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TisaAdmin, Page 26

Strategies for Uplifting the Heart

Ajahn Pavaro distinguishes identifying with an emotion versus being aware of it. He gives the contemplations of the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha, the devas, contemplating virtuous qualities and acts of generosity as strategies to uplift the heart. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 27 October 2018. Duration 47:07)Read the rest

Awareness of Change Is Refuge

Ajahn Viradhammo speaks with guests on being aware of feeling with compassion and to be with things as they are & not to replace or analyze. He also speaks to the importance of renunciation to witness change and its peace vs. seeking something to satisfy desire. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 19 October 2018. Duration 1:29:35)Read the rest

When Is the Next Moment?

Ajahn Viradhammo explores how practises such as metta bhavana and wise reflection can be used to create skillful pathways in a mind preoccupied with anger. In asking a question that doesn’t require an answer at just the right moment, he points a way to awakening the mind and being freed from preoccupation. (Talk recorded at the Tisarana on 9 September 2018. Duration 34:16)Read the rest

Samatha and Vipassana Are Not Separate Techniques

Ajahn Pavaro has a tea time conversation with guests, and explains that if meditators lay down the conditions of dana (generosity), sila (moral precepts) and bhavana (mental cultivation), wisdom will arise. Meditators require different types of encouragement, which is not always based on meditation technique. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 1 August 2018. Duration 57:23)Read the rest

Learn to Die Before You Die

Ajahn Viradhammo shares that to “do” dying well we need to reflect on how we have lived our life. He speaks about keeping precepts as a way of giving fearlessness to others and preventing remorse. (Talk recorded in Ottawa on 13 July 2018. Duration 31:10)Read the rest

Fender Benders

Ajahn Viradhammo, during Tisarana’s Kathina in 2018, reflects that the one thing we can count on in life is that: life will be disappointing. But even knowing that, when we don’t get what we want, we suffer. And when we get what we don’t want, we suffer. You can think about it, and feel resentful, and blame. That’s dukkha, that’s attachment. Or you can awaken and say: “Oh. This is a feeling of getting something that I don’t want.” And if you hold that feeling, if you hold that awareness, then that mood can’t dominate, can’t take control over your mind. (Talk recorded at the Stanleyville Hall on 28 October 2018. Duration 30:58)Read the rest

Triggers and Foundation for Practice

Ajahn Pavaro speaks with guests at tea time on the triggers and process of becoming a monk. He also touches on the foundations of practice including kammatana and how spiritual qualities depend on and develop each other. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 27 August 2018. Duration 52:53)Read the rest

Just Enough Friction to Get You Enlightened

Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions from Tisarana’s resident community concerning rebirth in contrast with not being reborn, on the different settings available for Buddhist practice, and on how to use Right Understanding to find a balance between being too tense and too relaxed in meditation. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 12 September 2018. Duration 51:36)Read the rest

Dukkha and the End of Dukkha

Tan Khemako leads a Q&A starting with the unsatisfactory nature of worldly desires. He also speaks to the 4 Brahmaviharas and the significance of the Patimokkha. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 29 December 2018. Duration 46:43)Read the rest