February 2011 Retreat- Back to Basics
There’s something about not being too complex and just coming back to the basic principles.… Read the rest
There’s something about not being too complex and just coming back to the basic principles.… Read the rest
Ajahn conducts a question and answer session. There is one question about anger and one question about weightlessness.… Read the rest
We can have very erudite ideas about Buddhism, but remain at an intellectual level and think that we know it. That’s a kind of idolizing of thought. That’s a kind of intellectual idolatry.… Read the rest
Imagine that you can sustain this kind of awake awareness – for one in-breath, two in-breaths, a whole hour – the power that begins to generate in consciousness is quite significant.… Read the rest
A Guided Meditation. There is a lawnmower in the background. Ajahn gives some reflection around awareness of sound.A guided meditation. There is a lawnmower in the background. Ajahn gives some reflections around awareness of sound.… Read the rest
The introductory talk given during a retreat in February, 2011.… Read the rest
Memory, when it’s not known in a subjective way, keeps taking us off into negativity if we’re not mindful.… Read the rest
The capacity to step back and know change and know dependent origination is not becoming. It’s not that I’m inadequate and I’ve got all these faults, which will take at least 6000 millenia to solve.… Read the rest
To have the capacity to be mindful through a whole variety of experiences gives a lot of strength.… Read the rest
There’s a huge importance in being able to stop. Our culture isn’t very good at that; it doesn’t have a pause button. To have a pause button in life is a tremendously important practice.… Read the rest