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TisaAdmin, Page 34

Relying on Your Gut Intelligence

In this morning talk, Ajahn Sucitto points to a gut intelligence we all have that can be relied on to save us from the thinking mind. The thinking mind creates suffering. Our embodied (gut) intelligence is a saviour, a source of safety; it always tells the truth. (Talk given at Tisarana on 22-Mar-2017. Duration = 24:09)Read the rest

What Makes a Sangha Thrive

Ajahn Viradhammo compares a healthy Sangha to a living organism. For it to flourish, members cooperate through skillful observation of each other’s needs, and find a healthy balance between solitude and community. (Talk given at Tisarana on 11-Feb-2017. Duration = 37:25)Read the rest

Gratitude to Parents 2018

An Invitation to Gratitude to Parents Day (From Sati Saraniya)

– April 22, 2018, co-led by monastics from Tisarana Buddhist Monastery & Sati Saraniya Hermitage Time & Venue: 10-2:30 Sati Saraniya Hermitage

Please save a special date in your calendar: April 22, 2018. We are planning to host a Gratitude to Parents Day at Sati Saraniya Hermitage. In honouring our parents on this day, we will be joined by Ajahn Viradhammo and members of the Tisarana community, sharing together in chanting, a traditional dana meal and spiritual food in the form of a Dhamma talk. The programme will be something like this:

10:15 am Rice pindapat & Blessing Chants

11:00 Shared Meal and cleanup

1:00 pm Precepts & Meditation

1:15 Dhamma Talk

2:oo Circumambulation of stupa & Dedications to our Parents

2:30 Closing

We invite you to bring a small photo of your parent/s to place on a shrine for the occasion.… Read the rest

Spring 2018 Events at Tisarana

Spring Events

We’ve just emerged from our Winter Retreat and want to let you know about upcoming events to be held at Tisarana, or involving the Tisarana community. See also our public calendar
20 April, Fri: Ajahn Viradhammo teaching at the Quaker House in Ottawa,
sponsored by the Ottawa Buddhist Society.
21 April, Sat: Day of Mindfulness with Ajahn Viradhammo at the Tu-An Pagoda,
sponsored by the Ottawa Buddhist Society
22 April, Sun: Gratitude to Parents Day with Ajahn Viradhammo and Ayyā Medhānandī at Sati Saraniya:

    • 10:15 am Rice pindapat & Blessing Chants
      11:00 Shared Potluck Meal
      1:00 pm Precepts & Meditation
      1:15 Dhamma Talk
      2:00 Circumambulation of Stupa & Dedications to our Parents
      2:30 Closing

27 – 29 April, Fri-Sun: Non-residential retreat with Ajahn Viradhammo in Toronto.
Sponsored by Sati Panna and Theravada Buddhist Community of Toronto

04 May, Fri: Ajahn Viradhammo teaching at the Quaker House in Ottawa,
sponsored by the Ottawa Buddhist Society.

10 -20 May: Ajahn Amaro visits Tisarana

12 May, Sat: Special public talk by Ajahn Amaro at Tisarana, 1:30 – 3:00PM
13 May, Sun: Afternoon meditation and Dhamma Talk with Ajahn Amaro at Sati Saraniya

    • 1:30 – 4:30 pm – meditation, Dhamma talk and Q&A.
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Q&A: Speaking to the Silence

Ajahn Sucitto answers questions about re-entering mundane life after a retreat, allowing space into our practice and daily life, the relationship between drawing and meditation, and dealing with a sense of density during meditation. (Talk given at Tisarana on 04-Feb-2017. Duration = 1:04:25)Read the rest

Pushing the Door that’s Already Open

Ajahn Sucitto begins the talk by explaining the reason behind re-establishing ritual contact on Lunar Observance day, then moves on to describing our two fundamental needs, safety and warm affection. Trying to fulfill these needs through the mind that judges and self-denigrates is like pushing against a door that’s wide open. The answer lies in our awareness of the body. With all of its sensations and feelings, it is the body that does not judge. (Talk given at Tisarana on 27-Jan-2017. Duration = 53:49)Read the rest

The Joy of Undoing the Meditator

Tan Cunda draws on an episode from his life as a new monk to explore the benefits of kindness towards oneself as a way of uncovering the joy of practice. This kindness can be extended to ourselves when we allow the meditator to stop the meditation project, “not doing meditation, but letting the meditation do you”. (Talk given at Tisarana on 20-Jan-2017. Duration = 29:35)Read the rest

Stillness Flowing – The Life and Teachings of Ajahn Chah

“Stillness Flowing – The Life and Teachings of Ajahn Chah” by Ajahn Jayasaro, the long-awaited biography of Ajahn Chah in English, with an introduction by Luong Por Sumedho.

850 pgs, Panyaprateep Foundation, 2017.

From Ajahn Jayasaro’s preface:

“Although it has been my intention that this book should be, as far as possible, a biography as opposed to a hagiography, I am not sure that I have been completely successful. My love for Luang Por and my belief in his enlightenment inevitably colour the text. What I have not done is suppress any scandalous or embarrassing information out of concern for his good name. Hard as it may be to accept nowadays when there is so much – and often well-founded – cynicism about the integrity of religious figures, Luang Por Chah had absolutely nothing to hide. The only skeleton in a cupboard at Wat Pah Pong was the one hanging on public display in the Dhamma Hall. In fact, that is one of the strongest reasons for my belief that the life of Luang Por Chah is so worthy of study.”

Available as PDF

Bound copies available by pick-up at our free distribution table at the monastery, or by following these instructions.… Read the rest

Stillness Flowing – The Life and Teachings of Ajahn Chah

“Stillness Flowing – The Life and Teachings of Ajahn Chah” by Ajahn Jayasaro, the long-awaited biography of Ajahn Chah in English, with an introduction by Luong Por Sumedho.

850 pgs,  Panyaprateep Foundation, 2017.

From Ajahn Jayasaro’s preface:

Although it has been my intention that this book should be, as far as possible, a biography as opposed to a hagiography, I am not sure that I have been completely successful. My love for Luang Por and my belief  in his enlightenment inevitably colour the text. What I have not done is suppress any scandalous or embarrassing information out of concern for his good name. Hard as it may be to accept nowadays when there is so much – and often well-founded – cynicism about the integrity of religious figures, Luang Por Chah had absolutely nothing to hide. The only skeleton in a cupboard at Wat Pah Pong was the one hanging on public display in the Dhamma Hall. In fact, that is one of the strongest reasons for my belief  that the life of Luang Por Chah is so worthy of study.

 … Read the rest

When You Stick Your Neck Out

On the occasion of the arrival of the large new Buddha Rupa (statue), Ajahn Viradhammo talks about taking personal and societal risks and responsibilities, and how this allows one to work with fear. (Talk given at Tisarana on 12 Jan 2017. Duration = 25:27)
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