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Meditation on Attention

Tan Khemako shares a guided meditation on scanning through the parts of the body.

(Guided meditation recorded at Tisarana on 9 December 2017. Duration 27:54)… Read the rest

Alms Rounds in Ottawa

Two weeks ago, the monks from Tisarana Buddhist Monastery have started alms rounds in the Barrhaven suburban neighbourhood of Ottawa, Ontario.

The above photos were from Sunday, August 12, 2018.

For over 2,600 years, Buddhist monastics have traditionally went on daily alms round (piṇḍapāta) to collect food. The Buddha established this practice to allow his monastic disciples to obtain their daily sustenance through the generosity of lay people. The tradition continues in many traditional Buddhist countries such as Thailand, Burma and Sri Lanka. The forest masters of Thailand, include Ajahn Chah, made alms round a centerpiece of the daily monastic schedule.

Since the late ’70s, as monasteries in the Ajahn Chah tradition became established in the west. There was strong interest in keeping the alms round tradition alive. In many ways, maintaining this alms round tradition in new cultures has been successful. For example, the monks at the Pacific Hermitage, located in southern Washington, go on alms every day to the nearby town of White Salmon. The monks at Temple Forest Monastery, located in New Hampshire, go on alms round twice per week and the monks at Abhayagiri, located in northern California, go on alms round once per week.… Read the rest

Ajahn Pavaro

After retiring from an academic career, beginning in 2001, Ajahn Pavaro’s early, formative monastic training took place with Ajahn Sona at Sitavana Forest Monastery in BC. He spent his 7th year as a Bhikkhu with his preceptor, Luang Por Pasanno, and the Sangha at Abhayagiri. Late in 2010 he moved to Thailand, where the majority of the next 9 years were spent with Ajahn Achalo at Anandagiri Monastery in Petchabun. During this time he benefitted from periods of practice at Wat Pah Nanachat and from opportunities to receive teachings from leading elders of the Wat Nong Pah Pong Sangha, including Luang Por Liam and Tan Ajahn Anan. In June 2020 he was welcomed by Luang Por Viradhammo to Tisarana, where he now resides.

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Bhikkhu Ordination of Sāmaṇeras Amarasiri and Sirimedho

At 12:30pm on Sunday, September 16, 2018, Sāmaṇeras Amarasiri and Sirimedho will take full ordination (Upasampadā) and become bhikkhus under the preceptorship of Luang Por Vīradhammo. All are welcome to attend.

There will be a meal offering that day at 11:00 am. Shortly after the meal offering and cleanup, the ordination ceremony will start. Therefore, please plan to be at the monastery by 12:30pm.

The ceremony will be followed by a Dhamma talk given by Ajahn Vīradhammo. This will all take place in our large outdoor tent at the monastery. In addition to the tent, canopies will be available in case there is a large attendance.

For questions and other inquiries, please contact us by using our contact form.… Read the rest

The Spiritual Faculty and Power of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is now a ubiquitous buzzword that is often used to just refer to being aware. In truth, when cultivated intensively, it becomes a real power and it is present in any wholesome state. He also answers some questions and at the end of the talk. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 28 July 2018. Duration 41:04)Read the rest

Pol Pot Probably Loved His Dog

On the full moon night of Vesak Puja, Ajahn Viradhammo advises Tisarana’s resident community to consciously develop a feeling of gratitude and devotion to the Buddha, and to his teaching which has remained alive in the world for over 2500 years. He explains how by using compassion we can awaken to our states of mind in a way that is both harmonious to those around us and liberating to all.

(Talk recorded at Tisarana on 29 May 2018. Duration 27:42)Read the rest

Stephen “Santacitto” Saslav Passes Away

On August 18, 2018, Steve Saslav, the former Ajahn Santacitto, passed away. The Tisarana community would like to extends its thoughts and good wishes to everybody that knew him, including his family, friends and fellow practitioners.

From Ajahn Amaro and the Amaravati Community:

On the morning of Saturday the 18th of August, 2018, Steve Saslav, the former Ajahn Santacitto, passed away peacefully in his home in Chichester. He was one of the very first Western monks to train with Ajahn Chah, having first taken robes in 1971. He was part of the founding monastic group of Amaravati in the ‘80s and was the very first Amaravati Librarian. The last years of his monastic life were spent as the abbot of Hartridge Buddhist Monastery, in Devon.

He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in May of last year and dealt with its relentless progress with great patience and good-heartedness right until the very end, attending at least three retreats at Amaravati during these final months, including a 10-day one in June of this year. the rest

Evolution of Practice and Grief

Ajahn Viradhammo shares with us the story of the 4th uncle, a chinese healer. He then answers questions about the evolution of “practice” developing the themes of right understanding, not grasping, the knowing and hiri-ottappa. He concludes by showing how to deal with grief and use a doctrine as a tool for reflexion and not as an opinion.

(Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 27 May 2018. Duration 1:17:04)Read the rest

Vesak Day Celebration at Tisarana

On Vesak Day, Ajahn Viradhammo and Ajahn Amaro give readings on the birth, enlightenment and final parinibbana of the Buddha.

(Recorded at Tisarana on 19 May 2018. Duration 01:12:42)Read the rest

White Knuckle Practice

Ajahn Viradhammo explains how an attempt to get something from sensory experience pulls the mind into a sense of self and inevitable suffering. By making a firm intention to be aware of neutral experiences such as touch, sound and the movement of the body, he shows how we can train the mind to remain in the present, not takes things personally and know things as they really are.

(Talk recorded at Tisarana on 20 July 2018. Duration 32:04)Read the rest