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News Updates, Page 15

New Volunteer Request Option Available on the Website

Dear Friends,

We’d like to let you know that the subscription form on the website has been updated to include a Volunteer Requests subscription option.

We are planning to use this list to ask those who sign up to volunteer for jobs we might need, such as audio work or getting a ride to the airport, or picking an item up from Toronto.

Right now, we are looking for anyone with intermediate to advanced audio editing skills who can help us edit Dhamma talks using Audacity or a similar audio editing program.

If you are an existing subscriber to our podcasts or news updates and wish to be on the volunteer list, you can update your subscription preferences by clicking update subscription preferences at the bottom of this email.

If you are viewing this as a post, or if you are a new subscriber and wish to to be on the volunteer list, you can instead fill out the subscription form on the website and we will update your preferences accordingly.

Be well and happy,

-The Tisarana Sangha… Read the rest

A Long Breath Out . . .

Now that the Kathina and Ten Year Anniversary are over we are breathing out long . . . Over the next two weeks, the Tisarana resident community will be taking a break from pujas and formal work until November 24th.

Feel free to come by for a visit, but please note that most of the monks will not be around, practicing diligently in our kutis. Our email will also be on hold until then, but do call and leave a message if there is an urgent need you have and we’ll try to get back to you within couple days. We will continue to hold our regular Saturday afternoon practice sessions/Dhamma talks (1:30 pm – 3:30 pm) as well as our weekly Lunar Observance sits and talks (beginning at 7:00 pm). As day light savings time ended, our meals are now being offered at 11:00 am instead of 11:30 am.

Many blessings for all who helped to support our Kathina and Ten Year Anniversary. It was a truly heart warming and memorable event.

Be well and happy,

-The Tisarana Sangha… Read the rest

October 30, Sunday, 2016 Kathina & Anniversary: Update & Reminder

Dear Friends,

As the Tisarana Kathina and 10 Year Anniversary weekend is fast approaching we wish to remind you of the event and update you on some changes.

We are sorry to say that we do not have any more room for overnight guests during the Kathina/Anniversary weekend. Please try to arrange your travel so you can be here with us regardless.

Again, for our 10 year anniversary, we will have many visiting Ajahns including: Ajahn Pasanno, Ajahn Jayanto, Ajahn Kusalo, Ajahn Punnadhammo, Ajahn Caganando, and Ayya Medhanandi. In addition, we are happy to have Venerable Atulo and Samaneri Anuruddha visiting us for this special occasion.

On Saturday, October 29, 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, we are planning to have Ajahn Kusalo lead the afternoon sitting and Dhamma talk.

For the Kathina Ceremony and 10th Anniversary, Sunday, October 30, at Tisarana:

We will have a very large heated tent with seats for 250 people along with our smaller tent, where we will serve the food.

Please see the below schedule for the following changes we have made:

8:00 am: Early arrivals to help with setting up for the Kathina (anyone is welcome to arrive early and help us set up for the event.… Read the rest

Tisarana Kathina and Ten Year Anniversary, Sunday, October 30, 2016

Dear Friends:

We are happy to let you know that arrangements are well under way for the Tisarana Kathina celebration and Ten Year Anniversary scheduled to take place at Tisarana Monastery at 10:00 am on Sunday, October 30th. All friends of the Tisarana community are welcome to participate in this happy and auspicious occasion.

For the Ten Year Anniversary we have invited several Ajahns to take part in this celebration, including Luang Por Pasanno from Abhayagiri Monastery in California, Ajahn Jayanto from Temple Monastery in New Hampshire, Ajahn Kusalo (the former abbot of Tisarana) from Bodhinyanarama Monastery in New Zealand, Ajahn Punnadhammo from Arrow River Hermitage in Thunder Bay, Ontario, and Ajahn Caganando, also from Temple Monastery.

The Kathina will be held in several large tents on the Monastery’s front lawn. One of the tents will be used as a food servery. The tents will be enclosed and several heaters will be operating to keep everyone warm.

This year’s Kathina monetary contributions are being prioritized for Tisarana’s newly refurbished kitchen. There is a wish to stock the new kitchen with a complement of commercial kitchen wares and equipment so it can be efficiently run and organized. For more information about how to contribute to this year’s Kathina, please contact Anoma de Silva at: anomadesilva@yahoo.comRead the rest

Ajahn Viradhammo’s India Pilgrimage Slide Show

Ajahn Viradhammo will be showing slides of his 2015 pilgrimage to the Buddhist holy sites in India. There will be two showings, one in Ottawa and one at Tisarana:

Ottawa: Saturday, July 16 on the Day of Mindfulness around 2:30 pm at the Trinity United Church (1099 Maitland Ave, Ottawa). Please see the OBS website for more information:

Tisarana: Saturday, July 23 after the 1:30 pm meditation (beginning around 2:30 pm)… Read the rest

Tisarana Annual General Meeting to be held on June 26, 2016

This year’s 2016 Tisarana Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 26, 2016, 1:00 pm at the Tisarana Dhamma Hall at 1356 Powers Road, Perth, Ontario.

The meeting was originally to be held on Sunday, June 12, but due to unforeseen circumstances, this date needed to be changed.… Read the rest

Ajahn Punnadhammo is Looking for a Steward

Dear friends,

Ajahn Punnadhammo, the abbot of Arrow River Forrest Hermitage, is looking for a steward to stay at his monastery. The hermitage is located in Northern Ontario, fifty miles southwest of Thunder Bay, with 92 acre of land in a beautiful mixed forest.

This year Ajahn is short handed after having had some cancellations of stewards. If interested, please write him at:

As a small hermitage in a non-Buddhist country, Arrow River operates by dependence on a lay steward who lives there and takes care of the duties which monks cannot. This is an opportunity to live at the center for an extended period of time and to serve the Triple Gem. The duties are not time consuming and leave ample time for study and meditation. More information about stewardship at Arrow River is available here:
You can also find out more information about Arrow River by going to:
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Bhante Yogavacara Rahula visiting, June 10 to 17, 2016

This week Bhante Rahula is visiting Tisarana Monastery, arriving June 10 and departing June 17. He will be invited to give the June 11 Saturday afternoon meditation session and Dhamma talk beginning at 1:30 pm (at Tisarana) as well as the June 12 Sunday evening meditation session and talk beginning at 7:00 pm (also at Tisarana). If Bhante Rahula is unavailable, Luang Por Viradhammo will offer one or both of these talks in his stead.

Bhante Rahula was born in Southern California as Scott Joseph DuPrez in 1948. He ordained as a novice Buddhist monk in 1975 at Gothama Thapovanaya, in Kalupaluwawa, Sri Lanka and had his upasampada (Bhikkhu) ordination at Wat Thai Los Angeles in May, 1979. From 1986 until 2010, Bhante Rahula lived at Bhavana Society Forest Monastery in West Virginia, USA along with Bhante Gunaratana. He is now traveling indefinitely and on an extended teaching tour.

You can find out more about Bhante Rahula by visiting his blog site at: the rest