Vesak Day of Meditation (Sat, May 19th) & Vesak Celebration Day (Sun, May, 20th)
Saturday, May 19th, 2018, will be observed as a day-long meditation retreat to commemorate the upcoming Vesaka Puja Day (May 29th, 2018).
8.45 AM: Arrive & be seated
9 AM to 11 AM: Readings on the life of the Buddha & Meditation
11.15 AM: Potluck dana
1.30 to 4.30 PM: Readings on the life of the Buddha & Meditation
Sunday, May 20th, 2018 has been scheduled as Vesak Celebration Day at Tisarana.
10.30 AM or earlier: Arrive & be seated
10.45 AM: Rice Pindapath
11.15 AM: Potluck dana
1.30 PM: Chanting, Meditation & Dhamma Talk by Tahn Ajahn Amaro
Registration for these events is NOT required and all are welcome to attend. Contributions are welcome for the potluck dana on both days.… Read the rest