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TisaAdmin, Page 63

Conventional Truth & Liberating Truth

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (First Talk). There is conventional truth which employs a sense of self: me, my life, and social responsibility. And there is liberating truth which looks at life as a stream of consciousness: mental, emotional, and physical phenomena as arising and ceasing within awareness, as simply manifestations of consciousness.… Read the rest

Restraint of Sensory Input Q & A

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Second Talk). Questions are answered in regards to reading while on retreat as well as seeing the experiences we have as just experiences of the mind and not taking them personally.… Read the rest

Listening as a Meditation Object

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2013 (Third Talk). We can use the metaphor of “listening to our experience” as a means of understanding how we are causing ourselves dukkha. This is especially the case with experiences of remembering the past or projecting into the future (neither becoming nor trying to get rid of).… Read the rest

The Purpose of Practice

Ajahn Vīradhammo offers a brief explanation of the Theravada Tradition and the purpose of Buddhist practice. He speaks about our preoccupation with the objects of the world, the objects of consciousness and shows how we can relate to the these objects by being aware of them rather than wrapped up in them. When we use this awareness we are not so driven by these objects and allow ourselves the space for wisdom to arise. This then provides us with more freedom.… Read the rest

New Years Eve: Kalyana-mitta Spiritual Friendship

Ajahn Viradhammo explains how to we can be both spiritual friends with others and with ourselves. By living with a group of spiritual friends or having a spiritual friend or partner in our lives, we learn how to be harmonious, how to not following our preferences, and how to let others give us healthy feedback. We also learn how to be spiritual friends with ourselves, allowing for kindness and encouraging skillful responses in our lives.… Read the rest

Temporary Suspension of Saturday Afternoon Talks for the Winter Retreat

During Tisarana’s Winter Retreat (January 1st to March 31st) we will not be holding our usual Saturday afternoon meditation and Dhamma talk sessions. However, for anyone who is interested in attending any of the Lunar Observance Day evening sessions, we will have our usual puja and sitting beginning at 7:00 pm and a live or recorded talk held shortly thereafter. The monks and community residents will continue practicing until midnight.

The Lunar Observance Days will be held on: January 4, 12, 19, and 27. February 3, 11, 17, and 25. March 4, 12, 19, and 27.… Read the rest

What to Say About Nothing

In November, 2014, Ajahn Jayanto visited Tisarana and gave a Dhamma talk explaining how to cultivate awareness of experience as it is without trying to do anything at all.… Read the rest

New Year’s Greeting from Ajahn Vīradhammo

Dear friends of Tisarana,

I am drafting this New Year’s letter, flying on a 747 high over the Arctic, just having the crossed the Bering Straights and now heading south over Russia, mainland China and then on to Hong Kong. I’m on my way to Thailand for a bit of teaching and a touch of monkish vacation.

I trust your year has been edifying and your practice of the Buddha-Dhamma has deepened and broadened your understanding of life. I hope you are well. I have had a very rewarding year, filled with the ups and downs of worldly existence yet always buoyed by the lightness of knowing the way things are. Our Tisarana sangha is well, living in harmony and diligently practicing the Buddha’s way.

I am glad to report that we have now moved into the new bhikkhu vihara. I have a somewhat fatherly feeling of happiness in seeing the sangha has such good facilities for bathing, meditation, office work and all the amenities of life that are so necessary in this cold climate. Building such facilities in tropical countries like Thailand is relatively straight forward. There are many, many people to lend a helping hand and the building requirements are relatively minimal because of the warm climate and less stringent building codes.Read the rest