Progress Update: November 16, 2008

>> Car Finder:
And still, we need a small sedan. Some funds are available but, we need a qualified volunteer to find a suitable vehicle. Please contact: khema [at]

>> Shelving:
Venerable Khemaratana has finished the second of the workshop storage units. How nice it is to have a place to tidy things to. Along with plastic around the walls it is now a both useful and cosy space to work in. [photo]

>> End of Vassa:
The wonderfully full moon of November shone down from a clear sky upon freshly shaven pates as they made their way to the ceremony. A small band of samanas gathered to reflect on the last three months spent together. The ritual was simple, the context very uplifting. Let’s do it again next year.

>> The TUB:
Almost ready to roll. Ajahn Kusalo cuts it up and Lawrence fixes it down. Finishing touches are being made but it will be a good while before it is finished. 2x[photo]

>> Aj.Kusalo to Peterborough:
Monday to Thursday. Talks on Tues. & Wed. evening. Morning puja. Tea & talk through the day.

>> Flat Line:
Like one of those beep-beep heart monitors where the sine wave goes flat when the patient dies. Someone (name by private appointment) missed the bridge. Oooops, tractor takes a dive. Sploosh. Beeeeeeep. Flat line – at least the front tyre. [photo] But, the shaven pated crew to the rescue. Rocks & planks & jacks & chanting (& the power of the mighty red engine). It limped back to the barn. Tyre fixed. Ready To Roll.!

>> Birth – Rebirth:
Moments arise. Beep. Beep. And the deathless is there. AK