Progress Update: July 18, 2007
>> Council Approval:
Our zoning application was unanimously approved by council and there is now a 20 day appeal period. All going well our building permit for kutis should arrive not long after this. Yeee hahhhh ! !
>> Kuti Builder:
Met with John the builder and agreed that he would oversee construction of our first two kutis. He is happy to work with us (whoever ‘us’ might turn out to be at the time) and there is no real reason why we shouldn’t have these finished – at least usable – for the winter retreat.
>> Defensive:
A screen door has been fitted to the Opanayiko kuti. So, that’s a bug net, a regular door, a screen door, a storm door… Where is the faith in the protection of the Dhamma? I admit that I don’t know of any sutta covering the vagaries of Canadian bugs and weather.
>> Cat Liberation:
Young Fred the cat has broken down the barriers. Cast off the shackles of bondage. Exited the door of the house. Walked on the lawn of liberation. And, returned to share his adventures – beautiful in the beginning, marvelous in the middle and easeful in the end.
>> Meditation:
Yes, there has been a lot about. Be a smarty – join the party. AK