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Angel Group Retreat Day 03 Session 01| Luang Por Viradhammo | 18 Jul 21

This session includes a guided meditation. Luang Por begines by talking about strategies to deal with sleepiness. Using techniques from Yoga to induce wakefulness. This is followed by a silent meditation. The sessions ends with instructions on walking meditation.
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Zoom Dhamma session | Luang Por Viradhammo | 04 Jun 2021

Staying with theme of “Love”. Luang Por explores “Love” in the context of the Brahma-viharas. Or the 4 divine abidings.
Loving Kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity.
That when love arises spontaneously from the heart, rather than a mind based thought. Then there is no effort required. It just is, the way it is.
He cites the line from the Metta sutta:
“Just as a mother protects her child her only child, so with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings”. _ A mother does not have to wake up each morning and put forth effort to do this. it just “is”.
– Exploring that quality of inherent love.

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Working with Fear | Luang Por Viradhammo | 06 Feb 2021

Luang Por Viradhammo, talks about skillfully dealing with the emotion of fear. Using the quality of the heart to find ground, when fear strikes. The session is followed by questions on how to deal with other aversion based states such as anger and hared.

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Angel Group Retreat Day 02 – Session 01 | Luang Por Viradhammo | 17 Jul 21

In this session, Luang Por Explores, the 2nd nobe truth, or the Cessation of suffering, in a practical context. The theme is Nirodha. Or stopping. Bringing trust to awareness rather than thought. Acknowledging thought, but not resisting it. Sessions begins with instructions, guided meditation, and conclusion.

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“Prepare the heart and happiness will come to you” | Ajahn Pavaro | 08 Jun 2021

The first zoom session with the Indonesian group. Ajahn Pavaro, provides an introduction to the Thai Forest Sangha, as espoused by Ajahn Chah.
He discusses “Don’t know” mind. Anicca (Impermanence). He goes onto talk about how the practice, if stuck with, eventually carries the practitioner through the tumult and uncertainties of life. This is followed by a few questions from the group that he addresses.

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West Coast Friends session | Ajahn Pavaro | 18 Jun 21

Ajahn Pavaro, speaks of a unique way to reignite, a flagging spiritual practice. Reading the Suttas with an open heart. In order to rouse inspiration in the heart. To evoke a sense of wonder. He uses the example of Venerable Sariputta’s enlightenment. Using the MN 74 Dighanakha Sutta, as inspiration.

The session is followed by Questions and answers.

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