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Podcast, Page 45

Dealing With Obsessive Thoughts

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Twelfth talk). Using body awareness to deal with obsessive thoughts about imagery-exploring the subtlety of feeling tones in the body.… Read the rest

I’m Not Interested

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Thirteenth talk). How to bring up disinterest in the stories we tell ourselves when we are experiencing strong emotions. By staying in the present moment and using body awareness we deal with our stories by saying to ourselves: “I’m not interested.” Ultimately this needs to come from a strong disinterest in sense experience so that we move away from the desire mind. Otherwise we are not available or in the present moment.… Read the rest

How to Deal With Stress

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Fourteenth talk). We need to be aware of the worldly qualities of the mind to understand them. We do this by emphasizing the perception and awareness of change. The rest of the talk focuses on how to deal with stress.… Read the rest

What Is Empathy?

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Ninth talk). Choosing not to suffer when the mind tries to suffer. And being available to others.… Read the rest

The Changing Perception of the Body

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Tenth talk). Changing our perception of our awareness of the body. Striking a balance between energy and effort. And examining the spacious quality of the body.… Read the rest

Disenchantment and Dispassion

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Eleventh talk). Disenchantment with the stream of consciousness and how dispassion works with the sense realm.… Read the rest

This Is the Way It Is Now

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Seventh talk). Using awareness of the thinking process and changing experiences to overcome the hindrances: greed, drowsiness, and doubt.… Read the rest

The Difficulty of Duvet Practice

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Eighth talk). How to use Right thought to deal with hindrances or any obstruction that comes up in practice, especially the difficulty of duvet practice.… Read the rest

The Nixon Button

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Fourth talk). How certain conditions can cause us to be stirred up easily and how to be aware of these conditions.… Read the rest

Using Uncertainty

Ajahn Viradhammo. Tisarana Non-Residential Retreat 2014 (Fifth talk). How Ajahn Chah encouraged his students to see through the lens of uncertainty.… Read the rest