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Winter Retreat 2025 and Dhamma Hall usage.

Dear friends, warm greetings and all good wishes for 2025 from Luang Por Viradhammo and the Tisarana Community.

As always, the residents here at the monastery have started our annual Winter Retreat which will end on Mar 31st, 2025. April will be our month of planning and New Visitor Orientations will commence in May. Those dates will be published in our calendar in April. We do not accept overnight visitors during the Winter months.

The Dhamma Hall is now ready, providing a lovely space for meditation, contemplation and silence. The resident community would like to welcome you to use the hall for your practice when you visit. Please park your vehicles in the parking lot and proceed directly to the Dhamma Hall.

The house can be accessed if you are bringing dāna, but if not, please restrict your visit to the Dhamma Hall itself. The hall will be accessible from 8 AM to 9 PM every day. No permission or prior intimation is required.

Though there’s a tea station available in the Dhamma Hall, we would request that food and drink not be brought into the Hall, but restricted to the hallway areas. All are encouraged to imbibe the silence and stillness of the Dhamma Hall by being mindful when entering, leaving and using the space.… Read the rest

Farewell, Bruno.

Dear friends,
It pains us to share recent events regarding Bruno, our very own four-legged Bodhisattva. As you may have known, Bruno had been suffering from various illnesses over the past few weeks. These had left him weak and he began to lose weight drastically.

After numerous tests and treatments, doctors finally confirmed last Saturday that he was suffering from lymphoma. A variety of treatments were attempted, unfortunately, his deterioration was rapid as his condition was too virulent.

Bruno peacefully breathed his last around 11.30 AM the day before yesterday, 27th Dec 2024. The conditions assailing him seemed to have been more than enough and he was ready to let go. His end was extremely peaceful and his departure was very smooth. Bruno succumbed, bravely facing lymphoma. A real trooper.

He was surrounded by loved ones – we chanted, laughed, cried, but mostly held and stroked him gently. He responded with wags and looked deeply into our eyes, snuggling close and he finally let go ever so gently.

His presence will be sorely missed as he brought so much joy and love to everyone who met him. However, we are all greatly relieved that his suffering has come to an end and he’s resting in a much better destination, free from bodily pain and disease. … Read the rest

Sunday Public Meditation cancelled – 10 Nov 2024.

Dear friends,

The upcoming Sunday Public Meditation session on 10th November is cancelled.

Unfortunately, some members of our community are down with Covid and are self-isolating. We are unsure how long it would be for regular activities to resume and for those sick to get better.

We realise that these sessions are very popular, but regrettably, the situation is unavoidable. Please look out for an announcement regarding Nov 17th, Sunday, if things are better, we will certainly let you know.

All of us here send you our warmest regards and most sincere regrets for cancelling.… Read the rest

Sunday Public Meditation cancelled – 03 Nov 2024.

Dear friends,

The upcoming Sunday Public Meditation session is cancelled.

Unfortunately, some members of our community are down with Covid and are self-isolating. We are unsure how long it would be for regular activities to resume and for those sick to get better.

We realise that these sessions are very popular, but regrettably, the situation is unavoidable. Please look out for an announcement regarding Nov 10th, Sunday, if things are better, we will certainly let you know.

All of us here send you our warmest regards and most sincere regrets for cancelling.… Read the rest

New Dhamma Hall @ Tisarana is ready!

After 7 years of planning, navigating a pandemic and patiently waiting for the right time to begin, the New Dhamma Hall is finally a reality! The New Dhamma Hall as it stands today is a testament to the dedicated skill, diligent effort and unparalleled generosity of our entire community.

As announced earlier, the Tisarana community will be hosting our first Kathina after many years on Sunday the 27th of October in our brand new Dhamma Hall. That this Royal Kathina will be the first event at the new Dhamma Hall is all that much more significant and exciting.

Since inception of this project, Tisarana has received exemplary support and inspiring generosity from supporters both local and around the world. The donors, Sangha, residents and the members of the monastery’s Board have all kept the construction moving forward through challenging times. The fact that construction was never paused or halted is noteworthy for a project of this magnitude.

In 2017 we started meeting with our architect Adam Mackenzie Smith, putting ideas on paper. In 2021 the site was cleared and in 2022 ground was broken.

Dave Bout, our craftsman & general contractor, his highly skilled carpenters at GreenBuilt have worked tirelessly and with good spirit to create the Hall along with the many skilled trades involved.… Read the rest

Royal Kathina Ceremony at Tisarana – 27th Oct ’24

Dear friends,

It gives us great pleasure to invite you all to the Kathina Ceremony at Tisarana this year on Sunday 27th Oct 2023. This will be the first event at the New Dhamma Hall which is very exciting. It is a matter of great honour that His Majesty King Maha Vajralongkorn Rama X, King of Thailand has graciously presented the Kathina Robe at the request of His Excellency Ambassador Kallayana Vipattipumiprates, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from the Kingdom of Thailand to Canada. Kindly see the e-Invitations attached. Luang Por Viradhammo, the Sangha, residents and wider Tisarana Community look forward to your presence and we welcome you to participate in this celebration.

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SAVE THE DATE – Kathina Ceremony at Tisarana on Sunday, 27th October 2024.

Dear friends,

After a gap of three years, Tisarana will be conducting the Kathina Ceremony on Sunday 27th October 2024. This will be the first event that will happen in the New Dhamma Hall that’s under construction at the moment. We will be announcing a detailed schedule of events shortly. But, please do save the date and we would be delighted to welcome you to the first event at the New Dhamma Hall. Luang Por Viradhammo, the Sangha, residents and the wider Tisarana Community send you all good wishes.

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Dear friends,

We have been getting reports of emails that are being sent out impersonating Luang Por Viradhammo. The email address is and the sender’s name is displayed as Ajahn Vīradhammo. These emails ask recipients to either email back or send Amazon gift cards.


We have reported this to Google and the Ontario Provincial Police. Please treat this as a reminder to be wary of such online fraud activity that may target your confidential information.… Read the rest