Progress Update: August 27, 2012
Gratitude to Parents Day
Gratitude to Parents Day is a chance to express appreciation and gratitude for the goodness we have received from our parents. It will take place on September 22nd. Participants are encouraged to arrive around 10:30am. The day will begin with a potluck dana at 11:00am. Following lunch, there will be some Dhamma reflections. Dedication chanting will occur either before or after lunch. All are welcome.
Ten Day Retreat at Tisarana
There will be a non-residential retreat held at the monastery from October 1st to October 11th. Because of our small shrine room, space is very limited. This is an experiment to see if we can do a longer retreat at Tisarana without providing residential facilities. For further information or booking, contact Marion Foot at
Monastery Building Projects
Thanks to the hard work of our builders, Lori and Kyle, the new kuti is basically finished and should be ready for habitation within a week. The next major construction project will be a re-modeling of the workshop. The floor will be re-done and the building will be sealed to provide protection from the elements. We also have a new road into the kuti sites, which allows small trucks and vehicles such as ambulances access to the area where the monks live. On the internet front, work has begun on a new website. Tavaro, a generous lay supporter from England, has put in quite a bit of effort towards building a website that will be easier for the relatively computer illiterate to maintain and administer. Sincere thanks Tavaro!