Progress Update: October 23, 2008

>> AGM:
The Annual General Meeting for Tisarana will be held on Saturday, October 25th. This will be after the meal and before the regular Day of Mindfulness. Join us for all three.

>> The TUB:
As in the “Temporary Utility Building.” This is progressing well [photo] and should be operational for the winter – with, among other features, a tub. So, its “Rub a dub dub we’re off to the tub.” And when it becomes permanent? It will be: “We’re of to the….” Oh well, perhaps another acronym will evolve.

>> Totally Floored:
Finally, one of the last things required to finish the Cetovimutti Kuti has been finalised – the floor. We have had the materials for quite a while now but… life here is like life everywhere; many things to do and ne’er enough time to do them. Still, it is done. [photo]

>> Hatchet Job:
In response to our request on the web-site dana list someone gave us a hatchet – through the post. Perhaps the sort of thing one might otherwise presume to have ominous implications. Not so. Generosity is a joy.

>> The Bleach Boys:
Never mind that it is not Monday. Any sunny day can be laundry day at this time of year and our sparkly anagarikas have taken the advantage. [photo]

>> Jara Marana:
The signs are very apparent this time of year – old age and death. We have been enjoying two beautiful displays of chrysanthemums on the front porch for several months now but, as with all things: jara marana. [photo]

>> Offering:
Flowers on the shrine shine sublime.
The heart shrine shine sublime. AK