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TisaAdmin, Page 19

Dhamma Documentaries (Video One)

As many of us are restricted to staying at home more often, we thought we would share some inspiring Dhamma videos (all of which can be found on YouTube) every couple of days to make our increased time at home more beneficial. Many of you might have seen a number of these, but they give a good insight into where our tradition came from, and what life was like for the early Sangha.

First on the list: The Mindful Way – Buddhist Monks of the Forest Tradition in Thailand with Ajahn Chah

May all beings be well & happy.Read the rest

Awareness Is Your Refuge

All of us are being affected by the current Coronavirus pandemic, and we can see how difficult this is for many people around the world. This stress and uncertainty in our lives can help us to see what we really take as our refuge. This short talk given by Ajahn Sumedho in 2007 highlights the importance of taking refuge in that which is wholesome: the Buddha, as an example of enlightenment, the Dhamma as the way to liberation, and the Sangha, those who give us encouragement and inspiration on the path. He also emphasizes taking Awareness as our refuge. Rather than getting caught up in what is happening around us or our own moods, if we pause to recognize ‘the way it is’ without judgement, taking Awareness as our center, we will find we are able to act more skillfully and be able to provide help to those who may be distressed. (Talk given by Ajahn Sumedho at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in 2007. Duration 20:10)… Read the rest

Monitoring Craving

On the first day of this retreat in Thailand Ajahn Viradhammo gives a 20 minute reflection on the importance of being heedful of the three types of craving. He then gives a guided meditation on body awareness, encouraging mindfulness of the whole body. (Talk given at Pak Chong on 24 November 2019. Duration 42:25) Read the rest

Covid 19 / Coronavirus Update

Functioning guidelines with regard to COVID 19 / Coronavirus

In keeping with Health Canada guidelines detailed by the Public Health Agency of Canada, we request our community to follow guidelines below until further notice. We will update you when conditions change, but until you hear from us, please note the following:


All pubilc events at Tisarana have been cancelled until further notice.

  • All pujas will be restricted to the resident community
  • Saturday afternoon public meditation sessions will not recommence until further notice
  • All New Guest Orientation events have been cancelled for the time being
  • The Sala is not open to non-residents for meditation or gatherings

Overnight guests:

Until further notice we will not be open for overnight guests. If you have made a booking to stay with us after April 1, 2020, we will email you a letter of cancellation.

The booking form will not be available online until Health Canada lifts restrictions on public gatherings.

Dana & Food:

The kitchen is a high-risk area for the spread of infection and disease. We request that

  • All groceries and food be dropped off at the designated drop-off table, just outside the front entrace.
  • The kitchen area will be restricted for the use of residents only
  • Once you have dropped off your dana, it will be offered to the sangha by the residents
  • The Anumodana will be chanted daily but given the size of our hall, proper social distancing can not be practiced.
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A Spider in Your Shoe

When we are participating in daily activities there will be many situations which trigger our defilements. Instead of thinking of these scenarios as obstacles to our development, or that our reactions are somehow wrong, we can use them as an aid to seeing the nature of our mind and incline it towards non-attachment. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 4 December 2019. Duration 34.43)… Read the rest

Teatime Q&A

Ajahn Khemasiri answers questions at tea time from Tisarana's resident community about: Understanding the feeling of something missing (1:00); The nature of Samadhi (15:00); How to connect with people who don't share your values anymore (41:00); How to do comtemplation of body parts (59:00); Bare awareness as a meditation technique (72:00); How to strengthen Metta/Mudita practice (79:00)  (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 18 August 2019.  Duration 1:28:59)
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New Bank account details

Starting March 1st, 2020, Tisarana Buddhist Monastery will start banking with TD Canada Trust instead of Scotia Bank. Please access the ‘Financial Contributions’ page on this website for details.

Most donations will not be affected by this. If you have set up a monthly automatic contribution to Tisarana, we have successfully moved these transactions from Scotia Bank to TD.

We request that those sending us wire transfers please make a note of our new account details. Please feel free to share this update with anyone who you think might need this information and might not have received this update.

Sincere gratitude and appreciation from the Sangha, Board and the Tisarana Community!… Read the rest

A Jewel on the Trash Heap

Tan Khemako talks about Anicca. He suggests the word ‘uncertain’ is a good rendering of this Pali word because it describes the unpredictable, unstable nature of all phemomena (Talk recorded at Arnprior on 25 November 2019. Duration 54:22)… Read the rest

The Kevatta Sutta

Ajahn Viradhammo answers a question about the use of the word viññāṇa in the Pali Canon. He makes reference to the book The Isand by Ajahn Amaro and Ajahn Pasanno which contains a chapter on the Buddha’s rare use of the word as a synonym for Nibbana (Q&A recorded at Arnprior during the OBS retreat on 20 September 2019. Duration 42:24)Read the rest

Stream Entry

Ajahn Viradhammo expounds on the first three fetters which block the fruition of Stream Entry. He explains that holding to ideals can be difficult to observe in ones mind because oftentimes we have attached to them since childhood. (Q&A recorded at Arnprior during the OBS retreat on 19 September 2019. Duration 31:32)Read the rest