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Podcast, Page 46

Cold Comfort

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Sixth talk). How we can be aware of uncomfortable cold sensations by using the perception of change.… Read the rest

Knowing Skillful and Unskillful Thought

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (First talk). Ajahn introduces the retreat and encourages the retreatants to learn right-thinking: knowing the mind as different from the mood of the mind, examining skillful and unskillful thought and the results of both, as well as using inner monitoring and taking responsibility for the mind by not projecting outward.… Read the rest

Sustaining the Awakened Mind

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Second talk). Noticing and sustaining the awakened mind and generating discernment through all of the hindrances.… Read the rest

Reflecting on Character

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Third talk). The differences between personality, character, and self view and how kamma relates to this.… Read the rest

Perception of Time

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Twelfth Talk). Ajahn Viradhammo explains the timeless quality of awareness and that all conditions, all objects are ultimately pointing to this reference of and refuge in awareness. Experiences, time, subject, object, space: all of it is happening in awareness.… Read the rest

The Body is in Awareness

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Residential Non-Retreat 2013 (Thirteenth Talk). We can use the teaching on anattā (not-self) to clearly see our attachment to the body. As an exercise, try sitting and thinking: “The body is in awareness.”… Read the rest

The Timelessness of Awareness

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Fourteenth Talk). How to use the creations of the mind skillfuly and access which thinking is helpful and which is not.… Read the rest

True Self-Help

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Eighth Talk). Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Liem, analysing several readings to better understand enlightenment experiences and the process of how we suffer.… Read the rest

Making Effort Right Effort

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Residential Non-Retreat 2013 (Ninth Talk). Through a natural process of experimentation and investigation we can gain wisdom and learn how to make effort, right effort. By clearly seeing if an experience is increasing wholesome states and decreasing unwholesome states, we can understand the process of how our minds work with the hindrances and how best to do this with right effort.… Read the rest