanied by An. David, An. Siddarth and Noriko (lay guest) departed to spend ten days at Chittaviveka Monastery and attend Luang Por Sumedho’s open retreat followed by the international elders meeting at Amaravati. While the weary travelers trudged along, Fort Tisarana was steadfastly held by Ajahn V, Ven Khemako, An. Peter, Niraso (aka Brian) and the visiting bear.

Ajahn Sucitto, Ajahn Karuniko and the Chithurst sangha were gracious hosts. The manor house, Hammer Pond, Hammer Woods, St. Mary’s Church (a blissfully secluded 10th Century Church near the monastery where Ajahn Sucitto would get away to memorise the Patimokha) and the national reserve forests were silent, peaceful and serene, offering much seclusion and calm.


May is the best time to visit England and the English spring shines forth gloriously in West Sussex where the monastery is located. And indeed we were greeted by the darling buds of May – a sea of bluebells, lilies, an assortment of wild flowers and a truly resplendent dawn chorus thanks to the rich bird life in the area. Among the many attractions on the property were the bee hives which are kept by a local farmer who generously donates 1 in every 5 pots of honey harvested in lieu of rent!… Read the rest

Alms Round in Perth.

Almsround is a great way to strengthen community spirit – an opportunity for monks and supporters to participate in an act of sharing, generosity and mutual appreciation.

Keeping with this tradition, the monks at Tisarana walk on almsround once a week in Perth.

As we strive to make this as convenient, flexible and stress-free as possible, we may occasionally tweak our plans with adequate notice.

Your feedback and suggestions are important,  please let us know if you have any ideas that may make this work better…

  • The walk commences at Scotch line and Gore St. around 9:00 AM proceeding to Herriott St. via Gore St.
  • The monks will wait for a couple of minutes at Stewart Park next to the Big Ben statue
  • They will then walk up Wilson St. to the Metro Grocery Store
  • Then retrace and return to Gore St. via Foster St.
  • They will continue walking on Gore st till 10.30 AM
  • They will be driven back to the monastery with the offerings received to share with the rest of the community and partake in the regular dana offering for the day. So they will not be solely dependent on the alms received in Perth for their meal that day.
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Asalha Puja, Samanera Ordination and Vassa Aradhana- July 8th & 9th 2017.

This years Asalha Puja falls on Saturday July 8th. The scheduled events for the day include the dana offering at 11.15 AM followed by a Meditation Sit at 1.30 PM.

After the sit, Anagarika David takes on the Ten Precepts and joins the Sangha as a Samanera (novice). Luang Por Viradhammo will conduct An. David’s Pabbhajja Ceremony immediately after the meditation sit.

The Sangha at Tisarana begin this years Rains Retreat (Vassa) on Sunday the 9th of July. The commencement ceremony for the Rains Retreat (Vassa Aradhana) is scheduled for 1.30 PM after the dana offering at 11.15 AM.… Read the rest

The Contemplative’s Craft: Internalizing the Teachings of the Buddha

To commemorate Ajahn Viradhammo’s 70th birthday on April 27th, the electronic edition of his upcoming book of Dhamma reflections entitled The Contemplative’s Craft: Internalizing the Teachings of the Buddhawill be made available on April 27th through a number of different websites. These websites include and the forest monastery websites of Tisarana, Amaravati, Abhayagiri, and Temple Forest. The print edition of Ajahn Viradhammo’s book will be published in the fall of 2017, and offered for free distribution through Forest Sangha Publications.
The book is available on Tisarana website in ePub, Mobi, and PDF formats.
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Vesak Celebrations, Ajahn Viradhammo birthday celebrations, and Ajahn Viradhammo’s new book

To commemorate Ajahn Viradhammo’s 70th birthday on April 27th, the electronic edition of his upcoming book of Dhamma reflections entitled The Contemplative’s Craft: Internalizing the Teachings of the Buddha, will be made available on April 27th through a number of different websites. These websites include and the forest monastery websites of Tisarana, Amaravati, Abhayagiri, and Temple Forest. The print edition of Ajahn Viradhammo’s book will be published in the fall of 2017, and offered for free distribution through Forest Sangha Publications.

Ajahn V turns 70 on the 27th of April! Celebrations for his birthday have been scheduled for Saturday 29th April. There will be a pot luck Dana followed by a meditation sit & Dhamma Talk given by Ajahn V. If you are bringing any food for the potluck, please arrive at Tisarana by 10.30 AMat the latest. The meal will be offered by 11.15 and the sit will commence at 1.30 PM as usual.

We have also planned the Vesak Celebrations to be held on Saturday May 13th. As with the birthday celebrations, there will be a pot luck Dana followed by a meditation sit & Dhamma Talk. If you are bringing any food for the potluck, please arrive at Tisarana by 10.30 AM at the latest.
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Ajahn Sucitto’s departing message – Winter Retreat 2017

As I’m writing this, I’m coming to the end of my (near) three-months’ stay at Tisarana. The time here has been idyllic, a very special occasion in this ongoing opportunity for simplicity, for discipline as a craft of the heart rather than blind conformity, and for meditation that is grounded rather than pie-in-the-sky. The elements that I appreciate in many monasteries of this lineage are all in place; brevity requires me to merely mention the fullness of the support from the lay people and their eagerness for Dhamma, apparent in those on site, but including those near and far who keep this place going. I hope I will never take this amazing heartfulness for granted. Also I only have space to make brief mention of the direct and down-to-earth warmth and helpfulness of all those in training here. It is gladdening to reflect that, as these virtues are manifesting in Canada as they are in Australia, Thailand, USA and Britain, they are universal and timeless. In the face of the corruptions and brutality that we read about in the news, we do need to remind ourselves of this beauty in others as in ourselves. Tisarana certainly provides an opportunity to witness and participate in that.… Read the rest

Resuming Our Regular Scheduled Events

Beginning Saturday, April 1st, we will resume our regular schedule. Therefore, our first Saturday meditation & Dhamma talk will be on April 1st at 1:30 PM. Please check the dates on the calendar for the regular weekly teachings on the Lunar Observance days. Luang Por Viradhammo will also be teaching in Ottawa (OBS – Quaker House) on Friday, April 7th.… Read the rest

Entering Our 2017 Winter Retreat

Dear Friends,

For our 2017 Winter Retreat (January 1st to March 31st) the Tisarana community will not hold its regular Saturday afternoon meditation and Dhamma Talk sessions.

The last Saturday afternoon talk this year will be held on December 31st, New Years Eve. We will resume these sessions on Saturday, April 1st.

During the winter time, you are welcome to come here any time you wish and use the Dhamma Hall for sittings or the library for reading.

On our Observance Day we will continue to hold the 7:00 pm sitting and 8:00 pm Dhamma talk throughout the retreat.

These will fall on:

January 5, 12, 20, 27

February 4, 11, 19, 25

March 5, 12, 20, 27


—The Tisarana Sangha… Read the rest