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Receive a printed copy of “Stillness Flowing”

How To: Post a “ship-to-self” mailer to Tisarana for book shipment

These are instructions for domestic shipment of the book “Stillness Flowing – The Life and Teachings of Ajahn Chah” (Pub. 2017, Panyaprateep Foundation) from Tisarana monastery in Ontario to destinations within Canada. To receive a copy of the book you can purchase and send to Tisarana a shipping pouch (aka a “mailer”, or “poly bubble mailer”) which has been pre-addressed to yourself, with postage pre-affixed. When we receive this one of our volunteers will put a copy of the book inside and drop it off at the post office on our next town trip. As of March 2018 the cost for supplies and postage is about $30 or less.

This entire process can be done at any Canada Post office, though the supplies can be acquired elsewhere if desired. You need to purchase two items, a “mailer” and an “envelope”. Please note these two terms. You will use the envelope to post the mailer to Tisarana. Thereafter, Tisarana will use the mailer to send you the book.

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A User’s Guide to Making Determinations

Ajahn Viradhammo suggests that we make determinations inspired by wisdom as opposed to making determinations based on athleticism, endeavour and blind will power. (Talk given at Tisarana on 11-Jan-2017. Duration = 35:18)
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The Monastery Grows

New property addition:

Near the beginning of the winter retreat we became aware that a neighbouring property along the NW boundary of Tisarana came up for sale: 548 Pike Lake Rt. 17A (see the image below). This is 59 acres which have long been held by a group of hunters. The piece is undeveloped in that there is currently no source of water or septic.  There is a gravel access road and a small cabin and storage shed. The acreage is mixed hardwood forest, scrub and marshland, very similar to the Tisarana property. It also has a small stretch of lake access.

At the suggestion of several lay supporters and with the approval of the Board of Directors, the monastery has decided to pursue purchase of this property. We have in mind several purposes:

  • Buffer one boundary of Tisarana and insure no new (possibly disruptive) neighbour appears there;
  • Create additional wildlife refuge;
  • Expand the amount of useable trail and forest for monastery visitors;
  • Create a men’s compound (eventually) for increased separation of visitors by gender, and
  • Expand the number of monk’s kutis by one or more.

The property listed at $295,000 (CDN) and we expect to close a deal to complete the purchase and transfer of ownership by mid-June of this year. … Read the rest

Decisions, Choices and Firm Determination

Ajahn VIradhammo offers reflection: “Having made the decision to observe the arising and cessation of resistance, we should make our choices accordingly and determine to abide by them. Wisdom informs effort, effort informs action, and action is in line with the Dhamma and no longer performed out of habit. Adhitthana will help maintain our decision, but should not entail a sense of non-forgiveness or excessive self-criticism.” (Talk given at Tisarana on 10-Jan-2017. Duration = 23:32)
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Anagarika Christopher

Ordination of a New Anagarika: On Jan 31, during the Uposatha observance evening, Luang Por Viradhammo gave the Anagarika precepts to Christopher Harnett, who has gone forth into the homeless life, wearing white. The Tisarana community welcomes Anagarika Christopher to the training!… Read the rest

Guided Meditation: Beyond Observing Resistance

“One step beyond observing sensations is observing the resistance that arises from sensations.”  Ajahn Viradhammo guides meditators in separating discomfort from resistance to discomfort, and in observing the energy and changing nature of resistance itself. (Talk given at Tisarana on 10-Jan-2017. Duration = 1:02:36)
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Real Peace, or What Happens when Change Stops Changing

Ajahn Viradhammo explains how real peace goes beyond physical or emotional happiness. Real peace comes from experiencing the vicissitudes of life from a position of awareness: by observing change in conditioned things, we become available to the unconditioned, to the unchanging, and to ultimate peace. (Talk given at Tisarana on 09-Jan-2017. Duration = 38:22)
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100 years: A letter from Thailand by L.P. Viradhammo

Subject: 100 years

Dear friends,
I am at Dhammaram in Bangkok, room 5, LP Sumedho is downstairs talking with Ajahn Amaro and the sangha from Amaravati, Ajhn Kongrit is packing a box with Yom Meechai for sending to the UK and Ajahn Panyasaro is crocheting a cover for my watch. We were all on the same flight from Ubon this afternoon and so it’s a good time to reflect on the Wat Pah Pong gatherings, our monastic legacy and our close friendships with each other. It has been a warm and heartfelt gathering of our community.
I am sure you have seen pictures from the great gatherings at Wat Pah Pong. The numbers are impressive: 6500 lay people in tents on the grounds of Wat Pah Pong, 1050 monks registered with over 100 western monks and the siladharas from Amaravati, on the final day one estimate was that a total of 2000 monks(?) and 30,000(?) lay people took part in the circumambulation around LP Chah’s stupa.
More than the numbers is the the sense of dignity and reverence that flowed throughout this beautiful gathering. Just before the circumambulation LP Sumedho gave a talk in the big sala to the laity while LP Pitoon spoke at the uposatha hall to the assembly of monks.
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