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In one of the many topics talked about during a discussion with lay guests, Ajahn Viradhammo gives some history on how the Ajahn Chah tradition came into existence and developed into one of the most successful traditions from Thailand. He mentions some of the problems of how Buddhism was being practiced, namely being mixed with other beliefs. This led to a necessary renewal which meant going against the way people practiced Buddhism. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 20 August 2018. Duration 1:07:56)Read the rest

Tisarana Photo Book for Summer 2018

The Tisarana Community is pleased to share our photo book for the Summer of 2018. You can view the photo book online, download it or request a print copy. A French version is also available.

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    (English Project ID: 45458160, French Project ID: 45772920)
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The Field of OK-ness

Venerable Khemako points out that even in near perfect conditions, our minds can be subject to habit patterns that cause sadness, misery, anger, and so on. Referring to the Buddha’s advice in the Discourse on Not-Self, he explains how every moment is an opportunity to develop a wholesome habit pattern, and create kamma that leads the mind on a path from suffering to happiness.

(Talk recorded at Tisarana on 15 November 2018. Duration 43:04)Read the rest

A Reading of the Cosmos

Ajahn Sucitto explores the value of the Dhamma Vinaya as laid out by the Buddha. By letting go of the grasping at individuality, he shows how respect and learning to live within a community are conditions leading to a harmonization with something larger than conventional reality.

(Talk recorded at Tisarana on 17 September 2018. Duration 37:20)Read the rest

The Closest Approximation to Enlightenment You Can Get

Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions at tea time from Tisarana’s resident community about the attaching to tranquility compared to the Buddha’s goal of realization of the unconditioned, about dukkha and impermanence, the advantages and pitfalls of pleasure, about a Tibetan nun’s long period practising in solitude, and on the value of community practise.

(Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 31 October 2018. Duration 1:28:13)Read the rest

Half-Moon Parittas

On a half-moon Wan Prah shortly before Ajahn Viradhammo’s departure, the Tisarana community chanted parittas for the well-being and welfare of all.

(Chant recorded at Tisarana on 1 November 2018. Duration 16:31)Read the rest

Be the Knowing of Not Knowing

Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions at tea time from Tisarana’s resident community about the nature of insight contrasted with intellectual conclusions, about anger versus heavier states such as hatred and revenge, about consciousness and the unconditioned, and about the relationship between Advaita Vedanta and Theravada Buddhist practises.

(Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 25 October 2018. Duration 1:01:32)Read the rest

Saturday Program Canceled

Saturday Program Cancelled, Departure of Luang Por Viradhammo:
Today, Saturday 03 November 2018, our usual Saturday program of a 1:30 meditation and Dhamma talk is canceled. Instead we will be seeing off Luang Por Viradhammo who will be departing for a 2-month trip through New Zealand and Asia at 2:30 PM. … Read the rest

Using One’s Time

On the last day of the Vassa, Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on the goodness of the Tisarana community. As he will be away during the first part of the 2019 Winter Retreat, he also shares encouragement and suggestions on how they can best make use of their time during the retreat.

(Talk recorded at Tisarana on 24 October 2018. Duration 44:01)Read the rest

Bhikkhu Ordination of Amarasiri & Sirimedho – Part 3: Acceptance

On September 16, 2016 at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery, Venerable Amarasiri and Venerable Sirimedho took Bhikkhu Ordination (Upasampadā) under Luang Por Vīradhammo as Preceptor, and Ajahn Pavaro and Tan Khemako as Chanting Ācariyas.

This is part 3 of 3. Event recorded at Tisarana on 16 September 2018. Duration 31:32.

If you have trouble viewing the video, or for more information, please go to… Read the rest